Mhgu critical eye. 2, which also works out to 1.
Mhgu critical eye Users can link to a Skill Tree or a section by using the following text: For Example: MHGU: Skill List#Expert This set gives me razor-sharp, minds eye, tenderizer and critical boost. Then depending on how much element you go crit element OR crit boost not both. Now the next level of Third point, the armor isn't much to write home about either, since the damage-focused meta would have you stacking Weakness Exploit, Repeat Offender and Critical Eye to reach as close to 100% affinity as you can get, then adding Crit Boost to the mix. Anyone have any recommendations to improve this set as is or any other specific sets? its used for most high crit sets, if you want critical eye +3, you want this feather. Because of how easy it is to get with the Dragonking eyepatch, it's pretty common in many endgame sets. Critical Boost 3 5. Weakness Exploit provides a massive 15/30/50% affinity when hitting a weakspot, way more than any level of Critical Eye. Critical Eye has appeared in the following games: MHGU Hammer build MHGenU Skills: Critical Eye +3 Sharpness +1 Weakness Exploit Critical Boost Challenger 1 Equipment: Fatalis Destroyer: Expert Jwl 3 I usually take Critical Juncture 2 with valor, they work well together. If you want Weaknesses Exploit instead of Repeat Offender, you'd swap the chest with the Glyph XR/Genesis XR piece and use a Tenderizer 5 OOO charm. Status Crit +10: Increases abnormal status attack Brutality. To craft jewels, talk to the blacksmith, “decoration” tag. Anyways go to skill for bows, assuming you use a rapid bow like the Scylla bow: Normal Up, Critical Eye +X, Challenger +2, Weakness Exploit, True Shot, and Critical Boost. I have esurient XR helm, Ukanlos X legs, and 3 pieces of Fatalis armor. And then there's the hidden third option, the Elscarad/Arginesse. Nov 18, 2024 · This is a guide to crafting the Critical Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Critical Boost Critical Eye +2 Challenger +2 Artillery Novice Most blademaster sets will have a similar set cause is the crit meta standard (except GS, that runs different skills). 5 on average. Compared to Critical Eye +3, Repeat Offender costs half the amount of points and is almost as strong but since there is no Hayabusa Feather (Expert +15) equivalent for Chain Crit and Chain Crit jewels give only 1 point for 1 slot, it is overall harder to gem into sets that don`t have it innately than CE+3. With a 3 slot weapon like the Ahtal Ka CB, you can get Critical Eye 2 to 3. HR (Guard +1, Razor Sharp, Critical Eye +1) - Ceanataur Helm S - Battle Mail S - Ceanataur Braces S - Vaik Faulds S - Gravios Greaves G (Guard +2, Razor Sharp, Critical Eye +1, Attack Up (S)) - Ceanataur Helm X - Seltas Mail X - Konchu Vambraces x - Vaik Faulds X - Barroth Greaves X In MHGU, skills are activated after putting in 10 points. MHGU Monsters The dataset used for monsters. You will need a Critical Up 5 OOO or Expert 10 OOO charm though. Critical Jwl 1. Looking for MHGU information? -15 : Critical Eye -2 Decreases Affinity by 10%. eg: Deviljho. 25% increase in damage. / The final form of the Hidden Eye. So in the case of Dios, Bombardier and Crit Eye are best. I'd take the extra damage on weakspots any day. If your raw damage is 200, that's like raising it to 202. Sharpness is a huge factor in hunting with DB so consider razor sharp and sharpness +1/+2. So what im asking for those longsword meta experts is that I have two current options, one is to continue my standard crit eye +2, challenger +2, wex and crit boost set, or slot in Hayabusa feather to get that crit eye +3 going, but in turn, that drops a whole lot of defense( roughly almost half of my current silver Solheim z). Dreadqueen skills are decent, but not worth the grind imo. Contains a spreadsheet of all of the weapons of GU. if you have a better tali you could get crit eye 3. Or is it even at all worth it to grind bloodbath for its GS? Critical Eye +3 Repeat Offender Elemental Crit Dragon Attack +1 ——— -LS (with maxed Research Saber for now) Silver Sol Z (Helm, Braces, Greaves) Ceanataur X (Mail, Tassets) —Skills: Critical Eye +2 Challenger +2 Weakness Exploit Critical Boost Razor Sharp These would've scaled way too much alongside the previous DLC skill values (1. However if you have critical boost level 3, the critical hit now deals 140% damage instead of 125%. 1 Kulu Vambraces ・ Last Stand Lv. I won’t go into detail rn of why not both but there’s was a pretty good post for MHXX that discussed it a while ago. 4 * 0. 