Mamba combat build no engineering Feb 9, 2023 · Greetings Commanders,Welcome to my Bounty Hunter Combat - Build Guide with the Mamba :)This is my take on an engineered ship, specifically for Bounty Hunte Aimed at players new to the game (seasoned commanders may like the vistas lol)Video covers the current Thargoid threat and how to build a ship to fight them May 12, 2023 · You want to get into anti-xeno (AX) combat, but don't know where to start. Krait full battle build Apr 16, 2022 · The build is effectively immune to explosive and kinetic weapons. After spending time languishing in a sluggish Type 10, I was craving some speed. So do u have any tips, suggestions concerning shield, armor and engineering. To see that it is over 1. I would also go 4 x multicannon and set the fire groups for shields or hull. 5 billion credits is a little disheartening, that goal achieved. Corvette is best for getting no. It is just that i bought the Mamba today and since FDL and Mamba have exact the some core internal modules +same shield size i figured i can simply switch them and go right into action - no big engineering tour or ressource gathering. This build is designed to not only survive these long battles, but to be fun and engaging to fly while doing… Read More You realise that not only is your build no faster, it's actually completely screwed for racing with that distributor? Skimping distributor is the worst decision for a race build. It will not disappoint. No matter what I fly, the Vulture frequently calls me back. And i plan to use the Kraith Phantom for Raw material Gathering and overall cruising between planets when i want a peaceful life. They are there to be used! Dec 26, 2019 · You could keep the boosters and have more upfront shield, the only part worst to a low booster build would be the time it takes to rebuild the shield after it broke. For reference here is my engineered Krait II build for combat and mission running https://s. The two SCBs triggered in tandem almost fully recharges the shield from near broken, usually. Chaff sparingly: Use chaff if you engage a wing, must disengage, or shields are low. I have the following two builds, with the Mamba being my combat build and the new Anaconda just finishing doing some grinding for light combat, missions and exploration. With a nice FDL build with engineering though I was able to move pretty quickly into CZ's which are a whole ton of fun in comparison. I have a few engineers unlocked and have dabbled with them but by no means do I have the materials or unlocks to have a fully engineered ship. pretty praised ship, so it was my "endgame combat" ship anyway, the one i wanted to start engineering with too. Nov 9, 2024 · Krait II is probably the best medium combat ship without engineering. What would you cahnge or suggest? I'm finding that the plasma Accelerator is not as good as I thought it would be against shields its not bad but its not Most of the build I found online requires engineering, which I don't have any. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Can i have some help? Btw i suck at aiming fixed weapons but im willing to try. Type 10 is best for AFK farming and materials farming Sidewinder is best if you have no money. And I do agree that OP has contradicting hardpoint engineering. Thanks! EDIT: I got like 1,000,000,000 credits through void opal mining, working on ranks rn. Also, dont sell it for a mamba unless you wanna meme build a cool looking ship with no actual benefit. I didn't post my Mamba to start a comparison. The FDL and mamba are practically carbon copies with different skins. Even really niche uses like "I want a dedicated ship for doing tip-offs and nothing else so I want something that can travel across the bubble, kill skimmers, and scan settlement data points" which is the closest I've come to putting an asp scout on the Even the Sidewinder outperforms the Mamba for both speed and manoeuvrability by a mile. I managed to kill him by ramming him to death (whats good for the goose is good for the gander) but will freely admit it was more luck than skill. The mamba and kraits are two totally different ships. Weapon engineering is a matter of taste. My only issue with the mamba is I feel it generates too much heat in combat even with engineered beam lasers - don't know if the FDL has the same issue, but what is easy (killing) in a Krait MKII is a chore in the mamba because its constantly overheating. Ive been using a phantom since its superior to an asp and uses the same core modules as a krait mkii, but its not as buffy either. Chieftain earns the most money from combat, followed closely by Vulture and FAS. We just wanted to get rich before doing anything else. You can't really make a good mamba fit without engineering. Most similar non-series (ex: asp's) ships in the game. The only real build that works for