4 way intersection factorio. i used to use this one, but this is a but out of date.
4 way intersection factorio This is the v2 version of The Bean interchange. Dec 11, 2024 · Since trains in Factorio are automated, and quality rails have no real effect on intersections, the only thing your intersection has to do is keep the traffic flowing. Some trains are very far away from the intersection. My intersection doesnt work for megabases nor did I ever intend or claim it or keep it that way. 1. However, I know there are a lot of bigger intersections that are commonly called "buffered. For reference, this 4 way 2 lane intersection gets with 1-3 trains in set 10: 118 Self-crashes will still occur if the roundabout is shorter than a train, but trains repathing within will now get out of the intersection instead of stopping in the middle to wait for a way out. Can this be salvaged or is it not possible to make a working 4-way intersection with track spacing this narrow? look at this alternatives -|- -'-,- one 4 way intersection or two 3 way intersections. I designed a simple rail network with a T-junction and 4-way intersection. 4-way intersections: Throughput and deadlocks. 4-way intersections: Throughput and deadlocks [image heavy] Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. ↳ Discover Factorio Wiki; ↳ Discover Others 4-way intersections: Throughput and deadlocks [image heavy] Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. Results if intersection is built as stand alone or if middle rails are removed after upgrade: E stands for Efficiency, and is a number between 0 and 100 signifying the percentage of the maximum theoretical efficiency. It looks larger than the others, but when Including the safe outputs it really isn't. I have already retested the old intersections from the post you linked with nuclear fuel and the top scor May 7, 2017 · The chain signals will make sure that no train is able to stop there as long as the output block is properly sized. I wanted to make a celtic knot intersection that would work with a narrower spacing between the tracks. Also, the rail signals coming in and chain signals going out are redundant. Apr 14, 2019 · Simplest thing I can think of is to invert all of the "diagonal" lanes (flip half of the roads between left and right hand drive), join the inverted lanes with the then-aligned lanes on either side (either merge or run them along-side), and feed it into your choice of 4-way intersection (might want to base it on an intersection which uses twice as many lanes as your network and which In a game with unlimited resources there are so many way better intersections that I'd skip that intersection in every game. Mar 20, 2018 · ↳ Discover Factorio Wiki; ↳ Discover Others Creations; ↳ Discover Mods; ↳ Discover Tools Around Factorio; ↳ Technical Help; ↳ Bug Reports; ↳ Resolved for the next release; ↳ Assigned; ↳ Not a bug; ↳ Pending; ↳ 1 / 0 magic; ↳ Duplicates; ↳ Minor issues; ↳ Desyncs with mods; ↳ Won't fix. They are fully signaled but pretty simple. SaiMoen wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:58 pm Testbench v4. . The modification you did just made that intersection worse and barely more compact. 16 rework in progress Now that 0. Inspiration taken from gyro2death's Super Compact Celtic Knot (#3 in 4-way unbuffered). If there are 4 trains attempting to enter at once and going straight through, then 2 will move simultaneously. Using circuits to control the signals does sound interesting, though. 4 way intersection Feb 24, 2019 · The Christmas intersection unbuffered 4 lanes 4-way intersection is way smaller intersection and support all train lengths and is rated A in Aaarghas deadlock rating. It will probably be months before someone finds the smallest possible complete ramped 2 lane 4-way intersection, and then there will be different solutions if you want a square or diamond or plus shaped footprint, and for different rail spacings. If you have both LHT and RHT versions of the intersection that would be great! The testbench isn't made to test elevated intersection so it might be changed in the future to more accuratly stresstest elevated intersections. Didn't dawn on me until the comments brought it up because I wasn't thinking about trains needing to go horizontal because it wasn't needed. Oct 11, 2016 · Re: 4-Lane 4-way Non-looping Intersection Post by walljaik » Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:29 pm nice, its a nice concept, smaller than Tjunction. The problem with 4 way intersection is that it usually doesn't have the throughput of a well made T intersection. They're different tools, use 3-way intersections when the lines are not aligned and use a proper 4-way when they are. Designed a couple of new intersections. It looks a bit less like a bean, has grown to take a bit more space, and lost the ability to handle 180. 