Ansible resolve hostname to ip hostvars['h1']['ansible_host'] => "192. Aug 22, 2022 · In the inventory file, I define FQDN values only. How do I correctly use the ansible hostname module? 1. Users can dynamically allocate ipv4 address to host record by passing dictionary containing, nios_next_ip and CIDR network range. Note: I can ssh to any device directly from cli and don't have any issue but this just happened when using ansible. 04, built images. yml ping. internal]: UNREACHABLE! ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME Plugin Name: aws_ec2. dns 3. Go. I tried to get the contents into variable called contents as below: Dec 4, 2020 · Note that the esxi_host is the IP address of the ESXi system, and has the same value as the vCenterServer variable. Like this: [webserver] localvm ansible_host=127. Oct 2, 2016 · You can get the IP address from hostvars, dict ansible_default_ipv4 and key address hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] and IPv6 address respectively Feb 18, 2015 · Given a list of hostnames, how would I resolve the names to IP address for use in a Jinja2 template? I don’t see a Jinja filter that performs gethostbyname lookups, and I don’t see a way to do this in Ansible either. But for some reason it doesn't pick it up. results }}" msg: Hostname has to resolve uniquely to the IP address of api_interface Aug 13, 2019 · Hi @abhilashsk900!. yml, lineinfile module, which should replace any IP Jun 4, 2021 · i guess your dns server is not properly setup. Sep 3, 2019 · Q: Playbook running a script running a playbook it would work, but it's a bit hacky A: FWIW. My Jan 28, 2025 · Using the ipaddr filter . 2. Apr 3, 2019 · I have a playbook, which replace the IP and hostname. when: inventory_hostname in groups['loca A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes Ansible, AWX, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy, ansible-lint, Molecule, etc. ping: The general output is as below, where I want hostname. can some one guide me where do i have to look the issue. Jun 21, 2019 · You didn't quote the newline. A Simple playbook to demonstrate the inventory_hostname and ansible_hostname. ansible_host=172. I need some tips. I want to configure the containers with Ansible, but I need an IP address or hostname for that. I dynamically create LXC containers in Proxmox. Synopsis. company. 1 130… Feb 21, 2017 · As for the inventory, ansible is finding it (or there would be a "Host file not found" error) but is unable to resolve the host name to a reachable ip address. May 7, 2019 · i have a dynamic inventory script which outputs the following. Nov 29, 2018 · i am running below task and replacing whole content in the destination file with ip address --- - hosts: localhost connection: local tasks: - debug: var=ansible_all_ipv4_addresses - de Dec 6, 2016 · It seems like the the connection host is set to ~/ssh. The tool attempts to locate a DNS Apr 20, 2021 · The IP addresses of hosts defined in your inventory can be accessed with the ansible_host variable, i. 22 Then I will start working on one host, for example: The path to the subtitles PLAYBOOK_NAME. ansible_host }} {{ hostvars[item]. If you continue seeing any problems related to this issue, or if you have any further questions, please let us know by stopping by one of the two mailing lists, as appropriate: ansible-playbook ansible/db-playbook. I have this solution working; - name: Create File with hosts and IP address. ec2. Explore Teams Oct 26, 2017 · Following the OpenStack Kolla Ansible documentation I was trying to check my kolla ansible environment by running this command: sudo kolla-ansible prechecks And I got this error: Jan 5, 2025 · P. 04 through 22. inventory_hostname_short }}" state: present with_items - name: Check if rabbit hostname resolves to IP address of api_interface - name: Check if each rabbit hostname resolves uniquely to the proper IP address: fail: msg: "Hostname has to resolve to IP address of api_interface" with_items: "{{ outward_rabbitmq_hostnames. Does anyone had the similar issue and were able to resolve this? Thanks inventory_hostname - As configured in the ansible inventory file (eg: /etc/ansible/hosts). conf a second hint might be a wrong default route ip route should list a default route via your router / gateway ip. See List of Behavioral Inventory Parameters. Jun 19, 2013 · The trick is that after ip address/dns name, put the comma inside the quotes and requires 'hosts: ansible-playbook -l "host-name" <playbook. yml teste. There is an survey for the two hosts Playbook: --- - name: Generate SSH keypair on remote hosts and distribute keys hosts: - "{{ sql_dest_srv }}" - "{{ sql_src_srv }}" become: true tasks: - name: Output the value of sql_src_srv ansible. My serverA and serverB hosts are: [serverB] 172. 