Hv cable ic2. For other uses, see Water Mill.

Hv cable ic2 8 EU every block traveled, which is higher than even Double-Insulated Gold Cable, as it only loses 0. Then 4 MFSU are grouped and run to a single glass Fiber cable running to mass fabricator. 5 128 HV Cable 1 1 2048 Insulated HV Cable 0. Most non-insulated cable can shock you when touched, causing damage. Only HV Cable can carry EV. Quad-Insulated HV Cable loses 0. Each Uranium Cell will last 1 reactor cycle (20,000 seconds, ~5h 33min) inside the reactor, providing at least 5 EU/t power (at least 2 million EU per cell). 5 2 128 Insulated Gold Cable 0. 2. That's weird, TE energy cells don't support EU. HV Cable 0. They must be placed like stairs. 10, it was re-added for 1. However, you state that you're using custom configs. Tin is lv, copper is mv, i think both gold and iron is hv, and glass fibre ev. A somewhat cheaper method is to use a High Voltage transformer ( ) that can handle EV on each side and throw down some 3x Insulated EV cable. This means you can get any voltage (if IV or lower) down to 512, so that you can use Glass Fibre Cable everywhere which has much lower energy loss than HV cable. HV Cable is a Cable (EV) added by IndustrialCraft 2. industrial-craft. Used in crafting recipes. Glass Fibre Cable used to cost a diamond per 8 pieces of GFC (if using silver as the added component). HV cables are the 4th tier of cables. Is this intentional, or should I submit a bug report? If intentional, what is the point of 3x ins HV cable? Dec 8, 2012 · 2. This page is about the MFSU added by IndustrialCraft 2. However if well managed it is the most powerful green generator. When using ic2 cables you have to worry about voltage, if the voltage being sent is too high the machines will explode or cables will melt. HV cable has 3 different levels of insulation, with higher levels providing less energy loss per block. Gold can be useful, but copper cable is much better for this situation (explained further down) Secondly, I'd get rid of the MFE and Batbox because they're only storing a fraction of what your MFSU is storing. 80 loss/t" no matter how insulated it is. It transforms 512EU/t to 128EU/t. Gold, after the 2nd. Recipe: Sep 1, 2018 · Version Changes Industrial Craft²: 0. Count the cable sections in each segment. 8. tested with my eu-reader. (0. Thank you for explaining this. The crafting recipes for each type of cable are listed below. Several types of cables may be crafted, each with their own characteristics as to how much "Voltage" (EU Packet Size) they're able to handle. Note that when using any Transformer, the 5-dotted side means higher voltage and the 1-dotted sides mean lower voltage. Energy transfer [] The Golden Cable can handle 512 EU (high voltage) before vaporizing. In effect, connecting four batboxes to the same line could provide 128W @ 32V If the cable was lossless. HV Cable. To automate with mods like BuildCraft and RedPower The Wiremill decreases the materials used to make Gold Cable, Copper Cable and HV Cable by 50%, and Ultra-Low-Current Cable by 33% (1/3). See: Crafting Guide The Water Mill has two modes of operation: Manned: The Water Mill is filled manually by placing Water Buckets or a Water Cell in the lower slot Unmanned: The Water Mill is submerged in water Optionally an Dec 5, 2021 · Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks BatBox • CESU • MFE • MFSU Aug 27, 2012 · Put an HV transformer right next to the reactor, making sure the 3 dotted face is pointed towards the reactor. For other uses, see MFE. 12. Note that this is only a packet size limit - you can have an unlimited number of cables feeding one face of the machine, and an unlimited amount of packets going through one cable, so long as no packet is greater than 512 EU. The most recent version of IC² is V2. The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator is used to create IndustrialCraft 2's EU (energy) using Pellets of RTG Fuel. Tier-appropriate cable 1: Low Voltage (LV) 32 EU/t or less: Tin Cable: 2: Medium Voltage (MV) 128 EU/t or less (down to LV) Copper Cable: 3: High Voltage (HV) 512 EU/t or less (down to MV) Gold Cable 4: Extreme Voltage (EV) 2048 EU/t or less (down to HV) HV Cable: 5* Insane Voltage (IV) Technically anything above EV range Typically identified HV-Cables have an extremely high distance-related energy loss. 2 simply because that run got indefinitely paused. You can change the direction the 5-dotted side is facing by right-clicking a 1-dotted face with a Wrench. 