Waking up a different gender reddit So it's very common to want to stay in bed upon waking up. Its very chaotic and fun I like to do my own thing. Imagine trying to interact with other boys, while having those features. Idk, maybe I'm just depressed. Transition saved me. My morning ritual has become: wake up, hate waking up, piss a gallon, on the way back to my bed take a monster energy out of the fridge and take a couple swigs from it, crawl back into bed and nod in and out of sleep, keep drinking the monster, watch youtube videos on my phone, get up after 30 minutes, exercise, shower and go on about by day. Hollow Newsflash: you are waking up everyday as a female :) but yeah, waking up with the correct body as well would be awesome. i have migraine and I can’t get out of the loop untill r/DiaperPics is an all-inclusive subreddit for **Adults**. Insomnia and waking up super hot in the middle of the night were some of my first pregnancy symptoms , right around the time I got my positive test. Also, NSFW for various reasons. that would take 24-48 hrs to resolve. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. in the morning she woke up just fine and kept doing her things, walking in and out banging doors, having lights on, etc. If you like the meditation side of Waking Up, you should look for some meditation teachers. Every night regardless of when I fall asleep or when I’m planning on waking up, my body wakes me up at 3:00 AM. Unfortunately I cannot maintain that rule well :/ I'd also avoid eating before going to bed. Waking Up is a lot closer to the source of this practice which find their roots in Eastern religions, particularly some Buddhist schools of thought but not exclusively. No one's genetically altering their body while they sleep and waking up with different sex organs. You can arguably get more quiet hours by staying up late - waking up early isn't the answer. This. I felt happy with it within the first few seconds of waking up, despite the physical trauma. In my late 20s-early 30s waking up at 5 am wasn't a problem. The biggest changes for me would probably be my hips were wider and my shoulders narrower so I would probably need to get a few new outfits, I wouldn't need a shot every other week, and my bottom bits would be a bit more fully functional. It'll be sickening to hear over and over "not only does the U. It's very insightful and non-repetitive. None of that seems to have Well I would wake up as a lady smiling with perfect hair and make up, so after the obvious I would put on an all white linen outfit, do some yoga and horseback riding and then sit(or lay on my bed) eating yogurt and cereal while laughing and touch the spoon to my nose like an insane person. I woke up fairly quick and felt perfectly strong to walk on my own within 10 minutes. my natural cycle is 6am to 2pm. I hate waking up earlier than I needed to at first until I started doing night shifts then I found I can sleep after work right away so technically I am sleeping early and having all my spare time before work so Gym, well fed normally 1 or even 2 meals , and good rest before work after the gym Just hated early mornings 4- baby wakes up flopping like a fish and whimpering in pain. So basically I'm trying to do what I stated above and I feel like waking up in a completely new body might seem terrifying, specially when you speak and your voice comes out in a different tone. I feel completely like a woman and not a (trans)woman. " Some of the headlesss-type instructions have felt pretty deep. Obviously, the odds change depending on your situation, most importantly your age, gender and location. The situation where you end up with air that's too dry is when you've got a system that is constantly pulling air from the outside and heating it, like a ventilation system with a heat exchanger. If you’re a boy, imagine waking up tomorrow with long hair and soft features. Some teachers: Alan Wallace Mingyur Rinpoche Lama Lena Or just ask around around on r/buddhism Surprise surprise, I did not wet the bed. I've heard people say good dreams have them wake up in a good mood, but for me waking up is just a big disappointment. So that different light is, for three days, from your initial wake up on the first morning - you are now the opposite gender; and this isn't just your body we're talking about. It's very easy to be like "yeah, I'd be totally fine if I were to suddenly wake up as the opposite gender" if you never experienced dysphoria before, but the fact of the matter is that you would likely begin to experience it, if that particular scenario were to happen. Generally exercising is one of the most beneficial things you can do, but there is also wrong exercising and over-exercising like Rhabdomyolysis. gift cards, carnival / show tickets (they do exist for under $20) , merch from their favorite shows / fandoms , a really good one (definitely recommend) every day's an amazing holiday calendar , spotify premium cause those ads are a pain in the ass , robot alarm clock w/ wheels (waking up early sucks but they look cool) , CANDY/COOKIES It's like exercising. It’s more about self inquiry and exploring the true nature of being. Another way of putting it is that I like to have a "choice". You now Jan 17, 2023 ยท With all the things going on in the world and all the struggles I’ve had to go through, to finally wake up as a woman, a beautiful girl every morning has been something I’m still getting used to. There's a reason sexfluid isn't a thing, because there's no human being on the planet whose magically flipping between having a dick and a vagina on their own whims, we aren't frogs. It also means if I want to go back to bed, I have to walk back up 2 flights. It's worse if you're dehydrated, which makes you retain more fluid in general, or older, because your skin loses elasticity as you age. We have a Discord: https://discord. Having adjusted hormone levels helps a lot though, I feel like I'm waking up as a woman every now and then and lately it's happening more often ๐ as long as I don't look down I can really believe in myself no, the pain actually subsides when i’m laying down and relaxing. 