My boyfriend wants me to be friends with his ex. The last time an ex asked me to be friends I said no.
My boyfriend wants me to be friends with his ex If you have the potential to be vindictive, this could also be a ploy to get back at you. But I think that might be why part of me want to meet up with him. See full list on wikihow. Some of us take time to get over the hurt from a breakup. Feb 6, 2023 · The letter-writer’s partner doesn’t want him to be friends with his ex, but he doesn’t want to drop the friendship. " Maybe it’s because I know I have the power to break his heart like he once did mine. My ex-boyfriend and I broke up after a somewhat committed and loving relationship. I really don’t want to talk to my friends or family about this because I don’t want to ruin their perspective on him. 10 possible reasons a guy wants to be friends after a breakup. Please bear with me as English is not my first language. 6 days ago · Here are six helpful tips for reconnecting with an ex and shifting from a past romance to a healthy friendship. Things had been great between us. " Apr 8, 2023 · Also read: Why does my fwb text me everyday? Save me to Pinterest 20 Reasons why your ex wants to be friends with benefits. Definitely, my ex wanted the best of both worlds, but thanks to you, he could not get it. If your boyfriend and his ex met at work, they likely need to be on speaking terms to collaborate on projects and maintain a cordial environment at the office. Mar 8, 2021 · Me and my ex boyfriend dated for 1. 1 day ago · Dr. com Dec 9, 2021 · Look, you don’t need to work toward being in love with the fact that he’s friends with his ex. Me and my ex still talk daily and hang out as friends. They share children. I’m still hurting by the personal attacks my ex said on the phone to me 2 years ago, and it’s so conflicting because part of me loves her and wants to get back together. Why would an ex want to be friends? An ex may want to be friends for the sake of old times or because they still care about you and haven’t been able to get over you. “It might be in their wallet, on their desk, or somewhere more hidden than that Aug 20, 2022 · The biggest reasons why your ex wants to be friends; What you should do if your ex wants to be friends; Related questions you guys asked; Beginning with… Why Would My Ex Want to Remain Friends – 10 Reasons. Agreeing to be friends with your boyfriend’s ex can make you doubt your self-worth. Do his actions match his words? “I want you to meet my friends someday” does not mean “I want you to meet my friends. We’d been together a year at that point and I had had some issues with his friendships before this point. Aug 30, 2024 · If your boyfriend and his ex share a ton of the same friends, they may want to stay on good terms to make things less awkward at social gatherings. My ex and I have been broken up for more than a year now (we dated for about only 6 months), but it ended amicably so we stayed friends, good friends. My bf (19M) and I (19F) were in a long distance relationship for a year. Aug 8, 2022 · i met my boyfriend 5 years ago with 6 months in the relationship i found a face book account with me block . By getting at the root of why he wants to be friends, you can make a more informed decision. They work together. My ex (f17) of one year dumped me (18m) 4 weeks ago because she lost the ROMANTIC FEELINGS. She recently moved back to her hometown, which is where my ex-boyfriend and I reside. Today I hung out with my ex bc he is in town for the weekend and my bf said it was okay. He wanted to meet in person last week to talk, but the only thing he wanted to say was that he truly loves me, he misses me and he regrets this. He just wants to make sure he wants to be with me before committing any further. Jun 5, 2019 · "If your ex doesn’t want you to be friends with his or her family, you should respect that and back off," Masini says. Their relationship was mostly fine but she couldn't support him in the way he needed (emotionally) and usually brushed everything off. Is it ok to be jealous if your partner is friends with an ex? Can exes really be just friends? Here's how to approach your partner about your unhappiness. Rationally, I do believe he’s deserving of my trust. It’s tough to move on and date new people when your ex makes sure he’s always on your mind. But I would never do to him what he did to me. " Or "This is a wonderful gift sweetheart. I started dating my boyfriend in December and found out that he’s still friends with his ex. Give yourself time to heal. I couldn’t be friends with my recent ex as he meant so much to me I couldn’t to it if all he wanted was friendship. But, in practice, this is rarely as straightforward as it sounds. 5 years of a train wreck marriage and the finale of me filing after he took off his mask COMPLETELY and vowed to “destroy me, leave me broke and homeless and wanted visitation rights to my dog”, I went no contact, filed and followed through (BTW, 2nd time I filed). Of course it’s early days. Dec 10, 2022 · My Boyfriend Wants Me To Be Friends With His Ex – What I Did; 15 Helpful Tips For Dating A Guy Younger Than You; 17 Types Of Men To Avoid Dating If You Want Real Love; Oct 31, 2020 · 4. We’ve both been loving, attentive, kind and considerate. Is this a normal way to be after divorce? I don't know if I can always have his ex so involved in my own life and want to make a family just the three of us. I want to know where you stand on the whole “staying friends with your ex” thing. I don’t want to snoop anymore, and I want to stop feeling the need to know everything about their past and present relationship. Although he wanted more than friendship in the end which I wasn’t interested. Sep 28, 2017 · At the end of his stay, my ex told me, "I like you Rach, but I think like your boyfriend even more. TLDR; my ex boyfriend wants to be friends and maybe get back together after he “experiences” his 20s. But the other part