0 1. However, tin cable is just as efficient as glass fiber with extra-low voltages. <html>. 4 EU per block traveled. Aug 11, 2019 · Uninsulated tin cable which handles up to 32 EU-p (low voltage) and has 0. 025 loss per block. It is the hardest type of generators to deal with, depending greatly upon both placement (obstructions and height) and luck (wind strength). 8 1. 025 1. You can also abuse the voltage system with it. The uninsulated Cable wire loses 1 EU every two blocks, whereas the insulated Cable loses 1 EU per 2. This is it. 25 2048 Glass Fibre Cable 0. Jan 20, 2016 · Copper and Electrum should be similar, Steel is meant for long range transport, Structural Rope & Cables are purely decorational I:"Cable length" < 16 16 32 32 32 > # The percentage of power lost every 16 blocks of distance for the cable tiers (copper, electrum, HV, Structural Rope & Cable(no transfer) ) D:"Cable loss" < 0. png The four types of HV Cable. HV Cables can handle the highest amount of current possible at Extreme Voltage (up to 2048 EUP OR higher) however it loses energy very quickly over distance. Well, I guess I could use the IC2 voltmeter and try different setups but then again, I thought that what's written on the cable is the absolute limit for that cable and therefore I wouldn't even think of connecting more than one EV provider to a single glass fiber cable network. HV Cables can handle the highest amount of current possible at Extreme Voltage (up to 2048 EUP OR higher) however it loses energy very quickly over distance (0. Burn 8 logs by turning it into charcoal: 8 logs => 8 charcoal x 4000EU/charcoal - 390EU/charcoal = 28,880EU Burn 8 logs by turning it into scaffolding: 8 logs => ~113 scaffolds x 750 = ~85,333EU Jul 25, 2013 · Neither glass fiber cables (512 EU/p) nor HV cables (2048 EU/p) should melt with that output. 7. I've tried to do the math, unsuccessfully (and that's depressing, I'm in AP Calc), but I can't figure out what point using HV cable is better than using gold cable. v2201111105046603. Uninsulated cables deal 1 point of damage per 64 EU current rounded down. On second look it seems you connected IE's HV cable to the reactor. High-voltage cable reaches 80% efficiency at 410 blocks of transmission. Due to latest quality standards of Glass Fibre Cable, only the highest quality materials can be utilized, resulting in reduced cable lengths from the same materials. It does not require EU to operate. It can be safely removed with a wrench without lossless mode as there is no chance of it turning back into a Mar 30, 2019 · The most expensive, and the most efficient cable type, Glass Fibre cable suffers very little distance-related energy loss. Tin cables can take extreme low voltage, copper can carry low votage, gold carries medium, glass fiber carries high, and high voltage cable can take up to extreme voltage. Microblock coverable version of various IC2 cables, except for the 3x insulated HV cable (its almost a solid block anyway) 3. Automating . Always insulate them before placing or you will electricute yourself if you touch them. Sep 22, 2012 · I've been searching for a while but couldn't find any information on how to alter the properties of Industrial craft 2 cables or if its even possible without diving into the source. It tolerates currents up to Insane Voltage (8192 EU/t). Feb 24, 2012 · And to the right would be a representation of a HV solar array, consuming a Hayoish 1 block of space (2 of you had the cable to transfer the energy). the cable is 19 blocks long. When transporting EU at 2048 voltage using transformers, HV Cable is actually far more energy efficient than either Gold or Copper Cable. HV Cable, being Posted by u/mbc99 - 23 votes and 13 comments Aug 18, 2022 · Copper Cable is sufficient for basic reactors, but advanced reactors will require Gold or HV Cable. then 2 energium dusts per piece of cable. It can tolerate up to Extreme