Sms link html. When clicked, nothing happens.

Sms link html. Use one of these shorteners to track links.

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Sms link html A clickable messaging link allows your customers to text you instead of calling. Jun 9, 2022 · You may want to look into this page: Send SMS Messages From a Link with HTML - Orangeable. Using <a> href attribute. Mar 3, 2011 · sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. HTML Element: Open an external website action: REALITY: Chances are good that the majority of your site visitors are arriving on your site via text. Sep 12, 2021 · Level up your programming skills with exercises across 52 languages, and insightful discussion with our dedicated team of welcoming mentors. SMS Link is a type of HTML link that allows users to send text messages directly from a web page. Using the <a> Anchor TagTo create a download link in HTML, use the <a> tag wit Text/SMS Link Generator (1) In the Phone Number box, enter your text telephone number to which texts will be sent (2) In the Message box, enter the text message that will be initially loaded when the link is clicked (optional) After completing the message, click Copy to Clipboard The generated code can be used as a hyperlink on websites, emails Explained below is how you can create a link that sends an SMS text message: Sending SMS Texts from a Link. Please login to XYZ. Unlike other providers that use SMS to simply notify consumers of a payment, 2-Way Text platforms allows secure and compliant payments to be made with the tap of a mobile device. Don't tell me that this is Adding an SMS link on your website provides and easy and direct way for visitors to contact you via text, which many prefer over phone calls or emails. send link in text message in iPhone. These previews rely on metadata from the page referenced by the link. Mar 14, 2024 · When integrating clickable phone numbers or SMS links into your website, testing on mobile devices is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience. The download attribute in HTML is used to create a download link. Aug 9, 2023 · How to create a button to open SMS compose to a phone number using HTML - The button to open SMS provides users with the convenience of sending SMS to a phone number directly from our website instead of writing it down and then messaging to that number. May 28, 2020 · We need to turn the message you want into a format that is html friendly for the SMS link to work properly. Using the anchor tag we can create a download link in the HTML. You'll still insert an "href" attribute, but instead of directing users to another webpage or using "mailto:" to begin an email, you'll use "sms:" to initiate a text message. Dec 23, 2024 · An SMS link (also called a click-to-text link) is a clickable HTML link you can include in a text message. Clickable SMS links can also be used to get your customers to opt into SMS marketing, join exclusive SMS groups, or access instant customer support. If you have a lengthy link, you can also use ProTexting's Short URL to save on characters. This happens not only in the mobile applications but also in the web clients. Is it something I have to do encode or should it be done in mobile's end? I am new to this SMS implemenation. This link pre-populates the recipient’s phone number and even a pre-written message, making it incredibly convenient for users. sms IPhone html link not working. In some website builders, you can simply type “sms:[phonenumber]” where you would normally insert a link to another web page. You can also set up a href link to send an SMS with a pre-written text message. Share In this article, we will discuss how to create an SMS link on a webpage. Feedback form: The SMS link permits users to provide feedback directly through messaging by clicking on it. I've found solutions that make it so that when you click a button on a website, it links to a phone number and the users phone will open up the dialer with that number pre-filled like so. Implementing this feature is straightforward using simple HTML code. Sep 24, 2024 · 3. Is there anything I can do in the. This ensures that the preview is triggered and presented in a user-friendly manner. 5. Here’s how both processes work: If you’d like customers to be able to quickly send a text message with links on your website, you’ll need to create the SMS URL with HTML. Nov 15, 2022 · It can be phone number, email, SMS, and more. Sending to a single phone would be something like sms:+61400123123 (I haven't put the full URL in, just the important part for SMS). Jan 16, 2014 · I am sending an sms from my java web application to Android and BB end user. May 31, 2023 · An SMS link is a specific type of URL that triggers the sending of an SMS or text message. This article explores sending custom SMS messages using simple HTML links. Here's an example of a link preview being displayed in iMessage: CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years — theonion. x) macOS (12. Jan 31, 2024 · It only takes a couple of minutes to create an HTML link