Trane zone sensor manual. LCU Non AirFi Wireless zones sensor LCU Voyager 12.

Trane zone sensor manual Real OEM probes and sensors are a reliable and efficient option for HVAC appliances, helping keep them in top working condition; Feature: 3 Speed Fan; Product Type: Zone Sensor/Interface Set Page 9: Zone Temperature Sensors (Scc Mode) Overview Zone Temperature Sensors (SCC Mode) Table 1 shows the Trane zone temperature sensors that are supported by the MP501 in SCC mode. View and Download Trane WZS installation & operation manual online. With the sensor not Oct 15, 2024 · The UC setting must match the rotary address of the unit controller. LCU Non AirFi Wireless zones sensor LCU Voyager 12. Page 7: Part Numbers connection for a Trane service tool for system communication. Commercial Touch Screen Programmable Zone Sensor for Tracer UC400, ReliaTel and Symbio 800 Controls. Programmable Zone Sensor BAYSENS119* and BAYSENS019C (Obsolete) For programming information, refer to literature ACC-SVN28*-EN. Notes: • The information in this manual applies to both factory and field installed versions of the Trane wireless sensor sets. List of available manuals, guides and instructions for Trane BAYSENS019B programmable thermostat. This section provides a description of the wired temperature sensors, as well as part numbers and dimensions. Trane Commercial Touch Screen Programmable Zone Sensor for Tracer UC400, ReliaTel and Symbio 800 Controls Wireless Zone Sensors Product Data Sheet WZS WDS WTS Trane™ wireless sensors are an ideal alternative to wired sensors with the advantage of easy and flexible installation. View and Download Trane ReliaTel installation manual online. TCONT401AN21MA temperature controller pdf manual download. SENS-IN-1B March 1998 Updated Programmable Zone Sensor Installation manual due to zone sensor redesign. This Literature can be obtained at your local Trane Parts Center. Termostato trane Trane Horizon units can use Trane Air-Fi™ and wireless communication devices. WZS accessories pdf manual download. STEP 1 - Select Zone/Damper All enabled zones will be displayed in the left column of the Zone Trane X13790492 Wireless Zone Sensor Pdf User Manuals. 8 5. Free shipping on orders over $99. The WCI replaces the need for communications wire in all system applications. This screen generates heat which is vented out the top of the zone sensor utilizing natural convection. Comfort Control. Functions the same as the Wired Zone Sensor with the additional flexibility of installing anywhere within Trane SEN01577 - Programmable Zone Sensor, SEN01577- SEN01577 is an official OEM Programmable Zone Sensor for Trane HVAC equipment. Zone temperature control The Tracer ZN521 zone controller uses two methods of zone temperature control: • Cascade zone control—used in the occupied, occupied bypass, and occupied standby modes • Page 34: Morning Warm-Up Wireless zone sensors Combination zone sensor CO2 zone sensor Trane sensors are integral to the performance of a Trane building controls system throughout the building lifecycle. Trane X1351152701 Zone Temperature Sensor Pdf User Manuals. PAGE 5 General Information Dimensions The following illustration provides specific dimension details. 5-25T and Precedent Zone Sensor Averaging; LCU Which zone sensors are compatible with the Symbio 700; How do I wire a BAYSENS037 Humidity / Temp Sensor? CO2 Sensor Installation Sheet; BAYSENS119 IOM and Install Information; Baysens119 Additional Information; How do I test a Programmable Zone Sensor (BAYSENS119*)? The Air-Fi® Wireless Communications Sensor (WCS) is compatible with any Trane controller that uses a WCI. ComfortLink II XL 1040 control systems pdf manual download. Page 10: Zone Sensor Options Zone sensors are available in a variety of configurations. Zone Sensor Setup The Zone Sensors Screen is used to associate temperature sensors with zones. Connect the shield wire (drain wire) from the shielded cable to terminal 11. The sets include sensor, receiver, wiring harness, and two AA lithium batteries. The Zone Sensor Setup Screen is compromised of two sections: Select Zone/Damper and Available Sensors. Conventional wired sensors are best suited where wireless sensors are not allowed or when a wired connection to a service tool is required. The Trane Wireless Zone Sensor set includes a sensor and a receiver that work together to provide the same functions as the equivalent Trane wired sensor (#4190-1090), such as the standard 10 k The fan mode analog input (Fan) operates only as a fan mode switch input with If the Tracer ZN. (b)Connect an optional remote sensor (p/n BAYSENS017) to terminals S1 and S2. Both sensors are housed in one enclosure for reduced installation costs and improved appearance Trane® relative humidity and temperature sensors utilize a polymer capacitive-sensing element for relabi le sensing accuracy and superb recove ry from saturation. Mount damper Verify damper size Economizer Operation with Zone Sensor, Programmable Zone Sensor, or ICS. Free shipping on orders over $99 Your Zip: 23917 The Trane®programmable zone sensor (p/n X1379088401) can be used with UCP, Reliatel, and IntelliPak control units. Table 1. 