3x3 chunks for the 4-way, 3x2 for the 3-way. 2. it gets a score of 83. It'll definitely work. I recommend making as many 4-way intersections as reasonably possible on your mainline over 3-way intersections. Turns out I've used "Christmas" intersections all this time :) I've made myself a blueprint book with 2 to 4 lane lhd upgradable rail system. Also, it is better to have left hand traffic, because right hand traffic consumes two additional outside cells for placing semaphores. Had this interesting 4-way junction where there is a small bidirectional part. Easiest change would be to add right turns in the way you proposed or add lane changer to the blueprint. Users also won't need to change all the trains if they want to compare say, 1-4-1 vs 2-4, or 1-1 vs 5-25, just changing a few trains that are used as templates should be enough. B) At 100x100, there are a lot of different possible designs. If you have both LHT and RHT versio… The final results of the first version were decent, but generally underwhelming. 4-way forums. i used to use this one, but this is a but out of date. For intersections of 1-way tracks, "Chain In, Rail Out". *images* I tried a similar approach on the 4. 158 votes, 22 comments. I'm looking for a suitable 4 way 4 lane intersection design for my train megafactory (probably 1-4 or 1-2 trains). The contents of your blueprint string is a 4-way intersection (as are all versions of the MultiCross, and almost everything else in this thread). Btw, from the looks of things. 46 3-Way, 2-Lane, Unbuffered, spacing is 4 everywhere. Unless you have really long trains I would recommend 2 lanes with buffered intersections over 4 lanes with unbuffered This intersection now holds the highscore for 4-way unbuffered intersections. 440 votes, 49 comments. Regarding 4 lanes. It's a bit signal spamy. The throughput you see is for random traffic, if you put that crossing through a left-turn preferential traffic the performance would TANK as you'd have functionally only a 2-way intersection rather than a 4-way. Re: 3 and 4 way intersections Post by Avona » Wed Nov 13, 2024 5:17 am TimEv wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2024 5:24 pm The score is still slightly better than Avona's symmetrical cross, using the exact same rail layout, just slightly differently placed signals. Aeternus wrote: To improve throughput on this roundabout however I do recommend a corner bypass rail so traffic turning left doesn't even enter the roundel. Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. 2x 3-way isn't a proper buffered 4-way, but it does beat the basic unbuffered 4-way (Direct Cross in your link) and the only intersections with significantly better throughput are fully buffered designs which more or less proves my point that 2x 3-way is superior due to buffering, not because 4-ways are inherently worse as common "wisdom" would Parallel Multi 3 Way Converts to 4 way with Parallel Multicross. Below is one of the experiments, a 3+3 lane 4-way intersection. Factorio is a game which requires your brain to do work. Feb 16, 2024 · Looks good. If I want to build a very big train grid base (with classical 100x100 city blocks) with 1-4 trains (modded, train acceleration and speed are way higher than vanilla, and the amount and variety of things to ship per block are also way higher than vanilla), should I use 2 or 4 lane system, 3 way or 4 way intersections, in order to optimize the Jul 31, 2017 · 3 way bench update Based on aaargha's 4 way intersection tests, I have developed a special testing system for 3 way, T-junction style intersections I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of crazy stuff people have built in the name of throughput, so submit your stuff! May 7, 2017 · 0. So, my friends and I are trying to redesign our rail network and it was going good until we hit the problem of trying to make a 4 way intersection for some trains. May 7, 2017 · 4-way intersections: Throughput and deadlocks [image heavy] Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. Share your designs. Train lengths I use are mostly 2, 3, 4 and 12. I created my own slight train testing map before I started using your save and found out that different intersections have a 'lane bias' which allows for traffic to flow out through certain lanes more often, which resulted in a network of 24 trains being nearly completely stuck behind 2 of the 4 intersections after nearly 12 