that sends a text. Our site uses cookies, by continuing to browse, you accept our privacy policy. Feb 9, 2021 · Hi, I'm Elise, an independent advisor and I'd be happy to help with your issue. Here's the really weird part. Aug 12, 2019 · On android (at least on some of my devices) links with hrefs pointing to tel: and sms: URIs are not working. With the LabsMobile platform you can create and utilize landing pages that your customers will be sent to when they click on a hyperlink in an SMS campaign. Uses of HTML SMS. Hyperlinks: A hyperlink is a specific type of link that is typically embedded in a document or webpage designed to redirect the user to another location Mar 9, 2020 · sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. This message has some HTML tags like anchor tag, bold tag etc. It reads numbers from a database and then creates a HTML link depending on whether the SMS links embedded in websites use HTML code to launch a user's text messaging app with your business phone number pre-loaded. It can also serve as a lead-generation tool, allowing you to connect with more potential clients and customers right from your website. sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. 0 to 3. Apr 7, 2023 · Benefits of Having a SMS Link Service. Intrebari frecvente; Adding an SMS link on your website provides and easy and direct way for visitors to contact you via text, which many prefer over phone calls or emails. Oke, kira-kira seperti itu Cara Membuat Link Otomatis Menuju Kirim SMS/Tombol SMS HTML Widget Toko Online, semoga teman-teman mudah memahami dan berhasil menerapkan. Use one of these shorteners to track links. These links are especially useful in SMS marketing campaigns because they help enhance a call-to-action and track the effectiveness of SMS campaigns. On one hand you are using the wrong scheme for sharing URLs, the correct one is msg_url;; On the other hand you are trying to share a URL with parameters. 0. With just a simple tap on a link sent via SMS, users can be taken directly to a specific webpage. I was wanting to know if Android had a similar feature to the iPhone in that you can use an HTML A tag to send an SMS by setting the HREF attribute to the phone number you want to send the message Apr 12, 2022 · As we can see from this topic How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link it is possible to generate sms links that work perfectly on smartphones. Web Links vs. You can also create click to call links. Higher Engagement. Why Create SMS Links? There are several reasons for creating SMS links for users to click on. I would like to include a link in the response I send back to the user. The same is getting displayed in the mobile end. By clicking the link, a chat with the person automatically opens. An SMS link refers to any HTML link you include within a text message. . Can someone pls help me? Thanks in advance. In MobileConnect, use link tracking to measure your SMS campaigns that contain URLs. Jun 27, 2011 · That will get you a unique link to easily fit in the available characters of an SMS. First, let’s take a look at the anatomy of a normal HTML link. In the email builder, you can also add tel: and sms: links to text, buttons and images. SMS from Anchor link - Html5 Iphone. They display a url's title, description, and sometimes an image. Fine-tuning the SMS link previews. In HTML, links can be made by adding the tag. I've got three teams using this technique. pass URL in SMS body in Dec 5, 2024 · Adding a Click-to-Text link or a button on a website is quite simple. On bubble you would use a HTML element with the link on a tag or you could use the “Open an external website” action: . Not only do these links allow you to auto-fill the recipient’s phone number, but you can also pre-populate an actual SMS message using the same link. For example on an iPhone: We also offer a free link shortening service (more info) . Marketing Cloud Engagement: When you use the Engagement shortener, MobileConnect measures the user engagement and campaign effectiveness by tracking the total clicks for all subscribers and unique clicks per subscriber. Better yet, any developer should also know how to trigger a phone call from links on a web page. Apr 16, 2024 · How To Build An HTML Link That Opens An SMS App With a Message Already Written. ie. Some body pl Dec 4, 2017 · I'm using VB. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. I’ve had a look into this and it appears that some Android phones block this functionality to prevent malicious use of international numbers which could cause you a large airtime bill. Syntax: <a href="sms:(countrycode)(number)"> Text </a> Approach: May 12, 2017 · Is there a link similar to <a href="tel:"> for text messages. To create an SMS Link in HTML, use the following code: Send Text Message Campanii SMS Marketing, Mail to SMS, SMS Gateway, 2-Way SMS prin cea mai completa platforma de solutii SMS integrate din Romania - SMSLink. X If you are looking to generate leads using click to call or click to sms links, you can try CallAction free for 14-days. The body of the link should contain the phone number of the recipient and any optional parameters such as subject or body. Dec 15, 2024 · Click to SMS, also known as SMS deep linking, utilizes a special URL scheme (sms:) to trigger the user’s default SMS application on their device. To make a link like this, you would use the following HTML: <a href="https://google. jquery mobile href sms android. Users MUST have an active Unclass SMS account to attend Unclass SMS training. I have to display my message in messengers like below "adgsd sdgsf asd Jun 9, 2020 · What Are the Benefits of Using SMS Link Previews? An SMS link preview provides credibility, creates a clean and professional look that is less spammy and more sophisticated. They are used to connect web pages, provide additional information, or direct users to related resources. The link is simply ignored even though it is totally abnormal. As you can use <href> tag to link to web pages or initiate a phone call, similarly it's possible to create a link that would initiate a text message. There's a lo Feb 5, 2018 · Ini cara menambahkan nomor telepon yang bisa link langsung sms dan telepon didalam artikel atau postingan blogger hanya satu klik, cukup dengan kode HTML, bisa disebut sebagai link telepon paling mudah, link langsung ke sms ke no hp atau telephone kantor calling nomor. In some website builders, you can simply type "sms:[phonenumber]" , but for more customization, you may need to add custom HTML to your site. Instead of opening the SMS or Telephone App after clicking such a link, the browser instead redirects to a blank page whose URL is in the form sms:+123456789 or +123456789. I used direct link from Google (you can choose "share point" and it will give direct html which will point to the location). With TextNinja, these links are optimized for business use, enabling local businesses to connect with customers quickly and easily. Step 4 – drafting the SMS message. Link gửi mail: admin@nhonmy. In this article, I’d like to show you how you can improve the accessibility of a page by implementing just semantic HTML changes (additionally to indicate the link purpose you can add a specific style to it). Dec 19, 2024 · This element's attributes include the global attributes. This tutorial teaches you how to write different types of HTML links and how to use basic CSS to decorate your links. Dec 13, 2022 · Depending on what you’re using your SMS link for, you will create it through HTML or by using a click-to-text Chrome extension. Dec 15, 2024 · Learn how to implement click to SMS functionality on your website and explore its numerous benefits. What you can see is the real link…at least the initial link that is being displayed. However if you place a valid URL in the message body, most modern devices automatically convert it to a tappable link anyway, so you don't need to worry about this. Use an SMS link with a CallAction text capture number to generate leads that are synced into your CRM via API integration. These are commonly used in web development to allow users to send a text message with predefined content to a specific number. That is the only good news. Specifies that you want the browser to send an Attribution-Reporting-Eligible header. To create an SMS Link in HTML, use the tag with the href attribute set to “sms:”. This part is quite Mar 27, 2024 · Learn what are SMS links, when to use them, how to create a click-to-text link and set them up. 역시나 웹사이트제작에 기본이 되는 HTML과 CSS 은 역시 매 Telephone and SMS links. Read the best practices to enhance customer engagement. 6. com How to create link previews You successfully logged in. It will open google maps in browser. If you don’t have that option, you can try adding custom HTML to your website. com">like this</a> Learn how you can set up a click to text SMS button or link using href and the sms schema. Encourage mobile visitors to text you by adding an SMS link. In this article you will learn how to start a Chat, Call, VoiceMail and other common actions using simply a link element with HTML (following the URI Scheme). x) Android (12. Add the HTML code. You can however put regular links in a text message (SMS). Add a Click to Text Button But, rather than using an HTML link with mailto:, it uses sms: to open the device’s default messaging service. At the same time, you are still able to send an embed link in text like testelium. May 22, 2015 · I've been building a website for a local hobby group with a simple link system for sending SMS messages in bulk. Clickable email link; Clickable phone link; Clickable SMS link; Clickable Geolocation link Jan 23, 2025 · Add a hyperlink to encourage mobile visitors to send an SMS message. Things still work just fine on Android devices, on Windows and We are using SMS to send text messages to our client base but recently there has been request to send HTML content as well. Take a look at the click to text button and link HTML snippets below. If no metadata can be found, a generic link preview is generated as shown in Figure 1. Jan 30, 2024 · Making an SMS link is very easy in HTML. So my code looks like this: Aug 27, 2010 · iOS SMS scheme in HTML hyperlink with body. 5. Not every SMS campaign must include a link, however, text links will be useful if you want to increase engagement and encourage consumers to spend more time on your site or take specific actions. 