the Mamba is the prismatic shields plus Frag build. Couple heatsinks, shieldboosters for the rest. Sep 29, 2021 · This is the best build and is easy to follow for the beginner CMDR who wants to give the Chieftain a red hot go in combat. In the end I made peace with the FDL's broken cockpit as it's a vastly superior fighter. Weapons are not assigned yet, one utility is reserved for chaff or pdt. 90 T empty 566. The Mamba is practically a less-combaty FDL. Otherwise, your shields should protect you. zone/nakf. I'm mainly just a humble HazRes bounty hunter, so I'm looking for the best possible stock build that will just let me fly around and kill pirates. A basic sidewinder will do. If you’re a beginner to combat, don’t worry about builds too much and certainly don’t worry about engineering. Thermal resist for the shield and heavy duty for the shield boosters. It's a combat ship so I would armor the PP rather than overcharging it. while I understand higher can be achieved this took quite a bit to get. I can tank medium ships with 4 pips while I blast the third one, don't tank large ships. "Nice, Easy OP" is not the Mamba's style. Im thinking about adding some defense layers and weapons and make it a multi purpose vessel, traveling around and maybe trying more dedicated combat ships in cz, haz res. Kills Anaconda's in seconds, can struggle with small fast ships https://s. orbis. I haven’t even tried diving into engineering yet, I’m less than 100 hours in. And this one. On this page you can see mamba combat build for the ship: Mamba. Coriollis build without guardian stuff: https://s. Plus, the Krait can make a lot of jumps before you need to worry about refueling. Try to engineer as high as you have mats for or at least to grade 3. The regeneration rate for both is the same, 2. " So to prove the strategy outlined works, I made a 6:30min video wrecking a cyclopes with only 1 engineered module (LR beam laser w/TV). Ships that are already taken:Asp explorer, vulture, Anaconda, Cutter, Clipper, Chieftain, Python, Beluga, Db Explorer, Krait Mk2, Fer de lance. Have 250 million & rising Would like comments on this build (un-engineered, will eventually engineer it to a pure combat build, but need something that will Dec 15, 2024 · module credits; Mamba: 55,442,918CR: 6E: Power Plant: 160,137CR: 6E: power distributor: 88,978CR: 5E: thrusters: 63,012CR: 4E: Cargo Rack: 34,328CR: 4E: Frame Shift This is my currently expected route but I don't know which ship or best build. On this page you can see mamba pvp build for the ship: Mamba. Speed and agility: This build can boost to 540 meters per second. When you can, engineer your shields first then do your weapons. Then, for a combat build, heavy duty + deep plating on the rest of hull reinforcements. Apr 24, 2019 · When I was brand, brand new I got my feet wet in combat hunting pirates (taking pirate hunting missions) and at RES and Nav beacons. It should be cheap and require no engineering, rank, reputation or unlockable ships or modules. An actual lightweight speed build would obviously push the performance even further. ) The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. > Currently I'm using a 4A plasma 2x Accelerator 3C Gimballed Multicanons and 2x level 1 seeker missile pods. 5% thermal resistance, 55% explosive and 52% kinetic. I urge you to build up the Fer de lance instead which can handle a variety of builds After years of cruising around in my trusty DBX, I finally pulled the trigger on buying a ship purely for combat. Feb 18, 2021 · Mind that my Mamba is still awaiting combat outfitting, so far I've only taken it round the station a couple of times, so I'm anything but an expert on the ship. I guess I would probably to do bounty hunting to improve combat ranks. thanks a lot for that fitting, i likely try to get both a chieftain Balance out your resistances using your shield boosters’ engineering. 2 build. Sure it's heavier but it's more heat efficient. It's not perfect, and still needs some experimentals on some of the parts but it is an absolute monster in combat. I would start working on engineering though. Here's what my mostly finished Vulture looks like. A Tier (Consistently good but still outclassed by S-Tier in most circumstances): Mamba, Challenger, Chieftain, Python, Krait mk II -Mamba: The Mamba is an FDL with worse hardpoints and slightly worse shields that trades off the FDL's maneuverability for straight-line speed of about 600, but can vary greatly depending on the build's durability. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think ? Odyssey build: Double rapid fire dumbfire missiles. These ships are faster, more nimble, have better or same weapons. I plan on using Frags in the two class 1 slots and the two class 3 slots, and then a huge weapon of some sort. You’ll barely, if ever, have your shields drop while still retaining that quick recharge time. Combat role for the created by GmrDood1987, Build cost-(ship cost 53,925,661) This particular build was to see how much money and credits I could sink into a single ship. The build is designed for newer players but with a price tag of 500 mil it is a little on the expensive side. After we get the ships we want (and I’m pretty sure the mamba is the combat ship I want to focus on) we were gonna go do those engineering missions next. The total combat power of a krait mk2 with it's fighter is generally better than the python, mamba, or FDL. Still, it was nice to take out a streamer ganking in a meme build with my own meme build. Build The middle child of the alliance line is often overlooked. I'm a Corvette combat main for PvE Cutter most likely would make it to the second place, but I never outfitted one for pure combat. So I am getting a 5A shield first thing. It's only really good at boom and zoom tactics against larger ships. Greetings Commanders,In this video you will see 'Bug Spray MK 2' in action against a Cyclops!This is one of my favourite AX builds, cheap to learn AX combat Larger ships can do a bit more damage to the Titan, to a degree. Current mamba build: Mamba to be changed. bandcamp. Clean drives decreases heat generated by the thrusters, but increases power consumption thus increasing heat generated by the power plant. But all the builds I can find include Engineering, and the FDL in particular I'm not sure how to build out with standard tech. I do not recommend this as your first combat ship. It has relatively weak shields and armor, Relying on its ability to get away to avoid damage. SRB is a great option to make this build more synchronous. While not as fast as the Mamba build, it will still outrun most ships when things get Feb 5, 2023 · Just wanted to add a short recording of one of my past AX combat openings to throw in a few logs to the nice blaze we have here - although my piloting still suffers from severe boostitis and driftitis due to me being a newbie (and flying a Mamba), I can occasionally get into lukewarm orbit for short periods of time. Foot note on smaller ships- people rate the Vulture so that may be worth considering but personally I got on better with the Viper Mk3 as the manoeuvrability is great and rebuy cost low when I made mistakes like taking on wings of medium and large sized ships, took my shields down by boosting into asteroids etc. I need some suggestions on ship builds, with no engineering. New player here. ” We can speculate, though not know for certain, that these will come in a similar configuration to existing torpedoes (which come in small, medium, and large - for 1, 2, and 4 ammo rounds respectively. Just get a very cheap ship and do some combat. Ive flown both, still have my mamba, but i struggle to fight with it the way im used to fighting. I've tried the Krait Mk2 and the Mamba, personally like the Mamba better, I'll keep the Mk2 as a Anti-Xeno ship in case I ever feel like goid hunting, as personally, I like the Mamba for NPCs better (stronger shields and seems to mow them down versus gradually chipping away at the hull), but Buy my album: https://sanctusaudio. If youre more of a dogfighter, then the krait is your go to. I’m on an exploration trip at the moment so it will have to wait for me. As for the other hard points you can mess with fixed PA's or go with your conventional gimbled MC's. If you build a combat ship, build a combat ship! No need for cargoracks, limpet controllers, docking computers and such. Hey, I want to try out some new builds in Elite (I usally do combat in big ships like the corvette or the T10) and have seen some videos where people used this build, but I couldn't find a detailed build-information. Explore effective combat builds for various playstyles in the game. The net effect is slightly lower heat, but not enough to matter except in extreme cases (e. Your weapon setup generally sucks, but that's OK, I kept it. Just pick 4 new secondary weapons due to different sizes. . The only thing the Mamba has running for it is its great ability to go in a straight line and fire a Plasma Accelerator. *Note* this guide doesn't tell you HOW to fight thargoids. Jan 27, 2021 · This is another short and sweet video where I talk about my first love, the Mamba, and its combat build. A fan-site covering Elite: Dangerous, X-Series and gaming. Clean drives on a combat build? What's wrong with you? What's this B and C-rated bullshit I see everywhere? Use A or D or gtfo. stealth smuggling builds intended to fly in silent running). Effective in any non-Thargoid combat, from a Navigation Beacon to a Pirate Attack. 