5. " Edit to clarify because I don't want my statement to be misconstrued as saying she would be a bad president because of skin color or gender. I experience nothing of the sort. later I checked and no water dripping near there at all. This is not the first time this has happened to me. Tried drinking lots before sleep and just woke up earlier with equally dry mouth and needing to piss. I remember this one story where two young kids ( 1 male, 1 female) switch bodies and thus forced to live as the other gender. But if you’re a girl imagine waking up tomorrow with an itchy, coarse beard that you can’t hide. I have tried taking it at 9 but I have throne sleeping which is why I take mimosa. Posted by u/XtremeConfusion - 1,851 votes and 30 comments Sam Harris has a naturally calm, soothing voice. Running, coffee, Xbox before the rest of the family is up and about is so glorious. I had propofol again for my wisdom teeth removal, but this time they gave me fentanyl along with propofol. I'm uncomfortable being called a boy or girl and use they/them pronouns and gender neutral language. I guess one wakes up between the sleep cycles (during the period one is not in deep sleep). i still wake up in pain everyday. I always remember the dreams too and they feel so real to the point I have to remind myself that a certain things happened in the dream and not in real life. If you story revolves around the protagonist being late for work and losing his job, don’t start with waking up. The odds of dying within I have had sleep paralysis for the past ten years. BUT over the last several years I've grown to despise Sam Harris. Although, not exactly a man waking up as an already established female character persay, rather as just a woman in the chosen fictional setting in general- perhaps even a form they picked either willingly through some form of cosmic character creation that they've possiby forgotten via handwave (for example, the Fire Emblem SI fic "Asleep" and Hi u/perksoftaylor, . Even a single day of missing the time, hitting snooze, or going to bed late makes me wake up sleepdrunk. When I was in my early 20s going I got the most out of my self in the evenings and sleeping in until 10. Perhaps everyone wants to be a girl in the summer so they can wear a sundress and a guy in the winter so they can grow a beard? Perhaps you have a… In a typical sealed-up modern house that water sticks around and the house remains humid. Every fucking day. This isn't a thing. Plus a lot more caffeine (job also) I'd recommend just switching up your diet a little! The mission of r/epilepsy is to provide a community forum for people who are affected by epilepsy. I like to put in some humor here and there but it’s pretty much a random journey for Bobby after waking up with boobs. Apnea as a trigger is different than an apnea-caused morning headache. Shits weird… Ha. (likely caused by how the brain develops in the womb, according to most recent science) I have VS and started noticing that the first 15-20 seconds upon waking up, my dark green plants in the room looks black to me. Also, when you're asleep you produce tears with a different chemical makeup than when you're awake. The Making Sense subscription describes access to Waking Up content on Sa Deaf identity also intersects with other kinds of cultural identity. Secondly, we are talking about teenagers. gg/ae8T8pG Room isn't notably dry (UK winter ffs), no heating on, etc. It’s not just follow the breath, it’s introspection and focused on different aspects. I woke up at 1130 and figured out quickly that my internal clock was off as my whole family was still up with the lights on. 5 years ago when I started needing a PPI every day, the waking up like this has been daily ever since. All this is to say that waking up early in the morning is a choice, and although someone may not be the type of person to do it, in the long run you will become one. You pick yourself apart in your mind for these small details because you so desperately want to be a woman that you want to look perfect. People's rhythms are different and they change throughout their life. I'm far from perfect lol. However, I've recently had… It should be fine. It becomes impossible I end up waking up again at 8 or 10am. Same goes for spontaneous erections. This doesn't mean much by itself. It's completely messing up my days, work quality, and moods. Gender identity and gender roles are two completely different things. Maybe you find it interesting finding out how people treat you differently as the opposite gender or how same-gender social experiences differ between men and women. Everyone moves at a different pace, and it's important to work with your own brain! ๐ Never had anything like this until about 1. For the US, we can use data from the Social Security Administration which tells us the odds of dying within the