How to set background color in recyclerview. Create a RecyclerView.
How to set background color in recyclerview However i can't change the Text of the previous item in 'Adapter'. ) { val itemView = viewHolder. Modified 6 years, Change background color of selected item on a ListView. android:background="@drawable/selector" so it was easy to set background color as yellow Jun 15, 2015 · I used a RecyclerView to display some text data. any suggestions on how to do this? Sep 12, 2015 · I am able to change the color of the text and background of imageview of the row clicked of my recyclerview in my navigation drawer fragment. For example, in the past is was cardview_dark_background and changed to design_dark_default_color_background on dark theme, and was cardview_light_background and changed to design_default_color_background on normal theme. When I write it like this in the code, the background color is under the recyclerView: gradient background: I don't recommend it because it might change in the future, as it was recently. What I want to do is when a user presses back while standing on any item in a ViewPager, that item should be highlighted in RecyclerView. top // Draw the red delete background background. Create a RecyclerView. It changes the background color for every item, except for the first item, and I cannot figure out why. I am using @Override to override the onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder vh, int pos) method. Recyclerview item color change based on the text. lang. I want to set a background color that covers the recyclerView. 2. text = context. alertGreen)); // Red color to set to remaining Views int color2 Aug 10, 2018 · I have an app which has a recyclerview. override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: FeelingsViewHolder, position: Int) { val item = dataset[position] holder. Jun 28, 2018 · Remove CardView and margin of root layout and set background color (white in your case) from the single_item_homepage xml. Dec 29, 2016 · The background for every post is loaded from a layer-list XML file in the drawable folder. And when click on another item, then new item set background and previous item back to default color. Recyclerview single item selection with changing color in android kotlin. like this : Jan 28, 2017 · I am Trying to Generate Random Colors and set the Random color as background of Text View Just Like in GMail app. 9 RecyclerView Cardview item background color change When Click on Its Item. Feb 21, 2020 · Im trying to make a selected item in the RecyclerView to change it's background when it is clicked, but once the other item in the RecyclerView is clicked, that item's background will be changed and the previously clicked item will change back to original. Here is it my code: class Apr 6, 2018 · Set recyclerview item background color repeatedly. notifyDataSetChanged() Dec 2, 2016 · I am trying to change the color (Green)of RecyclerView CardView background when clicks on RecylerView item , when I click on next item of RecyclerView, then previous Oct 1, 2016 · I have a RecyclerView with the TextView loaded from array MyData. imageResourceId) holder. RecyclerView android:background="#ECEFF1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scrollbars="vertical"/> Dec 23, 2020 · Ok so, the recyclerview loads normally however when I first click on an item, the item background color flickers its new color but then stays in its default color. Bind the adapter to the data source to populate the RecyclerView. Log import android. Sep 3, 2022 · #java How to set random background for cardview , change color in recyclerview , Generate and set random colors on text view background within Recycler View Apr 3, 2023 · It provides a flexible and highly customizable way of implementing a list that can be presented as a grid or a list. 6. I will be using a D Mar 23, 2018 · I have an activity and it contain one recyclerview and below it viewPager. I want to click only single item. Actually what I need is when I click any item in RecyclerView that Item must get color and when I click another item I want that the first one become normal. LayoutManager CategoriesLayoutManager; CategoriesAdapter CategoriesAdapter; List<Category> categories; protected override void Oct 10, 2018 · Currently I'm trying figure out how to change an RecyclerView item color outside adapter. 8f); similarly for topviews change the aplha tvText. Just make return value in onSingleTapUp to false, so the event will continue to fire to the root view of my item. ViewHolder> extends RecyclerView. setBounds( itemView. com/ReKhazanFacebook Using a RecyclerView has the following key steps: Define a model class to use as the data source. From where I have to change this by Adapter or by MainActivity. Change CardBackgroundColor on RecyclerView. I want to make it possible that the user can change the color of the predefined buttons with a longclick and then a color picker appears and the user can now choose to save any color to the button. Feb 18, 2021 · I want to alternate background colors for my items in recycler view for odd and even items. 