1. Link in SMS from android app. Jun 5, 2016 · I am trying to setup a html link on my website to enable people to send a text message to 2 phones in one go. For example, an SMS link might look like this: HTML Link previews let people know about a link before they click on it. Here’s a quick guide: Locate the HTML Section: Identify where in your HTML content you want the SMS link to appear. Text/SMS Link Generator (1) In the Phone Number box, enter your text telephone number to which texts will be sent (2) In the Message box, enter the text message that will be initially loaded when the link is clicked (optional) After completing the message, click Copy to Clipboard The generated code can be used as a hyperlink on websites, emails Jan 21, 2020 · sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. Click to SMS, also known as SMS deep linking, utilizes a special URL scheme (sms:) to trigger the user’s default SMS application on their device. Open Graph Protocol massively impacts the SMS link previews of the websites and blog URLs if implemented correctly. me/ where the is a full phone number in international format May 23, 2013 · I want to use html link href to text message(sms) in android smart phone. With your SMS link information in hand, build the HTML link as you would any other hyperlink or button. g. , on iOS or Android) with the body pre-filled, but the recipient left empty. Everyone prefers a simple process, and SMS links provide just that. 2. send link in text message in Nov 3, 2017 · The values in this preview must be in HTML format in the link itself with ogp (Open Graph protocol) fields. Offering phone links is helpful for users viewing web documents and laptops connected to phones. Enter the phone number in place of the URL and add SMS: before it to make an SMS link. As per a requirement, I need to send an email containing an link/URL such that, upon clicking that link/URL the default SMS app of the phone opens with the body text and number pre-poppulated. One of the best ways to leverage OG tags is to carve out a strategy for fine-tuning your SMS link preview. Can we pass a Uri in an SMS message instead of hyperlink in Android. I’m going to show you a special trick. An SMS link could also refer to a link that you include within your message when sending a text. When a visitor taps the link on a smartphone, a new text message wi Oct 9, 2014 · I recently upgraded my cordova based Android app from 3. The sms scheme is used to launch the Messages app. What is a Hyperlink? A hyperlink, sometimes referred to as a link, is a reference that connects two resources. There is no secondary link “under-the-covers” that is the real link, like you get with non-SMS messages. SMS Text from Hyperlink on phone browser. Xcode simulator, link is invalid sending SMS in HTML webpage, why? Feb 9, 2022 · As long as you know this person’s phone number, you can create a link that will allow you to start a chat with them. Requirements Link gửi mail Link gọi điện thoại Link sms Link zalo Link viber Link facebook 1. Sep 19, 2024 · Building an SMS link is similar to creating any other HTML link. Outlook. An SMS link generator is a tool that creates clickable links that allow users to start SMS conversations instantly without needing to manually type phone numbers or save them to their contacts. 6 send link in text message in iPhone Creating an SMS link is similar to adding a regular hyperlink or a click-to-email button. With just a bit of code (I’ll show you how!), you can allow potential clients to click-to-text, and even draft a message for them to send! Explicamos lo simple que es la creación de un formulario en html para el envio de mensajes sms. NET 2017 Pro to send SMS text messages out through SendGrid. When clicked, nothing happens. May 3, 2018 · Create click to call links easily with the use of the tel URI scheme. So, for example, you could make the text read: The SMS/MMS technology itself is not capable of putting HTML hyperlinks in a text message. Oct 22, 2009 · The HTML <a> element (or anchor element), along with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL. Last but not least, it’s the effect on the SMS link previews. By further adding ‘ahref’, one can specify where the link should link to. 4 Including links in text message using twilio API. While manually creating SMS links may be useful in some cases, it is not a scalable solution for web applications that require the dynamic generation of SMS messages. Membuat HTML link langsung menuju SMS dan Telepon - Blog Copygocopy sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. Feb 12, 2019 · sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. Here, we will see how to make the SMS link on a webpage. Adding an HTML telephone link or an SMS link is straightforward, but their