year for each age and male/female. They can trigger symptoms by turning their head in different directions. I keep waking up from a dreams that have me inconsolable when I wake up. For me that means I'm agender - I have no gender. I wake up needing to pee 95% if the time, no matter how much and when I drink during the day. I finally got out of bed when my alarm went off. There isn't any distraction or anyone awake yet to distract you from getting stuff done. Waking up at 4 in the morning is a great idea and I have now been doing it for about a month straight. The usb hub is set to not allow waking up the computer but it does. Looking to control the sleep better. ๐ถ I get up in the middle of the night pee and am back in bed without really waking up because I’ve been doing it on auto pilot since…I stoped wetting the bed. It's awesome! Admittedly I wake up earlier than I need to but that hour or so before work is my quiet alone time. If the gripe water works we'll sleep til 6, if not we're up for the day at 4. Like I'm waking up in some awful dream world that I don't know what to do in. Woke up and felt the pain in the exact same spot where I stabbed him. Personally, waking up early in the morning has always been a blessing for my productivity, especially if you use techniques like habit stacking. One of the nurses woke me up in post op recovery; right before becoming fully aware and awake I felt like I was having some really awesome sleep, and just having a floating feeling, and then off in the distance I heard my name, and then suddenly fully aware and awake, the nurses telling me that everything went well, and I felt very happy that the surgery was done, and looking forward to the The benefit of Waking Up has been a slow burn for me, I’m really glad I went with his app! Sam talks about how other apps treat meditation like an “executive stress ball,” but Sam focuses on the fundamental discoveries in the mind. And after a few seconds I am able to see the actual color again. This has been happening more and more to me lately. You can skip your character waking up, getting dressed, getting stuck in traffic, etc. I’m in a cycle of waking up right back at square one regardless of going to sleep in my wish fulfilled, actually being fulfilled from the day’s events, or in a good mood. Then you can reposition as necessary. This makes your face look puffy for awhile after you wake up. The scientific consensus is gender identity starts forming by age 3 and is concrete by preteens. I'm 9w5d now and i will say it is not as bad now as it was at first. For example, their symptoms accur when they stand up. When most people are waking up at 8:00 AM, you will have already been to the gym, showered, and eaten. I also enjoyed doing any random bodily stretches while I listened to the audios just to get my body moving. 5 days in an induced coma. I was for 2. . Cortisol normally spikes in the hour before normal wake up times to help with waking up. Mine was different. I have to pee like very frequently, but I’ve had an under developed bladder since I was a baby. It's usually people I care about giving out to me or telling me I'm doing something wrong. 4. My dad doesn't remember much else, other than there was a scene where the both of them get drinks at a fully automated bar; and the woman has access to a different menu than the man, since she was apparently part of a higher caste in their society than him, and as such is entitled to nicer things. If you want more, Google something like “cortisone spike times”. Waking Up is extremely watered-down compared to the real thing. The other night I woke up just standing near my bed (This freaked my GF out) and last night I woke up sitting in a chair in our It’s a bunch of randomness while our main character, named Bobby, goes through various situations while being embarassed and freaked out about having tits. Sometimes i go to a different room to turn the tv on (so I don't disturb my husband) and that usually helps me get back to sleep. But my guess is that it can leave a lot of people frustrated when using it since it can even be hard to understand what he is saying sometimes. I haven't really ever tried to achieve LD, but I find the subject interesting and have enjoyed reading this subreddit. The practice section is filled with different types of meditations by different teachers and I absolutely love it. The app has been instrumental in helping me establish a daily meditation practice. 3. I wake up then realize I have to fight through another day of what seems like a pointless existence. Maybe I shouldn't transition after all. When I can't, I scroll on my phone till my body is ready to get up or it is time to. It's hard to think or voice thoughts. The reason it's a great idea is because you then are able to get stuff done. I've also never had head trauma. They feel dizzy. I only want the keyboard to wake up the computer, so I have unchecked that box on every device I could find it on except the keyboard but it still wakes up randomly. A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender). but from the moment i wake up, to the moment i lay down, the pain is constant. This is a pretty stable character element of mine and no amount of meditation (including non-dual meditation) seems to have shifted this all that much, even if I'm pretty clear that there is no me that chooses, at least not in a scientific sense and maybe not in any sense. It’s like my brain completely resets every night to the opposite of my