14 votes, 12 comments. Require no unlockable modules, reputation or rank. Aug 4, 2024 · I had a look at a build on coriolis yesterday, got to say I’m quite tempted by one. Coriolis Link: here. The nature of (PE)(E)AXMRs is such though, that only medium and large hardpoints can be used for those (small hardpoints are limited to the exceptionally-materials-costly, knowingly-buggy, and vastly-despised "advanced" MRs with AX ammo synthesis. This is the only viable build for PvP due to, bad maneuvering and terrible weapon convergence. Vulture is there because I love to beat bigger ships with it. Jan 6, 2019 · That is an insane speed for a medium ship with a full combat loadout. The hardpoint layout was perfectly suited to my PvE playstyle, employing a mix of fixed and gimbaled weapons. Reactive lightweight bulkhead + a small reinforcement with Thermal Resistance. Look the resistances: A fan-site covering Elite: Dangerous, X-Series and gaming. Support This Site. Mamba – “Medium range fighter” [Mamba, MI-29M “Medium range fighter”] Mass : 558. Posted by u/Sun_jaeger0 - 5 votes and 13 comments. Description: A combat fitted Anaconda that requires no engineering and is easily able to run in haz-res sites. I'd like some help making a starter Krait Mk. I use 2x cytoscramblers, 2x multicannons, and a huge fixed cannon. I have open slots in my line-up for the FDL, Mamba, and Anaconda, and the cash for any of them. If there’s better modules at the station you’re at then you may as well upgrade them but you don’t need to go hunting round for them. I do use point defense on my FDL and Mamba bc they offer six utility slots so I can spare one for that purpose, Once you're ready for engineering you can search this sub for your best combat-focused engineering options. Try a non engineered version of this https://s. If you want to do combat, try some of the dedicated combat ships of the game: Chieftain, Mamba, Fer de Lance or the Corvette. The middle child of the alliance line is often overlooked. I just got a mamba and im really conflicted on what to put into hardpoints that allows me to melt shields fast enough and still be able to deal good kinetic damage. Each build is optimized for different scenarios, helping you enhance your performance in battles. Apr 1, 2020 · What engineers do you have unlocked? I only do pve and am not the most knowledgeble, but I've been playing around with a variant of https://s. So you can gain some distance to strip the shields and blast past them with high damage. This build is designed to not only survive these long battles, but to be fun and engaging to fly while doing… Read More Btw. 2 MJ/s for a size 5 bi-weave. A few changes to your build. Only ever had to fight one opponent at a time doing it that way. I don't have a spare prismatic so I went with the classic. I was heavily torn between the Mamba (Jousting combat style) and Fer De Lance (Sponge style) and decided to play it safe with an FDL Which brings me to ask the question, what build has worked best for you FDL owners out there? I had no issue taking on Threat Level 7 NPCs and did a few Threat Level 8 wing missions by myself. On this page you can see mamba fighter build for the ship: Mamba. Even if you disallow the use of enhanced thrusters or engineering it is still outclassed by the Viper III and iEagle (maybe I'm being a little unfair here - the Mamba can permaboost without engineering which might put it above the others in this case). Your build is your build. Arguably the mamba (and therefore the FDL) are better ships than the krait mk2, they just dont have that fighter. I've decided I wanna run the Frag Cannon Mamba because it seems so fun. 2km) 8. Taking that already proven-in-action chassis, slimming it down and removing everything not needed for combat to make it faster and more maneuverable while adding even more combat related stuff seems like a reasonable approach. Jan 7, 2024 · A gear-boosting Mamba is a wonderful combination, because: The Mamba has around the highest boost acceleration and duration at 380 m/s² and 3s, two quantities which are overlooked almost universally, but both of which contribute to agility in a way which is not captured by existing agility measures. Feb 19, 2024 · We know it will be “nanite torpedoes. 90 T full Fuel : 8 T Mar 1, 2024 · Create a build that excels at early PvE combat, such as Low- and Medium-Intensity Resource Extraction Sites and Low-Intensity Conflict Zones. Big shield, couple shield cell banks, maybe a guardian shield reinforcement, bunch of hull reinforcements, maybe an SLF hangar if you've got an NPC or someone to multicrew with. Countermeasures, chaff, point defense are kind of whatever early in combat. The internals don’t really lend themselves to anything other than a combat build. zone/j-_7 My Mamba is fun but runs out of ammo fast. Settlement raids have never been more fun. The novelty wears off. ) that FDL looks pretty cheap for such a great fitting, i mostly heard the FDL is quite unforgiving to begin with, but shines once learned