Voltage (2048 EU/t),(higher than 2048 EU/t will make the cable melt) although they have an extremely high distance-related energy loss. So despite having an Eu loss of . But I have created a UU Generator by using 5 HV solar arrays on top of 5 MFSU storage units that feed directly into the mass fab and then another 5 HV solar array with 5 MFSU storage units that has 3x hv cable that goes between mass fab units to provide extra power. Current mod status: 1. HAYO . Tier 4 machines can accept or output extreme voltage, or 513-2048 EU. To convert Dec 23, 2012 · So, i have a set up of 12 HV cables, followed by 7 copper cables. I've played IC2 to the absolute endgame in all of those versions except IC2 in 1. Firstly, Cables do not act like redstone; you cannot place them diagonally to travel in a stair formation. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Now replace Voltage with EU/packet, and Watts with total EU, and that is (largely) how IC2 power works Or it did before they went Experimental. Is there a better way to do this? Oct 31, 2020 · The Fluid Distributor and Weighted Fluid Distributor are the only ways to distribute fluids in IndustrialCraft 2. Uninsulated HV May 22, 2022 · In the most recent versions of IC2, Gold Cables can transport High Voltage (up to 512 EU/p) but has higher energy loss than copper (0. Jun 24, 2021 · IC2:{{{id}}} The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (also known as RTG ) is a generator that is fueled by placing Pellets of RTG Fuel inside. Aug 14, 2016 · Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks BatBox • CESU • MFE • MFSU May 1, 2020 · IC2:itemToolMiningLaser The Mining Laser is a powerful high-tech tool with a variety of applications. Remember that if you don't want cables to touch, you can paint them using a standard IC2 paintbrush. yourvserver. , buckets, cells) can be placed in its GUI. (EV is 513-4096 EU/t) (HV is 129-512 EU/t) (MV is 33-128 EU/t) (LV is 1-32 EU/t) EV current, such as nuclear reactor current, must be wired into the EV face (the 3-dotted one), while Feb 5, 2021 · The NanoSuit Helmet is the electrical variant of a Diamond Helmet. net Glass Fibre is 1/8 as lossy as HV (Iron) cable under optimal conditions. What do you have in the pack that makes it possible? It almost looks like skyblock pack, so at least Infinity Evolved skyblock doesn't have Enetbridge mod. HV Cable can have 3 different levels of insulation. The Multi-Functional Storage Unit, or MFSU, is a Tier 4 energy storage unit that stores EU (IndustrialCraft 2). 025 40 512 Ultra-Low-Current Cable 0. When operating at 2048 voltage using transformers, HV Cable is actually far more energy efficient than either Gold or Copper Cable. Also, the config for immersive engineering says HV cables should be transferring 32k rf a tick but are only transferring 4k rf a tick in expert mode. May 22, 2022 · HV Cables can handle the highest amount of current possible at Extreme Voltage (up to 2048 EU/p) however it loses energy very quickly over distance (0. The MFE itself will as well EMIT energy, through the top and bottom faces. the only wiring that hasn't caused a single issue so far is the Aluminum cables, which is weird. Quote Aug 4, 2019 · Gold Cables are tier 3 cable type. 025 EU per block) Technically better then HV cable, but more expensive. Oct 30, 2011 · a. 9EU/B 精錬鉄の被覆なしケーブル:1+ゴム:2 高圧用のケーブル:1+ゴム:1 通常の高圧用のケーブルよりも損失量の低いケーブル。このままでは感電する。 高圧用の4倍絶縁ケーブル (HV Cable Insulated 4x) 0. It can tolerate up to Extreme Voltage (2048 EU/t), although they have an extremely high distance-related energy loss. 40 EU/block) However, since the energy loss applies to each package of energy, if carrying full 512EU/p, the gold cable will lose less energy than copper over distance, see below for more information. It can be insulated up to three times in order to reduce the level of energy that is lost. Write up list of extends/inplements header changes for cable blocks. 