0. And check mIsPlaying in onBindViewHolder, if it's true set one background another way set default background. Share. My Problem is, consider there is 4 buttons. 0" encoding="utf-8"?> < Feb 14, 2018 · Change recyclerview item Color. The type choice is stored in an I am using RecyclerView. Nov 19, 2015 · I need to alternate every other Card to a different color. Basically my issue was that if I scrolled away from the currently selected item in the recyclerView, due to recycling of the view,other item's view would also appear selected since i didn’t have a way to unselect the selected item when it was scrolled away. getItemViewType() to distinguish what color you want for a position. – May 11, 2018 · I'm using recyclerview with horizontal LinearLayoutManager. 0 Mar 25, 2022 · I have a RecyclerView with list of users, where in UI shows username of each user. 1. I created a CardView layout and RecyclerView layout and then Layout Manager and View adapter, minimum that's requir Dec 8, 2017 · I want to change Recyclerview item background color on my condition but when I scroll background color automatically changed I know holder. At the moment, each items, which were previously snapped stays with snapped background color. Aug 13, 2019 · Recursion is causing the issue because when recursion returns, the outer layer of the function call is setting the background colour again. How to change background colour to specific viewholder items in a RecycleView? 0. My background color is standard from all of my rows, that's why i thought to use it inside onCreateViewHolder and not onBindViewHolder. In that List I have one int variable name "isAlready" if that int==1, i am changing background color. It is changing only some of items. setBackgroundColor(int)' on a null object reference If I understood correctly from the commentary, you want to add items to your recyclerview and want to color the new item. Jul 6, 2015 · Add background color to the RecyclerView to your desired divider color: You can still change the color of dividers by just setting color filters to it. i want to edit selected item background ( The selected item means the item that has been clicked ) Apr 26, 2019 · I need to set background color inside onCreateViewHolder. Feb 1, 2020 · Kotlin:change background color of RecyclerView item by click on it. Jan 9, 2021 · When i clicked items, i want to change TextView's background color. graphics. example. when i swipe the page of view pager then i set the background color of recycleview item at the position respective to the May 1, 2015 · then set this drawable as background of your RecyclerView row layout as. stringResourceId) holder. Sep 9, 2016 · How should I change Recycler View's items's background from activity, I mean if I want to set first item red color, second green and third blue and so on Oct 4, 2018 · I have a navigation bar with RecyclerView that has different items. When I click on any item for the second time, only then the recyclerview's item change its background coloras it supposed to along with the rest of the item clicked. Aug 25, 2016 · I want to change the background color of my RecyclerView item. color. so please give a solution. Alternate rows color should be like this. xml <?xml version="1. setAlpha(0. For example field1 getting string "red", the background of LinearLayout gets red. Related. Jun 25, 2017 · I have a RecyclerView list of CardViews. I tried doing it in the onBindViewHolder method of the Adapter class, but it does not work. setText() works as expected but I also wanted to change background of the TextView. getColor(context, R. I have a recyclerview with some items, I want to change the background color of a few items to different color, how can I achieve this. I want to change the background color or text color to different. mIsPlaying true, and reset it if need. But this simply changes Mar 16, 2020 · CardView selected background color in RecyclerView. Changing text color or background color of view in OnBindViewHolder of RecyclerView Dec 30, 2023 · I have a RecyclerView where some items should have their background color change animatedly from pink to transparent for 6 seconds when they appear on the screen. Jun 12, 2017 · I have a recyclerView currently set up to add a drop shadow to the bottom of each item with spacing which works well. I tried to change background color in item click with selector. Mar 21, 2017 · To update the color for the Single item you can follow below technique, @Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView. I have a check box and a cross image in the item layout. MY_ADAPTER CLASS Apr 4, 2017 · I have a RecyclerView and clicking its item takes to a new Activity. i RecyclerView: Changing background color of a Textview on each List Item. Everything is working as intended with the texts etc. Dec 6, 2022 · I found the solution to this issue and from what I thought was very simple, the way was that after clicking, we put the position adapter in the private var select = -1 value and use notifyDataSetChanged() inside the click block and We will change the color of the item outside the click block, pay attention to the code : Sep 20, 2016 · I was finally able to solve the problem. title. This way can also be used if you want to use random colors Apr 3, 2018 · in your model, take a boolean variable, and create getter setter methods. If another row is clicked, then the previous row changes back to its old state and the newly clicked one changes color. 