5-25T and Precedent Zone Sensor Averaging LCU Which zone sensors are compatible with the Symbio 700 How do I wire a BAYSENS037 Humidity / Temp Sensor? CO2 Sensor Installation Sheet Our zone sensors and thermostats provide accurate and reliable sensing that is critical to keeping your HVAC systems running at optimum levels. Zone Sensor Maximum the UCM should be connected to the connections use the convention Lengths and Wire Size appropriate terminals (7, 8, 9 & Page 7: Initial Power-Up Installation Replace cover. • Symbio 700, J21-1 (R), is current limited. ©2023 Trane Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specification s without notice. The installation, starting up, and servicing of The Trane® programmable zone sensor is a low cost control solution that meets California Title 24 requirements for stand-alone space control applications. 2 DDC controllers and is customer property. com For more information contact your local Trane office or e-mail us at comfort@trane. Trane BAYSENS036A relative humidity and temperature sensor utilize a polymer capacitive-sensing element for reliable sensing accuracy and superb recovery from saturation. The WCS provides the same functions as many currently available Trane wired sensors. 05 °F) — reliable, consistent comfort. Trane sensors are integral to the performance of a Trane building controls system throughout the building lifecycle. NNootteess:: • Symbio controls do not support BAYSENS109 and BAYSENS110 sensor LED indicators. Also for: Symbio 400, Symbio 700, Symbio 800, Reliatel uc400. • Multiple OVERRIDE options — Can modify schedule indefinitely or for a specific period of time. This section provides a description of the sensors, as well as part numbers and dimensions. TZON1050 control panel pdf manual download. The quantity must be a "squared" number that allows them to be wired in series-parallel configuration. Each zone has zone sensors that communicate temperature and humidity data to a system controller. SP155-065 Peco SP155-065 Trane Compatible Zone Sensor is for use with cooling, heating, and heat pump Zone Dampers Sensors Reserved Reserved Reserved Sta tic Pr es s Gnd/Grn Signal/Blk +5V/Red Temperature Non Comm Zone Sensor Discharge Air Discharge Air Return Air Return Air Mixed Air Mixed Air Zone 1 or 5 Zone 1 or 5 Zone 2 or 6 Zone 2 or 6 Zone 3 or 7 Zone 3 or 7 Zone 4 or 8 Zone 4 or 8 Zone 1 or 5 Z ONES 1 - 4 5 - 8 Indoor/ Relay Panel Comm Trane Air-Fi WCS-SD Pdf User Manuals. INSTALLER'S GUIDE DISCHARGE AIR SENSOR Note that all Remote Analog Comfort Sensors must be connected to the proper zone address on terminal block TB5 on the Expander Board(s). Count on Trane to keep Entering water and discharge air inputs can use a sealed temperature sensor (part numbers 4190 1100 and 4190 1133). Digital display indicating the time , day , date , room temperature , current program operating mode and current active stage. Setting up Tracer TU for multiple wireless sensors Default Sensor Values for Trane® Standard Programs If multiple sensors are associated with a controller that has a Trane® standard program, the controller will automatically use the following values: • Trane wireless sensors are compatible with Trane unit controllers, approved for use in most worldwide locations, and are available in three models: universal display (WDS), temperature-only (WTS) and setpoint/occupancy override (WZS). Alternately, thermostat 24VAC power can be Trane A business of American Standard Companies www. junction box (vertical mount only). This will allow the sensor to associate with the specific controller; The sensor (Sn) setting should be 1, unless you are using multiple sensors that are being used for zone temperature averaging. Conventional wired sensors are best suited where wireless sensors are not allowed or Zone Sensor Module (ZSM) Testing Mechanical Zone Sensor Module Temperature Input Terminals to Read Voltage: RTRM J6-1, J6-2 Read DC voltage with the sensor attached. Page 12: Typical Applications And Terminations The controller receives the temperature as a resistance signal from a 10 kΩ thermistor in a standard Trane zone sensor wired to analog input ZN. Installation the UCM (HEAT, COOL, SYSTEM Zone Sensor sub base. 8K American Standard Inc. Table 1 describes Trane zone sensors available for Tracer zone controllers. 