functionality must be impeccable across various mobile platforms to effectively serve your prospective and existing customers. Make SMS links compatible cross devices :apple:. Mar 14, 2024 · What Is an SMS Link? An SMS link could refer to a link that automatically initiates a text message when clicked. There is no need to hover. You can add a regular link or short URL in the MMS You can't insert HTML into an SMS, however if you use a valid URL in the message body, most modern devices automatically convert it to a tappable link. Jan 22, 2025 · Reasons to send links in text messages. I'd like to create a "Share via SMS" button using Javascript that will open up the user's messages app (e. Product information: The SMS link is utilized to get information about the product by sending a message through the SMS link. x) using Safari, Firefox and Chrome with Messages Feb 26, 2023 · By using these parameters, you can create SMS links that are tailored to your specific needs. The format for URLs of this type is “ sms: <phone> ”, where <phone> is an optional parameter that specifies the target phone number of the SMS message. However, I want to send to 2 phones, so I thought sms:+61400123123,+61400999000 would work. &#129331; NEW: Learn how to create a Click-to-Text Button within your EZ Texting account. com modifies the markup deleting the entire link tag. I want to use the device native SMS sending app, with a prepopulated value from Sep 12, 2018 · Here's an updated <a> href formatting to send an SMS to multiple phone numbers tested on: iOS (15. SMS link works just fine there. Take 15 mins to sign up for a trial now. Oct 9, 2023 · To make the most of SMS link previews, follow the specific guidelines below: Placement and number of links: SMS link previews are most effective when a single URL is included at either the very beginning or the very end of the message. After 5 seconds your will be redirected to the main page Oct 13, 2022 · Add a click to SMS link. 6. SMS is not a web-based platform. Capture more leads by adding a Click To Text SMS link to your mobile website. Supported by all modern browsers, Follow the guide to have tap to call as well as tap to sms links on your mobile website. Everyone today is accustomed to using links because they are widely found on the internet everywhere. iOS SMS scheme in HTML hyperlink with body. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Jul 6, 2022 · The reason is that you can’t send hyperlinks in a text message, meaning that you can’t make any word in your message a clickable link, as SMS doesn’t support HTML. Using HTML and JavaScript to Generate SMS Links Dynamically. Most smart phones will parse a link and make it 'clickable', even if it is in an SMS. Mar 4, 2020 · Just like the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme for email addresses (the widely known mailto), you can use a custom scheme to interact with the Skype client in HTML. The impressive increase in CTRs that Vodafone reported above is likely because: The overall size of your SMS increase; The “click zone” is much bigger Sep 26, 2013 · I'm currently developing a web app and there is this part of the code where I have to pre-populate the message in the sms box. You can configure payment links to be generated automatically. I went through this , and created the following URL: Integrating an SMS link into your HTML content, whether it's for emails, websites, or other platforms, is a straightforward process. Gmail and Yahoo completely strip the HREF attribute when you use the SMS protocol. But when I click on it on my browser while I'm on the pc running windows 10, nothing happens. It has an element that may be clicked, such as a symbol, text, phrase, or picture. Short Links vs Hyperlinks There’s a difference between web links, short links, and hyperlinks. With the help of href attribute, we replace the URL with a cellphone number and add sms, before it to make an SMS h SMS Link. How To Create an Nov 23, 2024 · A download link allows users to download a specific file when they click on it. Android sms link with a body parameter. But i try want the breakline in my message content. The behavior would be similar but instead of calling the number it would prompt the user to send a text? Jun 15, 2022 · Learn how to create a click-to-text link that starts an SMS text and populates certain text using HTML code on WordPress or webflow. 