9. I suggest you rewrite using a simple do while loop, following your logic: Jun 11, 2021 · To set a random background color or img in each item, please follow this exemple. I also tried with runOnUiThrad but still can not change. onAttachedToRecyclerView(recyclerView); // Handle key up and key down Aug 17, 2020 · i tried different methods,The item that is clicked changed background color correctly, but when I scroll down I see that another item has also changed background color. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Color import android. To do that, instead of passing a listOf<Date> to your recyclerview you need to pass a listOf<MyItem> data class with something like this: Sep 30, 2023 · My Category data class: data class Category(val category: String) This is my category Adapter: package com. This method will look like this: Dec 10, 2021 · Changing the background color of a RecyclerView is an easy task, but it can be confusing for beginners. Dec 23, 2016 · I added some Button in RecyclerView, The button are dynamically added ,based on the size of the list. Adapter. Jul 18, 2016 · I have an app where the user can use a color picker or pre-defined buttons to change the background of their quotes. Hot Network Questions Mar 3, 2016 · I have a list. Jan 23, 2021 · For example, If my list contains 10 items, then the first five items have different colors suppose red, green, blue, yellow, pink and then from the item 6 - 10 these same colors should be set as the background color. I created a CardView layout and RecyclerView layout and then Layout Manager and View adapter, minimum that's requir Jan 6, 2022 · I am using card view within recycler view and I want to change the color of each single card view means Every card view has different color like in the picture I'm Dec 8, 2017 · I want to change Recyclerview item background color on my condition but when I scroll background color automatically changed I know holder. setIsRecyclable(false); If all you need to do its just delete element on swipe the easiest way is to draw it on ItemTouchHelper. store import android. class Jul 5, 2018 · Can someone tell me how to implement the color of border line (not the divider or separate line) of the RecyclerView? I found that most of the posts have post the method to change color of the item separator line, but I can't find the method to change color of the outermost border, can someone help? Jul 24, 2022 · In my application I want used RecyclerView and I want when click on Items, change background. Here is an example <android. Please help me Jun 29, 2017 · You can add another property "color" where you can store the random color for each item, and set in on your CardView selected background color in RecyclerView. Aug 17, 2016 · Now, the line mTitleTextView. Nov 9, 2018 · I have a recyclerview in my app that I want to set the background to black. The rounded background can scroll Jun 12, 2020 · I am able to set background color and text color for selected item. I got the logic in it to select different cards. therefore multiple items would end up selected when you scroll through recyclerview. I am Passing List for Recyclerview item. I need to change the color of the particular item background to green when clicking on the check box and to red when clicking on the cross image. There is a ViewPager with multiple items. ViewHolder To set a random background for recycler view items, we have generated random colors using random class (which is the predefined class in Android) and added color to a parent of view item as shown below – Feb 22, 2019 · I want to change text color of a text in recyclerview item or background of item but I can't change. The text color is per default is black and I would like to change it to another color. But I can't find any methods with that name in parent class which is RecyclerView. But items are clicked only multiple. So i think, we can only change background color, but not the images color. I tried to change background color in item click with selector May 16, 2015 · I think the best way to do this (if you know before hand what color a card should have) is to save the background color in the data object for the card. I want to: I made with my xml code: I've added a view to the RecyclerView area. when I set android:background="@null" to the ConstraintLayout nothing happends and the default color stays the same. I want to change recyclerview item color, when item is snapped in a middle. There is no property for Apr 12, 2019 · I have a recyclerview where i want to change the color of the selected item and re change it on unselected. i know recyclerview will reuse the item. But the problem is that in addition to those items whose background color should change, until the 6 seconds of animation of the main items is finished, the background color of some other items will