and is a god of combat then. FDL can outperform it with engineering, but the power plant and distributor are far too underpowered if you haven't unlocked engineering. What I've learned is that a corrosive multicannon is a staple of many, many builds as it compensates for the hardpoint count. All is referred to my PvE experience, I have done PvP (not being ganked in an exploration or trade ship, but a duel with a proper combat build) only twice. After experimenting with a few small ships, I finally landed in a Mamba cockpit, and was pleasantly surprised. Even with partial engineering and no further guidance, this alone can make for a better bounty-hunting experience. g. Jun 11, 2021 · Hardware, engineering and Fire Groups demonstration with reasoning and justification. Stream lined everything. Aug 26, 2024 · OG Python is generally well regarded for combat, it has good defenses and firepower while lacking in mobility. Only force shell launches and speedbowling will get it faster :D Hi everyone, just looking for some advice on my Mamba hardpoint loadout. You don't have many engineers unlocked, and you don't want to gather materials to engineer a whole lot of modules you might never use. I recently posted a PSA on how anyone new to Thargoid combat can fight Interceptors and live, with little or even no engineering. 9m build / 444k rebuy Hey, just got a mamba and i really like the ship, so i wanted to build it with 4 frag cannons and a beam laser on the huge hardpoint to keep a bit of damage on those longer ranges Just got back into elite a week ago and have been mining my butt off. ♦ Engineer module: Gun mount Large ♦ Engineer module May 5, 2019 · Been grinding a few credits at Robigo, & looking to get a Krait Mk2 for mixed combat & engineer material gathering (just PvE right now). It's even more impressive when you consider that the Mamba actually has a larger length and wingspan than the Python (although it does weigh less at around 500 tons). Only Issue: Stripping shields >. Aug 26, 2022 · Mamba isn't exactly a good successor to the Viper. Purpose: PVE combat. I have two questions for this loadout: Well, my cutter is a combat build, and since I also use it for rescue missions, I need good sensors to see far away in case the ship I'm hatch breaking goes too far and my sensors just go to shit, like life support yeah it's D, the cutter is a whale so I needed A grade thrusters too. zone/4kug , where I use a huge efficient 3/thermal vent beam laser (I'll be switching efficient for something else once I've got access to Tarquin) and two long range 5/phasing plasma accelerators. Fixed your boosters, internals, guns, and core. I have heard the mamba is a better PVP ship. So I'm thinking to replace the rapid fire with the focused engineering that because of the increased shot speed and higher armor piercing. Nothing else. 642 is the speed cap for Mamba - no amount of stripping or engineering is going to improve upon it. Happy Hunting! Edit: build is posted Edit 2: corrected build Your personal data may be processed and stored by, accessed by and shared with third party vendors. Also if i can find a build i like i want to engineer it! To be honest, it comes down to flight style. It will make a huge difference in combat viability. I'm a pretty casual player- I don't grind, I just take my time and do what I want. With no engineering the FDL is the better choice. ) Cobra III for learning PVE - no engineering required. It’ll perform similar to the mamba, with fewer torpedoes and no shield (or a much weaker one. My goal is to get a corvette but in the mean time I bought myself a mamba to do… Yes, Python is very weight sensitive. Submit Your Build. Any information would be appreciated. It performs much better then the mamba keeping targets in sight it easier. The build must be accessible to early-game commanders. Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can reject by disabling them below; You can probably afford to take slightly heavier options which will lower your top speed which actually equates to more combat agility since acceleration speeds don't change from engineering, if the top speed is lower, there's less time spent revectoring which means more time spent going where you need to go. Vulture is best if you have no engineering Mar 10, 2022 · So I bought a mamba and I've been trying to figure out how to turn it in to a beastly murder boat. The shields are over 10,000 mega-joules. If youre more of a jouster, the mamba is what you want. I've rarely got a use for an Interdictor and the Wake Scanner I think I only used for one Engineer's odd needs. Talking PVE here, for PVP you need absolute resistances. patreon. zone/icn8. I don't use armor because the weight increment, but I had no issues in HAZ areas, combat zones, you have to be more aware but is no problem. the engineering on this