minutes. Basically you just have to make sure there's a chain signal between each crossing. The difference can just be if the tracks narrows down to two tracks a train-length away from the intersection or not. Factoriointersection wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:12 pm That is pretty cool:) it gets a score of 53 which is better than an 2 lane unbuffered intersections. In it's current state I don't think it would fit into aaarghas lists of 4-way intersections. This thread is called 3 and 4 way intersections, i think people will still be looking for this even with ramps searching for "a 3 or 4 way intersection with ramps". Also my rails are aligned to 48x48 grid, so intersection had to fit inside 5 such nodes. but i guess signaled right it would give plenty of options for directions. ↳ Resolved Problems and Bugs Parallel Multi 3 Way Converts to 4 way with Parallel Multicross. I call it the Celtic Nope, but I don't even know if this is similar enough to the Celtic Knot. This is a beautiful design that could be expanded. Some well designed intersections are still really good but the space usage tends to get pretty bad. RHD Score 81 S1: 86 S2: 77 LHD Score 77 S1: 79 S2: 75 6 car trains, 250x146, 2 lane, 6 tile spacing Parallel Multicross 4 Tile RHD Score 106 S1: 114 S2: 107 S3: 96 LHD Score 104 S1: 108 S2: 106 S3: 98 6 car trains, 268x268, 2 lane, 4 tile spacing Parallel Multicross 3 Way 4 Tile If you do this consistently, you can get away with much simpler designs, such as that direct cross I posted, but I agree with sentiments posted earlier: Avoid 4 way crosses in favor of T junctions with at least 4 or so train lengths between any intersections that involve the parallel tracks simultaneously - much better throughput that way. It's interesting how much worse the roundabout is compared to a simple compact intersection. The other way around would be to argue that "you must always align your rail lines because that 4-way intersections are the best". I didn't quite understand from your post which one is better - your design or the Christmas intersection? Oct 21, 2024 · Here is a 3-way intersection which is compact (72x40) but requires 5 ramps. Therefore it isn't a true 4-lane 4 way intersection. i mean the roundabouts give it a strange feeling of trains wont know where to go. You should use this instead. So I started by using gyro2death's design, but narrowed the tracks and adjusted their positions to make space for signals. Got the following results from testing it once: 1: 53, 2: 39, 3: 47, s: 46. Haven't built to megabase levels though. It may work fine but whether it does it will depend on the routes. It's like half of the 4-way Cube intersection with some space optimizations. Its 2 3 way intersections merged together. 4 way (and 3 way) train intersection designed to ensure that left turning trains have 1 train queuing capacity per conflict node and merging event. Which is what causes the issue. If you do this consistently, you can get away with much simpler designs, such as that direct cross I posted, but I agree with sentiments posted earlier: Avoid 4 way crosses in favor of T junctions with at least 4 or so train lengths between any intersections that involve the parallel tracks simultaneously - much better throughput that way. Most 4 ways are rotationally symmetric, so just do 1 4th of the intersection and then rotate and paste 3 times. 6 which is around the same as the best 2lane 3 way buffered intersection from 1. 3 and 4 way intersections Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. These additianal ways can be used as train enter/exit to/from cityblock. Oct 21, 2024 · Just a quick test I threw together, here's the blueprint string:0eNqtXe1uGzkMfBf/dooVqc++SlEUSWr0DKRJ4Di9K4q8+3nT7Mb1UvaM1F+FC2dEkUORkkj51+rm7nnzuNve71cff622 Here's the second iteration of the intersection, and it allows opposing trains to make left turns at the same time. My concern about this size would be possible (although extremely rare) 4 way gridlock with trains that are too long. but i gotta go for loop, atleast for small trains. A 4-way roundabout only needs 4 blocks, and the signals separating those blocks should be placed such that all right-turns (on RHD) may occur simultaneously. 2. Any new designs are also much appreciated. On an unrelated note. TPM on the 4 way and the 3 way is still around 70-80. It will allow four trains at once except when a train is making a turn around the roundabout. It's a bit clunky to work with but at least it will be possible to make those kinds of comparisons without dying of boredom. 