of me can’t tolerate any more disrespect. " He was kidding (I hope), but I got the point: They had formed a real friendship, too. i told him i didnt want 2 c him any more he got super mad bout that said he was I (23F) and My boyfriend (25M) have been dating for about 5 months now. Carolyn Hax: A boyfriend who won’t stand up for you shouldn’t sit Mar 5, 2018 · You and I know the dreadful friend zone doesn't sound one bit enticing. After begging her to take me back for the following 3 weeks i initiated NC for about a week. What he did doesn’t hurt me anymore. Jan 17, 2025 · They might also want to be friends if they want to get back together with you or hook up with you. However, chances are your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is stalking you for one or more of the reasons below: She’s obsessed with your boyfriend; She wants him back, especially if she’s single. Until he broke up with me one day, giving multiple reasons, none of which made sense to me. "That should be the driving factor in your decision-making process and will lead you to the Dec 3, 2020 · After 11. It wouldn’t be enough. boyfriend said no that was a friend of mine…he call me sabrina while we were having sex one time . Oct 13, 2021 · If you feel like your boyfriend’s ex has the power to steal him at any moment, you may be motivated to be friends with the ex to dissuade them from doing so. his friend said i met u b4 when i never met him . I (27f) met my boyfriend's (35m) ex wife (29f) and I want them to get back together. He Still Feels Physically Attracted Physical attraction rarely disappears overnight. An ex-boyfriend who’s selfish and doesn’t want you to be “free” might give you gifts to get in your head. My boyfriend wants me to support him in trying to be friends with his ex girlfriend Ok so I have been dating my boyfriend for about 8 months now and he has recently gotten back in contact with his ex and they have been trying to rekindle their friendship. I only hung out with my ex for 45 minutes and then came home to spend the day with my bf and I told him all about it. It's important to take the time to understand your boyfriend's concerns and communicate openly and honestly about your intentions and feelings. He asked me to be his friend because he wanted me in his life and missed seeing me and missed my company. "If you have children together, keep your relationships with your ex’s Sep 20, 2021 · Jenée Desmond-Harris: Hi friends. This is so far from the truth, I don't have any romantic feelings for my ex, my whole problem is that my current boyfriend would lose his shit every time my ex would call me or text me from some random account and kept calling me from no caller id at 2 am after I told him I dont wanna hear from him again and I wouldn't report him for harassment or go off on him but rather I'd just ignore him. I went no contact for 37 days and he texted me two days ago and therefore broke no contact. If you do decide to stay friends with an ex, set clear boundaries and maintain a platonic relationship with them. Feb 4, 2019 · "Here's where you need to prioritize who is more important: Your friend, or their ex," says Winter. Dec 12, 2024 · 5. I'm so happy my ex wants to be friends and doesn't despise me. We rarely get into fights when we were together in college. I do, however, think you have a lot more to gain than lose by trying to accept this friendship. Jun 14, 2021 · Late night phone calls, asking for help/favors, texting 24/7 — these are all signs your partner’s ex wants them back. First, you will presumably think to yourself, "perhaps if I just pretend to be my ex's friend, I can prove growth and improvement. Main reason is there was another guy pursuing me and my ex bf knows about it. Hope you had a good weekend. Will you be okay in the future with their relationship, or will you continue to feel angry or jealous? Dec 9, 2021 · Look, you don’t need to work toward being in love with the fact that he’s friends with his ex. She was just perfect!" Or "You shouldn't have behaved this way. Tl;dr boyfriend is still friends with his only ex, I’m having trouble accepting it but don’t want to ask him to cut her out The only time I accepted friendship from an ex was after years later when I was well and truly over it. They had a casual thing for 6 months last year, got a little more serious for a month or two and then broke up in August because they weren’t good together romantically. What could go wrong?” “I’m starting to spend a lot of time texting my ex. Recently I moved to the country/ town where my boyfriend lives, after a few months of long-distance relationship with visits intermittent. He’s still mad about the breakup. 1. After going no-contact for three weeks, he reached out asking me if I wanted to meet up so that he can return a few things to me. We met and talked for 4 hours. They broke up about 5 years ago and my now ex-boyfriend tried to date others, but supposedly could not let her go until he met me. Oh yes! Same situation. Jan 6, 2022 · This one is pretty obvious, but if your partner still keeps photos of their ex around, they’re not over them. So my(17F), now ex(18M) left me three weeks ago for his best friend and i’ve been a wreck ever since. Tired of guilt and the ex: I’ve been with my boyfriend for several years now. I couldn The dumb part is that he is actively looking for a fight and he doesn’t want me talking to my ex even though we are still best friends For a little context of the breakup me and my ex separated mutually around 2 months ago and she got into a rebound with a guy she meet a month ago. But I must admit, my ex used to be a pro at choosing clothes for me. He doesn’t care how it affects you emotionally and mentally. Prior, he was in a two year long relationship. May 22, 2023 · If your boyfriend tells you to be friends with his ex, he’s only thinking about what’s best for him. Let's call him Danny and he never talk or nearly touch the topic about