build is also extensive. very nice build indeed. true. I optimized your build for you : Fixed. But Rail guns are not inherently long range. I can't really recommend a good PvE mamba build as I don't use mine ever. May 2, 2019 · The shields are only 995 MJ but with 61. Yet I'm not 100% sure it's the best engineering, it might just be I have to practice more my flight skills, it's kinda hard to keep my enemies on target (I was used to the long range reversky of my Mamba). So instead I used my Dolphin, which has a similar concept—lots of armor, lots of shields, and lots of speed. Armored power plant is the way to go for a bi-weave build. It's gotten me top 10% in combat CGs before! Apr 3, 2022 · Build a ship with the following aims: General-purpose, engineered PvE combat ship. Chapter 2: Aviation Flight exercises designed to build fundamental understanding of the starship functions which induce or affect movement. But without engineering, I would swap one of the chaffs out for another shield booster and upgrade the life support and sensors to D class, which are lighter and would give you a slight boost in jump range. zone/j-_9 This build is very similar to the entry-level Missiles/Multi-cannons build but with enhanced engineering on the power plant to drive powerful Guardian weapons. I did a search and found some threads that looked appealing, but I notice they're usually very heavily engineered. May 17, 2021 · What sort of shield and engineering is the best choice for pvp Mamba? Prismatic, standard A-class or perhaps quicker responding bi-weave? What one works best on your Mamba? How many boosters? This is my current setup. integrity: 1270 / shield: 120 / sustained DPS: 92 railguns - learning fixed hardpoints helps pilot to fly well tops: 299 / boost: 428 collect: 4t cargo / 2 x 1A collector limpets (1. Consider also running a killwarrant scanner for extra credits, and maybe incendiary rounds on one of the large frags. From my notes, Cobra III - callsign "Collie": https://s. Modified Guardian plasma chargers and shard cannons are highly effective against Orthrus shields, albeit vulnerable to Anti-Guardian Fields. The asp scout is considered off-meta for a reason, that being that everything it could be good at, there's other ships that are better at it. However, a few general comments: Hull: Lightweight Alloy has 0 mass, so you can put on Heavy Duty and still have 0 mass. However, the Crusader is a resilient platform for any PvE activity, and is particularly well suited for the protracted engagements found in combat zones. It's a decent non-engineered build though. Beams on the size 1 and 2 hardpoints, MCs on the 3s and 4. com/TheTryHardGamer On this page you can see Bounty Hunting/Mercenary build for the ship: Mamba. The FDL has amazing sideways boosting capabilities, use those to your advantage. And it got a surprising amount of "GTFO w/ that nonsense. Looking to add thermal vent to the beams to see if that helps - which it should irc. Definitely a multi purpose ship, versatile. I have been flying around in my Cobra Mk3 for most of my time. 1 commander in CGs, with Anaconda close behind. It's a quick guide to throwing together a ship you can use. Effective against all targets, from small, nimble fighters to lumbering Anacondas. zone/jhey0:00 Build2:00 vs FAS4:40 vs Adder5:40 vs DBS6:35 vs DBX7:40 vs 2 Sidewinders wing9:00 vs As Feb 15, 2020 · I've tried the Chieftain, which is an absolute blast to fly, but seriously lacking in firepower, IMO. Once they are engineered they perform about the same. I can't speak to that I only really do PVE. Huge corrosive mc and everything else triple pulse lasers with the experimental for much damage in exchange for accuracy (the 3 degree thing) makes a fun build with a lot of damage for when you have the energy for it, in a hit and run build it works well, just go in deplete your energy, get out, the lasers are gonna do so much damage at close If my hull is taking damage I am like Sir Robin and bravely running away. Sure, no mamba will ever be a PVP ship, but with that frag loadout you'll be a good seal clubber. I can shred shields, kill small enemies, and obliterate powerplants. Of particular note is the… Read More On this page you can see Bounty Hunting/Mercenary build for the ship: Mamba. com/releasesBecome a Patron: https://www. Designed by: Down to Earth Astronomy. I know this is not strictly 100% min/max combat vessel, but this is what I prefer on my combat Mamba. Chieftain remains best ship for solo combat! For Titan Bombing, you can certainly build one with two large Sirius MRs, a medium nanite torp on the nose slot, and (whatever you want so long as it includes at least one TV beam) on the smalls. Distro should always be charge enhanced + super conduits. kofflnjfp kwjhhgex eqrwp csccg crc gpnolc kbua hhufc nxbqaul fcf qsbrt ockwkl qga ikruxhp mdqrsy