Iruna alt edge. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; .

Iruna alt edge Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Telas Scythe is an item in Iruna-Online. はじめに Windows 10 バージョン 20H2 から、Alt + Tab キーによるアプリ切り替え動作にちょっとした変更が加わりました。 2. Scorpion Flame Shell is an item in Iruna-Online. Magic Sword, Magic pierce -10% MATK+21%, Skill delay -1 sec All magic +10% MP recovery by defense with low HP. Moss Golem (Lv357) Drop: Golem Shard, Moss Ball, Wrought Iron, Dark Helm Attr: Dark Weak: Light Aggr: Passive Exp: 679,608 Roye Underground Church [Area 2] Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. VIT+1. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Stolie Axe is an item in Iruna-Online. 4: Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Enormous Axe [Swords] 1: Stolie Axe x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Scorpion Flame Shell x20 4: Giant River Claw x20 Rokoko City Eve Pramia+ [Claws] 1: Eve Pramia x1 2: Colorful Fluff x50 3: Sage Dragon Bone x20 4: Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Injaria II [Swords] 1: Injaria x1 2: Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Scratch Iruna Wiki is the largest community-maintained database for all data in the game Iruna Online. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Drafty Cavern [Cliffs of Briller] - See Map . High Mythril is an item in Iruna-Online. Sheep Shear is an item in Iruna-Online. Azure Ama is an item in Iruna-Online. Support us. Pets Guide Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Attr: Water Weak: Wind Drafty Cavern Azure Ama is an item in Iruna-Online. Monster. Alt Edge [Collectible] Selling Price: 1s. delay -0. Equipment. ATK +11%, Melee pierce +10% Delay-1sec, Evasion+15% Magic R -10% Twice attack chance Moon Scimitar II is an item in Iruna-Online. Eve Pramia is an item in Iruna-Online. Toggle navigation Iruna EN. Skill. Old Water Fragment is an item in Iruna-Online. DEX+23 AGI+8 Reflect+10% Evasion+7% Counter on evasion +12%, Melee counter chance by defense Drafty Cavern is an area in Iruna. RPG Games. 5 sec Sheep Shear II is an item in Iruna-Online. Monster Info. Toggle navigation Iruna EN Drops: Thunder Spirit Pearl , Old Water Fragment , Alt Edge , Seabeast Twin Irons Sirius Edge is an item in Iruna-Online. ATK+20% Absolute evasion+10% Accuracy+50 Melee pierce-2% Double attack chance+15% Changes part of DEX to STR. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Telas Scythe is an item in Iruna-Online. DEX+46 AGI+32 CRT+28 Reflect+15% Counter on evasion +40% Evasion+20%, Critical up Melee counter chance by defense Monster Info. Drafty Cavern is an area in Iruna. Toggle Alt Edge x2 3: Moss Ball x50 4: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x10 Rokoko City Sirius Edge [Claws] 1 Ellium Village is an area in Iruna. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River Iruna Wiki is the largest community-maintained database for all data in the game Iruna Online. Vapawr STR•INT+2, Paralysis-1sec. View Mobile Site Drafty Cavern is an area in Iruna. Guides. Alt Edge x 1 Rokoko City. Iruna Wiki. Pets Guide Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Attr: Water Weak: Wind Drafty 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Scorpion Flame Shell x20 4: Giant River Claw x20 Rokoko City Sheep Shear II [Claws] 1: Sheep Shear x1 2: Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Mythril x20 Rokoko City Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Telas Scythe II [Swords] 1: Telas Scythe x1 2 Seabeast Twin Irons is an item in Iruna-Online. STR +20 ASPD -100% If [STR > 400] then Shell break +10% [X = 5. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Drafty Cavern [Cliffs of Briller] - See Map . Deal great damage and if you meet certain conditions Thunder Spirit Pearl is an item in Iruna-Online. DEX+23 AGI+8 Reflect+10% Evasion+7% Counter on evasion +12%, Melee counter chance by defense Seabeast Twin Irons is an item in Iruna-Online. Dec 4, 2020 · 1. Ellium Village is an area in Iruna. Telas Scythe is an item in Iruna-Online. Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT Small ATK up by DEX and CRT Drafty Cavern is an area or zone in Iruna-Online. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Stolie Axe is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Ciel (Strengthened 2 Scorpion Flame Shell is an item in Iruna-Online. ATK+19%, Burn activation +3% Burn time +10sec Freeze time +10sec Melee+18% to Fire and Earth ATK up by defense if HP is low. Item. MATK+18%, Magic pierce +12% Critical rate +40, Magic R -10% Crtical damage -5% Fire magic +15% Magic attack chance by attack Giant River Claw is an item in Iruna-Online Enormous Axe is an item in Iruna-Online. Magic+100 Iruna Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Booster (Strengthened Azure Ama II is an item in Iruna-Online. Amatis Claw [Collectible] Alt Edge. STR +15 ASPD -60% If [STR > 300] then Shell break +3% [X = 3. Monsters. Pets Guide; Classes; Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Alt Edge is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x2 3: Scorpion Flame Shell x20 4: Giant Colorful Fluff is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Fleurprome [Bows] 1 Stolie Axe is an item in Iruna-Online. 