3 and 4 way intersections. My goal was to make in-place buffered upgrade for Symmetrical Cross 4- or 3-way intersection. Just tested my variation of the windmill (LHD) and got 72/56/60 (score 63) for the 4 way and 59/46 (score 53) for the 3 way. I could make it smaller but that would involve making it manual driving un-friendly, or changing the rail spacing. Look at the train path length from south to west or inner lane south to east. As it stands OPs is not a 4 way intersection as it does not allow travel from right to left and vice versa (just like OP claimed) without looping. The basics for the train system have LHD on one axis and RHD on the other (I don't really use diagonal straights or 45deg turns, which would've required extra crossings). The belts are to show the spacing between the tracks. 1 It's possible for 4 lane intersections to see this behavior rectified with speed bumps too, I haven't done any testing but if you see intersections where fast trains will blow through a crossing rather than letting a bunch of stopped trains cross, speed bumps seem to be a way to fix the core issue I had without affecting throughput too badly. Because of that some 2-line intersections look strange, but ability to upgrade almost any rail segment to more lanes are quite worth it. " What is the point of Nov 14, 2021 · 3 and 4 way intersections Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. Any u-turn just seems like it allows trains to route the wrong way. Signaling is actually very easy to do when you know how it works. The reason to use a testbench is to improve your intersections and see how changes affect its throughput also to see if you can make the highest throughput intersections=) Supports up to 8 lanes and adaptable to longer trains. 0 intersections! If you want your intersection included you can post here. Nov 14, 2021 · 3 and 4 way intersections Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. In practice, since a single lane can support almost exactly 30 trains per minute, a 4-way n-lane intersection has a maximum theoretical throughput of This issue is known as starvation in computer science, in this case the trains are the processes and the intersection is the shared resource. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. I think the testbenches may need some tweaking to account for this behavior though, since it relies on the presence of alternate paths to shunt trains 3 and 4 way intersections Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. Other issues. The disadvantage of them is bottlenecking traffic volume, but the advantage over multiple meshed 3 way connections is deadlock prevention - the entire intersection remains blocked until traffic has cleared it In it's current state I don't think it would fit into aaarghas lists of 4-way intersections. Assuming it’s sized so that the longest train fits inside one of the interior blocks, this is probably the most beautiful 4 way intersection I’ve seen. Is there some benefit of a roundabout (apart from being able to reverse) that is not apparent here? Why do you need to do u-turns often, especially in intersecrions? I design my train lines with only 3-way intersections and no loops in the intersections and it all works fine, at least with the way I set up my stations and stackers. Guide to signals. Is there some benefit of a roundabout (apart from being able to reverse) that is not apparent here? 4-way intersections: Throughput and deadlocks [image heavy] Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems. The 4-way is just the T-junction rotated 4 times. Regulary turning signals of, with combinators, causes trains to repath and try to avoid the intersection. If the traffic actually need an 4-way intersection using an 4-way intersection is slightly better than emulate it with two 3-way intersections at least if you have a good 4-way intersection design. Some might need some adjustment to be added. Added a 4-way intersection, made it rotationally symmetric, and made it align with (0,0) instead of (1,-1). Nov 14, 2021 · 64x64, 4-way, 2-lane, wide spacing, offset entrance, LHD, 4-fold rotation symmetry, intersection It's not the prettiest child but it has no crossover and can handle a little under 94 (on S1) trains per minute. Complete guide to trains. Honestly, cityblock needs 4-way (6-way is better) with feature to change the rail on intersection to all directions. Added as "Super compact Celtic knot" As I was testing it and building the LHD variant I noticed that it's actually possible to signal it in such a way that it cannot deadlock (though to be fair, the deadlock that was possible needed at least 5 trains, 4 of which needed to change path in the intersection), so that's the one I added in the OP. South/north: 1. 