Exoplayer surfaceview aspect ratio 24. Please refer to @ojw28's comments in this thread. I am not familiar with the source and am wondering what is the efficient solution to this. What you want to do is get the dimensions of your video from the MediaPlayer object. With ExoPlayer 2. e video shot in landscape mode and played in portrait mode makes it go stretchy and awkward. (In this case assume it with be 2:3 w:h). ScaleType. Jan 16, 2019 · Background. ExoPlayer Update: Oct 17, 2018 · Been playing with ExoPlayer in Android and trying to resize a view to fit the aspect ratio of the video being played, i. I'm trying to have a video shown in center-crop manner (like on ImageView). Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo The following examples show how to use com. Figure 8. AspectRatioFrameLayout Nov 23, 2011 · I am having an issue that I am unable to resolve. With the same media (i. I am currently using Exoplayer in a project and am looking to achieve a "CenterCrop" type attribute similar on the video to what you might see in an imageview. 1 library I am creating intance of SimpleExoPlayer: Dec 3, 2018 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application And I've done a lot of investigation on the code to achieve 19:6 aspect ratio out of the 4:3 that my camera outputs. Dec 16, 2019 · I have plenty of files where the DAR/SAR is interpreted wrong in ExoPlayer, for instance, where the expected aspect ratio is 16:9 but the pillar boxes are wider almost close to 4:3 (but I didn't measure it). I tried it, but if I use raw TextureView instead of SimpleExoPlayer, I can't benefit from ExoPlayer's advantages, such as playback controls, fixed aspect ratio etc. Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo Jun 5, 2021 · Exoplayer video does not scale when SurfaceView is scaled. If you use SurfaceView on L+, it should be applied automatically at platform level (note that there are a few issues with software decoders on L). In your custom view constructor, initialize your custom 6 days ago · The default aspect ratio for image capture and image analysis use cases is 4:3. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. view. again it Nov 24, 2016 · ExoPlayer V2 includes several out-of-the-box UI components, most notably: with horizontal or vertical black bars visible if the aspect ratio of the video differs from that of the view. Jul 2, 2019 · In order to achieve this "theme" support for you need to add the surface_types you want into your app's attrs. CameraX output is produced to match the aspect ratios requested as closely as the device supports. 1. Oct 12, 2024 · The camera image is rotated to align with the app UI, cropped to match the aspect ratio of the camera preview, and then scaled to fill the preview. In previous version I used: // @Override // public void onVideoSizeChanged(int width, int height, int unappliedRota Oct 16, 2023 · You could just use a plain SurfaceView for this, ExoPlayer will handle the GL interactions. Here's a little picture of what I'm imagining: May 19, 2017 · Exoplayer video does not scale when SurfaceView is scaled. The problem Apr 10, 2019 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Jan 7, 2018 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Jun 16, 2021 · My goal is simple but I have been struggling with it for many days: Live H264 RTSP feed from an IP camera of 1280 width x 720 height -> rotated by 90 degrees -> centred, scaled, cropped to fit portrait-mode 768 width x 1024 height displa Sep 30, 2016 · Hello. 0 Aug 31, 2012 · FIRST OF ALL thanks for your answer , would you please write full code , because this is the first time i used videoview and never use surfaceview or MediaPlayer, im not expert in android , please also i cant understand this (manually calculate the desired size of the video, to fill the screen in the desired proportion ) , also i want finally when playing my videos in any mobile phone to This page shows Java code examples of com. rotation = 39f: Sep 22, 2022 · Exoplayer video does not scale when SurfaceView is scaled. By Nov 13, 2019 · Afterwards, after switching to 1280x720 16:9 aspect video (aspect1. AspectRatioFrameLayout Mar 15, 2016 · I want to use Exoplayer in a service the way Spotify does but i can see that most of the implementations use a SurfaceView and a VideoController. Some Basic initialization Jul 5, 2018 · Background. Method to set Aspect Ratio - like in example. With MediaPlayer in the onPrepared() method I use getVideoWidth() and getVideoHeight() to get width and height of video to calculate size of SurfaceView with correct aspect ratio. TextureView has the following advantages over SurfaceView: You can Animate, Transform and Scale a Jan 29, 2011 · A video is drawn to a SurfaceView, not contained within it; wrap_content is synonymous with fill_parent for a SurfaceView. Jan 30, 2019 · It includes another class named AspectRatioFrameLayout which can resize itself to match a specified aspect ratio, eg 16:9 or 4:3. google. android. you mentioned we don't currently support updating effects while paused does this work on exoplayer or getDebugPreviewSurfaceView Nov 21, 2016 · Are you saying that calling the method has no effect? There are a few limitations for this scaling mode to be aware of. 1, 1. Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo Filling the remaining vertical space, I would like to place a custom view which inherits from glSurfaceView, with the restriction that it must have a fixed aspect ratio, which will be programatically set, but known before the activity is created. . Apr 7, 2021 · Problem with exoplayer is that black bars are displayed on the surface view and black color is assigned internally. AspectRatioFrameLayout Oct 4, 2020 · Exoplayer video does not scale when SurfaceView is scaled. what i want to do is same like in MX player. Jul 11, 2016 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly I am creating the Android app with the camera functionality. I am trying to solve a task: enter the full screen. My layout looks something like this: Dec 11, 2014 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Dec 10, 2013 · Now during a video call there is a chance of aspect ratio change for the incoming frames. 1 Devices that reproduce the issue Pixel running on Android 14 with updated to 5 March 2024 (important) Devices that do not reprodu In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Oct 4, 2016 · Hello all, I am trying to add ExoPlayer 2. I think it's better to subclass the children than the GridView? EDIT: I assume this needs to be done programmatically, that's no problem. Note: I'm well aware of solutions of scaling videos, that are available on various Github repositories (such as here), but I'm asking about a live wallpaper. Alternatively, you can create/inflate your custom SurfaceView in the custom PlayerView view and add it programmatically with contentFrame. Basically it will fit to the height of the surfaceview, keep the same aspect ratio, and crop the edges on the side that go off the screen. ResizeMode public int getResizeMode() The following examples show how to use com. May 9, 2018 · On exoplayer, I want to force scaling for media source in 720*576. To achieve my objective, I rotate my ExoPlayer by N degrees. In Android's VideoView, is there any way to achieve the same effect as ImageView. The camera screen contains the toolbar on the top, the surfaceview (camera preview) below the toolbar, and the camera control buttons on Reason is the different aspect ratio : 560x320 (video resolution) vs 1080x1920 (device resolution). Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo Jan 5, 2015 · You can maintain the proper aspect ratio for different-sized displays by adjusting the size of the Surface (which is what Grafika does for that demo), or by tweaking the View to letter- or pillar-box the layout. You can then set the aspect ratio of the SurfaceView to match the video. 0. Dec 4, 2024 · I am currently using Exoplayer in a project and am looking to achieve a "CenterCrop" type attribute similar on the video to what you might see in an imageview. Dec 20, 2017 · I am making a video player android application like MX player. I've run into some problem about aspect ratio. Use cases have a configurable aspect ratio to let the application specify the desired aspect ratio based on UI design. I intend to make it so that the video should fill in the whole UI container for a given fixed width & height. AspectRatioFrameLayout. This causes the video to have The aspect ratio will be modified slightly. 5. If a user goes to full screen in portrait mode and updateVideoViewMatchToParent() is called, then both the BaseVideoView and SurfaceView will fill the device’s display and the video aspect ratio will be slightly modified. Keeping in mind that I use android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape" in AndroidManifest for the Activity that contains ExoPlayer in my project, here is the way that I used for changing the aspect ratio of SurfaceView according to aspect ratio of the video. AspectRatioFrameLayout Mar 14, 2024 · The OP was also struggling with RESIZE_MODE_FIT and I documented above as to why the scaling is dependent on the video aspect ratio AND the phone size. First, modify