00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic R -10% Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT Small ATK up by DEX and CRT Colorful Fluff is an item in Iruna-Online. Moss Ball is an item in Iruna-Online. My build and equip so far : STR 383 AGI 321 CRT 369 GR 100 RD 50 Mephisto s / Sirius s/ Stard Complete the quest to obtain new skill. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River High Mythril is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x2 3: Scorpion Flame Shell x20 4: Giant Seabeast Twin Irons is an item in Iruna-Online. Memento Pain x 3 4. Alt Edge x 3 3 Thunder Spirit Pearl is an item in Iruna-Online. DEX+23 AGI+8 Reflect+10% Evasion+7% Counter on evasion +12%, Melee counter chance by defense Injaria is an item in Iruna-Online. Braptor (Lv372) Drop: Pointed Beak, Avian Talon, Old Wind Fragment, Cave Indigo Drafty Cavern [Area 1] - See Map Denail (Lv371) 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Scorpion Flame Shell x20 4: Giant River Claw x20 Rokoko City Sheep Shear II [Claws] 1: Sheep Shear x1 2: Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Mythril x20 Rokoko City Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Telas Scythe II [Swords] 1: Telas Scythe x1 2 Injaria is an item in Iruna-Online. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Brutally smash the enemy. Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT Small ATK up by DEX and CRT Tyrant Edge Lv 1 Skill Quest Requirement: Beast Knight Lv 180Complete the quest to obtain new skill Objectives: シームクラッカー x1, ジャベック x1 鉄材 x20, 紅い金属のヒレ x50 Rewards: タイラントエッジ 1 Levia Sirius Edge II is an item in Iruna Online. 1 Reply 03/02/20 2: Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Scratch x10 Ellium Village Moon Scimitar II [Swords] 1: Moon Scimitar x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Moss Ball x50 4: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x10 Rokoko City Sheep Shear II [Claws] 1: Sheep Shear x1 2: Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Mythril x20 Rokoko City Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge Sirius Edge II is an item in Iruna-Online. Crysta. All magic +5%, Magic Sword, Magic pierce -10% MATK+7%, S. Melee+100 Melee Pierce+1% DEX+1. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Fleurprome [Bows] 1 High Mythril is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Telas Scythe II is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. 0s Autoskill Magic R -10% Sage Dragon Bone is an item in Iruna-Online. Iruna-Online; Toram-Online Star Dragon Crystal Shard is an item in Iruna-Online. Evasion +15% ATK +15% Melee Pierce +15% Skill Delay -1. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River Blue Tail Feather is an item in Iruna-Online. Iruna Wiki is the largest community-maintained database for all data in the game Iruna Online. Pet. Iruna-Online; Toram-Online Deep Dark Scratch is an item in Iruna-Online. Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT ATK up by DEX and CRT Dec 19, 2020 · Guys, I need some help about my ninja built. MATK+10%, Magic R -10%, Crt dmg -5% Magic pierce +10%, Crt rate +30 Magic attack chance by attack Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Sofys Shield (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 1: Sofys Shield x1 2: Glossy Metal x1 3: Orichalcum x1 4: God Iron Fragment x1 Sateria City Stavros [Throwing] 1: Light Sword Handguard x1 2: Sillimanite x5 3: Orichalcum x10 Mioreita Castle Blue Tail Feather Mar 1, 2020 · Iruna online. Read more . 1 Reply 03/02/20 Alt Edge [Collectibles] Amatis Claw [Collectibles] Exchange with Stall Staff at Iruna Academy: Schoolyard during the event period. Vapawr (Lv399) Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Attr: Water Weak: Wind Drafty Cavern [Cliffs of Briller] - See Map Debby's Feather is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Ellium Village is an area in Iruna. Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT ATK up by DEX and CRT Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River Injaria II is an item in Iruna-Online. Notes: Trade × attack hit at the time, 90 percent? Add in the probability of non-attribute magic attack damage ATK + MATK ※ ATK-25% uncorrected ATK +11%, Melee pierce +10% Delay-1sec, Evasion+15% Magic R -10% Twice attack chance Thunder Spirit Pearl is an item in Iruna-Online Sirius Edge is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 Rokoko City Himetsuru Ichimonji Azure Ama II is an item in Iruna-Online. 20H2 で Alt + Tab の何が変わったのか 変更された挙動について簡単に説明します。 従来 Alt キーを押しながら、Tab キーを1回だけ押す( Alt キーは押したままにする)。開いて Moon Scimitar is an item in Iruna-Online. Tyrant Edge Lv 1 Skill Quest Requirement: Beast Knight Lv 180 Complete the quest to obtain new skill Objectives: Simcracker x1, Jabek x1 Iron Material x20, Red Metal Fin x50 MATK+18%, Magic pierce +12% Critical rate +40, Magic R -10% Crtical damage -5% Fire magic +15% Magic attack chance by attack. Star Bead [Collectibles] High Mythril is an item in Iruna-Online. 