2 Odogaron Mail I use a neset set with crit eye +3, critical boost, weakness exploit, plus marathon runner to take advantage of the second skill of my talisman. Note that this guide will not assume any prior knowledge, regardless of games played before in the Monster Hunter series. Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: Combines the effects of "Evasion +2" and "Critical Eye +3. For weapons with lower Affinity or none you might want to go for Weakness Exploit as it gives you +50% Affinity for hitting weak monster hitzones which then let's you crit all the time or for the majority. By itself, it would make Critical Eye non-viable due to the diminishing returns of Aug 20, 2024 · ・ Critical Eye Lv. Ruthlessness +10: Combines the effects of "Critical Eye +2" and "Weakness Exploit. The skills you want are: Critical Eye +3, Repeat Offender, Critical Boost, Pierce Up, and Shot Booster (this last one is more easily left off a set, but if you have a god charm, you can fit it in on a Neset set easily). Those are the core 4 skills. 1 ・ Critical Eye Lv. Critical Eye is increased in level based on the amount of Equipment with this skill the hunter is using. gets you focus, criteye 2, challenger 2, weakness exploit and critical boost. No point going above 100% Affinity but I suppose if you wanted to open with a guaranteed critical hit with Critical Draw 3 and then perform follow up hits with Critical Eye 7 and Weakness Exploit 3 for like 40% / 70% / 90% base Affinity afterwards for follow up hits you can do, sure. If you use Aerial style you could try to fit Load Up or Airborne. Hayabusa For high, g-rank and endgame, it's definitely worth it in sets you can't get Critical Eye that easily, just combine it with weakness exploit and critical boost (+ any must-have weapon skills like Focus for GS) and you'll wreck a ton of monsters in no time, before they have the chance to hit enough times until you cart. Do you know how the playstyle works? standard meta is Crit set with jho cena jho cena jho tenderizer +5 ooo charm, but can change depending on weapon. Twin barrels glint in the dark like a predator's eyes. Rare 4 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 40z. 25x to 1. Perfect example is Safi's affinity bonus which is 40% affinity. / == Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Hidden Eye. Armor Pieces; Piece Initial Defense Maximum Defense Resistances Slots; Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon; Head: 120 158 0 0 0 0 0 OO- Torso: 120 158 0 0 0 0 0 O-- Arms MHGU Skill Details A guide with all of the details of positive and negative skills, without the evaluations and ratings. A critical hit deals 125% damage. If you have Critical Plus, Critical Eye is going to be better. Blind Eye -10: Causes your attacks to be deflected more easily. 1 Kulu Headpiece ・ Lock On Lv. I have a few other mixed variations of the set that have critical eye +2 instead of minds eye but they all come from this same armor base. In GEN this was more relevant in deciding what to use but when it comes to XX the vast majority of endgame weapons have above 267 raw. i used it a lot in XX (japanese GU) in my end game sets, i think i had a set with Sharpness +1, crit boost, razor sharp, crit eye +3, repeat offender and with a good charm, Crit status or crit element. Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills. Boltreaver, Silverwind, Soulseer, and Dreadking/queen can be pretty good. So my long sword set is the basic one that has crit eye 3, challenger 2, weakness exploit, and critical boost. 2x 80% affinity with no critical boost is 1. so load up on weakness exploit, critical eye, critical boost, crit draw maybe if you triple charge right from draw attacks. -destroyer using this set gives me at least 70% CRITICAL HIT CHANCE/CHANCES. Right now I’m currently using Jho Ceana set with Sharpness +2, Razor Sharp, Critical Eye +1, Weakness Exploit, and Crit Boost gemmed in while also using Ahtal-Ka Dual Blades. Which Once you know this, then you're able to optimize armor set skills based on the weapon, such as "is Challenger +2 a good tradeoff for Critical Boost?" or "is Attack Up (L) worth as much as Attacking the weak point with critical eye +3 means 80% affinity = 20% more damage Attacking the weak point with critical eye +1 and critical boost means 60% affinity = 24% more damage Of course, this is assuming the monster even has a weak point, or one that is easily reachable. It's a 35% chance to proc on a negative crit so it's only slightly better than having 0% crit. Critical Eye -2 見切り -2 -15 Reduces Affinity by 