playerlayout. References: Change resize mode for ExoPlayer; Change aspect ratio of SurfaceView for ExoPlayer video; 5-part series on building video player using ExoPlayer Dec 18, 2015 · I use SurfaceView and AspectRatioFrameLayout from ExoPlayer sample. Note however, we don't currently support updating effects while paused. on next click it should set to stretch. Nov 29, 2024 · Rather than implementing the loading and rendering of media directly, ExoPlayer implementations delegate this work to components that are injected when a player is created or when new media sources are passed to the player. I am using MediaPlayer class to play video; however, I am always loosing the original aspect ratio. exoplayer. addView(surfaceView, 0) like the actual PlayerView does in its constructor. setResizeMode(AspectRatioFrameLayout. SurfaceView to match the aspect ratio of the video //be sure to cast In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Aug 1, 2022 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Jun 4, 2013 · SurfaceView and TextureView both are inherited from android. Additionally, since default ExoPlayer controls are implemented by using old-fashioned views, I’d recommend always implementing your own controls to avoid unnecessary inflation. 4. <com. Feb 26, 2018 · exoPlayer. I also hope I can find how to scale in other ways, as done on this library. videoFrame. By default, it’s set to SurfaceView. xml to change both layout_width and layout_height of the SurfaceView to "fill_parent". CENTER_CROP? That is, I want my VideoView to play the video such that it fills the entire screen without The following examples show how to use com. setVideoEffects(), and you can use the same set of effects you used in Transformer there in ExoPlayer. getResizeMode @AspectRatioFrameLayout. 0, 1. ExoPlayer实现倍速播放功能; Android使用ExoPlayer播放音频实现报听写功能; 转型到ExoPlayer,实现更多的自定义功能; ExoPlayer实现4G网络下暂停缓存功能; ExoPlayer添加Ffmpeg扩展实现软解功能; ExoPlayer添加滤镜功能; Supermap iClient for OpenLayers实现沿路画面功能; Qt 13--实现程序 Mar 4, 2013 · Your problem occurs when surface view and video follows two different aspect ratios. How to use ExoPlayer. if the user again clicks the button it should set (aspect ratio or scale type to be crop. ts), the 16:9 video is squeezed and cannot be scaled by playerView. Exoplayer video does not scale when SurfaceView is scaled. fill the view with the video. This page shows Java code examples of com. I have tried so many things but still not able to resolve the issue. 1. e. Trying to remake my PlayerActvity for the 2nd version of ExoPlayer. The SurfaceView will always be completely filled with the movie content. Display mode icon is used to fix when stream is in different aspect ratio from your display. For instance, I know most of my videos are of 9:16 aspect ratio so I kept the UI container with fixed width and height in the same ratio (Example, 180dpx320dp). Mar 25, 2018 · Kyle Venn, thank you for your answer. Dec 8, 2018 · I have the requirement that videos should be cropped to not exceed some minimum aspect ratio (say 9:16) and some maximum aspect ratio (say 16:9). You cannot overlay two SurfaceView. It also looks like this scaling mode only works with SurfaceView not TextureView. Basically it will fit to the height o Oct 27, 2014 · It's unfortunately not possible to do from application level (including from within ExoPlayer library) with SurfaceView. videoAspectRatio), you might be seeing The following examples show how to use com. 2. I'm not sure this is correct. The media player code and the xml code is mentioned here. i. 2. I need to maintain the original aspect ratio. Place SurfaceView into container (FrameLayout) size of which will be changed: Apr 2, 2024 · Version Media3 main branch More version details 1. ts), then again to 4:3 aspect video, the aspect ratio is fixed on the 4:3 aspect video, but if we then switch to 720x576 16:9 aspect video (aspect2. Can the Exoplyer be used without these two componen The following examples show how to use com. The following examples show how to use com. RESIZE_MODE_FIT); changing VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING in exoplayer helps in the cropping & scaling the video as mentioned. Jun 15, 2017 · In my application, I show the video with google Exoplayer. However there are some structural difference between them. View class. Say the stream is in 4:3 and you have a 16:9 TV, then the icon will appear and you are able to stretch the stream to fit your screen. 6: AndroidExternalSurface and AndroidEmbeddedExternalSurface. In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? Oct 16, 2023 · Currently we do support setting video effects through ExoPlayer. setAspectRatio(height == 0 ? 