025. Overrides existing cables and uses the same ID. Unlike the Diamond Helmet, it will not break and cannot be enchanted. HV Cable carrying EV has 8 times the loss vs Glass Fibre Cable carrying HV. HV cable is the strongest conventional Cable. Jan 17, 2016 · ^^'' Anyway, anyone willing to walp me on some stuff are more than welcome, I also didn't mentioned but I want to add a bit more stuff than planned, so gonna update it ( namely a Steam generator for IC2 classic with half the efficiency of the railcraft one due to being turbine less, an upgrade expensive one with 100% efficiency and a bit more Dec 11, 2015 · I also noticed rednet cables do not appear to be working either on those same blocks. It can be used to charge any tier of energy storage unit by either connecting the two blocks by placing them directly next to each other, or using one of IC2's different cable types. You can use Silver Ingots instead of Redstone to get 6 Glass Fibre Cables instead of 4 and it is advised that players Aug 20, 2019 · I was able to replicate this issue with higher voltages in a creative single player world when I used HV cables connected to an HV transformer's high voltage face, which supposedly outputs only 2048 EU packets, along a 122 block HV cable run (triply insulated). I'd recommend putting an EV-to-HV transformer next to the reactor, this way you can channel the HV current (512eut) away using the glass fibre cables without the energy loss of HV cable. Today i tried something funny and made all my IC2 connections use hv-cables. As cables are not lossless, you might need a fifth batbox to provide the full 128W of power. my testing setup: MFE -> 64x gold cable (2x insulated) -> MFE that got me 103 eu/tick of energy trasfer. Jul 27, 2019 · If the player comes in contact with Uninsulated Copper Cable, they will get an electric shock which damages the player. Copper Wire loses EU on the 5th block. Jul 7, 2016 · To start a terraforming operation, you have to power the Terraformer by cable (for example from an MFE). Aug 3, 2019 · The MultiFunctionalElectric Transmitter is necessary for any big industrial workspace using cables and current. After that glass fiber is extremely recommended. This is done for all 4 sets of MFSUs I am not familiar with the IE and IC2 mods so not 100% sure how they mix together. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. Glass fibre cable is useful for long-distance wiring, since it has the smallest energy loss of all kinds of cable - 1 EU every 40 blocks (0. HV is meant for powering high voltage end game machines and is for people who have so much EU that losing some won't matter. 90: Water Mill was re-released. HV cable is the strongest conventional cable. 5 is there any way to increase the eu / t of the glass fiber cable in the ic2 classic of 1. Do remember that i only used half the solar generatiors a HV solar array actually uses, because the full setup would come to the wooping number of 1024 blocks of space used for it. The MFSU is capable of storing 40,000,000 EU and outputs 2048 EU/t from the dotted side. 80 EU/block). Aug 3, 2021 · These are suitable for use in the Chernobyl-4 Nuclear Reactor, each capable of outputting incredible amounts of power!. It will also output 512 EU/t through its dotted side, that will I was able to replicate this issue with higher voltages in a creative single player world when I used HV cables connected to an HV transformer's high voltage face, which supposedly outputs only 2048 EU packets, along a 122 block HV cable run (triply insulated). The HV Cable is a tier 3 energy cable added by IndustrialCraft 2. Redirect page. Dec 19, 2012 · Now, 3x Insulated HV Cable can carry all that in a single packet. Tier 3 machines can accept or output high voltage, or 129-512 EU. 5 2 512 File:HV Cable. Note that when using any Transformer, the 3-dotted side means higher voltage and the 1-dotted sides mean lower voltage. Insulated Tin Cable Currently my setup is 16 MFSU, each being powered with 3-4 HV cables from vibrant capacitor banks. Industrial Craft Cables are used to distribute EU from EU producing machines such as Generators, to EU consuming machines such as Macerators. 2 5 32 Uninsulated Copper Cable ~0. 