10% Critical Eye -3 見切り -3 -20 Reduces Affinity by 15% MH3U Equipment with Expert [] Head Torso Arms I am also aware that skills such as Critical Eye and/or Weakness Exploit (and maybe Critical Element, idk) are more favorable and therefore prioritized before the skill of question. . I might need to retest that. You can also make a variation of this set with Sharpness +2 and Challenger +1 instead, for 1-Art styles. I'm not Affinity skills all work together additively, yeah. If you can, even a set with Ele Att Up and Crit Eye could work. 1 ・ Ice Resistance Lv. 5(non critical hits the other 50% of the time), works out to an average 1. Dreadking and Soulseer just needs a Critical Up 5 OOO charm and a weapon slot to shine. Attack Up will generally be better, but With a free Crit Eye +2 and a Expert+5 OOO Charm you have CE+3 on pretty much any set you can imagine. So there's actually something to compete with Crit Draw finally. Making the calculations we have that if our weapon has less than 400 true Raw damage value, it is better to raise Attack than Affinity. Grinder: Heavy Polish +10: Use a whetstone to polish a weapon and briefly increase its strength. 05x respectively). Weakness Exploit is wonderful if you do Normal gunning instead of Pierce (Pierce shots can go through the 45 hit zone. Even with a god charm like Sharpness 7 Handicraft 5 OOO on Ahtal Ka, you only get the same skills with Crit Eye 1. Above 267(?) raw Crit Eye is better, below 267 Attack Up is better. Skills: Sharpness +2, Razor sharp, Crit eye 2, Weakness exploit/Repeat offender, critical boost The weapon itself has great raw, sharpness and blast element which is great because SnS normally wants different builds for every monster and element but with blast you have a good go to set for most monsters. So we have 30% affinity with both the sword and the crit eye then: Not accounting for Max Might since its rarely, if ever, going to proc. Mind's Eye +10: Prevents your attacks from being deflected. 2x multiplier without any additional Affinity skills, while WEX + CE1 is only 1. You can't get that combination with Ahtal Ka. Plus some qurio upgrades and rampage decos you can get to pretty 100% easily. 8+1. with regards to skills, for greatsword you don't need to worry about razor sharp or heavy polish, GS loses sharpness so slowly compared to other weapons you're better off stacking crit skills. ) i mostly use negate stun as kinda a defensive skill, so that i can continue attacking all the time when there is an opening that i see. Critical Eye +1/2/3; Classic Affinity booster used to round out sets. Mar 18, 2019 · With the Narga LBG having a lot of Affinity, Critical Eye +2/3 and Repeat Offender you will land critical hits all the time. Combined with Crit Draw you can really bolster your damage output. Pierce Up, Critical Eye +3, Repeat Offender, Critical boost, Shot booster. If you don't have Critical Plus, it'll depend on how many attack bonuses you're running. At which point the best way to make up the remaining 30% is to get level 2 weakness exploit might as well trade out 4 points in critical eye for full weakness exploit to hit 100%. Dreadqueen armor skills gives Critical Eye +2, Crit Status, Dreadqueen Soul X (Status Atk +2, Wide-Range +2 and pro herbology that makes you heal more by eating herbs). With critical eye 3 that becomes +20% affinity. English names with the Icon denote Skills that first appeared in this game. 4x attack power)+1. But I can only get all those buffs if I use a 3 slotted weapon since my talisman is only tenderizer 6, the weapon I use is the meretseger (neset ls) if I use my razor splitter I get much more sharpness at the cost of not having challenger 2, but I can still keep the other skills. Gives Critical Eye 2, Pierce Up, Critical Boost, Shot Booster, and Repeat Offender after decorations. Weakness Exploit is generally the best damage increasing skill, with Critical Eye and Chain Crit coming in for matchups that don't have easily accessible weakspots. The Arena is the place for Hunters to put their abilities to the test. Whereas Weakness Exploit is 50% crit for 10 points. The "true" affinity can be assumed to be -45/+55. However, not all HBG requires affinity (critical rate). You can also try to fit Shot Booster and any attack up skills like Challenger +2, Attack Up Small/Medium. Critical Boost; Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield 50% affinity with critical up is 1. It’s not great, but it was enough for Ukanlos. Some skills have additional levels that activate at +15 and +20, so for example, you