3. Also for: X13790496, X13790498, X13790492, X13790494, X13790488, X13790489, X19051672. Wireless Zone Sensor. Wirele ss temperature sensors are an ideal and cost-effective alternative to wired sensors that provide easy and flexible installation. Page 31: Chapter 4 Sequence Of Operations For The 2-Heat/2-Cool For a hard copy please contact your local Trane Parts Center. Free shipping on orders over $99 Your Zip: 23917 Page 1 This sensor should be installed by a qualified HVAC technician. Figure 4 shows three types of zone sensors for the Tracer ZN511 and ZN521 zone controllers. Also for: X1351152701, X1351152801, X1351152901, X1351153001, X1379084501, X1379085101, LCU Non AirFi Wireless zones sensor LCU Voyager 12. Trane ®wired temperature sensors are compatible with any Trane unit controller that uses a A Trane SEN01577 Zone Sensor with System Lights, Programmable, designed to optimize temperature control and enhance efficiency in HVAC systems. Oct 2, 2020 · Trane OEM Wired Programable Sensor with Automatic or Manual Changeover and System Lights. Winking allows visual identifier on the board for service technicians. 520 zone controller does not receive a hardwired or communicated Trane zone sensors. Trane SEN01449 - 10K Wired Zone Sensor w/ Dial, SEN01449- SEN01449 is an official OEM 10K Wired Zone Sensor w/ Dial for Trane HVAC equipment. Also for: Xr401. The controller provides 24 Vdc to power the zone humidity sensor. After installation, allow 10 minutes for the temperature readings to stabilize. Verify unit operation by running unit through test mode. We have 1 Trane X1379083701 Zone Sensor manual available for free PDF download: Installation, Trane Comprehensive Zone Sensor Manual: Programming BAYSENS020 and Troubleshooting Issues Models: SCXG-SVX01B-EN. Features, Benefits, and Part Numbers Features Benefits All Models system controls, unit controls, and wireless sensors for Trane® control products that use the BACnet® protocol. 5-25T and Precedent Zone Sensor Averaging LCU Which zone sensors are compatible with the Symbio 700 How do I wire a BAYSENS037 Humidity / Temp Sensor? CO2 Sensor Installation Sheet 6 VAV-SVX01F-EN General Information Overview of Manual Note: One copy of the document is shipped with VAV units that have UCM 4. 116. Both sensors are housed in a common enclosure for reduced installation costs and improved appearance. View online or download Trane X1351152701 Zone Temperature Sensor Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual Page 89: Default Sensor Values For Trane® Standard Programs Figure 60. IMPORTANT: The 1040 zone sensor utilizes a 4. The XL1040 provides temperature data to the XL1050 smart thermostat while also allowing temperature adjustment of an individual zone. wiring the adjustable setpoint Page 21: Configuration Zone Sensors with Fan and System Switch Product Data Sheet Trane™ offers a full line of wireless and wired temperature sensors. Also for: X13790994001, X13791009001. Perfect for a master bedroom or guest room. Also for: Tzon1040. This manual contains information about installing, operating, and maintaining the Trane ® Wireless Zone Sensor system. N N o o t t e e : : As an option, the UC400 Controller can receive humidity from a Trane Air-fi ™ Wireless Sensor with Humidity. Commercial Touch Screen Programmable Zone Sensor. WARNING: Information in this article is intended for use by individuals possessing adequate backgrounds of electrical and mechanical experience and who comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, orders, or regulations related to the installation, service, or repair of a heating or central air conditioning product. The zone sensor controls Precedent™, Voyager™ 2, Voyager 3, and Odyssey™ CV/SZVAV/Multi-speed indoor fan equipment that uses the ReliaTel™ control system. Page 22: Section 5. Set up Programmable Zone Sensor. pdf), Text File (. View online or download Trane Air-Fi WCS-SD Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual Wired Zone Sensors. Download 116 pages 5. The WCI is available in three configurations: • Universal Model (most common) - installs the same as a wired zone sensor in indoor applications Manuals and User Guides for Trane X1379083701 Zone Sensor. 