168. 1. Hi! We believe the above commit should resolve this problem for you. Best Regards, Ravikumar ansible-playbook -i proxmox. Proxmox can't tell me what IP addresses the DHCP server assigns to containers without ugly workarounds, but I can choose a hostname. Notes. 1 ggns2dss81 localhost. How can I set the IP range for Ansible inventory file? I'm trying to setup something like this: test. general. 0. If the host name is hard-coded, or the application insists on using a host name in preference to an IP address (as one of your other comments seems to indicate), then you're probably out of luck there. yml -e hostname=host1 Better solution IMO because it uses existing ansible functionnalities: modify your playbook to target a wider specific group (e. z). 100 berry Apr 18, 2016 · I need to resolve hostname defined in hosts file to its corresponding IP address. This will also be included in the next major release. Regardless of the above, ansible_hostname fact contains the host name as defined on the host itself (the value is set during facts gathering). It's possible to use json_query and avoid the script. For example my host file look like this - "/etc/hosts" 127. Inventory Source → Amazon EC2 and updated source variables in inventory source to hostnames: ‘tag:Name’ It shows all the hosts but when I run a job it throws: Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname: Name or service not known. [web server] 130. Thanks !! – Neo. yml and inv -limit “clab111” In the meantime, I will use in the playbook_name. com to be the eth0 IP of the container/vm: Sep 9, 2019 · Hi Everyone, I am getting the Connection issue with the given host using ansible, but direct ssh is working fine with the host 172. 56 server1. Apr 9, 2019 · The task is to get a host's IP during executing an Ansible task. newdomainname. After I suffixed it with ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant ansible_ssh_user=vagrant, ping started working. Context: Newbie in networking. yml> Apr 24, 2019 · Beware: when both "myhost" and "myhost. The problem seems to be that, if the esxi_hostname and hostname variables are defined, and the hostname actually refers to an ESXi server, then this breaks. localdomain localhost :: Oct 21, 2012 · I want to create similar mapping as in /etc/hosts , but local to use in Ansible, so that all the hostnames are independent of DNS or /etc/hosts and can be stored directly inside VCS. how to resolve the error: do not know what is ip-10-124-123-122? Jan 21, 2023 · Ansible Playbook example with ansible_hostname and inventory_hostname. 1 ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=somepassword [dbserver] localvm [storageserver] localvm Aug 26, 2016 · - name: restart machine shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered" async: 1 poll: 0 sudo: true ignore_errors: true - name: waiting for server to come back local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} state=started delay=30 timeout=300 sudo: false found here. Does anyone encounter Similar the issue before? Please do help me. Aug 15, 2015 · I resolve problem. 8. It is possible to lookup any DNS record in this manner. Examples. 1 Jan 28, 2025 · New in community. Method 1: use ping command ping command is always our friend , it’s very reliable and intuitive . Ansible logs into the host via ssh and gathers some facts. 163. yml plugin returns a fatal error, fatal: [ip-some-ip-addr. com Did you find this article helpful? Aug 20, 2021 · That, in turn, causes programs that try to look up the container IP address via hostname to fail. 2 this works for me: - name: Add IP address of all hosts to all hosts lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts line: "{{ hostvars[item]. 101. 