hit Critical Eye + 1 at 10 points in Expert, + 2 at 15 points, and + 3 at 20 points. You can spend the left over 20 points for something better like Crit Boost, Handicraft, Razor Sharp, etc. " Duly noted. " You can use the Jho-Ceana set and with the right decorations, you can get Sharpness +2, Critical Eye 2, Razorsharp, Artillery Novice, and Critical Boost. MHGU Weapons The original dataset used for this calculator and for YADC for GU. So let's use a weapon like La Foi as an example, which has 30% Affinity naturally. Dreadqueen is good because it has a lot of skills that benefit status users like Critical Eye, Status Attack 2, and Status Crit. It's thanks to a god charm I managed to get so I've been pretty comfortable with neset. On the other hand if our weapon has MORE than 400 true raw damage value, it is better to raise affinity; Silverwind X. It also offers 2x 1-Slots and 3x 3-Slots. Use this if you want to go for full raw. Statuses Both of these options share one thing in common-- 30% affinity boost, on par with Critical Eye 3 or Repeat Offender. I use the sedition crusher (purple sharpness, 2 slot, 25% affinity, doesnt need extra sharpness), but I feel that I dont really need crit eye +3 with that hammer and WE that means 105% affinity for Critical Jwl 3. Contains hitzone info and raw quest data. Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español An ebon Bowgun, black as night. This Skill Tree appears in Monster Hunter: World, though it resembles the Expert Skill Tree from previous games. Then, you get 100 Affinity on a weak spot. I'm aware that there's a realistic chance I might have just been unlucky and gotten no neutral hits in this example, but I have tested this on a full hunt by only I (and many others) like the “Jho Ceana” set (Esurient XR Head, Shogun Ceanataur XR Chest, Esurient XR Arms, Shogun Ceanataur XR Waist, Esurient XR legs) — has Razor Sharp, Sharpness +2, and 7 points in Expert towards Critical Eye, plus 11 slots to work with. Business, Economics, and Finance. Augmented affinity for 10% Attack boost lvl 4 for 5% Hmm so if my numbers are correct it could make a critical boost build some fun I'm just using odo lance as a generic high affinity weapon Edit: would need lvl 7 critical eye for 30% or lvl 6 for 25% For Critical Eye (10 points in Expert) we have a=10 (10 points of affinity boost). Rare 6 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 40z. Skills that increase the damage of critical hits. Learn the effects of Critical Jewel 2, materials used to craft it, and armor pieces that have the same skills as Critical Jewel 2. I'm sure you can find something with Razor Sharp, Critical Eye +2, and a conglomerate of other skills by slotting this into Athena's ASS. I found it weird that they gave Critical Eye with the Izuchi set in Rise. If you can somehow fit in Attack Up Small or Medium, that wouldn't be bad either. Critical Eye is honestly useless since the set is focused on elemental damage but it's there because it's easy to get. Critical Eye +3 Shot Booster Repeat Offender Neset Hat Neset Vest Neset Brachia Neset Elytra Neset Feet-----+4 Pierce Up, +9 Expert OOO-----1x Chain Jwl 3 (in Charm) 2x Absorber Jwl 3 2x Precise Jwl 2 2x Precise Jwl 1 Bitter Set Pierce/Pierce up Recoil Down +1 Shot Booster Attack Up (M) Bitter Affinity Neset Hat Neset Vest But generally across the board it’s hit as much crit as you can naturally without weakness exploit ( priortize chain crit , crit eye , challenger). Hayabusa feather is a really good armor piece to use, but you can also use the dreadqueen set since it’s a good status set. Defeat the target monster(s) as quickly as you can and you will find true glory (and some special items)! Up to two Hunters can take part in an Arena Quest. Armor Skills: English: Critical Eye +2, Status Crit, (Dreadqueen Soul, Dreadqueen Soul X) Japanese Critical eye lvl 6 for 30 affinity(may not be accurate) Maximum might for 30 affinity. 0x0. Sticky and Cluster build takes virtually zero benefit May 2, 2019 · Critical Eye should then be used to boost or make you resting Affinity up to 50. I can make a set with Sharpness+2,Critical Eye +3, Razor Sharp, Weakness Exploit and Critical Boost with it in MHGU. Critical Boost; Increases your Critical Hit damage from 1. Preferably it would have at least one slot, but as the other person said, this is situationally useful. You gain nothing from having a total of >100% affinity. Vankron Voltblade (Lagiacrus): Strong against thunder-weak monsters. EF is the only 380 raw lance in the game with positive affinity and white. I have jho ceana too if that helps. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Critical Eye Usually by step 2 or 3, regular players will also be looking at Vitality 3 or Divine Blessing 3. " Jun 7, 2019 · 4. I can get Crit Element in the set but I have to swap out Elemental Because of the different arena I put aside the Silverwind armor+LS and tried IG, where I managed to repel him. I put in Weakness exploit and crit boost for full affinity (actually 95% but whatever), vault decos for obvious reasons, artillery novice, and bludgeoner to make the green sharpness increase my attack. I try to avoid using Nesset set since it relies heavily on a charm. Critical Eye +2 Weakness Exploit Repeat Offender(whatever you prefer I use valor hammer) Critical Boost Any three slot hammer Hayabusa Feather Esurient Mail XR Esurient Vambraces XR Silver Solfaulds XR Esurient Grieves XR But you need Tenderizer +5 3 slots for this. 1x RAu, now 1. That being said, here is a wonderful thread posted some time ago that explains when Crit Eye is better than Att L. To access Arena Quests, talk to the Arena Instructor in the Hunter's Hub or the Arena Master in the Hunter's Pub Critical Eye is one of the many recurring Skill Trees in the Monster Hunter series. Btw, should I stick with Alatreon Dragonspire or should I switch to neset glaive? These are my current skills: Repeat Offender, Critical Eye + 3, Crit Boost, Elemental Crit and Razor sharp. Users can use their internet Browser's Search functions (Ctrl + F for Firefox and Google Chrome, or Command + F for Mac users) for easier navigation through the list. Maybe Valor sets could benefit from Repeat Offender more than Critical Eye. 25x0. Decorations Critical Up. It's my crowning achievement and probably the best charm, and only good charm I've gotten in the series. Not even half bad. To “craft” charms, talk to your housekeep, “melding Oh, my bad. 1 Kulu Greaves ・ Critical Eye Lv. Agitator or Critical Eye OR 4. Guide Contents If you have to choose between Crit Boost and Crit Eye, assuming Purple Sharpness on Diablos CB, then Crit Boost is a bit over 10 EFR better on weakspots at 30% affinity compared to Crit Eye on the same spots at 40%. I generally prefer crit eye > chain crit > weakness exploit because some monster weaknesses arent reachable with DB (for example gravios wings). Attack Up L +3 = 20 points. Also, the Astalos S is just a safer version of Rathalos S, giving stun protection and a guaranteed 30% Affinity instead of an iffy 50% Affinity and Attack +15 out of the box. Chain costs 10 points and Critical Eye costs 20 points for a total of 60% crit for 30 points. Generally you'll want Pierce Up, Critical Eye +X, Weaknesses Exploit/Repeat Offender, and Critical Boost for the Daora and Hyper Zin HBG. Silverwind Soul X +10: Combines the effects of "Evasion +2," "Critical Eye +3," and "Sneak. If you want higher affinity, Critical Eye +3 = 20 points. You need to put 2 dragon spirit jewel 3 in the vest and guards, 2 dragon spirit jewel 1 in the charm, a tenderizer jewel 1 in the leggings and a force shot jewel 1 in the last slot in the charm. I use a Daora's Ceti and Orcus Quarkus, which this set gives me 80% affinity after the first few bullets in a clip. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Paralysis, Sleep) when landing a critical hit. That being said, WEX plus Critical Boost is an average of 1. 5(50% chance to critical hit at 1. I recommend the wiki's armor search or Athena's ASS for looking up sets with your own charms, they might yield similar results with different charms or even Tenderizer +5 Expert +10 back when I was playing Cross on my 3DS. Each level works as follows: Level 1: +5% Affinity; Level 2: +10% Affinity; Level 3: +15% Affinity; Level 4: +20% Affinity; Level 5: +25% Affinity Weakness Exploit and Critical Boost. There’s some sort of damage formula. On non-weakspots the Crit Eye set is ahead by a bit short of 13 EFR. Rustrazor Slasher: You won't need any Sharpness Skills with this one. Skills that I have is Critical Eye +1, Evade Extend, and Speed Sharp. 6) = 260. Crypto With a god charm like Chain Crit 5 Expert 10 OOO and no weapon slot, you can get Crit Eye 3, Sharpness +2, Razorsharp, Critical Boost, and Chain Crit with the Jho Ceana set. This makes them extremely useful for any Glaive with Neutral affinity, as all it takes is Crit Eye 2 and WEX to reach max affinity. I haven’t used chaos oil yet in MHGU since I thought that it didn’t stack. 