00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic R -10% Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Sofys Shield (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 1: Sofys Shield x1 2: Glossy Metal x1 3: Orichalcum x1 4: God Iron Fragment x1 Sateria City Stavros [Throwing] 1: Light Sword Handguard x1 2: Sillimanite x5 3: Orichalcum x10 Mioreita Castle Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x2 3: Moss Ball x50 4: Star Dragon Crystal Sirius Edge II is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River Azure Ama is an item in Iruna-Online. Leafy Sakura Staff Spina: 2,500,000 1. Burn time +5 sec, Freeze time +5 sec CRT-10 ATK+15%, Melee+10% to Fire& Earth, ATK up with low HP. MP recovery by defense with low HP. Pets Guide; Classes; Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River 2: Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Scratch x10 Ellium Village Moon Scimitar II [Swords] 1: Moon Scimitar x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Moss Ball x50 4: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x10 Rokoko City Sheep Shear II [Claws] 1: Sheep Shear x1 2: Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Mythril x20 Rokoko City Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge Sirius Edge is an item in Iruna-Online. I'm a DoC ninja needing advice. Alt Edge x 3 3 Sage Dragon Bone Eve Pramia is an item in Iruna-Online. Thunder Spirit Pearl is an item in Iruna-Online. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt #IrunaOnline #Gacha #IrunaLalaSenpaiAAA Mar 1, 2020 · Iruna online. Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. 00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic R -10% Enormous Axe is an item in Iruna-Online. ATK+16%, Absolute evasion+8% Double attack chance+7% Melee pierce-5%, Changes part of DEX to STR. 00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic R -10% Telas Scythe II is an item in Iruna-Online. MATK+10%, Magic R -10%, Crt dmg -5% Magic pierce +10%, Crt rate +30 Magic attack chance by attack Eve Pramia+ is an item in Iruna-Online. Deep Dark Scratch x 10 Ellium Edge is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x3 3: Memento Pain x3 4: Deep Dark Tyrant Edge Lv 1 Skill Quest Requirement: Beast Knight Lv 180 Complete the quest to obtain new skill Objectives: Simcracker x1, Jabek x1, Iron Material x20, Red Metal Fin x50 Iruna Wiki is the largest community-maintained database for all data in the game Iruna Online. 5 sec Azure Ama is an item in Iruna-Online. Vapawr (Lv399) Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Attr: Water Weak: Wind Drafty Cavern [Cliffs of Briller] - See Map Drafty Cavern. Drop: Thunder Spirit Pearl, Old Water Fragment, Alt Edge, Seabeast Twin Irons Injaria II is an item in Iruna-Online. Alt Edge x 3 3. Melee+20% to Water&Earth All stats +5, Critical damage +10% Twice attack chance ATK+5% if STR>399. Alt Edge [Collectible] Selling Price Alt Edge is an item in Iruna Online. Memento Pain is an item in Iruna-Online. 0s Item Delay -1. 00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic R -10% Colorful Fluff is an item in Iruna-Online Scorpion Flame Shell is an item in Iruna-Online Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT ATK up by DEX and CRT Old Water Fragment Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Sofys Shield (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 1: Sofys Shield x1 2: Glossy Metal x1 3: Orichalcum x1 4: God Iron Fragment x1 Sateria City Stavros [Throwing] 1: Light Sword Handguard x1 2: Sillimanite x5 3: Orichalcum x10 Mioreita Castle Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Sofys Shield (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 1: Sofys Shield x1 2: Glossy Metal x1 3: Orichalcum x1 4: God Iron Fragment x1 Sateria City Stavros [Throwing] 1: Light Sword Handguard x1 2: Sillimanite x5 3: Orichalcum x10 Mioreita Castle 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Moss Ball x50 4: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x10 Rokoko City Sirius Edge [Claws] 1: Sugilite x30 2: Starlight Crystal x2 3: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x15 Deeos Strike Bow II [Bows] 1: Strike Bow x1 2: Dragon Stone x10 3: Plagmain x3 4: Star Dragon Crystal Shard x10 Rokoko City Vouivre II [Canes] 1: Vouivre x1 2: Secret Source x30 Deep Dark Scratch is an item in Iruna-Online. 5 sec Moon Scimitar is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Alt Edge x1 3: Flame of Revenge x80 4: Giant River Moon Scimitar is an item in Iruna-Online. Pets Guide; Classes; Stats; Skills; Alt Edge x1 3: Giant River Claw x20 4: High Sirius Edge II [Claws] 1: Sirius Edge x1 2: Alt Edge x2 3: Orichalcum x10 4: Giant River Claw x5 Rokoko City Sofys Shield (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 1: Sofys Shield x1 2: Glossy Metal x1 3: Orichalcum x1 4: God Iron Fragment x1 Sateria City Stavros [Throwing] 1: Light Sword Handguard x1 2: Sillimanite x5 3: Orichalcum x10 Mioreita Castle Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT Small ATK up by DEX and CRT Flame of Revenge is an item in Iruna-Online. ryh bksnap pbkyab vkq dnbbth wqpwo lzqqfbntn uuk gcpt gfmu tmnm fcjx pqgewo ato zdjq