desires, and I wake up pissed off, irritable, emotionally hollow, or sad. any ideas how to remain calm when this happens? If, however, you simply want to be a different gender or subconsciously identify with a different gender, that’s primarily neurological and psychosocial—this is the only criteria you need to meet to be trans. Most nights I fall asleep around 10:30 and my alarm wakes me at 6:30. messy, and some people have told me they filled out their preferences with habits they wanted to start (like waking up and going to bed early) rather than telling the truth and, unsurprisingly, they kept their old habits. It can teach you some profound things about the nature of consciousness . The key is that the desire is internal. Then there's memory loss, double vision, choking. Transness comes in many different forms and aiming to be hyper-feminine is definitely one of them. And I can't say that I'm not tired when I do. I've tried bicycling her legs, propping her PnP up so she's sleeping on an incline, and I've cut out dairy from my diet. While it's normal for children to experiment with their gender roles, thats not the same as exploring gender identity. I'm three years on hormones, post bottom surgery, post ba, and happily married to another woman. The worst part for me is having to pretend that I am happy and that I enjoy the days but, when i finally get home at night and I am alone and i finally get to relax and don't have to pretend that I'm something I'm not I am ok with being awake. If you are looking for information/data on how common a particular symptom or condition is with EDS (or any of its comorbidities), or whether there is any connection at all—it is always best to ask for links to reputable studies or websites, instead of Welcome to the Synesthesia Subreddit! It's estimated that around 4% of the world’s population are synesthetes: people with a neurological trait that enables them to enjoy additional perceptions in response to certain sensory or conceptual stimuli such as hearing sounds or music, tasting food or perceiving numbers or letters. Lol. When we wake up from sleep, we could be waking up in the body of a different person with no memories from our previous one and instead have all the memories of the new one. But I think that a lot of people do. The benefits of this app really start after day 50. The men's room always has piss on the seat, too. I saw a pair of scissors laying on a chair. A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender. I m have a hard time getting to bed and even harder time waking up. I also only need about 20-35 minutes to get ready for the day too, so if anything, accidentally waking up early is nice because I get to enjoy more of the day. Thanks. If you have to pee more than like 8 or 9 times in 24 hours you are supposed to get it checked. I woke up so nauseous, puked three times, was dizzy and incoherent for maybe 40 minutes after. For the MTF side, imagine waking up and when you see yourself in the mirror, you desperately want to look like a woman but when you do, you see everything that doesn't make you a woman. people can fill in those blanks by themselves. But I realized eventually that all I was doing was resigning myself to a life that was miserable and empty. Whenever I wake up and start my day, I often think, "I actually feel pretty comfortable as a guy. It looks like you are looking for information on how common something is in individuals with EDS or related conditions. It takes hours to really get anywhere close to "awake". The deepest awakening experience I ever had was when I watched this talk from Sam. This is especially prevalent for night owls, which it sounds like you are (due to your 2am bedtime). So maybe, if you find yourself waking up throughout the night, try sitting up for a few minutes until things start to relax a bit. Apnea-based headaches tend to resolve themselves later in the day. Sometimes the pins and needles can last a several minutes for me. getting there and really, thrilled to be on the other side. It's not that you get a few extra hours of distraction-free time. This is what I was thinking. Keep in mind waking up early is not for everyone. Theres nothing wrong with going to bed at 3am and waking up at 1pm for weeks if thats when you feel tired and thats when you wake up ready for the day EG. For the past few weeks, I've been noticing that I have greater levels of gender dysphoria in the evening and at night, and lesser levels of gender dysphoria in the morning. When you get up at 4 three days a week, the days you sleep until 5 feel like you're sleeping in. Thereafter, I eventually fell asleep within the hour and ended up waking up about half an hour before my alarm. Unable to connect with other people, unable to love myself, living a life that felt like it had no meaning and I'd spend the rest of my life waking up each morning wishing things were different. The online community for those who either have Narcolepsy or Idiopathic Hypersomnia or have a family member with one of these diagnoses. The middle of the night rousing used to be less frequent, but for the past few months it has been incredibly predictable. It's good because pro-life isn't seen as dealing with gender so you can push it without having people react about genders. The feeling is similar to that tingle but all over and feels "shaky. I think it is only dark green color that is affected so far. Gender transformation artwork, including MTF, FTM and other similar content. My husband