Service2 diplo de rk termin As of 1 January 2023: For long-term visas for Welcome to the appointment system of the German Embassy in Baku! You can book an appointment for a consultation concerning Jewish Migration or as an ethnic German repatriate here. Fees. diplo. Um einen Termin zu vereinbaren werden Sie gebeten folgenden Online Appointments Embassy Islamabad . Terminvergabesystem des Auswärtigen Amts — Lagos Zurück Weiter Dienstleistungen für Studienbewerber, Sprachkursteilnehmer und bereits zum Studium in Deutschland zugelassene Studenten RK-Termin 1. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass nur auf diese Weise eine geregelte und faire Vergabe der zahlenmäßig begrenzten Termine gewährleistet werden RK-Termin 1. Please check your mail account (spam box included) regularly. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use In case of the birth of a child in Nigeria please inform yourself on our website about the necessary process of the verification of documents as well as the registration of the birth of a child born outside of Germany. RK-Termin 1. Biometric passport for applicants aged 24 and over (valid for ten years): EUR 101. Buchen Sie bitte für jede Person, auch für Kinder, einen eigenen Termin. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use You can register at the above indicated internet address for an appointment for the visa application, a German passport or a consular service. Në këtë mënyrë Ju ndihmoni në mbarëvajtjen e procesit dhe planifikimit të takimeve. The following slots are not available for visa applicants. Bitte nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, diese To apply for a national visa, for a German passport, for birth and marriage registrations you need to book an appointment through our online appointment system. Return Continue Before booking the appointment, we kindly ask you to read the information about the visa procedure carefully. fap. potřebujete-li nový cestovní pas/občanský průkaz, protože planost Vašeho starého brzy skončí, nebo jste svůj starý dokumentztratil/a (doba vyřízení: cestovní pas 5 – 6 týdnů, expresní cestovní pas - informace u přepážky); chcete-li podat žádost o dočasný cestovní pas Këto informacione mund t’i gjeni në faqen e internetit të Ambasadës Gjermane në Tiranë www. athen. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit der Bestätigung Ihres Termins. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Bitte gehen Sie auf die Website der für Ihren Wohnort zuständigen deutschen Auslandsvertretung. de/visa. de) in order to arrange an appointment. de) Please click “Continue” now to proceed with your appointment booking. For notarizations please also contact RK-Termin 1. Quý vị cần chuẩn bị hồ sơ cẩn thận, đầy đủ và mang theo khi đến làm thủ tục theo hẹn. 0. Aplikimet, për një kategori tjetë, nuk do të pranohen. You are about to book an appointment at the Consulate General in Karachi to apply for a long-term visa for the purposes of familiy reunification (including spouse reunification), vocational training, volunteer stay or a different purpose not mentioned in a special category. Przed rezerwacją terminu prosimy o uważne zapoznanie się z informacjami dotyczącymi procedur wizowych. de in the category "visa". Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland . Website: (https://uae. The core family consists of the spouse / fiancé, parents of minor children and minor children. Lista e Pritjes për „Shofer profesionist“ në transportin tregtar të mallrave (vetëm me leje drejtimi të BE-së ose shqiptare për kategoritë C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D ose DE) Continue Viza për "Formim profesional" RK-Termin 1. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Please read the respective information about visa applications for family reunion, marriage or reunion with recognized refugees on our website (www. Here you can set your appointment for submitting your long-term visa application (minimum stay 90 days) for studies, attending language courses, taking up employment or having your foreign professional qualification recognized in Germany. The waiting time between registration for an appointment and the actual appointment day is Beispiele für die Namenseingabe bei der Wartelistenregistrierung, die berücksichtigt werden muss Apabila Nama Anda terdiri dari 3 suku kata atau lebih dengan contoh: Wenn Ihr Name aus 3 oder mehr Silben besteht, mit Beispiel: RK-Termin 1. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use For the following consular services please book an appointment here: Authentication of signature / 署名認証手続 for a power of attorney / 委任状; authorizations / 同意書 declaration of renouncement of succession / 相続放棄手続 Website: (https://uae. Please visit our website and read the information carefully before making an appointment. Sie erreichen es unter diesem Link: Terminvergabesystem. Ausschließlich in folgenden Fällen können Sie einen Termin bei der Deutschen Botschaft Athen per Mail (visa@athe. These slots are also not available for questions regarding naturalisation. In der Terminübersicht können Sie einen freien Termin Ihrer Wahl (den nächsten oder auf Wunsch einen späteren) buchen: Sie wählen einen Termin. for a stay of more than 90 days) for all categories except vocational training (Section 16a of the German Residence Act), advanced vocational training (Section 16a of the Residence Act), internships and training programmes (Sections 16a and 16e of the Residence You can find detailed information about the different types of visas and how to apply for them on our website www. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Die E-Mail Adresse muss gültig sein, denn die Terminbestätigung wird an die bei der Buchung angegebene E-Mail Anschrift versendet. australia. kigali. de để được hướng dẫn. Browsers on mobile devices are able to display the pages. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Welcome to the Naming Law and Civil Status Department of the German Embassy ! On the following pages you can book an appointment to make a name declaration, register the birth of a child born outside Germany or register a marriage which has taken place outside Germany. int. You need an appointment to apply for a passport or identity card. You can only be admitted to the visa office and submit your application if you have a valid appointment. de) or the German Embassy Teheran (visainfo@tehe. از آنجا که اعطای نوبت ممکن است خیلی سریع انجام شود، لطفاً فقط Herzlich Willkommen im Online-Terminvergabesystem der Botschaft Teheran. Please note that appointments can only be booked 4 weeks in advance and check availability again later, if necessary. Please read the information provided carefully before you make an Udhëzime për rezervimin e datës/ orës së aplikimit: Lutemi të rezervoni këtu datën/orën e aplikimit tuaj, nëse kërkoni të aplikoni për një vizë me qëllim Formimin profesional. Please not following measures to prevent the spread of corona virus: Only go to your appointment when you don't have any symptoms; Be absolutley on time for your appointment. You will no longer be able to book an appointment directly through the external service provider, Visametric, but you will register your name on a waiting list in the following steps. germany. de You can find detailed information about the different types of visas and how to apply for them on our website www. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Visa appointments for studies / familiy reunification / language courses / recognition procedures RK-Termin 1. Consular Services/Passport Please book an appointment here for consular services / passport. de) before booking an appointment. for - declaration of consent of a contract already notarized in Germany - applications regarding the commercial and trade register - criminal record - application to register a birth or marriage in Germany - name declarations RK-Termin 1. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use pass@duba. de, unter Angabe von Aufenthaltszweck, Namen, Vornamen, Geburtsdatum, Staatsangehörigkeit und Telefonnummer jedes Antragstellers) erbitten: - Wiedereinreisen nach Dokumentenverlust - Stipendiaten und ihre Familienangehörigen Welcome to the online appointment system of the German Embassy in Cairo! Here, you can register for an appointment to apply for a visa for a marriage in Germany, for family reunion, or for family reunion with recognized refugees (BUT NOT with persons with subsidiary protection). On our website you will also find the necessary application forms. info and the possibility to contact us via email: citizenship@newy. In addition, you can only be granted admission if your personal passport number is correct. You can find detailed information about the different types of visas and how to apply for them on our website www. You are about to book an appointment at the Consulate General in Karachi to apply for a long-term visa for the purposes of master’s degree or research. Ambasada neće da prihvati Vaš zahtev za vizu ako ste zakazali termin za pogrešnu kategoriju iako ste dobili potvrdu o zakazanom terminu putem mejla. If you have any further questions concerning these processes please contact us in advance via visa@abuj. Quý vị không đặt hẹn trên hệ thống mà vui lòng viết Email trực tiếp đến rk-kontakt@hoch. The Consular Services Portal now provides an easy and secure online application procedure for certain types of national visas - see how at: https://digital. de/) Return Continue this may take a few moments Your request is being processed please wait refreshing this page will delay your booking. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use LEER - Arbeitsaufnahme gemäß § 26 Abs. dhaka. If you are planning a stay of more than 90 days, want to start working in Germany and already have a work contract or a confirmed job offer, this is the right category for booking an appointment. The German Embassy only issues visas for travel for trips less than 90 days with the main destination Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Luxemburg, Norway or the Netherlands. If you are uncertain, please enquire in advance by e-mail (info@toro. 00 . Das Rechts- und Konsularreferat kann keine anwaltliche oder rechtliche Vertretung übernehmen. Diese E-Mail ist ausgedruckt zum Termin mitzubringen, anderenfalls kann der Termin nicht wahrgenommen werden. on the application for a police certificate of good conduct), as well as matters relating to marriage and naming law (list not exhaustive). 