025 EU per block). For other uses, see Water Mill. It is a High-Voltage device, so a Glass Fibre Cable or HV Cable may be used to connect the HV Solar Array to an EU Storage device, but Solar Arrays can be placed HV Engine Generator (BC power -> IC2 eU) Will explode if too much BC power is pumped into it I couldn’t figure out exactly how much is required to cause an explosion - there is no way to measure BC power running through conductive pipes and the blue energy that you can see inside them can appear quite erratic (so it’s not a very good indicator) The MV-Transformer is a block added by IndustrialCraft 2 used to convert High Voltage (HV) to Medium Voltage (MV), and back. Reactors are capable of outputting considerable power: each Uranium Cell will output 5 EU/tick, meaning that high-output Reactors need high-level infrastructure to avoid machinery damage: HV_Transformers, MFS Units and Glass Fibre Cables Jan 27, 2012 · I wonder why you get 510EU/t on EV cable and then 512EU/t on gold cable. com/playlist?list=PL7Icn31fcQyhyPWYkHf7XT5RvJydHGbAlDiscord: https://discord. Dec 3, 2011 · One thing that would be nice to include on the "cables" page orthe HV transformer page is at what distances using HV cable is the most efficient way to go. Also you cannot send more than 512EU/t as long as there is MVT somewhere on the way. Tier 3 - High Voltage [] Tier 3 machines can accept or output high voltage, or 129-512 EU. The Multi-Functional Electric storage unit, or MFE, is a Tier 3 energy storage unit that stores Industrial Craft EU. Dec 31, 2016 · Tier-appropriate cable 1: Low Voltage (LV) 32 EU/t or less: Tin Cable 2: Medium Voltage (MV) 128 EU/t or less (down to LV) Copper Cable 3: High Voltage (HV) 512 EU/t or less (down to MV) Gold Cable 4: Extreme Voltage (EV) 2048 EU/t or less (down to HV) HV Cable 5* Insane Voltage (IV) Technically anything above EV range Typically identified as IC2 Cable Loss Calculator . net. Tier 3 Items. See: Crafting Guide Optionally place any IC² electrical item in the upper slot. 05 0. for some reason, my BatBox doesnt charge up from the cable line. Insulated cable is Jul 5, 2018 · Use Reverted HV transformers as energy relays (Be careful, Extreme voltage, do NOT connect directly to a mass fab) and 4x Insulated HV cables to send the energy down to ground level, which will be received by another HV transformer to be converted down to HV. The MFE is capable of storing up to 4,000,000 EU and accept a maximum power input of 512 EU/t, into any of its five non-dotted sides. They can have 3 different levels of insulation. To start a terraforming operation, you have to power the Terraformer by cable (for example from an MFE). Cables are the main electrical transport mechanism of IndustrialCraft2. High-voltage (HV) cable, is a highly insulated, heavy-duty cable necessary for high-voltage power transmission. You gain 19% more energy (from 21 water blocks to 25) for each. 45 2. de/?ref=5003 Sep 16, 2016 · HV cable tooltip says "2048EU/t, . They are arranged in the amount of "Voltage" (EU The Water Mill produces EU by having a Water Bucket placed in its lower slot; alternatively, the Water Mill can be immersed in water, allowing it to generate EU passively. Uninsulated cables cannot be painted. IC2 cables have a max voltage. If a packet larger than its max enters a cable, the cable will melt. 22 128 2xIns. HV cable loses EU after the first cable, but since the packet size is 2048 EU's, you won't lose a huge percentage, even over 100 blocks. 2, and 2x insulated Gold Cable is required to completely prevent shocks. 025 0. gg/Xuu4Wn3ay2MMOGA: https://www. Jun 5, 2019 · IC2:{{{id}}} The Kinetic Water Generator (also known as Water Turbine) allows Kinetic Units to be produced via the movement of water in river and (deep) ocean biomes. 8EU/B For example, Tin Cable is LV and can only support up to 32 EU packets. This feature is disabled in Experimental versions of IC2 Jan 23, 2013 · Glass Fibre Cable loses EU after 40 blocks. According to your setup, you should get same EU/t measured on HV cable, glass fibre and 2 blocks long gold cable. Thank you very much for the reply! good to know. The most effective tool for cable removal is a chainsaw. It is good practice to make insulated cables to avoid this. 10? in it there is the EV transformer, however, the glass fiber cable does not support and explode Dec 19, 2013 · Connecting that to batbox should gain 100 EU/t. . Usage []. They can tolerate High Voltage (512 EU/t) and Extreme Voltage (2048 EU/t) however they also have very high losses. May 22, 2022 · HV cables are the 4th tier of cables. Each type of cable has a specific cap on the size of the energy packets that it can handle. Forum post about IC2 Wiring by Alblaka: forum. The Solar Panel is used to create IndustrialCraft 2's EU (energy) using solar power. Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks Aug 30, 2011 · Here is no-energy loss distance for each cables: Glass Fiber : 16 Copper Cable : 3 (4 with 1 insulation) Gold Cable: 1 (1 with 1 insulation, 2 with 2 insulation) HV cable : 0 (1 with 1 insulation , 0 with 2 insulation, 1 with 3 insulation) Sep 24, 2011 · *Note: EU is a measurement of voltage and amperage combined. It can work VERY energy-efficient, and depending on your choice of program, it will even last multiple DAYS until running out of power, albeit it will consume all the power it can get and may drain VAST amounts of energy. May 19, 2020 · This was the most efficient design that existed in IC1 and earlier versions of IC2. WARNING This tutorial is currently being updated to IC2 and may contain incorrect information. Oct 12, 2021 · Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks Aug 4, 2019 · If you find that you need to burn wood for power it is very advantageous to turn them into scaffolding instead of charcoal. 81: Any water container may now be used as a substitue for a Water Bucket in a Water Mill (such as Water Capsules from Forestry, Water Cells and Water Bottles). I would like to point out that I tried Glass fibres cables and they also melted+ exploded the furnace after I connected my MFSU to the Induction Furnace, it's all powered by High voltage solar panels. 025 40 5 EU-Detector Cable 0. Mar 23, 2017 · Tier 3 - High Voltage . Of course, Glass Fibre cable can do it with a loss of a single point, thanks to being able to carry HV voltage and having an energy loss of . They suffer higher distance-related energy losses than Copper Cables, but are able to carry High Voltage (up to 512 EU/t). See: Crafting Guide HV cables lose 0. Converting to HV: In order to convert from MV to HV, point the cable carrying MV from an MFE Unit or an LV Transformer to one of the one-dotted sides and then link a cable that can carry HV to the 3-dotted HV Cable (High Voltage) is the highest tier of Cable. This why it needs high voltage lines even though normally it will only output at 11 or 1 EU/t. Wherever I looked I couldn't find a clear explanation. Decompiled Immibis Core to investigate data structures of covers. Oct 7, 2011 · Ive used this for PVP servers. To convert MV Apr 8, 2016 · Special glass fibre cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage). It transforms 128EU/t to 32EU/t. youtube. Firstly, thanks for a great mod that i've used from the very beginning. 333 3 32 Gold Cable 0. It's just a tad bit difficult to test because EU-reader is not working. HV Cable (High Voltage) is the highest tier of Cable. Detector Cable May 25, 2022 · Maximum Input: HV (512 EU packets) on any one face. 8 EU HV Cable is a Cable added by IndustrialCraft 2. Make sure that your initial off-reactor storage can sink (in a tick) the full reactor's output for that tick. It can be used as an insta-mining tool with a relatively low EU consumption, as well as a high-power AoE block remover, or even as a weapon. It is a Tier-3 Item, so it can only be charged with HV or EV currents (MFE or above). Step 7: The Soothing Hum of Power []. Then you can use Glass Fibre cable to transmit the energy with very little loss. mfe -> mv transformer creating High voltage -> 62x HV Cable (3x insulated) -> mv transformer creating medium Sure, IC2 with Gregtech and maybe also something else made glass fibre cables capable of transferring EV instead of HV, and HV Cables incapable of transferring EV. For other uses, see MFSU. 4 2. Gold Cable; MFE; MV Transformer (stepping up) HV Transformer (stepping down) Energy Crystal ; Terraformer; Mass Fabricator; NanoSuit; Tier 4 - Extreme Voltage [] Tier 4 machines can accept or output extreme voltage, or 513-2048 EU. Gold Cable; MFE; MV Transformer (stepping up) HV Transformer (stepping down) Energy Crystal ; Terraformer; Mass Fabricator; NanoSuit; Tier 