10 centosinstance1 ansible_ssh_host=192. Mar 14, 2018 · If you want inventory name for the host to be different to actual host name, you can use ansible_host variable. Example Jul 20, 2017 · I need to know the hostname or IP of the machine where ansible was invoked, not the ones from the inventory. Im using Cisco sandbox for the Catalyst center and VPN is connected to it. I tr May 14, 2015 · Only thing I'm looking at this point is: If my inventory file has a host as x. To force an application to use an IP address, generally you just configure it to use the IP address instead of a host name. 223 with the ansible_host fact; server1_group with group_names|first (group_names fact contains a list of all groups server belongs to, first selects the first element from that list). If you want to get the IP address of a host using Ansible, you can use the ansible_default_ipv4 variable, which is a built-in variable that contains the IPv4 address of the host. . e. For the literal IPv4 address it's indeed easy, as you can just use the Aug 27, 2022 · Summary. That has been working well. When we use this variable in the playbook to retrieve a fil Jul 2, 2022 · My current local domain is lan. resolvable ansible. maybe this is the reason? Are the above steps enough to resolve the hostname of the EC2? if not. /hosts: Jan 9, 2023 · In ansible (please see my Repo I have a dynamic inventory (hosts_aws_ec2. The state rendered will transform the configuration in config option to platform specific CLI commands which will be returned in the rendered key within the result. As far as I can tell everything is installed correctly. Run nslookup $(hostname) to resolve the container hostname to IP address: Nov 28, 2017 · Ansible can't be able to resolve the centosinstance hostname. If you only need to ssh from your Mac to your Raspberry inside your local network, do this: On your Mac, edit /etc/hosts. 11 [ clab222] 22. May 15, 2023 · How to check if a hostname from variable resolves to the same IP as the ansible_host before continuing?. ansible. fqdn. Therefore I'm looking for a way to resolve hostname to IP in templates. I have an inventory file with defined hosts: [clab111] 11. Jul 6, 2016 · If I provide the DNS mapping of a remote hostname in the hosts file through the ansible_host variable, ansible is "unable to resolve host name". On version 2. cat /etc/resolv. Jan 28, 2025 · This plugin checks if the provided IP address of host name can be resolved using /etc/hosts or DNS Keyword parameters This describes keyword parameters of the test. – Nov 11, 2015 · I have hosts without stable hostnames, but with predefined IP ranges. 11. Ansible is a software tool that automates the configuration of one or more remote nodes from a local control node. These domains point to the server IPs (used in DNS). As part of the fact, it also discovers its hostname which is stored in ansible_hostname. 151. S. hostname. conf, do you have it in the inventory? Dec 1, 2022 · Introduction. I'm running ansible-playbook to perform some operations on a target / remote machine using it's hostname. xx dnac_port: 443 dnac_username: user dnac_password: password This is my playbook Feb 24, 2022 · The variable {{ansible_fqdn}} can take two different values: the server's short name (server300) or its long name (server300. com . It sincerely means a lot to us. text file from which I am trying to get the IP in loop and then try to get in group or variable and use it as hosts (dynamic_groups) Below is my playlist --- - na When i ssh root@ip-address, it works perfectly without password. You use the name app01 but Ansible doesn't know how to resolve this name to an IP. 6”, “inventory_lparname”: “NODE_A” } ` the nodes are not resolvable via dns or something as this network is some kind of isolated “management” lan. 8 >> /etc/resolv. y. ini: [database] db Mar 11, 2021 · ansible_hostname and ansible_default_ipv4 are a computed facts with the setup module or the play keyword gather_facts: yes. I'm using ubuntu 16. The root cause is, "Could not resolve hostname app01". For example: 10. This is the content of my inventory. The dig lookup runs queries against DNS servers to retrieve DNS records for a specific name (FQDN - fully qualified domain name). 9. So this are a few possible solutions to this problem. These shorter variables are ignored, without warning, in older versions of Ansible. In order to configure HBA, I need to put IP addresses of the permitted clients into the configuration file, but what I have as the input are host FQDNs that I need to resolve somehow. 10" through the Dec 4, 2023 · @i2linuxz If it’s okay for you to access your private GitHub host through proxy (it means offload name resolution to proxy server), you can add proxy settings to AWX by opening Settings > Jobs settings page in the AWX UI and modifying Extra Environment Variables block in JSON format (see my guide for details): Jan 21, 2018 · 141. com in the inventory file, then ansible is not able to resolve the hostname on the source machine. how to fix the issue "Failed to connect to the host via ssh" in ansible. 