4 18-HD70D1-2 M. This can be achieved by set up peer-to-peer applications. Sensor Address = 2; baud rate = 76800; Network Page 2. Note: Requires BACnet communications BAYSENS106 Manual Changeover Wireless Display Sensor It is necessary to configure the programmable thermostat before starting its work. The Trane SEN01520 Zone Sensor/Interface Set helps maintain consistent comfort levels by adjusting heating and cooling based on real-time conditions. A discharge air temperature sensor is required for proper operation. It has the following features: † A liquid crystal display (LCD) with symbols for zone temperature, temperature Displayed zone temperature reads “99” Space temperature is above or below the measurable range of the sensor: Displayed zone temperature reads “Sh” and the COOL FAIL icon is illuminated: Verify that option 11 in option Menu is set correctly. Digital Sensor wiring: Non Digital Wall mounted zone sensor: Mount the zone sensor on a section of interior wall that does not contain hot or cold water pipes or duct work. Models are available using wired or wireless communication depending on building requirements. Trane wireless sensors take advantage of advanced technology to overcome installation obstacles of time and cost and minimal ongoing maintenance. 18. Communicating Connected Control. BAYSENS107 (Heat Pumps) BAYSENS108. X1365146702 The Trane BAYCOMM005A is a wired zone sensor connector and communication module for the trane zone sensors and the Overview: Using a BAYSENS108 and a BAYSENS077 as an example. We have 3 Trane WDS manuals available for free PDF download: Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual Trane WDS Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual (52 pages) Wireless Zone Sensors Trane X1351152801 Remote Zone Sensor Pdf User Manuals. 1K 37. Page 4 6. In “ON” , SERVICE). Replace cover. • 3 Heat/2 Cool Light Commercial Comfort Controls/Zone Sensors Trane wireless sensors are compatible with Trane unit controllers, approved for use in most worldwide locations, and are available in three models: universal display (WDS), temperature-only (WTS) and setpoint/occupancy override (WZS). A programmable zone sensor will take priority over either input when connected, and an ICS system takes the highest priority. • Internal Humidity Sensor • Manual or Auto Changeover • 2 or 4 Scheduling Periods • Precise Temperature Control (±. When enabled, the economizer will modulate between minimum position and 100% to maintain the mixed air temperature to the calculated mixed air setpoint (53°F minimum). ReliaTel touch panel pdf manual download. Page 8: Part Numbers Acts as both a sensor and a zone thermostat. Product Description The Trane®programmable zone sensor (p/n X1379088401) can be used with UCP, Reliatel, and IntelliPak control units. View online or download Trane Wired Temperature Sensors Sensor Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual Manual. Either sensor lead can be 1 1 1 1 1 connected to the appropriate terminal, ("1/5", "2/6" "3/7" or "4/8") and the other lead to "C" Page 33: Zone Temperature Control Trane zone sensor or the occupied bypass time expires. If voltage does not appear to be correct, read the resistance of the circuit, then the sensor itself, to see if a problem exists in the sensor or the wiring. Original Installation manual for mounting, wiring and pro-gramming the Programmable Zone Sensor. Zone Sensor. 1. Wireless sensors can be used for space temperature, humidity, CO2, and occupancy sensors. Temperatur e output is provided by a 10 k Ω Type II thermistor. Zone temperature is standard on all models. View and Download Trane X1379088401 installation, operation and maintenance manual online. com or tranetechnologies. Model BAYSENS119A connected to a YCD360 (can provide full model # if need be) After configuring the sensor, "E1" and "E2" flash on the screen. Wireless temperature sensors are an ideal and cost-effective alternative to wired sensors that provide easy and flexible installation. The sets include sensor, receiver, wiring harness, and two AA lithium batteries. 1 degrees † Ability to display setpoint only (zone temperature does not display) † Single, dual, or no setpoint Accessory Zone Sensor Remote, use with all current zone sensors. View online or download Trane X1379088401 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual. 2. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices. Page 35: Entering Water Temperature 32-5093-04B-EN page 5 Wed, Jul 13 4:19 PM Cooling 75° Menu Auto System Mode Off Preset Auto Fan Mode Cool to Heat to 74° 70° Noti˜cations and System Alerts Date and Time The Trane® programmable zone sensor is an excellent choice for customers who wish to redu ce first cost when expanding communication and application flexibility for their controls equipment. The wireless feature allows for quick mounting in optimal locations for space comfort while minimizing installation time and relocation expense. Sep 18, 2013 · Trane Programmable Zone Sensor, Automatic or Manual Changeover w/System Lights Replaces BAYSENS019C 1 offer from $34000 $ 340 00 SEN-1448 / SEN01448 / X1351152801 - American Standard OEM Zone Sensor Trane Link Zoning Controls TRANE LINK UX360 SMART THERMOSTAT Offers precise zone-by-zone control over temperature and humidity, which adds up to maximum whole-home comfort. Place zone sensor cover LCU Which zone sensors are compatible with the Symbio 700; Remote Sensor Wiring to a Symbio 700; Zone Sensor Descriptions; Compressor staging of 10 and 20 Ton dual compressor cooling only condenser units; How to configure the Symbio 700 without the app The features, benefits, and specifications of the Trane ® wired temperature sensor with an LCD display are summarized in this document. 6. ). The following features on this sensor are configurable: † Temperature units: Fahrenheit (ºF) or Celsius (ºC) † Temperature resolution: 1. Wired Temperature Sensors. com PECO # DESCRIPTION TRANE # SP155 009 System (H/O/C), Fan (On/ Auto), Zone Sensor, Temp Adjust, Zone Sensor X13510636-01 BAYSENS006B SP155 011 System (H/A/O/C), Fan (On/Auto), Zone Sensor, Dual Temp Adjust, Zone Temp 435674920100 BAYSENS008B SP155 017 Sensor Only X1351060901 BAYSENS017B View and Download Trane TCONT401AN21MA owner's manual online. The programmable zone sensor is designed for use with commercial single zone ReliaTel™ controlled, Voyager™, Precedent™, and Odyssey™ systems. wireless sensors take advantage of advanced technology to overcome installation obstacles of time and cost and minimal ongoing maintenance. O PC E w x c e l n W i h o u t C m p r C O N T R O L S I N M A-D 4 4 V A C 5 0/ 6 0 H z 1. Fits a standard 2 in. These temperatures and humidities can then be monitored on your Trane Link Smart Thermostat or through the Trane Home app. Also for: Comfortlink ii xl1050, Tzon1050ac52zc. Typically, the fan mode switch on a Trane zone sensor request for fan mode, the unit recognizes generates the fan mode signal. Real OEM zone sensors enhance your HVAC system's performance, ensuring seamless operation and peace of mind while safeguarding your investment for the long term. trane. Wired temperature sensors are the suitable alternative for locations that cannot accommodate wireless sensors Zone Sensor Averaging In some applications 1 remote sensor does not give a good representation of the zone temperature. 9provides wiring guidance for zone sensor BAYSENS135. ® Trane wireless sensor sets are compatible with any Trane unit controller that uses a standard 10 k temperature input. 4 or newer when using this sensor with a Trane or American Standard connected thermostat (824/850/1050). For more information, please visit trane. pecocontrolsystems . Additional features are available on some Trane X1379088401 Pdf User Manuals. The primary goal of zoning is to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the house. Overview. A wired or wireless zone sensor is perfect for monitoring temperature and humidity in an office, bedroom or other rooms in the house. by 4 in. Refer to Trane Air-Fi literature and Tracer UC600 Programmable Controller Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual (BAS-SVX45*-EN) for specific instructions on installation. The dampers control the airflow of cool or warm air to rooms where it is needed. If an air source is directed at or from above, trane part # sen01577. BAS-SVU029B-EN 21 May 2020 Supersedes BAS-SVU029A-EN (Feb 2015) If it doesn’t see one, it ignores zone sensor inputs and looks for thermostat (RGYW) inputs. Support Knowledge Base. However, if the unit does see a valid zone temperature input on startup then the thermostat (RGYW) inputs are ignored. A communicated zone temperature value via the LonTalk communi- cations link can also be used for controllers operating on a BAS. The network must be open for WCI's and sensors to join. Testing the Programmable Zone Sensor (PZS) 1. 51 Kb. Wireless HVAC Control. 9 Trane BAYSENS019B. In general, zone sensor connections to the unit use the convention of connecting Zone Sensor terminals to like numbered Unit terminals (1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc. The resistance of the averaging circuit must duplicate the resistance of a single sensor. By pressing the O N button on the zone sensor for 5 seconds or using the “wink” command in Rover, the cir­cuit board receives the signal caus­ing the Communication LED to “wink”. 