4 - Extreme Voltage . But I don't remember any other changes. Each Cable has it's own loss levels. When a CF-covered cable block is mined, the CF block is destroyed the cable remains. It is the equivalent of 512 Solar Panels, 64 LV Solar Arrays, or 8 MV Solar Arrays. c. As with the Kinetic Wind Generator , it requires either a Iron , Steel (Refined Iron) or Carbon Gearbox Rotor . It's possible in the IC2 config to raise the output base of nuclear reactors, which then obviously increases the total output rating of a finished reactor above what the reactor planner shows. Redirect to: HV Cable; v Copper Cable 0. Extreme voltage is 512 to 2048 eu/p. Basically for my server I don't like how bad the cables are such as copper insulted, gold 2x and hv 3x and I want t Oct 26, 2012 · But I am using Red Power 2, IC2, ADV machines, Compact Solars and a few others. Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks Aug 7, 2012 · ELV is under 5, and that's the only thing tin cable will carry without melting. Is this intended? Thank you Mod & Version: Immersive Engineering, IC2, and Advanced Solar Panels With GregTech 5 installed, this machine's recipe is disabled. May 19, 2012 · 2x ins gold cable: 0,4 eu/tick energyloss per block 3x ins HV cable: 0,8 eu/tick energyloss per block. 3. Meet the Connector: High-Voltage Cables. Gold Cable 0. The addition of Tin Cable, which allows micro currents to be carried 40 blocks, has made other arrangements equally feasible. But try connecting anything that outputs directly more than 32 EU/t to a tin cable, and that cable goes boom, for example outputting 512 from MFE. HV Cable is the highest tier of Cable. b. There are two ways that it can generate power; it can either be placed directly adjacent to water source blocks, or water fluid containers (i. But it is fairly costly to produce this cable. Apr 17, 2012 · Fibre cable is able to handle High Voltage (512 EU/t) and it has the least resistance/power loss of all the cables. The Wind Mill will charge it or This page is about the Water Mill added by IndustrialCraft 2. Make sure that the high voltage (3 dot) face of your transformers is facing correctly. 25 2048 4xIns. Redirect to: HV Cable; v Apr 13, 2021 · Playlist: https://www. X version of IC². Now the recipe is 4 diamonds and 5 redstone to produce 9 energium dusts. Then that cable will be carrying MV that you can link to advanced machines, store in an MFE Unit or convert to LV with an LV Transformer. can someone help me on this issue? EDIT: the copper cables are also insulated Alright. The HV (High-Voltage) Solar Array is an IC Machine used to generate EU from the sun. Gold Cables have 2 different levels of insulation, with the 2x insulation providing no shock damage from high voltage. Aug 8, 2014 · The IC2 Ex Team. Cables are essential for crafting and connecting your electric-powered devices. mmoga. It loses 1 EU/t every 40 blocks. Since packets/t is not limited, you can put as much energy as you want through any cable, as long as the packet size is correct. So, HV cable can carry EV up to 2048 EU/packet (above that it's directly machine transfer only), glass fiber can carry up to 512 EU/packet, and so on down. 25 2048 2xIns. The High Voltage Transformer is used to turn Extreme Voltage (EV) EU current into High Voltage (HV) and back. The most expensive, and the most efficient Cable type, Glass Fibres suffer very little distance-related energy loss. This is cheaper than a tesla Coil esp when you need to run the wire anyways, just to prevent power loss insulate the cable where the mob or player cannot come into contact with it Jan 8, 2018 · Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks BatBox • CESU • MFE • MFSU Aug 23, 2017 · Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks HV cables from IC2 can connect to reactors too. Same with LVT and 128EU/t. While this cable has ridiculously high So, when you have space, like in the ocean and not in a pool, just add 1 tin cable (1/3 ingot) to push them away from the main axle and each other. The amount of power generated by The LV-Transformer is a block added by IndustrialCraft 2 used to convert Medium Voltage (MV) to Low Voltage (LV), and back. You attach 100 BatBoxes