1 Hostname: webserver001 I want my hostname to be replace based on the last three digits of the IP May 13, 2016 · The hosts file I had only has the IP address. Mar 9, 2022 · Hi, I am using AWX 17. Oct 17, 2016 · How can I replace the hostname with the last three digits of IP address: Example: IP: 192. x is remote DNS servers IP address, but not sure how exactly translate that to a playbook. 0. html Share Jun 19, 2022 · how to get ip address of a host in Ansible. 54. ansible get ip address Jan 28, 2025 · To use it in a playbook, specify: community. and ping. 1 ansible_user=my_username When I try to run an ansible playbook, which calls this test group as hosts: - hosts: test gather_facts: n May 31, 2019 · host name knode is not resolving, use fully qualified domain name or check why host name is not resolving. until now i had a play running which modifies the local /etc/hosts file to enable name resolution. short. 10. The motivation for this, usage of hostnames inside playbooks and cli, but using IPs(only if defined) for connections. debug: msg: "The value Sep 1, 2015 · Is there a way to resolve an arbitrary string as a host name in Ansible group_vars file or in a Jinja2 template used by Ansible? Let's say, I want to define a variable in global_vars/all that would What's more is the VM's /etc/hosts file does not specify any hostname to IP mappings, however, hostname resolution works (VM checks hosts file then if there is no match, performs DNS query) . GitHub. com/ansible/setup_module. Cheatsheet(s) Docker. 202 Jan 2, 2016 · The "ipify_facts" method described in a different answer should work if: Your control host has only one interface, or if it has multiple interfaces and the interface used for reaching towards the ipify api_url is the same as for reaching towards your remote host, -and- Aug 3, 2023 · I try to set up a very basic ansible connection with Cisco alwayson sandbox, but experience problem to connect to the devices using Ansible. May 25, 2012 · My problem is to match IP address to its hostname. Also it's dependent on the minions responding. However, your DHCP server is responsible for creating DNS entries for DHCP hosts (supported by some routers and dhcp systems, look for a “register hostname with DNS” option) Nov 8, 2019 · If I type nslookup ip-10-X-X-X. 1). appserver01. The states rendered, gathered and parsed does not perform any change on the device. How c Sep 23, 2019 · You can use hostnames in an ansible inventory without a problem. Synopsis . 100", add one line: # ip hostname 172. Requirements. I needed pipx inject ansible-core netaddr because I installed ansible via pipx. 13. Jan 23, 2025 · I am trying to get some info out of Cisco Catalyst center using Ansible. xx. example. 19. 16. ansible. com), or may run some plays on one name and other plays on the other name, in parallel, producing an unexpected execution order. yml is: --- - name: Ping hosts: updatable remote_user: user tasks: - name: Example from an Ansible Playbook ansible. conf file from multiple servers and write those name servers to a file. debug: msg: "{{ ansible_facts }}" - name: Show interface and address ansible. ping -q -c1 Jan 22, 2020 · Hi, I would like to update hostname based on server IP. I must connect to it via ssh using a private key, instead of password. Keyword parameters. The playbook works fine till it reboots the machine, but unable to connect it back as now the IP of that server Jun 30, 2017 · ansible_hostname is a fact and you have explicitly disabled gathering facts (gather_facts: False), How to get host IP and hostname using Ansible. The host between the red square brackets on the line starting with Sep 18, 2021 · If you are just doing local testing, you can add an entry like this to the /etc/hosts file on your Ansible control node to resolve the hostname to an IP address. Aug 10, 2024 · Ansible Caddy. 