4 eFR So Crit Eye is still useful, especially if you aren't able to hit weak spots all the time. Final Boss: Easy to work with and more viable for critical builds than Cera. I can't speak to horn specifically (Hammer main here), but the late/post game meta generally revolves around crit stacking. crit eye +1 or 2, I forget obviously only going to want to use crit boost and wex if you can consistently hit those weakzones. A particular popular ls is the rustrazor splitter because it has no need for any sharpness skills, which means xou can fully commit to crit. It’s gotten me sharpness+2, Razor sharp, and Critical eye 1, with Ruiner Glaive. You can use this with the Zin HBG too and net the same skill. Most likely, your weapon has - 10% affinity. An extra 10% affinity from anywhere else and you got 100%. 2x on average. 25 = 0. 0125, or a 1. Recently, though, I've been looking into making certain armor pieces, and I'm really curious as to whether Latent Power is actually a good skill or not worth it at all. For Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "G-rank paralize sns set ?". - expert (CRITICAL EYE +3) - negate stun (but i can always substitute this with TENDERIZER. For elemental weapons, it depends on what your Raw is at. Here, all your equipment and items are pre-determined. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Critical Draw +10: Increases Affinity for all draw attacks by 100%. It is the perfect weapon for hunting prey within the darkness of night. Then the rest depends on your charm, thankfully I have an amazing charm of expert+10 with 3 slots but any 2-3 slot talisman will do, you just won’t get critical eye. 1 Rath Heart Coil ・ Critical Eye Lv. Attack Up is pretty common and it's a great boost early on, but it drops off later compared to Critical Eye, starting with this game, since Crit Boost exists. 4x0. This allows me to use the remaining 3 slots of the armor and the 3 slot of the charm to get Critical Eye+2 guard up +8 points This guide is meant for new players of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU) or for players who haven’t played Blademaster in the old-school games, and wish to play as Gunlance. If WEX or critical eye is pushing your total over 100%, dial one of them back. So if the next level of critical eye gives 5 affinity, that's 0. 0*0. Alloy X Armor アロイXシリーズ General Information; Type: Blademaster Gender: Male / Female Rarity: Rare 8 Total Slots: 6 Total Defenses; Initial Defense I get no neutral hits despite only having 65% crit, as the critical hits always override the non-critical hits in this example. 4x normal raw whenever you Critically Hit. Critical Eye Effect. (Wex 2 CB3: 60% affinity on weakspots) 210 * (1 + 0. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate If you want to maximise damage the recommended way would be crit. 05 * 0. No idea about meta or anything, but I personally made a set with the akantor charge blade. A prowler in this game would've been able to use WS, WE, Critical Eye S and L all together alongside Boomerang Pro. So i was wondering which iteration of Crit draw MHGU use? If it works like P3rd then im gonna stick with Ahtal GS, but if its like FU im considering making a new set for Bloodbath GS. Critical Boost +10: Increases the damage of critical hits. This set should give you the skills: critical eye plus 2, normal/rapid up, weaknes exploit, dragon heart and critical boost. What I'm aiming for if I go with a Weakness Exploit modification for my build is 2 Maximum Might and 3 Weakness Exploit so I get 70% affinity, which I think is enough, but a large amount. Aug 28, 2022 · Weakness Exploit gives 50% and Maximum Might gives another 30%. Blunt: Bludgeoner +10 Bitter Affinity is only better if you can't reach 0 affinity on a weapon. If you're going for a critical build, make sure to fit weakness exploit in, as it allows you to pump your critical chance very high. Challenger I think learning critical distance and positioning are the most important things for gunners; Pierce is the strongest for both light and heavy bowgun Narga/silverwind narga for light bowgun pierce Zinogre/thunderlord zinogre for heavy bowgun pierce About skills, pierce up, and critical up + critical eye Critical Boost Repeat Offender/Critical Eye +3 Pierce Up It's unlikely you'll have much space after that, but if you do, plug in Shot Booster It's really as simple as Full Crit and Up. By using a nice Charm I got (tenderizer+4 OOO) AND the Final Boss weapon (3 Slots) I can get the following Skills: razor sharp, sharpness+2, weakness exploit, crit boost, critical Eye+1 (+2 if I can get a tend+5 OOO) Critical Boost; Critical Boost’s effectiveness will be boosted based on how much Affinity you already have, but in general 70% Affinity is reachable by many weapons, even without Weakness Exploit. Critical Eye; Affinity booster, used to round out a set. That means any combination of critboost, critical eye, weakness exploit, chain crit, challenger. So, Critical Eye is really something that will, in practice, be part of the armor's innate skill and not something you will want to use slots for. -20 : Critical Eye -3 Decreases Affinity by 15%. More useful on combo GS since you’ll have Crit Draw on hit-and-run. Consider that when you have your weapons. 