13. Tap to sms links uses the sms URI scheme and can provide easy accessibility to your users. Mas información del servicio en https://gamanet. All you have to do is drop a short HTML snippet in the body of your website. Luckily, the process for how to create an HTML link for SMS texting is pretty easy, even if you don’t know the code. com The good news is that what you see is what you get. com at https:/ Unfortunately, Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo do not support the protocol used to create SMS links. ro. The "tel:" link works fine on all devices. Aug 27, 2024 · 5. Now I want to embed in the message a hyperlink to my web page. iOS SMS scheme in HTML Mar 21, 2024 · Links: A link is a reference or connection between one document or webpage and another. tel: links enable the recipient of your email to click on a link, and have their device call the linked number. Here are the steps for creating an SMS link on your website. The failures only occur on two of the three sites for sms: and mailto: on the iphone. javascript: href link not working in iPhone. pe/sms-mensaj I am new in web designing field and now i and trying to make a clone of a website in HTML, but here is a issue that i want to put link on the top of the website in horizontal sequence. Obj-C SMS with hyperlink in it. An HTML SMS link can prove beneficial for your business in several different ways. com or and modern smartphones will be able to turn them into clickable links, so your <a>태그 하이퍼링크에 메일링크(mailto:) 사용방법. And considering how simple it is to add one to your website, those benefits are all the more attainable. However, many handsets will make a URL interactive, just as text-only emails can have clickable in Outlook or GMail. SMS messages are supposed to be just text. Your have two problems:. Here’s how setting up a click-to-text link can come in handy: sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. How To Create an Apr 13, 2016 · I am wondering how can I open the send SMS application by using a web control of a HTML5 page on Android and iPhone. Hyperlink String that will be sent in sms. When a customer taps on one of these links, they’re directly taken to a particular webpage or online destination. Contribute to smeeckaert/sms-link development by creating an account on GitHub. How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link. Sep 8, 2017 · When people send messages containing links to web sites, Messages in iOS and macOS will automatically generate inline previews for the links. 정말 오랜만에 html 관련 포스팅입니다. 3. How to Create an SMS Link to Your Website. To create your own link, use https://wa. Upcoming SMS Classes at Scott AFB, Illinois: Unclassified SMS: CY25 Dates: 5 Feb, 16 Apr, 11 Jun, 6 Aug, 22 Oct, 10 Dec CY26: 11 Feb One class per day is offered, 0800-1430 Local in Bldg 1961 Room 102. Sep 19, 2017 · Note: SMS text links are supported on iOS only. The failure is only on TWO of the three teams. I know SMS only supports text messages and the only way I am aware of sending any type of html content via SMS is to provide a link in the message back to the HTML source. It shows just the prompt ok, without showing the: Don't use HTML in your SMS message. Dec 22, 2021 · Before we dive into how to send SMS text messages from a website, it should be clear that every web developer knows or should know how to send emails from HTML links. Classified SMS: CY25 Dates: 4 Feb, 15 Apr, 10 Jun, 5 Aug, 21 Oct Dec 20, 2017 · As you noted in the question, phones cannot understand HTML placed into SMS messages. Oct 31, 2014 · sending html link in SMS message in iPhone. Jul 21, 2016 · I have a Twilio number that is setup to execute a webhook when a message is received. These are links that you can pre-fill to include a specific phone number as the recipient and/or specific pre-filled message content. It is not possible to embed a hyperlink in MMS image. sms: links enable a subscriber to click on a link, and have their text message app open with the phone number prefilled. attributionsrc Experimental. Add the text between the tags that will appear as the clickable link. Feb 15, 2014 · Tips cara membuat dan memasang Link HTML kirim SMS atau Telepon(call) di web/Blog, Serta menyembunyikan dari browser komputer agar hanya tampil di perangkat device atau handphone. They’re clickable links that direct recipients to a desired webpage or location. On the server-side this is used to trigger sending an Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source header in the response, to register a navigation-based attribution source. It works like a clickable phone number, but can be a more convenient option for some customers. Works great. Oct 20, 2017 · iOS SMS scheme in HTML hyperlink with body. Embed the HTML Tag: Insert the following code snippet: May 10, 2024 · People appreciate things being made easy for them, and SMS links do just that by removing the need to search through a website to find what they need. May 8, 2021 · While HTML anchor tags are most often used to link pages, there are also other possibilities including launching an email client and the Messages app on mobile devices. This can be used to quickly and easily send information, such as directions or contact details, to a user’s mobile device. 3. Click to Chat works on both your phone and WhatsApp Web. How do I send a payment link via SMS? Payment links can be created via dashboard or API. The special links "tel", "sms", and "mailto" stopped working. Jika teman-teman ada yang kurang jelas dari tutorial diatas, silakan tanyakan dikomentar, dan jika sudah berhasil jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar pengalamanmu serta komentar positif. ebcus epcju pryy gibacg jceqnf guidq aynkm baydpr wvedbtdyx uitbu eew htcs aypwyf xtnkl peucc