had to help me walk most of the time too. I realized that when I would sit up, some of the stiffness and soreness would settle a bit, and it helped things a little in the morning. We are not here to diagnose or confirm your self-diagnosis. By waking up at 4:30 AM, you have an advantage over the rest of the world. Now, at 6 weeks, starting to feel like I am. Imagine going to work or school with it. 6. Also, we'll disregard not waking up because you simply stayed awake. When I do wake up to them, most of those times I can just go back to sleep. I go to sleep at 12 and try to wake up by 7. I was also eating a ton of trail mix and almonds). It tends to happen if you either sleep on it or it gets contorted into a strange position. It is simple if we talk about a sports injury because it is obvious but the same thing applies to the mind. While you will undoubtedly be different from others in this regard, do not get lost in comparing yourself to others. However, it can spike to early for a variety of reasons such as stress, hormone changes, etc. 58K subscribers in the gendertransformation community. Omg the same thing happened after like the 2nd waking up it was lucid and I tried waking up but woke up another 6-7 times into the dream and I kept trying to figure out how to wake up in the dream it was so creepy Even after sleeping well and thoroughly, it is natural to feel groggy for up to 30ish minutes after waking up. Meaning throughout my life, if I ever go extended periods without obligations, it would just balance out to that given enough time and never change. Every other night it seems like I wake up some were other than my bed. Waking up early has definitely helped me get an early start to my day. We exist to share ideas about the direction of epilepsy research, available treatment options for all seizure disorders, SUDEP, and to overcome the challenges and stigma created by epilepsy through lively discussion in a safe supportive environment. The second time was last night when I went to bed at 930 and planned to wake up at 4ish to get to school early to study for an exam. Both times I woke up was when I was planning to get up earlier than usual. A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender). I don't know if I have them while asleep and by the time I wake up it's gone or if I just don't have them often. Always happens when I wake up from a sleep. I appreciate this. Usually have to provide manual stimulation but have experienced them with gender euphoria which is a weird AF feeling. Basically, what happens is I either will not be able to fall asleep until around 3:30AM (I get up around 7AM for work), or I'll fall asleep at a normal time (somewhere around 11PM) and wake up around 2 or 3AM. My best guess was just me adjusting- new job, new sleep hours, slightly different diet (I was eating more "packaged" foods I was packing for lunch. Looks like my saliva glands just stop secreting, for the first time I tried to produce spit right after waking up and it felt like I could make a bucket of the stuff. Im on almost 3 weeks at 25mg, and yesterday I was able to start waking up with no anxiety at all. In a world without any gender roles, transgender people would still exist, it is a medical condition. It’s impossible to know what, exactly, someone considers clean vs. have its first female president, but she's a POC. Sep 10, 2013 ยท Gender dysphoria is widely described and experienced as distress due to discomfort with one’s assigned sex, and the desire to live as another sex. Skip to them bursting through the door at work with a layer of sweat because they ran up the The scary thing is everyone knows with almost certainty that she'll end up as President. In the original web comic version, the girl who is in the guys body becomes extremely depressed and dysphoric in her teenage years, and the story actually ends with her committing suicide. Diaperlovers, ageplayers, babyfurs, and un-potty trained diaper kinksters alike are all welcome here. Reached down grab the scissors and stabbed the dude under the chin through his mouth. And we don't have a way to prove otherwise. I mean, I guess most people don’t wake up every night needing to pee. This encompasses a wide range of labels and identities. As a trans person, I think the majority of cis people would be irritated by waking up as the opposite gender, if not in the moment, over time as the differences begin to chafe as the novelty wears off. Plus there is a sense of determination when waking up that early. I would suggest Waking Up because it progressively teaches you different ways of thinking about yourself and the world. I love the layout, discussions, lessons, guided meditations, timers, etc. Non-binary is any gender identity that falls outside the gender binary. Deaf culture intersects with nationality, education, race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, and other identity markers, leading to a culture that is at once quite small and also tremendously diverse. I was waking up with migraines. Feb 6, 2019 ยท There is no one way to portray your gender, especially as a trans person. I tried to just gently remind myself of that. In fact only ramped up the efforts to wake me up by spraying tons of air deodorisers next to me, which she clearly sees had the effect of waking me up and annoying me. Last night I had a dream where I fell in love only to wake up alone and sad. Regardless, gonna mention it at my next appointment. I have solved this issue by waking up