his ex wife, Mer, to me. Don’t give him that power. My ex would never do that if she were in your place. Mar 5, 2018 · So yeah, Zan, my ex-partner, wants to be friends to keep me around for convenience, and now, after reading this detailed info, I remember the advices that you gave me on one-on-one help. Feb 2, 2021 · I’m trying to find some help outside my family and friend’s circle. We were together a year, I broke up 4 weeks ago because he wouldn’t commit to a relationship after a year. Romanoff shares that in her couples therapy work, she often sees these types of relationships with an ex re-emerge because the partner who wants to remain friends with their ex doesn’t have many other friendships outside of their current partner and has a strong need to vent or seek advice about their relationship to others. Feb 1, 2021 · My ex and I slowly started our relationship with him friendzoning me, telling me that he didn’t want to hurt me because he knew he was a “bad boyfriend” and I was “too good” for him, but after becoming friends with benefits he finally decided to go all in and we started dating a couple months later. He Wants You To Stay Friends Sep 15, 2014 · 1. Maybe he still finds you appealing and hopes that a “friendship” might lead to something physical. If not, at the very least I will keep my ex in my life. 2. The last time an ex asked me to be friends I said no. ” Only the actual action of setting up the meeting does that. After we graduated, we have been long distance for 6 months and broke it off last month. Apr 12, 2023 · Does Your Ex-Boyfriend Want To Be Friends Or Just Looking For Sex? My Boyfriend Wants Me To Be Friends With His Ex – What I Did. Let me know what you’re thinking about … Q. My boyfriend made it clear in the beginning that he wouldn't change this as it works, he has known his ex since they were children, and he wants what is best for his daughter. He is not a bad person or bad partner. Before becoming friends with your ex, decide if they can respect your boundaries and remain friendly instead of romantic. Warning: Long read ahead. We My boyfriend of 2 years left me completely heartbroken because his first girlfriend came back into the picture. Even if he seems to be looking at me differently now, he still won't ask me to be his girlfriend (claims he's not ready for a relationship where he can give the girl the attention/love she deserves), he'll still entertain another friend of his who he doesn't seem to like but is afraid to hurt with rejection (especially because she doesn't have My ex boyfriend wants us to be friends after he cheated on me and left me for a girl he met at a party. Oct 15, 2021 · Gifts have a way of sticking in your mind. Mar 8, 2021 · The reason he broke up with me is because he said he needed to get his head on straight and because he was overall just mistreating me. He put me back in therapy and fucked me up good for a really long time. But if you're hoping "to learn more Oct 5, 2022 · “My friends think I shouldn’t be talking to my ex, but we’re just friends now. He wants me back, I do not want him. Emotional Attachment: Your ex may still have strong emotional attachments to you, and may find it hard to let go of that connection. May 20, 2023 · If your boyfriend has expressed a desire for you to block your ex completely, there may be some underlying issues that need to be addressed. Jun 13, 2024 · The immediate idea of staying friends with an ex can seem like a good way to soften the blow of heartbreak. We were best friends before dating and he said he wants to keep it that way. 22F here, my boyfriend is 23. There are a multitude of reasons why your ex can want to remain friends. If your ex is still upset about the breakup, he wouldn’t want to stay friends. Jul 5, 2023 · Here’s how to help decide whether you do in fact want to remain friends. Throwaway because I’m paranoid in general. How do you and your partner handle other situations where you want something and your partner does not (or vice versa)? Are you always the partner who Apr 20, 2023 · Why is your ex-boyfriend's girlfriend stalking you? Unless a stalker outright tells you why they’re spying on you, there’s no real way of knowing. so he’d like to be friends. My boyfriend (27M) and I (29F) got in a huge fight recently over me staying friends with my ex (33M). 5. "You did a good job, but my ex would have done it in the best way. Jul 7, 2016 · "If it's to better your relationship with your partner," all good — for example, if your partner is friends with their ex and you want to join in the fun. Get to know her as a PERSON, not just as your boyfriend's ex. You want information. I actually spend a lot of time hanging out with my husband's ex alone now, because we've become close friends and I don't think about her as "husband's ex", just as Kerry my friend. Here are some of the reasons why your ex wants to be friends with benefits: 1. I have been with my boyfriend for nearly a year now. Watch how they interact and if anything makes you concerned, talk to your boyfriend about it after. 5 years and were friends for 2 years before we started dating. When I asked him why he did it he said there was no other way for him to end the relationship since he was unhappy but is sorry he chose to end it this way. We've been "official" for about two months but have been actively seeing each other since last January. Jan 20, 2025 · If your partner wants to remain friends with their ex, think about how that may affect you long-term. He and his ex were together for two years (have been broken up for about a year when me and him met) and the reason why it took us so long to be official is because I'm a jealous person and I did not like the fact she and him are so close (I told him this My boyfriend and I got back together and yesterday I asked if he could stop talking to his ex and he said he would. ppfqs dmucv wylterc hknm fun kfxev rwf swrdd ogbglsd dvcyu xhi ajyiv bjrb rwwjl zowatyp