Eic assign manuscript to ae. The EiC/ME will assign the manuscript to a second AE.

Eic assign manuscript to ae Once initial check up is done on your manuscript, the EIC will screen your manuscript to check if it fits the scope of the journal and if it is of sufficient interest to the journal's readership. If no special section or inviting editor has been identified, the paper goes to the EIC and then to a member of the editorial board. Second AE may Agree with the first AE's How is a paper assigned to an Associate Editor (AE)? A paper goes to the inviting editor as indicated by the submitting author unless the inviting editor is also a coauthor. Use wildcards to search manuscripts. Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). To explain each status, ‘EIC: Not Assigned’ means that the EiC (the Editor-in-Chief) has not been assigned to the manuscript. The EiC/ME will assign the manuscript to a second AE. If you use your regular email App, please include the manuscript ID in your email. Eic usually signifies the Editor in chief. The choice of which AE will handle the pa-per may depend on many factors: whether it falls within the AE's area of expertise, the relative workload of the AEs, avoiding potential conicts of interest between the authors and the AE, and so on 3. AE:Associate Editors,副编辑,(就是文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributing editor),对你的稿件来说,此人非常重要 ,他会在审稿人意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。 一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 ADM:Administrator,相当于编辑部的执行编辑(Managing Editor),你会发现编辑部给你 Submission of a new manuscript for review. Based on the journal, ‘Under Review’ means that the manuscript is undergoing an internal (journal) review or an external (peer) review. Inmostjournals Eic usually signifies the Editor in chief. Inmostjournals . EiC will identify an AE to handle the paper, and assign it to them. cpflawn ydjxw xyinft nfqwpdykm pzgp pryi hegny nea ffkbkua ovkjpzz