6200 Troup Highway Tyler, TX 75707 Since the manufacturer has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement, it reserves the right to For more information contact Mar 23, 2012 · I have a Trane programmable zone sensor. Wired Zone Thermostat and Sensor Acting as both a sensor and a zone thermostat, the temperature data is relayed to the Trane ComfortLink ™ II Control, while also allowing temperature adjustment of an individual zone. LCU Voyager 12. Zone Sensors Air-Fi Wireless Communicating Zone Sensors BAYSENS077 Wireless Zone Temperature Only Measures temperature and optional humidity (with WCS-SH) for use in public spaces where no local user interface is preferred. The programmable zone sensor is configurable with commercial rooftop units (RTU), heat pumps, and variable air volume Manuals and User Guides for Trane X13790496 Wireless Zone Sensors. 7 6. In addition to this sensor, Trane offers a full line of wired and wireless temperature sensors. Trane - by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient The Remote Indoor Temperature Sensor converts room temperature to a resistance that the Comfort Control can Fig. This will further ensure continuous and correct operation of the Trane X1379088401. Trane ®wired temperature sensors are compatible with any Trane unit controller that uses a standard 10 kW temperature input. Wiring is made to the UC400-B or Symbio board at the J1 connection points. 0, 0. Programmable Zone Sensor. Key Features. It must be retained by the unit's maintenan CO2 Sensor Installation Sheet Click the e-library symbol for the latest version WARNING: Information in this article is intended for use by individuals possessing adequate backgrounds of electrical and mechanical experience and who comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, orders, or regulations related to the installation, service, or repair of a heating or central air Connect a thermostat or other zone control device to the Symbio 700 Unit Controller. NOTE: This document is intended for use with software version 5. If correct, check the wiring from the remote sensor at terminals S1 and S2 for a shorted condition ® Trane wireless sensor sets are compatible with any Trane unit controller that uses a standard 10 kΩ temperature input. 5 V A 1 W 1 8 i n-l b (2N m) 3 s M A N U L G E R L S! C la s 2 S u p ly C L O S E D P N. Product Description Note: The information in this manual applies to both factory and field installed versions of Trane wired temperature sensors. View online or download Trane X1351152801 Remote Zone Sensor Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual Motorized modulating HVAC zone dampers are installed in your ductwork. Note: The information in this manual applies to both factory and field installed versions of Trane wired temperature sensors. Perfect for a large room or combination of adjacent rooms. Page 20: Data Sharing Use Rover, Trane’s service tool, to controllers. Typically used on Various Precedent Units and Voyager Units. X13790993001 touch panel pdf manual download. We have 1 Trane X13790496 Wireless Zone Sensors manual available for free PDF download: Installation & Operation Manual Trane X1379088601 Display Sensor Pdf User Manuals. 4K 36. Additional features are available on some Trane Wired Temperature Sensors Sensor Pdf User Manuals. Safety IMPORTANT — Proper application is critical when installing zoning systems. sensor; programmable zone, automatic or manual changeover with system lights trane (baysens119aa) trane part number: sen01577 Trane x1379088401 Owners Manual - Free download as PDF File (. Trane’s most advanced and quietest zoning technology includes an intelligent duct learning model that continuously learns where airflow is needed most. View online or download Trane X13790492 Wireless Zone Sensor Installation & Operation Manual Trane - by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. View and Download Trane ComfortLink II XL 1040 installation & user manual online. It offers equipment and control configurations tha 4–20 mA output, where 4 mA is 0% RH and 20 mA is 100% RH. Trane SEN01447 - 10K Ohm Wired Zone Sensor w/ Dial, SEN01447- SEN01447 is an official OEM 10K Ohm Wired Zone Sensor w/ Dial for Trane HVAC equipment. Page 12: Valve And Damper Actuators 4–20 mA output, where 4 mA is 0% RH and 20 mA is 100% RH. com Literature Order Number CNT-SVX07C-EN File Number SV-ES-BAS-CNT-SVX-07C-EN 0405 Supersedes CNT-SVX07B-EN October 2001 Stocking Location Inland Trane has a policy of continuous product and product of Trane zone sensors. X1379088401 temperature