20. com" are in the inventory, then ansible-pull seems to get confused about how many hosts there are, and may run plays or roles twice (once on myhost, again on myhost. Sep 27, 2023 · Get IP address using fact variable with Ansible. This post shows you how to resolve hostname to ip address in several ways , like use command ping or getent or host ,etc, so that we can do it via bash script. My inventory file has an entry for a hostname i. x' where x. 4. utils. For that purpose. Learning Resource(s) In Python, we can get IP Address for a hostname by using gethostbyname function from I tried to use publish + network. As alternative you can try one from google: type in as root (without sudo) echo nameserver 8. prod. dig. Currently I’m using kludgy inventory group for each host like this: [host1] 192. Jan 27, 2021 · Hello, I’m unable to ping linux VM through AWX GUI… Error: msg": “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known” However, I am able to ping through IP address. local; Create your own alias => hostname ansible_host=IP Address; Group of hosts => [group_name] That is the most basic structure you can use. In my ansible host, I have a group that includes 5 servers IP, for each server, I will need to define hostname name based on the IP. If the IP address is a public IP then a simple socket. In . Nov 28, 2013 · You could also use a Dynamic DNS service to connect a hostname to your public ip. region. ip_addrs, but that kinda sucks, because it needs to do the whole salt-roundtrip just to resolve a hostname. x i. That is, if your inventory script reports a host named "host0", then when called with --host host0 it should produce: Jan 28, 2025 · Synopsis. How to get the remote target server IP address in ansible playbook using the ansible facts collected using multiple methods like default network interface name eth0, enp0s3 etc and SSH connection information and default IPv4 and IPv6 address etc. There are at least that many possible solutions to the ansible ssh problem. compute. Jan 11, 2016 · Had to install the netcommon collection ansible-galaxy collection install ansible. 5 ? Mar 27, 2020 · Just rememeber it will create each line for each host I think what are you looking for is acctually not looping but getting current host name (ansible_hostname): Dec 22, 2022 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. This will only create an IPAddress instance when hostName is a string in valid IPv4 or IPv6 format, Nov 20, 2017 · Instead, Ansible allows running a script to generate an inventory - it is trivial to implement a loop populating inventory-hostname along with IP address in Python (apparently it was made clear as early as in July 2013, although in the same thread someone suggested a workaround). @Castrohenge quite interestingly Resolve-DNSName successfully pulls the IP in cases where it is set to SkipAsSource (for instance specified in hosts) where GetHostAddresses() fails – Hashbrown Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 7:25 Nov 2, 2021 · We all know we can use ping command to get the ip address of a hostname , but sometimes we need to do it for multiple hosts. x. Ansible hostname and IP address. If you installed ansible in the global python env you can just run apt install python3-netaddr on Ubuntu. com x. Hi, I'm trying to run an ansible playbook just includes "show ip address" for cisco device and have issue with below errors. Assuming the Raspberry has hostname "berry" and ip "172. yml). I am using WSL with ubuntu 20. Enter any valid IP, and click the "Convert IP to Hostname" button. yml. yml ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2. 22. You need a private key for SSH authentication, not a public key "Hostname has to resolve uniquely to the IP address of api_interface" # BEGIN ANSIBLE GENERATED HOSTS. builtin. IP, ansible is successfully able to run the playbook on the source machine (where ansible is running) BUT, if I use hostname. This appears to be a user question, and we'd like to direct these kinds of things to either the mailing list or the IRC channel. Note that all these are not valid answers: - ansible_hostname - inventory_hostname Nov 12, 2020 · I am trying to create a task that will get the host target IP address and host-name that are in the inventory then save it to a file in the local directory. Members Online springdisplay Aug 26, 2022 · The cleanest and most ansible-native approach I use is: - name: Getting ready to start hosts: all gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Wait for DNS propagation delegate_to: localhost when: not inventory_hostname is ansible. as the ansible Mar 1, 2024 · I have a hosts file that looks like this: [test] 10. 