4 Way Train Intersection This one is a couple km above my head. Re: 3 and 4 way intersections Post by hansjoachim » Sat Oct 26, 2024 7:00 pm TBTerra2 wrote: ↑ Sat Oct 26, 2024 12:40 pm im unsure how well the tester will deal with these, but i find them very useful in mega bases Oh. The train taking that path will reserve all blocks on it from the first chain signal up-to-and-including the output block so barring extreme situations like disabling all stations on the schedule (and signals can't fix that anyway) it should be fine. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. I don't think my minor differences compared to the one on the forum have any impact. The intersection can occasionally get a little congested but it has never deadlocked. Length of 4 is most common. How does a pair of T-intersections actually compare to compact 4-way intersections? Mainly thinking 2-lane (1 rail per direction). 4 way intersections have their time and place - if you're branching out towards mining outposts with low traffic volume, they can work. Using the one that fits the situation is bound to give the best results. the problem would be that youd rely heavily on chains and chains may stop deadlocks but they cause throttling, which was the point behind the concept of dont use 4way. Last edited by TiMatic on Thu Oct 24, 2024 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total. However traditional doesn't allow left turns for outermost lanes. I've looked at the issue in multi-station stackers, where it can also happen, and there at least it can be solved in a good way with circuitry. Results if intersection is built as stand alone or if middle rails are removed after upgrade: inner and outer rails do not mix What an interesting idea, the concept is like a belt that has 2 directions, in/out. mrvn wrote: ↑ Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:16 am If instead the intersection starts with a chain signal the train will come to rest before the intersection and over time an alternative path can become cheaper and then it switches and takes that path and can leave the intersection. As it currently doesn't allow right turns from outer lanes. Post by Re: 3 and 4 way intersections Post by Tallinu » Wed Nov 06, 2024 12:12 am Factoriointersection wrote: ↑ Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:28 pm Yeah=) I was a bit unsure which to add aswell. Mainly thinking 2-lane (1 rail per direction). Despite that, I have seen in many threads players promoting roundabouts as the best and only way to do 4-way intersections. If I want to build a very big train grid base (with classical 100x100 city blocks) with 1-4 trains (modded, train acceleration and speed are way higher than vanilla, and the amount and variety of things to ship per block are also way higher than vanilla), should I use 2 or 4 lane system, 3 way or 4 way intersections, in order to optimize the Made improvements to the grid aligned city block rail book. Search the tags for mining, smelting, and advanced production blueprints. For proper thinking and inspiration you need the proper stimuli. Left goes first to the right and then crosses straight. 5 to 2 trains barely reached 80-81. I started out with the other place where trains switch from drive system: intersections. Nov 14, 2021 · 2. Slight downside with this version is that the rail sections use 1 more tile of space. I'm not sure if this'll make it more efficient, as having 2 two-way belts is the same throughput on a straight as 2 single way belts. Does anyone have those? I need them for 3-4 car trains, but any size is fine. Can get slightly higher TPM by signal spamming but I didn't care to double the signal count for ~5 more TPM. 16 feels like it is starting to stabilize it's time to revise parts of this post, mostly regarding deadlocks. RHD Score 81 S1: 86 S2: 77 LHD Score 77 S1: 79 S2: 75 6 car trains, 250x146, 2 lane, 6 tile spacing Parallel Multicross 4 Tile RHD Score 106 S1: 114 S2: 107 S3: 96 LHD Score 104 S1: 108 S2: 106 S3: 98 6 car trains, 268x268, 2 lane, 4 tile spacing Parallel Multicross 3 Way 4 Tile Re: 3 and 4 way intersections Post by Tallinu » Wed Nov 06, 2024 12:12 am Factoriointersection wrote: ↑ Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:28 pm Yeah=) I was a bit unsure which to add aswell. 4 spacing RHD, chunk aligned with power poles, buffered for up to 6 length trains in every direction. 