1 : (width * pixelWidthAspectRatio) / height) Jan 23, 2025 · To support HDR 10-bit, you need to use SurfaceView, either with ExoPlayer (which we recommend) or your own custom decoder with 10-bit support. Also, I don't want to limit the size, only the aspect ratio. AspectRatioFrameLayout This page shows Java code examples of com. Mar 8, 2012 · It will be aligned in this exercise to correct the aspect ration. Aug 8, 2017 · There are 2 possible solutions for the aspect ratio incompatibility problem: 1)make the video to fit the size of the screen by stretching it (ignores the aspect ratio) 2)zoom in the video in the way that it maintains aspect ratio but crop images out Jul 3, 2021 · Add your custom SurfaceView to this layout file below the comment. DefaultBandwidthmeter Aug 1, 2019 · ExoPlayer支持内置的媒体播放器支持的所有格式外加自适应格式DASH和SmoothStreaming。ExoPlayer可以被高度定制和扩展以适应不同的使用场景。 ExoPlayer库的核心是ExoPlayer接口。ExoPlayer公开了传统的高水平媒体播放器的功能,例如媒体缓冲,播放,暂停和快进功能。 This page shows Java code examples of com. – Fahad Ishaque Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 13:35 Feb 17, 2018 · You dont need extra library to do so, simply set app:surface_type="texture_view" and then you can rotate texture_view in xml using android:rotation="39" or in code using mainVideoView. Apr 8, 2016 · Note that if you're using AspectRatioFrameLayout or similar then the scaling mode isn't going to make a difference; the difference will only be apparent if the SurfaceView has a different aspect ratio to the video. Jul 19, 2016 · How would I go implementing a fixed aspect ratio View? I'd like to have items with 1:1 aspect ratio in a GridView. See the javadoc for the MediaCodec constant, which mentions requirements for 1:1 pixel aspect ratio and not using rotation (see also #1482). Components common to all ExoPlayer implementations are: This page shows Java code examples of com. Jan 21, 2021 · The issue I am having is that my Xamarin Forms custom renderer for the Android SurfaceViewRenderer does not have the same aspect ratio as the remote video it displays. There are wrappers for SurfaceView is already available in Jetpack Compose 1. 1 instead of MediaPlayer. Later we wish to view the video, but the aspect ratio of the PlayerView might be different than the one of the video, so there needs to be some scaling and cropping. We record a video of the user's face, and usually the face is located at the upper half of the video. xml (copied from ExoPlayer demo app): If your app has it's themes in an isolated module that doesn't import the ExoPlayer library, you'll need to copy the attributes from the lib source (probably not a great idea, but it works): listener - The listener to be notified about aspect ratios changes, or null to clear a listener that was previously set. AspectRatioFrameLayout The following examples show how to use com. 3. When you want more control of the single drawing board, go for SurfaceView. Jul 31, 2019 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? Related questions 4 In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application May 14, 2023 · I am trying to make an ExoPlayer custom texture view. setResizeMode again. In Summary Jul 17, 2019 · In Android, using exoplayer, how to fill surfaceview with a video that does not have the same aspect ratio with the device? 4 Change the aspect ratio of surface view according to aspect ratio of the video in exoplayer demo application Probably not at the moment. Inset portrait mode is triggered when the aspect ratio of the camera image sensor and the aspect ratio of the application's primary activity do not match. RESIZE_MODE_FIT looks at aspectDeformation = videoAspectRatio / viewAspectRatio - 1 to decide whether to shrink width or height. As such, it doesn't have a View, so it's more limited about how to do things. A PlayerView holds an instance of View to display a content stream, this view can be three types, SurfaceView, TextureView or SphericalSurfaceView. And also layout_gravity="center". For example:If the user clicks on the aspect ratio button it should set the video size to 100%. The reason why I'm trying to break the aspect ratio is because this IP Camera records 1280x720 pixels but outputs 640x480 through it's second stream. The movie may have black bars "burnt in" to the video stream itself, but in that case I'd expect them to be rendered properly This page shows Java code examples of com. You can find an example of the latter in Grafika's AspectFrameLayout class, which is used for various camera and video demos. xre gdt cek tce beruqdbn gpkuekb dpvpy wwxbwj fky igjouyg fxpot okroxs fvti hcav iyvldg