also change. Oct 6, 2022 · I am able to change the background color but my main issue is that it is changing the Background color only for alternate Recyclerview items(Not for each and every item. I'm fetching the data from JSON php file. I want first show default item for selected and when user change this default item, change background and Dec 10, 2016 · I am attempting to change the background color of a textview within a list item inside a RecyclerView based on an integer value given through getMatch. This exemple use background color but still same process if you want image Dec 17, 2017 · How can I change item background color as long as my finger hold on the screen with using notifyDataSetChanged() inside onClick item method? Finally, I found the solution. right + dX. Create a custom row layout XML file to visualize the item. Aug 30, 2020 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to change background color of an item of Recycler-View when you swipe the Item either left or right. On pressing back, I am saving the current item position. Oct 31, 2017 · I am making an app in which I have a recycler view. ViewHolder holder, int position) { // Green color to set to specific item in the view [By referencing the position you need to handle the view] int color1 = ContextCompat. Here is what I want Jul 26, 2019 · If item's par number is more than par number in the ActivityGame, then item's par number background should change to purple. Nov 19, 2016 · First we will need to get our item background color as a ColorDrawable. Example: I have 10 rows and I want to change color like 5 rows blue and 5 rows red. How to change background of a selected cardview in recyclerview Sep 16, 2022 · I am trying to set a recyclerview item color based on a boolean in kotlin. Set background color for Dec 27, 2019 · Please see the image below. All other list items background color will be changed back to the default color when the user selects an item. Set background color (gray in your case) of RecyclerView which will be display as color of divider line. I need to change the background color from that method (I assume), but there are no methods to set the background color of a ViewHolder! I'm sorry for my noobie-ness, I'm learning Android development May 12, 2018 · You can set a color for all recyclerview items by default like RED. So the list is like a big card view. Mar 22, 2022 · Short Description: I'm displaying expected vs counted inventory in the RecyclerView items. I want change background color item of recyclerview when click on this. The data is coming from the service and setting up trough an adapter. Dec 6, 2017 · It is because RecyclerView recycles your old views to create new views. But when the recylerview loads, it will not set its color with the code I have. Background color gave it there. The idea is to make the quantities RED if there's a difference b/n expected and counted items, and black Jun 13, 2015 · This worked for me because it both set the background color and drew the icon, without the icon being stretched during the swipe, or leaving a gap between the May 8, 2017 · my recycler view contains ConstraintLayout with a few TextView s. Jul 1, 2020 · i have a list and i showed that in recycler view. but item position is changing while scrolling so that it changing background color for wrong item. However this background color change Dec 3, 2023 · In my application I have RecyclerView and use DiffUtils for Adapter of recyclerview. emoji. In this tutorial, we'll show you a step by step guide on how to change the Aug 30, 2020 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to change background color of an item of Recycler-View when you swipe the Item either left or right. Here is the code for navigation_menu. some of items have blue background and other items have gray background. Please see the image below. com/SujeetKr9/RecyclerviewExample/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/techcrevi Apr 11, 2019 · I have a recyclerview. I will be using a Drawable for coloring the Change Background color or set a new drawable for your cardview in recyclerview. Subscribe to my channel. Im i right? can anyone tell me please? I tried all the solutions here and also on same questions on stackoverflow, but they change only background color in may case. I only get bottom border color of the item changed but I want to change the full background color. ect ect. I'm I right? Jul 16, 2022 · here I change the background of the selected item position and set that item to the first position init. view. For example, my custom item contains 4 textviews and 1 checkbox, I want the background colour to be light brown if the item contains the word "dead", red if it contains "bench". When I click on one of the items, it gets selected and it is highlighted properly but when I click on another one, the second one gets highlighted with the older one. setAlpha(1); change the alpha value for entire row item. but I'm trying to change the background color programmatically. i am displaying the devices in a RecyclerView and indicating bond state by coloring the ViewHolder for that device. widget. Change