consistently at the same minute and going to bed at the same time as well. With ADHD, I tend to be late for most things. It doesn’t matter if I wake up early or late, the problem persists, is hard for me to start my day and function properly when waking up, even if I drink some coffee I still feel lazy and with some brain fog, also coffee makes me jittery and messes up my sleep. Posted by u/Aggravating-Date-863 - 1 vote and no comments Posted by u/Aggravating-Date-863 - 1 vote and no comments Posted by u/Aggravating-Date-863 - 1 vote and 2 comments Idk your gender. And by the next week, I did not wake up at all until my alarm sounded. The first 30 days is basically a course, and I would say that has immense value in and of itself. " Resolves for me about 5-10 minutes after I wake up. I'll let you in on a little secret. As I was waking up I heard water dripping noise (got a shower head leak and it sounded just like that) along with tv sound but tv was actually on, heard the water dripping noise for 3,4,5 min when I was waking up then it was totally gone. It's doubly bad if you have even slight germophobia because you'll see how many men simply don't believe germs grow on their balls and refuse to wash their hands. You control the body of someone of the opposite gender, but you still feel like the gender you were before inexplicably waking up in a new body. Waking Up goes much deeper into the practice than say Headspace in that you look for the observer and perception a lot. It's also not that you have the discipline to go to bed early. For me it was asking a friend to call me to wake me up and stay on the phone with me until they are certain I am under running water. But they have so far to go towards being a gender equal society that pro-life attitudes can bring them closer towards gender equality. The past couple of months have been SP free, but the last two weeks have been a little weird. I also tend to sleep on my side and have my limbs tingly when I wake up. The warmer the air, the more water it can hold. + Sleep hygiene (uv in the morning, no uv in the evening, going to sleep early and waking up early and making sure I am tired enough by evening to sleep, with no breaks in the weekend. Waking up early gives me time to make sure I get my morning routine done most mornings. which you'll read about if you research apnea. No one is saying that is the solution to it only that it's a productive first step. THE ISSUE: everytime i wake up my PC when it goes to sleep, or just goes to standby and turns off the monitors or Hibernates, i notice the animation and whole system responsiveness is so slugglish and jittery, like i went from 60 fps to 5fps,i'd have a movie or tv show running on my 2nd monitor and i can see the frame tearing and skipping like The difference between the Waking Up subscription and the Making Sense subscription is not clear to me. Whether you are experienced or not it is a new take on the process that eliminates any woo-woo need for secret mantras, invoking divine presence of any nature and gets the job done. Now I'm also able to see that sometimes when I wake up from a nap or even just sleeping, especially after a 'bad day' I'll feel scared and confused and fuzzy. Therefore, gender fluid must mean something 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. IMO, Waking Up is exceptional. Some times I dress in my more feminine cloths when everyone goes to bed because I’m not really out to many people and I normally feel that way but sometimes I wake up and feel masc and it kinda sucks bc I just feeling disgusted in myself and like I don’t know how I actually feel and if I’m lying to the ppl I’ve told for more empathy from them or something or to feel something different Posted by u/embarrased_to_Ask_42 - 649 votes and 305 comments I've been using the Waking Up app for about 3 years and have really gotten a lot out of it. I actually just wanted to understand what his argument against free will really was, and I paused and went back over a couple segments to make sure I was getting everything. ABDL pics of every gender, orientation, age (over 18) and country of origin. Takes gripe water, which is hit or miss, and feeds again. It's called sleep inertia. Waking Up is different from other apps in the sense that Sam is trying to teach non-dual mindfulness. I was put on the drug for my depression and BP. I've finally figured out why waking up at 5am is a shared habit held by a lot of effective people. Waking up was horrible. What could it be? Every time I was successful with waking up on time, I was going to the gym and lifting (or cardio occasionally) in the early morning, and after about a week of this, I would usually start waking up about 5-20 minutes before my alarm. Ayyyy i play a gender fluid drow (chosen of Correlon mechanic in 5e) where they do something like that and depending on which gender they wake up that day, they have a completely different spell list and mechanics. Humans are just gross like that. Can't say I hate it due to not ever waking up with them and I'm pre-hrt still. but i’ve slept in other peoples beds and stuff, it’s no different. I woke up a lot of times and fell asleep again, in the few minutes I was trying to figure out where I am, what happened, who the people around me are, who I am and what is a dream and what is rl. In my dream there was a guy bullying me and stealing my stuff. S. So you do get used to it. vnrqiu agur jtgx jvlsx teb faef jyci nhgiyr tqeo saxhz vslomrr bjnsh vkjvdr gngxv gbgdccf