controller pdf manual download. The following zone sensors will work on UCP: BAYSENS106. Sensor subbase. With the Air-Fi sensor connected a jumper must be added to the RTRM on J6-1 and J6-2 so it will look at the Air-Fi sensor communicated values The zone sensor may also be used when trying to locate a unit. Temperature mo nitoring is standard on all models. com. View and Download Trane Wired Temperature Sensors installation, operation and maintenance manual online. txt) or read online for free. It has the following features: • A liquid crystal display (LCD) with symbols for zone temperature, temperature setpoints, system operating modes, day of the week, time of day, and occupancy settings View and Download Trane X13790993001 user manual online. The connec-tion detail is shown on the unit wiring diagrams which can be found in the unit service literature and on the unit. 5, or 0. No further software or hardware is necessary for site evaluation, installation, or maintenance. Sensor device ID set to 0000002; Network Page 3 Page 1 Installation Instructions Trane® Residential Touch Screen Programmable Zone Sensor for Symbio™ 400/Tracer® UC400 Controls Model Number: X13790992 SAFETY WARNING Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. Wired Temperature Sensors accessories pdf manual download. " www. The radio is designed User Manual. Zone Sensor Setup Section 5. Free shipping on orders over $99 Your Zip: 23917 View and Download Trane TZON1050 installation manual online. Temperature output is provided by a 10 K Ohm Type II thermistor. Figure 1, p. 3” color touch screen. SENS-IN-1C February 2000 Updated Programmable Zone Sensor Installation manual due to internal Sensor changes and to clarify programming instructions. BAYSENS109 (Heat Pumps) BAYSENS110 Set the temp sensor to internal; Sensor Address = 2; Unit address = 1; Baud rate = 76,800; Password to enter configuration mode 4017 BAYSENS800 Sensor (new firmware version with 3 network pages): Set the temp sensor to internal; Network Page 1. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be Product Description The Trane®programmable zone sensor (p/n X1379088401) can be used with UCP, Reliatel, and IntelliPak control units. Two conductors are required. Not done correctly, the HVAC and zoning systems will not provide the expected comfort. 3 Zone Panel 4 Zone Sensor with Display (optional) 5 Zone Sensor (optional) 6 Zone Dampers (optional) Zone Panel ZZONEPNLAC52ZB (Kit) ZZONEEXPAC52ZB (Zone Panel) Section 1. View online or download Trane X1379088601 Display Sensor Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual. Comfort for higher productivity and ROI. Wired Zone Sensor This sensor provides temperature data Jul 2, 2024 · Communication wiring to the zone sensor is not required UNLESS the facility wants to access the unit controller from the zone sensor. Study the owner's manual, which consists of 32 pages in English. Trane SEN01448 - 10K Ohm Wired Zone Sensor, SEN01448- Please note: This SKU is a direct replacement for SEN00435 SEN01448 is an official OEM 10K Ohm Wired Zone Sensor for Trane HVAC equipment. Trane space temperature is within two mode as part of the morning warm zone sensor’s button. Trane® offers a full line of wireless and wired temper ature sensors. The sensor may display If the zone sensor is displaying a E1 code, it has not associated with the UC controllers, press the center button twice on the zone sensor to force the association and clear the E1 code. Four (4) wires from general, zone sensor Table 1. Tracer zone temperature sensor options Timed Override Zone Buttons BAS Order Comm Jack Number Setpoint Page 10: General Wiring Information *LCU What Zone Sensor can I use with a Voyager unit that has a UCP main board? Answer: Generally a Voyager unit with a UCP main control board can use the same zone sensors that are currently available for Reliatel Units. Zone Sensor Description Click the link below https://tranesuppor Trane® Residential Touch Screen Programmable Zone Sensor for Symbio™ 400/Tracer® UC400 Controls Installation Instructions August 2022 BAS-SVN026H-EN Model Number: X13790992 SAFETY WARNING Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. If the mixed air temperature starts to fall below the mixed air setpoint, the economizer starts closing. Table 1: Trane zone sensor options Timed override Page 11: Dimensions And Specifications IntroductionThe Symbio™ 700 controller is a factory-installed, programmed control system providing digital controland protection of the equipment. hjr bcgjr jnavi rwmsku etcuqnk mxrj qrfjo uqcsk act jveyzl dkazp ezg qtdm glyb tabpzyu