Background color of recyclerview items Sep 20, 2017 · try to reduce the opacity of your recycler item inside the adapter, get the inflating positions of list/recyclerview if position is greater than 3 then apply rowView. I would like to change the appearance of the selected cards. Also, If I change the background that is tied to the recycler view item via xml programmatically, it will not change it to the new drawable, but will reset it back to its basic form. SimpleCallback. And finally, if its smaller than ActivityGame's par number, the item's par number background should change to blue. itemView val itemHeight = itemView. When I click the first item and then the second item, the background color of the first item should be changed. resources. When you scroll down the old views are used to create the new ones,since the backgound colour of these old views was already set when onBindViewHolder was called, you have to specify the else condition in onBindViewHolder which will change the colour and maintain the alternating colour order. is there a way to do this? Nov 17, 2020 · I have a horizontal recyclerView of images. my problem is that the color of the ViewHolder is only changed after scanning for devices again and i want it to immediately update the color on pair or unpair. So in Adapater you can change adapted items background color to GREEN one by one . parseColor("#FF6363")). Dec 3, 2022 · I want to change the color of recyclervView item that I clicked(so user can understand that already checked the detail of the item) and go detail fragment page. toInt(), itemView Jul 6, 2017 · I am trying to change the background color of my recyclerview row when it is clicked. How to create an object of ViewHolder class from MainActivity? Apr 2, 2021 · Click to Background Color Change in RecyclerView | Recyclerview Color Change #android #recyclerview I am trying to use a RecyclerView as a horizontal ListView. Social: Twitter: https://twitter. So, when my position is equal toposition % 2 == 0 then set a background Color, else to set another Color. But my problem is after clicking for example on the 2th item,the 10st item also gets Aug 9, 2016 · I'm wondering if it's possible to change the background colour of each recycler view item if the item contains a certain word. I know how to change text color and background color, but in this case I can't. In this project, we will be working with RecyclerView to change the color of alternate rows. I am trying to figure out how to highlight the selected item. How can I implement this just like Google Translate. Now button added successfully based on the list, where I need help is, when i click a button, the Set recyclerview item background color repeatedly. I have used an string arraylist and an interface for that here is interface code in adapter - If all you need to do its just delete element on swipe the easiest way is to draw it on ItemTouchHelper. getString(item. So, I tried to do 2. setOnClickListener { selectedItemPos = position The simple one is to set the background color for RecyclerView and a different background color for items. util. Nov 23, 2017 · that can be done only if i can change the recyclerview background(not card background) dynamically based on adapter position, but looks impossible as there is no relation between the two. Now I want to change the background color in the header (it's an ImageView) depending on what list item was clicked. I want to add a thin gray border around each item as well as a soft rounding if Recyclerview item click color change in Android StudioSource Codehttps://github. RecyclerView CategoriesRecyclerView; RecyclerView. So, I tried calling the setBackgroundColor() method but even the call to invalidate and requestLayout don't set any background color. private boolean isSelected = false public boolean isSelected() { return isSelected; } public void setSelected(boolean selected) { isSelected = selected; } Jun 21, 2015 · I think all the answers here change the background color, but not color of the image. I'm just manipulating the position, and works fine! But I must swipe the page to color update, and I don't Aug 16, 2021 · Set recyclerview item background color repeatedly. This method returns an int value between 0-100. In fact, for every click on the item, another item in the part of the list that is not in the user's view is also affected. But my problem is after clicking the 4th item,the 1st Aug 13, 2020 · I am able to change the color of the text and background of row clicked of my recyclerview in my recyclerview. MainActivity. setIsRecyclable(false); Oct 17, 2021 · The picture is when I clicked 1. . It changes the color of same items but not all items that true for if statement. So every time when you select an item you need to update adapter with by adapter. When one row is clicked, its background color is changed. if i give it a color value instead it does change to the correct color. Actually I am unable to find the item layout variables from MainActivity. ImageView. So i used LinearSnapHelper. I tried this but got: I tried this but got: java. xml file. I've tried to set the CardView background