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use If you require assistance in a matter which is not listed on the following appointment pages, kindly get in touch with the Legal and Consular Section via e-mail (info@lago. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Welcome to the Appointment Booking System of the German Embassy Wellington! You need an appointment for the certification of signatures or copies - e. Biometric passport for applicants under the age of 24 (valid for six years RK-Termin 1. Please refer to our website www. 2023. kathmandu. Bitte registrieren Sie sich nur für einen Termin, wenn Sie bereits alle antragsbegründenden Unterlagen beisammen haben, da eine Terminzuweisung sehr kurzfristig erfolgen kann. The website is available in German or Arabic. The application will be rejected without charges and you have to book another appointment. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise - Für die deutsche Sprachfassung klicken Sie bitte auf die Flagge in der oberen linken Ecke - Continue RK-Termin 1. . 4 Die E-Mail Adresse muss gültig sein, denn die Terminbestätigung wird an die bei der Buchung angegebene E-Mail Anschrift versendet. If necessary, try to access it via another Internet connection. ) please contact the embassy at rk@niko. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Applications for German Passports/ID-Cards as well as consular services such as the authentication of copies, signatures (e. Bei falscher Terminbuchung kann Ihr Antrag in der Botschaft trotz Vorlage der Bestätigungsmail nicht angenommen werden! Ovi termini su namenjeni isključivo gore navedenim kategorijama. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Under this category you can ONLY book an appointment to apply for a German passport or German national ID card. In the following step, please select carefully why you are seeking the Consulate General's assistance. Please note that you will be entering a restricted area during your visit to the Consulate General and declare your consent to the following points: RK-Termin 1. e. Thank you for your interest in a long-term stay in Germany! A national visa is the right visa if you want to enter Germany to stay for longer than 90 days to work, study rk@wiln. Please book an appointment in this category if you require consular services (except passport applications, name changes and other family matters) such as certifications and witnessing of a signature, official translation of a German drivers licence, re-naturalization, life certificate, certificate of good conducts etc. Welcome to the online appointment system of the Embassy Tehran Please note that the appointment system for Schengen visa applications will be changed as of 21. German Embassy London. After your successful registration you will receive a confirmation about the completion of the registration process and afterwards two emails: Visas Welcome to the online appointment system of the German Embassy Dhaka! In order to apply for a visa for Germany you need an appointment. Thanks to the appointment system, the embassy is able to guarantee regulated and orderly public traffic at all times. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Termin ausschließlich beim externen Dienstleister Visametric erfolgt, die genauen Adressdaten erhalten Sie hier. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Please keep in mind: Official German government email addresses end in “. de) for all necessary information to apply for a German passport, e. gaborone. Your legalisation section. de) if you wish to reunite with an unaccompanied minor who becomes 18 years old in less than twelve months, or, in case you have not been scheduled an appointment You will find information about the application process, the requirements for a visa and the necessary documents on the website of the German Embassy in Athens, www. de@iom. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Welcome to the online appointment system of the German Embassy Manila! Please refer to the website German Passports - Federal Foreign Office (diplo. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use If you have any questions regarding citizenship law or wish to book an appointment, please contact: rk-1@kaps. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Antragsterminen in der Kategorie „Beantragung eines Visums zum Familiennachzug“, welche die zur Verfügung stehenden Termine übersteigt, müssen wir eine Termin-Warteliste einführen. We reserve the right to cancel appointments at short notice. Continue. If you wish to book an appointment for a certification with one of our honorary consuls in the UK, please get in contact with them directly: Honorary Consuls - Federal Foreign Office (diplo. Eine nachträgliche Korrektur von Angaben oder die Änderung der E-Mail Anschrift sind nicht möglich. We recommend using the extensive information on our homepage www. 4 RK-Termin 1. de/) Return New Appointment this may take a few moments Your request is being processed please wait refreshing this page will delay your booking. Përshëndetje miqësore, Ambasada Gjermane në RK-Termin 1. Welcome to the appointment system of the German Consulate in Cape Town If you require assistance in a matter which is not listed on the following appointment pages, kindly get in touch with the Legal and Consular Section via e-mail (info@lago. Zur Vorsprache in der Visastelle bringen Sie einen Ausdruck dieser E-Mail mit, andernfalls kann der Termin nicht wahrgenommen werden. in medical emergencies; holders of official passports with Note Verbale; upon invitation of the German Government or an organization fully funded by Federal funds such as You find them on our website www. de/. If you have further questions, you can write an e-mail to the visa section: visastelle@kair. Please note that incomplete applications cannot be accepted: Your Bitte buchen Sie daher in diesem Fall hier keinen Termin und ersparen Sie sich so unnötige Anfahrten, sondern wenden Sie sich mit Ihrem Terminanliegen direkt per Mail an uns unter rk-kontakt@hoch. Please read the information provided carefully before you make an The German Consulate General in New York City can assist you with all questions concerning German citizenship. You can take the initial step of submitting a timely notification via www. tripolis. de Wenn Sie etwas anderes benötigen, buchen Sie bitte einen Termin in der dafür vorgesehenen Kategorie. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise Dear Madam or Sir, on the following pages you can register for an appointment to apply for a study visa (for stays exceeding 90 days). Please note that the processing time for a passport or ID-card is approximately six weeks (since the documents are produced in Germany), so please make an appointment well in advance. auswaertiges-amt. de” and any visa-related correspondence coming from an address that does not end with “. Please note: RK-Termin 1. Trong trường hợp con của quý vị đã có khai sinh Đức và hộ chiếu Đức, nhưng hộ chiếu Đức của con quý vị còn thời hạn ít hơn 6 tháng và do đó Quý Herzlich Willkommen im Online-Terminvergabesystem der Botschaft Teheran. To apply for a national visa as an ethnic German with an acceptance letter from the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) Passport / Identity Card - Appointments. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use visa-service@ulan. in the context of confirming a contract signed in Germany, POAs, name declaration, birth registrations, marriage registrations, applications to retain the German citizenship, renouncing an inheritance, police clearance RK-Termin 1. Visas (long- and short-term) Welcome to the online appointment system of the German Embassy Addis Ababa. Should your appointment be cancelled, you will be informed by e Virus scanners, firewalls, other security products, company policies, network connection: All these factors determine how fast and whether RK-Termin can be called at all. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use In diesem Fall müssen Sie einen neuen Termin in der richtigen Visumskategorie online über das Terminvergabesystem buchen. Continue RK-Termin 1. Visas for travel with the main destination in ALL other countries of the Schengen area you will have to apply for at the consulates of those countries. 3. de Incomplete applications cannot be accepted: the application will be rejected free of charge and a new date has to be agreed. de before booking your appointment. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use If you are uncertain, please enquire in advance by e-mail (info@toro. W przypadku błędnej rezerwacji, wniosek nie zostanie przyjęty i trzeba będzie zarezerwować nowy termin. g. Information on data protection pursuant to Article 13 of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The Federal Foreign Office will use your personal data during this process. lusaka. de, unter Angabe von Aufenthaltszweck, Namen, Vornamen, Geburtsdatum, Staatsangehörigkeit und Telefonnummer jedes Antragstellers) erbitten: - Wiedereinreisen nach Dokumentenverlust - Stipendiaten und ihre Familienangehörigen Legalisationen - NUR bei persönlicher Vorsprache des Urkundeninhabers / การรับรองเอกสารไม่ปลอมแปลง-เจ้าของเอกสาร*ต้องมายื่นเอกสารด้วยตนเอง RK-Termin 1. In this category you can book an appointment for a certification of signature, e. Please report to our security at the entrance of the Consulate 10 minutes prior to your confirmed appointment time. Në rast se nuk mund të paraqiteni në takimin e caktuar jeni të lutur ta anuloni atë. You are about to make an online appointment for applying for a Schengen visa (category C) at the German Consulate General Karachi. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Proszę upewnić się, czy rezerwują Państwo termin dotyczący właściwej kategorii wizy. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use RK-Termin 1. Here you can book an appointment to apply for a Schengen visa (short-term stays up to 90 days within a period of 180 days). 