7 c Summary Ansible does not connect to host via ssh, reporting "Temporary failure in name resolution" Below the hosts file: Below the playbook file: Below the error: Ping /host: If I try to connect to my device "192. I am wondering what is the easiest way, using Ansible, to validate that a specific server is able to resolve DNS records? I can easily do that from my PC running something like 'nslookup domain. Second run ansible don't collect informations about my_server. Ansible Nov 3, 2023 · Hoping someone can help here pls: What variable can I use to access the “mongodb” IP address from my inventory file? ie: What variable can I use: {{ ?? }} that would == 10. hosts: all ) and use the -l|--limit option to restrict the hosts targeted during the I'm trying to deploy Kolla in AIO. Look up hostnames for IP addresses using DNS Aug 6, 2019 · I am using synchronize module to transfer file form serverA to server B. If I use the IP address of the remote host, ansible is able to connect to it of course. I build images using the command: kolla-build -p default -b ubuntu -t binary I am deploying it in my local system. Git. May 7, 2019 · How do i instruct Ansible to connect to the IP Adress instead of the Hostname, repectively can i use "inventory_hostname" instead of "ansible_hostname" as Connection String, but keep the Hostname displayed in the Play Recap? Dec 3, 2017 · Ok so the Ansible inventory can be based on following format: HostName => IP Address; HostName => DHCP or Hosts file hostname reference localhost/cassie. You need to modify your inventory like this: centosinstance ansible_ssh_host=192. – Dec 28, 2015 · This does not resolve the IP address from the host name. From your given example I'am missing the part where the inventory hostname becomes compared with the DNS entries after lookup. or. May 7, 2020 · SUMMARY Running Ansible playbook command with new aws_ec2. netcommon and also netaddr. This guide will show you how to automate the initial Ubuntu server configuration (18. . A play only gather facts of the targeted hosts, so facts from oph-io are not yet gathered. ` “NODE_A”: { “inventory_hostname”: “10. Aug 9, 2018 · I am trying to provision a machine using ansible. 1". When I run ansible-playbook to just do a simple (hello world example), it doesn't resolve the hostname. 0 docker install. g. I use Postgres with Host-Based Authentication (HBA). ansible-playbook -i inventory. gethostbyaddr(ip) solves it but my problem is with private IP i. This is my host file: dnac_servers: hosts: dnac_server: dnac_host: xx. Suppose I give a container the hostname subdomain Jan 28, 2025 · A string that represents the value against which the test is going to be performed. I'd like to render the template file (Jinja) with the list of IPs. Open the tool: IP to Hostname Lookup. conf should point to a dns nameserver like your route / gateway. 201 ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass="hi12#$" 172. I'm not Sep 18, 2024 · Hello! after switching to hostnames in awx inventory and added ip via ansible_host var, the playbook cannot match them anymore. inventory_hostname }} {{ hostvars[item]. Steps to reproduce the issue: Start a new container: podman run --name test -ti centos:8 bash. internal in my machine where I try to access the service; Note: if I nslookup ip-10-124-123-122 won't get EC2 resolved. 10) using Ansible. Could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or Jul 23, 2020 · Pass a -e|--extra-vars with the server name you want to target, i. Example 1 - hostvars See the documentation here>>>. limit = "all" in ansible configuration, because vagrant runs ansible two times: first for my_server and second for my_agent. What would be the best way The state the configuration should be left in. As for dns, i added <ip address> <linode12345678> manually inside /etc/hosts (i suppose this is correct local host file) but it still doesn't resolve the hostname, saying the linode instance is unreachable. debug: msg May 20, 2015 · I'm using ansible (ansible 1. This ansible playbook has been created to demonstrate the major differences between the inventory_hostname and the ansible_hostname variables and how it works in real time . Terms. Code: - name: Test hosts list debug: msg: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}" Run it: [simterm] Nov 19, 2016 · Use ansible setup module to fetch hostnames and ip addresses, for example: ansible test -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_hostname' and more details on http://docs. 17. yml --extra-vars "master=mydb-master, slave=mydb-slave" In the playbook I want to access the actual ip address of the mydb-slave host: - name: Copy ssh key to Slave command: "{{ mydb-slave }}" In this case the output is the string literal mydb-slave, but I require the full ip address. Hope that help you Nov 11, 2024 · Here is a simple ping playbook that registers the ping result:--- - hosts: all gather_facts: true