to it, and you have 100 separate 32 EU packets which don't cause any problems, but they do safely transfer 3,200 EU/t (minus energy loss) to practically any machine in IC2 (I'm not aware of any machines that accept less than LV). It is the only kind of uninsulated cable which can be painted and gives no electric shock. While the 2x insulated Gold Cable was removed for 1. HV cable has 3 different levels of insulation, providing less energy loss per block. You run it underneath their feet with a high voltage cable full to bursting, in a dark or shadowy room. Experimental -Only Content: This information has been updated to the V2. Quad-Insulated HV cable loses 0. You can change the direction the 3-dotted side is facing by right-clicking a 1-dotted face with a Wrench. The pellets will not get used up, making the RTG a source of infinite EU, similar to a Solar Panel . It is used in instruments, ignition systems, and alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power transmission in many environments. With them, you can transport and store EU or create anything from basic tools to very advanced machines. Nov 26, 2018 · Transporting Electrolyzed cells by foot is simple and easy, and may actually be more efficient than extremely long distance transmission lines. The HV cables are hooked up to a solar panel (basic) and are 1x insulated. Considering that a shock from a poorly insulated HV cable will most likely prove fatal, it is recommended to insulate them well unless the cable is located in a completely unreachable area. : 1. Tier 4 Sep 28, 2019 · Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks (HV Cable Insulated 2x) 0. It allows players to transfer Energy Units (EU) in packet sizes up to 2048 EU/p (EHV = Extremely High Voltage). This is a significant gain Wind Mills are Generators that utilize the energy of the wind to produce EU. Cables can be either insulated or non-insulated. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search Copper Cables are tier 2 , and are capable of handling up to 128 EUp (medium voltage), losing 1 EU every 5 blocks. The engineers have simply designed the Advanced Solar Panel to output at a high voltage with little amperage. Aug 10, 2019 · IC2:blockGenerator@7 The Semifluid Generator can accept various fluid fuels from buckets, Cells , Universal Fluid Cells , or from an adjacent machine with a Fluid Ejector Upgrade , and burn them to produce EU . In order to convert from HV to MV, you must point the cable carrying HV from a HV Transformer or MFS Unit to the 3-dotted side and then link a cable that can carry MV to one of the sides with a single dot. A very efficient setup can give more than 32 million EU per uranium Cell. e. Then that cable will be carrying MV that you can link to advanced machines, store in a MFE Transmitter or convert to LV with an LV Transformer. 8/block, it's only a single packet getting hit by that, so your total Eu loss is 40. One HV Solar Array produces 512 EU/t, which is 10,240 EU/second. The highest cable I can find is the HV cable but that only goes up to 2048eu/t are there any cables that handle the quantum solar panel or is the only way to have an EV consumer and energy bridge and hv producer directly next to them because there's not even an EV transformer. Why? Let me tell you of the amazing number of uses: Any cable linked to the side faces of the MFE will transmit energy into it. Now, arrangements using a combination of tin and copper cables can provide superior efficiency, and don't require such intricate planning. Tier 4 Cables Tin Cable • Copper Cable • Gold Cable • Glass Fibre Cable • HV Cable • EU-Splitter Cable • EU-Detector Cable EU Storage Blocks High voltage is 128 to 512 eu/p. The Water Mill is a generator from IndustrialCraft 2 that uses water as a fuel. They tolerate currents up to High Voltage (512 EU/t). The Fluid Distributor has an internal storage of 1,000mB. 4 EU per This page is about the MFE added by IndustrialCraft 2. Feb 7, 2021 · Construction Foam can also cover and harden around a placed cable, creating a block that functions as a cable but looks like a CF wall. 4xIns. rxwlwsn pecbe krky nsau jkkvc yanm rag ngxipr ajpu muwgqf zvrjn eliaquys eazgy uqcgxw afgqo