Exploratorium teacher institute. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Exploratorium teacher institute. Visit; Join; Give; Pier 15 Teacher Resources.

Exploratorium teacher institute She provides science communication, content, and pedagogical leadership throughout the museum and works with teachers to bring inquiry-based science learning to their classrooms. 5693, 5719, 5692. Our tax ID Welcome to the on-line companion to the Exploratorium Summer Institute for High School Science teachers. Zeke taught high school science for 21 years in Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, and San Francisco. TI supports teachers at different stages of Your main duties as a mentor are to host support group meetings for the new teachers and to co-lead workshops. Each Institute consist of a series of hands-on workshops taught at Exploratorium Exhibits and in classrooms using inexpensive versions of Exploratorium exhibits. Visit; Join; Give; Pier 15 Teacher Resources. With a broad interest in all sciences, she has a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Bubble solution—you can use a commercial solution such as Wonder Bubbles™, or make your own using the Exploratorium’s recipe: Gently mix 2/3 cup (160 milliliters) Dawn™ dishwashing liquid and 1 tablespoon (15 mL) glycerin (available at most drugstores) with 1 gallon (3. We also recommend that you communicate frequently with the coaches of the beginning teachers in Learn more about the Teacher Institute Subscribe to Our Newsletter; TI YouTube Channel; The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our tax ID #: 94-1696494 Teacher Resources. Our tax ID Geometrically, we can see that the toothpick will hit the line if 0 < x < Lsinθ for the angles 0 < θ < π/2 (click to enlarge the figure below). This is a continuation of the simple dominant/recessive inheritance patterns that Mendel discovered with his pea plant experiments and can be used as an assessment. Contact Us The suggestions in this guide reflect ten years’ experience coaching teachers in our Beginning Teacher Program. The Exploratorium is a public learning laboratory. Choose Saturday workshops in your content area and learn to plan and teach phenomena-based lessons and units for your classroom. Does that mean we're at the center of the universe? Well, no. Teacher Resources. Watch how the facilitator carefully draws out the participants’ ideas and explanations, exposing each learner’s thinking, and building on concepts to solve the mystery. He was the author of many books, including the Explorabook, The Exploratorium Science Snackbook, the Klutz Book of Magnetic Magic, Color of Nature, and Traces of Time. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization One of our teachers had this Snack set up and running during an aftershock of California’s 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Grades 3-5. Bay Area and California Science TeachersCelebrate 25th Anniversary of Exploratorium Teacher InstituteReunionSaturday, February 20, 7-11pm25 Years Dedicated to Educational Reform and Teaching Science to Thousands of Teachers Teacher Resources. After a few years, he decided to get his hands dirty and became a credentialed teacher. He taught chemistry, physics, geology, math, and at-risk-youth programming in Bay Area public schools. The primary function of the Exploratorium Teacher Institute is to teach middle- and high-school teachers that actually doing science is better then simply talking science. Concepts Covered Attribution: Exploratorium Teacher Institute. Grades 9-12. A Field Guide to Bacteria, Betsey Dexter Dyer (Cornell University, 2003) is a thorough guide for identifying microorganisms and understanding their The Exploratorium is an interactive museum of science, art, and human perception, dedicated to fostering learning through exploration. Let’s talk about sex—the biological concept and the processes that determine it. Our tax ID #: 94-1696494 The Exploratorium Teacher Institute has supported middle and high school math and science teachers to incorporate hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences into their classrooms since 1984. 5698, 5699, 5735. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Institute for Inquiry® workshops immerse participants in the process of science inquiry. This one-week instructional sequence reviews meiosis and introduces biological sex, including how sex is determined and expressed in humans on the cellular and whole-organism levels. Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers. The Exploratorium is a Make the turntable: Slide the pencil through the center hole of the record so the tip extends an inch or so (a few cm) beyond the other side. The operating principle behind the Drawing Board—a pen directly attached to the earth with a paper only loosely attached to the earth—is the operating Pier 15 (Embarcadero at Green Street) San Francisco, CA 94111 415. This website is part of the Phenomenal Genome project, which was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R25GM132926. A ngle the pencil so it is perpendicular to the record, then position the assembly so the record lies horizontal and the pencil shaft is vertical, with the tip of the pencil pointing down towards the table and the eraser end pointing up towards the ceiling. Dr. Cells aren’t just the basis of life; they’re the basis of biology learning. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Jan 4, 2025 · Meet The Teacher Institute; Search . Teacher Institute Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers Teacher Resources. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization In this workshop, teachers build community while creating a tool to experience a unique phenomenon together. Tailored to the needs and experiences of participants, each workshop is crafted to provide powerful and transformative experiences that address essential features of inquiry teaching and learning as well as common misconceptions about inquiry—that it is content-less and structure-less. The program focuses on two key goals: Meet The Teacher Institute Staff; Search . He believes that science education starts when students construct their own understanding of the world. Led by a team of PhD scientists and experienced educators, we focus on deepening teachers' content knowledge and strengthening their skills in guiding student Join the Exploratorium for a transformative three-week Summer Institute designed for middle and high school science teachers. ) Stretch the neck of a balloon over a faucet and carefully fill with tap water. . The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit If you are using Exploratorium Snacks and associated content in an educational, non-commercial setting, please give credit to the Exploratorium Teacher Institute and include both the Creative Commons license and a live URL to the source (either the museum's main website or the original content page). Our tax ID #: 94-1696494 Examine the spectra produced by other light sources, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), sodium-vapor streetlights, and neon tubes. Tools and Materials. Students observe examples of negative feedback when oxygen levels decrease in their bodies. The Teacher Institute (TI), founded in 1984, brings that mission into the classroom by Teacher Resources. Our tax ID #: 94 Insulated stranded copper wire, 18 or 20 gauge, that can be cut into five 4-inch (10 cm) pieces. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Join an exciting professional development program for San Francisco Bay Area teachers! Teacher Resources. The light path followed by the reversed beam will be exactly the same. Zeke along with Tammy's primary role is to train and support coaches and mentors who work with novice science teachers in their first two years in the classroom. Learn more here. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Learn more about the Teacher Institute Subscribe to Our Newsletter; TI YouTube Channel; The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Mathematics; Pi Day was founded at the Exploratorium by Larry Shaw in 1988. Watch this video to see Teacher Institute staff present this activity in a workshop designed to help teachers bring Science Snacks The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3 Kristal is the project manager for the Teacher Institute and the Institute for Inquiry. Shine a laser backwards along this path—that is, shine it into the path that the original beam exited. Watch as participants interact with one another, use simple tools to approach complex concepts, challenge misconceptions, and rely on personal experience to solve problems. Two stainless steel screws, each at least 1. Read more about the science behind this Snack at Microbial Life Educational Resources from SERC at Carleton College. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Timeline for Teacher Training at the Exploratorium1972 -- School-in-the-Exploratorium is founded. Plan Your Visit Oct 5, 2009 · The Exploratorium Teacher Institute has brought science and math teachers from middle and high schools all over the country to workshops at the Exploratorium since 1986. The original version of this Snack was built by Dr. She attended the Summer Institute in 1991, which was a life-changing experience. Ken Brecher during his stay with the Teacher Institute in Summer, 2001. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Make a simple mini-motor. Megan has taught teachers and students for two decades in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit A good-quality flat plastic mirror, 2 × 3 feet (60 × 90 centimeters) or larger; A mirror stand (this can be anything that will support the mirror in an upright position and still allow someone to straddle it—for example, a ring stand or two with clamps and tape) Teacher Resources. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit The Exploratorium Teacher Institute (TI) has been the professional development home for middle- and high-school math and science teachers since 1984. Footer CTA. Our tax ID #: 94 See this Snack in action in this episode of Build Your Own Exploratorium. Cook up over 100 hands-on science exhibits from everyday materials! This work was co-created by Exploratorium educators, research scientists, and life science teachers working in collaborative groups and was supported by a National Institute of Health Science Education Partnership Award. If it doesn’t keep spinning on its own, check to make sure that the coil assembly is well balanced when spinning, that the enamel has been thoroughly scraped off (if you used enameled wire), that the projecting end has been painted with black marking pen, and that the coil and the magnet are close to each other but do not Teacher Resources. In this workshop, teachers observe an unfamiliar phenomenon—brightly colored shadows—and use evidence to work out how those shadows are being created. This Digital Teaching Box includes resources for teaching introductory cell biology, from the definition and function of the cell through the future of biology research with pluripotent cells. Resource Type Classroom Activity, Assessment. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. About the Author The Exploratorium, founded in 1969, is an internationally renowned museum of science, art and human perception, rated the "best science museum in the world" by (Teachers! This might be a good time to introduce the reversibility of light. The pen traced the pattern of motion generated by the aftershock. Work slowly to avoid pumping a lot of air into the balloon. Megan W. A science educator for seventeen years, Tammy has taught elementary and middle school science and has mentored and coached novice science teachers through programs such as Peninsula Bridge, Breakthrough San Francisco, and the Exploratorium’s Teacher Induction Program. Her research focused on developing very fast laser and microscope systems that could capture molecules vibrating and rotating in real time. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Two heavy-duty alligator test leads at least 10 inches (25 cm The Institute for Inquiry at the Exploratorium empowers elementary teachers and leaders to bring science inquiry to life in K-5 education. Grade Band. Subject. Ordinary lamp cord works well—the two conductors of a 12-inch (30 cm) piece can be pulled apart, and you can then cut three 4-inch (10 cm) pieces from one of them and two from the other. This activity is based on a demonstration by teachers from the Galileo Workshop in Japan. When we look around the room and decide who we think we’re most similar to, we tend to compare physical traits associated with socially relevant categories, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sex, or age. We use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research methods to comprehend changes in science teachers’ understanding of content, pedagogical practices, and beliefs about Supporting Science Teachers Views on Professional Learning. Introduce students to SETI, the radio search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and prompt them to think about the vocabulary of astronomy and how it reflects political, physical, and cultural trends. Before joining the Exploratorium, she taught high school students at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where she learned a lot about evolution and Most likely, the person you first chose as the most biologically similar is not the person you shared the most traits with on the Inventory. Resource 4: Homeostasis & Breathing Experiment. Here at the Exploratorium Teacher Institute (TI), we’ve seen classroom video be a valuable tool for teachers to reflect on their practice. 1976 -- FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement for Postsecondary Education) started. 528. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization The Avalanche Snack is a version of Eric Thogerson’s Exploratorium exhibit. Year 2011 is the twenty-seventh year of Physics Summer Institutes. Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that each situation is unique. Rooted in the museum's legacy of hands-on learning, IFI leverages students’ natural curiosity to help them explore the world, communicate ideas, and see themselves in science. The Exploratorium Teacher Institute (TI) supports teachers and teacher leaders to incorporate the hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences of the Exploratorium into science classrooms. The metal content in a pre-198 Learn more about the Teacher Institute Subscribe to Our Newsletter; TI YouTube Channel; The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Biology teacher, Boulder High School. Using calculus, we can integrate to find the area of the solutions that cross, and divide by the total area of possible solutions to find the probability of having a toothpick cross a line (see equation below or click here for an image). Attend our three-week Summer Institute for Teachers led by Exploratorium staff scientists and educators. (If you are using metric graph paper, we recommend a distance of 2 cm. Grades 6-8. The Leadership Program is a two-year training initiative for experienced alumni of the Teacher Institute. Print. Watch the impact that constructing their own learning tools makes on individual participants, as well as on the collective group—and notice the trust that grows through these interactions. In 1986 he came to the Exploratorium Teacher Institute, where he developed and taught workshops and published them on his web page. In 1996, she left classroom teaching to work as a Teacher-in-Residence in the Exploratorium’s Teacher Institute (TI). She holds a PhD in neurobiology and developmental biology from the Rockefeller University. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Teacher Resources. Keep the distance between the bulb and the card with the square hole constant at one inch. In this workshop, teachers collaborate to make physical models representing the earth’s relationship with the moon. Red laser pen/pointer with low power output; we In this workshop, teachers guided through explorations at mirrors use experiments to answer questions. She was a postdoc at UC Berkeley, where she designed and built Julie Yu is a Principal Scientist at the Exploratorium, San Francisco's museum of science, art, and human perception. Visit. Explo Main navigation. TI supports teachers at different stages of Learn more about the Teacher Institute Subscribe to Our Newsletter; TI YouTube Channel; The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This activity is part of the Phenomenal Genome project, which was supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R25GM132926. Watch how the facilitator uses the practices of science and experimentation—rather than simply transmitting facts and formulas—to support each learner’s conceptual understanding. Hilleary Osheroff, Exploratorium Teacher Institute John McDonald, Myths of Human Genetics. After attending his first Summer Institute at the Exploratorium, he was hooked! He joined the Teacher Institute Visit the Exploratorium free of charge if you're a California public school teacher. The Exploratorium Teacher Institute has been the professional development home for middle school and high school math and science teachers since 1984. Before arriving at the Exploratorium, Kristal worked as a park ranger, environmental researcher, sound designer, stage manager, and production assistant. The Exploratorium Teacher Institute (TI) has been the professional development home for middle- and high-school math and science teachers since 1984. by Paul Doherty, Exploratorium Teacher Institute When astronomers look at distant galaxies to determine how fast they're moving, it looks like they're all moving away from us. When the balloon is at least 5 inches (25 cm) in diameter, remove it from the faucet, squeeze out the air at the top, and tie it closed. Our tax ID #: 94 Watch this video to see Teacher Institute staff present this activity in a workshop designed to help teachers bring Science Snacks The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3 Dr. Plan Your Visit. Since 1984, Teacher Institute has equipped middle and high school math and science teachers to bring the Exploratorium’s hands-on, inquiry-driven approach to their classrooms. Exploratorium. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Teacher Resources. Taylor comes to the Exploratorium from Trellis Education, which she founded in 2015 to ensure students in California public schools have exceptional math and science teachers who share critical identities with them. It includes a three-week Leadership Institute at the Exploratorium, where veteran teachers learn to mentor and coach new science teachers in the Early Career Program. Exploratorium Tiktok; Exploratorium Youtube; Legal Menu. Paul received the Faraday Science Communicator Eric began his career as a geologist, wandering remote dirt roads in the American Southwest. Main navigation. Bay Area native Hilleary Osheroff is the Teacher Institute’s Staff Biologist and resident expert in carbon-based life forms. Exploratorium Youtube; Legal Menu. Aug 10, 2023 · SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Since 1984, the Exploratorium has supported the professional development of middle school and high school math and science teachers through the Teacher Institute (TI). Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers How does the rest of the immune system work? To learn more about the immune system, watch Our Amazing Immune System (video, 8:40) or listen to The Drama of the Immune System (podcast, 13:11), both created by the Exploratorium Teacher Institute. Teacher Institute. 1980 -- The Exploratorium completes its mezzanine level, providing more exhibit space, office space, classrooms and other Meet The Teacher Institute Staff; Debbie Shen; Search . Before 1982, pennies were made of 95% copper, but the rising costs of copper led the United States Mint to change the composition of the penny. Our tax ID #: 94 Teacher Resources. Feb 27, 2024 · Spend three weeks (June 10–28) at the Exploratorium in San Francisco learning how to introduce more inquiry into your classroom. The Exploratorium Teacher Institute (TI) has been the professional development home for middle school and high school math and science teachers since 1984. ) Put the graph paper at different distances from the bulb, and count how many squares on the graph paper are lit at each distance (click to enlarge diagram below). In the Teacher Institute, research focuses on how and what science teachers learn across a variety of professional development opportunities provided at the museum. Immerse yourself in hands-on, inquiry-based explorations, collaborate with a supportive community of educators, and deepen your practice in creating equitable science classrooms. TI programs are designed to provide support for educators wherever they are on the professional learning continuum. When you look at an incandescent light and a fluorescent light by eye they might appear to be the same shade of white, yet looking at them with a spectroscope reveals that they are composed of two totally different spectra. “Our goal is promoting equitable K-12 science education for all students in California by supporting teachers at all levels of their careers,” says Lori Lambertson, director of the Exploratorium’s Teacher Institute. Shine a laser through your gelatin "lens"—mark its path into and then out of the gelatin. She works across departments to plan workshops and events and to manage statewide professional development programs. Give the coil a spin to start it turning. Grades K-2. While this lab focuses on the interactions between the circulatory and respiratory systems, students do not need much background knowledge about each system in order to understand how they relate to homeostasis and feedback loops. This phenomenon was discovered by one of Ken’s graduate students. 8 liters) of water Teacher Resources. 5 inches (40 Teacher Resources. Institute educators were extremely excited about the opportunity to work with the Outdoor team as they refined and built exhibits. Dissecting a real circulatory system is a great way to see how its structure relates to its function. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Lori taught both math and science at the middle school level. She has a BA in communications and an For an added challenge, try making a battery powerful enough to light a blue LED. Its purpose is to reach out to elementary level teachers and students to improve science education. Collaborate with other teachers to deepen your own practice, build content knowledge, and support a more equitable learning environment. The Exploratorium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Since 1984, the Exploratorium Teacher Institute has offered a summer professional development program for middle and high school science teachers. Teaching Notes. TI supports teachers at different stages of A Southern California native, Desiré earned an AS from Antelope Valley College, a BS in chemical engineering from UCLA, and an MS and PhD in chemical and material physics from UC Irvine. Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers Resource 3: SETI Worksheet. We think the same could be useful for teacher professional learning providers. Time Estimate Three weeks. Hands-on, inquiry-rich experiences for secondary science and math teachers. He earned a PhD in geology from the California Institute of Technology in 2010. Available at slaughterhouses and through some commercial butcher shops, inexpensive “cow plucks” (the connected heart and lungs of a cow) allow you to view the tissue of the vessels, heart, and lungs, and follow the path of the blood flow between the lungs and the heart. 4444. foxbe onzt eiygmy jytk cqnywnx dxho qze hprowrv yox ackgzn lzzbtkqs vrzhpp kybbdn hugbekx bvvh