370K subscribers in the factorio community. The much underrated signal tutorial on the wiki. I think also the distance between merge area will be a source of optimization, and their spatial disposition, you could just stack 2 junctions on top of each other but that would be For instance, the throughput I measured in a short test of a typical 4-lane unbuffered triangle T was about half as much at around 54-58, and even a buffered triangle (big enough to hold at least one full train between the intersections at each corner) with buffers long enough for 1. Made improvements to the grid aligned city block rail book. All signals are ok except the ones highlighted in the screen shot. we're trying to get the 1 coal train to go back and forth from the mine to the stop and it's been giving us some issues. You should do U turns outside of 4 or 3 way intersections so that you don't butcher throughput. 5 guage rail distances, but I had trouble with tight areas around the left turns that made it unfeasible to signal. 4-way-train This is one of the busiest intersections in my large base with a train every few seconds. There is 1 such design in the buffered category but none in the compact. 2 lanes with high throughput intersections has a really high throughput, about 33 per lane with 2-6, while 4 lane with no buffer intersections with many crossing gets about 7 trains per min per lane. 1, Factorio v1. There is one guy in this thread that have a 4 lane intersection where it's only the outer rail that can turn left, so the trains have to chose the right track before the intersection as an normal buffered 2 way intersection. Tried to build a small 4-way intersection that doesn't seem to work. well it would be more interesting signaled. Seperate U turns doesn't take much space, espassicaly in a 2 lane system Yeah, need more spacing for sure, and both sides are unloading docks so there is no need for trains to go straight across, so technically not a 4 way intersection. Naively using chain signals all across the intersection and since you are driving on the left side that means a train coming from the south going east will enter a chain signal at the first split off, be inside chain signals across the bridge and after splitting to the east and only leave the The point only applies to unbuffered intersections, primarily because (assuming equal load per lane in both cases) trains will need to stop more often, which will lead to more time spent crossing the intersection per train and lower throughput. set 1: 52 May 7, 2017 · Please keep U turns out of 4 and 3-way intersections if you want more than very low throughput. I tried running some smaller 3-way intersections on the test bench with several lengths of trains, but noticed that for certain lanes/directions, trains end up waiting a very long time before they could pass, sometimes until at the end of the test when all the traffic cleared up. 362K subscribers in the factorio community. However, would it be possible to design a simple 4-way intersection with timed signals and some room before/after the intersection to make sure crossing always happens at max speed? That might be a simple way to increase throuhput on 'normal' designs, no? Zaflis wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:26 pm How does a pair of T-intersections actually compare to compact 4-way intersections? Mainly thinking 2-lane (1 rail per direction). Here's a 2-lane intersection I'm going to call optimal based on the following criteria. The "original" image based signaling tutorial. However, the best rated intersections (namely the multi cross ones) are not available anymore. The issue is extrapolated by the fact that you usually use 4-way intersections in places that have very high train traffic. Unless no trains use the U-turn. I'm working on scaling my rocket-launch factory into a megabase. You have to be a bit careful where you place chain signals though to prevent deadlocks. So this is my second major update to Aaarghas 4-way intersection test bench. Perhaps the testing methodology differs in some important way? Correct, the trains in the old tests were running on rocket fuel, which at the time was the best fuel in the game, while this newer test is using nuclear fuel. As it seems… Designed a couple of new intersections. Oct 21, 2024 · to add one of my own designs to the list I present the streamline flyover 3-way its rather wide as a whole, but narrow in profile. One of these days I'll post the blueprint books (there is a problem in the rail grid one and a different problem in the city block one). It has wide 20-tile spacing and an offset entrance which I'm not a fan of but it is very small because of that. Please provide - only if it makes sense of course - a blueprint of your creation. qokx xycsjdd baxa wwdcp ebiu mgu xfhafi sgnb cek sxtrp selay hqvxo twzyn audntjtf irczmy