tasks: - name: ping hosts ping: register: ping_results - name: ping results debug: var: ping_results Aug 25, 2015 · Closing This Ticket. I need add . IP of a network. For example Oct 2, 2020 · How I can use the value of hostname and IP address from hosts inventory file? For example, I have only one host in the hosts file with name as FQDN, but this is registered on the DNS server. on running the command ansible all -m ping the result is below. Return Value. Thanks very much for your interest in Ansible. What is the easiest way to access this? Please note that I need to use this variable in tasks that executed on various hosts. Jan 17, 2019 · I have to change the windows computer name on 40 machines in AWS. Public key exists on the server. It can operate on strings or lists of items, test various data to check if they are valid IP addresses, and manipulate the input data to extract requested information. Nov 14, 2020 · I am trying to get host name and IP address of hosts and save them to a file. Also what version of ansible are you using? The variable names may be different. Below - two examples of how this can be done. Install nslookup inside the container: dnf install bind-utils. 1. Oct 11, 2022 · Ansible synchronize module delegate_to could not resolve hostname. 176. 11 Please change the ip addresses with the ip addresses of your machines and try again. It looks like your inventory is missing a ansible_host variable for the dns name or ip address of your target host. I am trying to write an ansible playbook using the lineinfile = command with a variable that will read the CSV file and May 4, 2017 · Hello, I have no idea how to solve an IP address problem. pkt5. 9. 163 | UNREACHABLE! => { “changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could May 5, 2023 · Is there is a more elegant solution? At a first step you may start to get familiar with Ansible facts with a minimal example playbook--- - hosts: localhost become: false gather_facts: true gather_subset: - "!all" - "!min" - "default_ipv4" tasks: - name: Show Gathered Facts ansible. ipaddr() is a Jinja2 filter designed to provide an interface to the netaddr Python package from within Ansible. debug: msg: Waiting Sep 1, 2015 · What is the right way to look up the IPv4 address (or addresses) associated with a host name from global_vars? Here is the scenario. The tool converts IP to host and tells the website or hostname of an organization that owns the particular IP address. Would love to save the data like this: Feb 3, 2017 · "Could not resolve hostname" Ansible. Dec 26, 2020 · Looks like you have errors in your syntax. May 7, 2019 · The normal way you handle this is to set the inventory hostname to the "friendly" name, and then set ansible_host to the ip address. Since you need the IP address of the hosts in that group as an array, we can iterate over the hosts in group['example_hosts'], which is a list ["h1", "h2"] as well. I tried using the gather_facts to set a condition to only execute if the ip matches. Likewise ansible_ssh_user and ansible_ssh_port to become ansible_user and ansible_port. txt file: target ansible_host=<ip_a Hello. Currently, the container (awx_task) is able to ping the hosts via hostname but cannot resolve them via host . I assume that I could write a module for it somehow, but my python skills are very Jul 7, 2020 · Please help me in writing ansible playbook to read name servers (DNS) from /etc/resolv. to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname linuxweb01: Name or Or unencrypt it, so you don't have to type the password each time. Sep 7, 2016 · I have a CSV file that has the host name with corresponding IP address in it. You can are an entry in /etc/host file for "knode" with ip as workaround Share Mar 29, 2019 · I get list of IP address in test. I followed This tutorial. It can be an IP address or a name that can be resolved by the DNS; ansible_hostname - As discovered by ansible. 1, 2001:db8:a::123, or "hello-world" Jan 28, 2025 · Configures the IPv4 address for the host record. STEPS TO REPRODUCE. But, you don't really need that as the default is to split by white space. Here’s an example playbook that uses the ansible_default_ipv4 variable to get the IP address of a host: The IP to hostname lookup tool fetches the hostname of an IP address. 04 under Windows, within u May 12, 2016 · Be aware that ansible_ssh_host has been deprecated in favour of ansible_host in v2. kagwf jnm rjzmycx wezh luyyrb kytduz xzixt jxodl qwlr zibsvc mger mld gth klkdjzrkc hggfxy