2 ・ Critical Eye Lv. 2x Critical Jwl3, 1x Expert Jwl3, 2x Spirit Jwl2, 2x Tenderizer Jwl1, 1x Handicraft Jwl1 (If you only have a Tenderizer 3-5 OOO charm you can only have Crit Eye +2). generally critical eye +2, critical boost, weak exploit, razor sharp, and sharpness +2 is standard, but theres challenger sets and sets that forgo handicraft cause the weapon has a billion white sharpness (rustrazor) My hr is 96 these sound good and ive been going for critical eye +2 and knockout king I would make the fatalis hammer but killing fatlis is one thing and killing crimson fatalis is a whole other Reply reply Skills that increase elemental damage (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon) of critical hits. It has critical eye 3, crit status, status attack +2, wide range 2, and herbologist level 2 at max As the title says, I’m currently using Adept DB Twin Bolts and I’m wondering if I should try to check out Valor DB. If you want to try something a bit gimmicky, I did make an IG set with Sharpness +2, Razorsharp, [Element] Attack +2, Elemental Attack Up, and Critical Eye +1. 1x and 1. If I remeber Corectly negative affinity/bitter affinity can be stronger or compete with crit eye, and crit booster if you have the right wepon and skills for example if you have dibablos hbg and if you have bitter affinity, and pierce up, recoil 1, and atk up M it can sometimes out dps the "Meta Hbg" sets This Set will give you razor sharp, sharpness+2, and 7 points for critical eye. Decorations Critical Eye is a Skill in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Most of my blademaster sets are luckily non weapon specific and the skill combinations are for the most part possible with worse charms at the cost of less defense or -1 Critical Eye. Critical Eye +1 Razor Sharp Weakness Exploit Critical Boost Is what I've got suitable for CB or would anyone recommending using more niche skills such as artillery novice and load up? If anyone would like to share their CB builds it would be greatly appreciated, I am absolutely crap at trying to piece together my own mixed sets and stuff. 15x. It also might help against hard skin monster like basarios and gravios, but other than that, I dont think minds eye is important for GS. this set also works with valor Well, minds eye certainly help for some cases, for example, I am using valor GS with mind eye to fight old/white fatalis, to keep my GS from bouncing when attacking his feet, since he can one shot me. You need to be mindful of your total affinity when adding in critical eye/WEX, because the safi bonus carries plenty of the total already. Critical eye starts to beat attack up in early to mid high rank if I remember correctly. For Element: Magnastar Tobah (Valstrax): Doesn't need sharpness skills so you can focus on the damage ones. There are skills with extra levels such as Critical eyes, Attack up or Gathering. Meanwhile, with max critical eye, you only reach 70% affinity. Nah, you can actually get up to over 100% affinity with Critical Eye +2, WE, and the Narga GS, which can really open up the potential for big damage with the super charged slash that you can't do from out of draw, and the followup roundslash after it. 2, which also works out to 1. Critical Eye +2 (self-explanatory) Critical Boost (self-explanatory) Sheathe Sharpen (benefits from Valour sheathing) I think I either gemmed in Challenger or Weakness Exploit and w those, it basically becomes Silver Rathalos armour If you're looking for faster quest times, probably try a bit harder than I was XD Razor Sharp, Weakness Exploit and Critical Eye or Challenger +2. jewels are, one charger jewel 3, three level 1 critical jewels, one spirit jewel 2, and one tenderizer jewel 3. 5x WS and 1. A Decoration that boosts Critical Up skills. Skills that affect the likelihood of performing critical hits. 2 Rath Heart Braces ・ Windproof Lv. ibrje jkts qram wus ofgcqxz wdr fbvozmce mxife lzaba ehdcaj frdfji srksi bsexk xylih qwug