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise Das Rechts- und Konsularreferat der deutschen Botschaft steht Kunden für eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung. de! Incomplete applications cannot be accepted, the application will be rejected free of charge, and a new appointment must be made. Follow the instructions and submit the timely notification document with your visa application. English. Therefore, we recommend that you only book the appointment yourself. de. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use this may take a few moments Your request is being processed please wait refreshing this page will delay your booking. Please note that your citizenship may also influence what documents you have to bring: The German Embassy in Athens will follow the same rules It is no longer possible to make an appointment by e-mail, only in emergencies (death, serious illness, etc. If you have additional questions regarding booking an appointment (special cases like adoption, re-entry after loss of residence permit) please contact the visa section of the Embassy directly to inquire: visa@bangk. 08. In case you will not be on time for your confirmed appointment, the appointment will automatically decay. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use You can find this information (and leaflets) on the embassy website www. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use You are about to book an appointment at the Consulate General in Karachi to apply for a long-term visa for work purposes. Sie können einen Termin nicht mehr direkt über den externen Dienstleister, Visametric, buchen, sondern registrieren sich in den folgenden Schritten auf You are about to book an appointment at the Consulate General in Karachi to apply for a long-term visa for the purposes of language course, study preparation or bachelor's degree. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Welcome to the online booking system of the German Embassy in Pretoria. Smartphone / mobile devices / small screen rendering. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. de), stating the booking category. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise . Please note that German citizenship is usually automatically acquired through descent (especially Hello, on the next pages you can register on a waiting list for an appointment in order to apply for a national visa (i. 2023 geändert wird. Zde si můžete sjednat termín,. Sie können einen Termin nicht mehr direkt über den externen Dienstleister, Visametric, buchen, sondern registrieren sich in den folgenden Schritten auf einer Warteliste. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Terminvergabe für die Beantragung eines Schengenvisums ab dem 21. kairo. Quý vị vui lòng đọc kỹ thông tin trước khi đăng ký hẹn. You will find this information on the Embassy website www. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise If this is the first application for a children's passport, please send an e-mail to the embassy at rk@niko. eriwan. Important (applies to Schengen only!): In certain cases you may drop in any working day between 07:30 and 11:00 am and apply without an appointment:. 2 Beschäftigungsverordnung (Westbalkanregelung) - Termin-Registrierungsliste G / Punësimi sipas § 26 Neni 2 Rregullorja e punësimit („Rregullorja për Ballkanin Perëndimor“) / Zaposlenje u skladu sa § 26 Abs. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Here you can book your visa appointment for long-term purposes, but: You cannot book an appointment here for a Working Holiday-Visa (concerns only citizens of: Argentina, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Chile, Israel and Uruguay). Quý vị có thể xem thông tin chi tiết về các dịch vụ lãnh sự trên trang web của chúng tôi: https://vietnam. Die notwendigen Hinweise zur Entrichtung des Buchungsentgelts finden Sie auf der Webseite des Dienstleisters Visametric. NO visa applications will be accepted at this appointment. de Please visit our website and read the information carefully before making an appointment. If you do not need to apply for a visa any more, please cancel your registration or write an E-mail to the Consulate to info. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Termin ausschließlich beim externen Dienstleister Visametric erfolgt, die genauen Adressdaten erhalten Sie hier. de RK-Termin 1. From January 1st, 2021, persons who wish to get employed in Germany according to § 26 (2) Employment Regulation (Nationals of RK-Termin 1. Herzlich Willkommen im Online-Terminvergabesystem der Botschaft Teheran. Wenn Sie Ihren deutschen Aufenthaltstitel verloren haben, buchen Sie bitte einen Termin im RK-Termin 1. Before booking an appointment online, please carefully read the information concerning visa applications on the Embassy's website www. int or visa@kamp. This includes information regarding which documents you are required to bring to the Consulate General on the day of your appointment. Current estimated waiting times after registration for an appointment in the appointment waiting lists: RK-Termin 1. Dear valued visitor, On this page you may book an appointment for the application of a long-term national Visa (for a stay in Germany of more than 90 days, NOT Schengen Visa, NOT highly skilled professionals in accordance with FEG, NOT family reunion Important note for applicants wishing to reunite with unaccompanied minors: Please contact the German Embassy Islamabad (visainfoafg@isla. de for information on how to apply for a German passport, an identity card or a visa for entry into Germany. Your family member in Germany can submit a timely notification at Please keep in mind: Official German government email addresses end in “. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use E-mail: perth@hk-diplo. 2 Beschäftigungsverordnung („Uredba o zapadnom Balkanu“) RK-Termin 1. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Would you like to re-new your German passport or a German ID-Card? Please be advised about the following: APPOINTMENT CAN BE BOOKED EIGHT WEEKS IN ADVANCE For the certification of signatures on powers of attorney, declarations of consent and for commercial register matters, please contact the Consulate General by e-mail to info@edin. The fees are payable when the application is submitted. Dort finden Sie Informationen, ob ein Termin erforderlich ist und wie er für Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Please choose an area. de” should be considered suspect. Please note the separate info Für die Beantragung eines deutschen Reisepasses/Personalausweises und für die meisten konsularischen Dienstleistungen muss bei allen deutschen Auslandsvertretungen in Termine zur Abgabe einer eidesstattlichen Versicherung werden nach Prüfung der Unterlagen individuell vergeben. The German Embassy Addis Ababa is the competent immigration authority for short term Ausschließlich in folgenden Fällen können Sie einen Termin bei der Deutschen Botschaft Athen per Mail (visa@athe. Please read the information provided very carefully before making an appointment. Termín lze sjednat pouze vždy pro jednu jednotlivou osobu!. de for information on the visa procedure. Bitte beachten Sie, dass an diesem Termin KEINE Dokumente zur Wiedereinreise für Personen ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit beantragt werden können. Contacts with other customers should be avoided as much as possible. Auf der folgenden Seite können Sie sich in If you need to legalize your signature on a legal document for use in Germany, please contact the Embassy by e-mail: info@buka. Students (no doctorates) who meet the following criteria can register in the appointment waiting list A for students with APS procedure at the Visa section of the German Embassy in Beijing: . On the following pages you can register for an appointment to apply for a visa as a member of the nuclear family. Welcome to the Embassy's online appointment system. +++ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, RK-Termin 1. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise RK-Termin 1. Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Wien Please choose an area +49 30 2902245500, info. Booking of appointments for passport and identity card matters . 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use In case of any questions, please contact as before booking the appointment via: info@tallinn. the documentation you will need to bring to the Embassy on the day of your appointment. Our system registers you on a waiting Zur Terminbuchung benutzen Sie bitte unser kostenfreies Terminvergabesystem „RK-Termin“. Appointments for national Visa applications (D-Visa) for Employment, Training, recognition and other purposes. tirana. You are only allowed to book an appointment in this category if your biometrics have been taken for a Schengen RK-Termin 1. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use **IMPORTANT INFORMATION**: Under this category the German Embassy Dar es Salaam continues to process national visa applications for - language course - employment visa (Attention: in this category no visa applications for EU-Blue card, employment for holders of a recognized university degree/vocational training will be accepted as well as OPPORTUNITY Welcome to the online appointment system of the German Embassy in Baghdad. Students that want to attend a university of music or arts, and have not completed the APS’s C procedure, must register in the appointment waiting lists without APS. Stellen Sie unbedingt sicher, dass Sie persönlich Zugang zu der in der Warteliste angegebenen Email-Adresse haben und diese Email-Adresse bis zur Wahrnehmung des Termins besteht. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use You are about to make an online appointment for applying for a Schengen visa (category C) or Airport Transit visa (category A) at the German Consulate General Karachi. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Please choose an area. 4; Information zum Datenschutz und Nutzungshinweise Before booking an appointment, please check the Embassy's website at www. de . Questions (appointments) on inheritance law (certificates of inheritance): If you have any questions regarding inheritance law, please contact rk-110@kaps. 4; Information on data protection and instructions for use نکات لازم جهت پرداخت هزینه رزرو را میتوانید در وبسایت شرکت خدماترسان ویزامتریک Webseite des Dienstleisters Visametric مشاهده نمایید. cveazuc ncoh hgpsof gluli kxcduh xfth qqtyeb foel eawqxrp ueew