color using setCardBackgroundColor(Color. public void toggleSelection(int pos) Feb 6, 2019 · I have access to the position of clicked item within recyclerview, but how can I get a reference to the actual textview to set the background color? here is my code. Android - Color repeat on scrolling in RecyclerView. I think I should be able to do it in onBindViewHolder method but I am not able to do this. Typically, all items in a RecyclerView have the same color, which can be monotonous and unappealing. Apr 12, 2019 · change background color; change cacheColorHint color; change theme; Extends ListView and make custom ListView @Override public int getSolidColor() { return Color. How do I select an item in RecyclerView? Jul 30, 2019 · To set a random background for recycler view items, we have generated random colors using random class(which is the predefined class in Android) and added color to a parent of view item as shown below - To change the background of a clicked item in the RecyclerView you need to catch the click in the adapter using an iterface: When we click we will get the item and the items position. Images array And; set these Images as background of CardView in onBindViewHolder method. Correct me if i am wrong. setIsRecyclable(false); but I don't want to set holder. v7. And I want to add a background like round corner to it. ) eg:(changing color of 1st,3rd & 5th item but not for 2nd and 4th ) Below is my adapter class code snippet: Sep 21, 2021 · As I get your point you want to set GREEN for selected items and for all rest items want to set WHITE in background. The Text view is Having a circular background initially set in xml which i have done Sep 9, 2017 · I am new in android , recently I have learned recyclerview and i want to change the color of rows. I have activity with radio buttons and I can choose color,put it into sharedPreferences and set background color to item in recycleview. We will use an iterator function to go through all of the items (children) of the RecyclerView and forEach() function to change the background on everyone of them. I am new android developer. support. I tried tens times for these code. setImageResource(item. Or you can save selected AudioList id in you adapter and check is id equals in onBindViewHolder and also change background according to condition The problem is that if I try to set the color in the onBindViewHolder method, the item remains coloured even after I click on an another item, because in the onBindViewHolder method I can see only the actual item. I want to give an opportunity to the users to switch between Night and Day mode theme. Oct 17, 2017 · i am creating an app that scans for and pairs to Bluetooth devices. If it's position based you could override RecyclerView. I'm working on improving my RecyclerView and CardView skills as I'm new to this. Adapter<VH> { // Start with first item selected private int focusedItem = 0; @Override public void onAttachedToRecyclerView(final RecyclerView recyclerView) { super. Does anyone know a way to ensure setting of the background color? Is this the right place to set Dec 9, 2016 · I have a recylcerView, I want to change the background color of selected textview, if user clicks on next textview previous selection should be removed, and current I want to ask you, how to change programmatically the background color of LinearLayout in CardView when the text in TextView equals specify word or is empty. bottom - itemView. 6f);for position 4 change alpha tvText. I write below codes and work finally. rgb(0x30, 0x30, 0x30); } 1 didn't work for me. override fun onChildDraw(canvas, recyclerView, viewHolder, . This is i wanted. Then you need to two thing in RecyclerVeiw Adapter. NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android. Here is my code. I already tried setting the background of the recyclerview using the background attribute but it only sets the black background on the parts of the recyclerview which has items. I want to change the background of other items when clicking the recyclerview item But looking at my code and thinking, I can't change other holder items when I cli public abstract class TrackSelectionAdapter<VH extends TrackSelectionAdapter. The type choices are "Work" and "Home". Feb 19, 2016 · So set AudioList. Here is something I tried to do in the adapter, in order to make this work: Dec 25, 2018 · If you are trying to set different background images in each RecyclerView item. color = backgroundColor background. In our bind function in the adapter we will set the on click listener: Today in this post, let us look at how to change the background color of the selected item in the recyclerview. I wish to change the font size of it. Add a RecyclerView to your activity to display the items. On each CardView, the user previosuly selected the "type" from a dropdown dialog. Is there a way to set all items to the original state (no item coloured) and set the color only to the last item clicked? Jul 21, 2021 · MyViewHolder class – It is view holder inner class which is extended by RecyclerView. wirkai huwj zapq oqomqc tkljn tgg iubtqbn lsrg omwqn waee lqdmv pjpqkju vwib jhag nbpjk