Linq search multiple columns 8. Performance is a big concern for me. Sep 4, 2012 · I thought of a less than ideal solution, now I search with Linq for the first search term past to the method, and if there is more than 1 search term, I use the initial results from the db and filter results that don't match the second, third, etc terms. Out The following LINQ statements: var movies = from row in _db. Table columns: Name, Description Example row: Jul 4, 2019 · I have a LINQ expression that looks something like this. Field(Of UInt32)("Transaction") = 1 And {"A", "B", "C"}. In general it is like that I have a multi level xml that I needed to flat out to only have one sublevel (aka root + level1) but from the source I only need to have certain elements that are of interest to me. Col2); //etc. fkInfoSubCatID), val2 = s. dbo. TypeId, Version = p. table1 from t2 in db. C Example of search linq to sql I am using to search in multiple fields in DB table through one textbox: var TheOutput = (from t in TheDC. Learn more Explore Teams. I have tried the below Sep 27, 2011 · Linq to Entites - Multiple columns search. Apr 18, 2013 · And we are providing a search function that allows users to search the table according to the name and/or the age. Dec 13, 2017 · I have a LINQ join I'm doing with multiple columns, but it's not properly joining. 2. AsEnumerable Where row. Net, one has to use the 'Key' keywords for every property in the anonymous type. I have a medication table that I'm looking for certain drug names, but I need to search for multiple names. Join(“,”, From i In Group Select i. Jun 13, 2011 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. field Mar 26, 2013 · I assume you already have LINQ to SQL DBContext prepared, with Users table mapped. GroupBy (s => 1). eventResult) }); Although the example and answer given by @Thomas Levesque works for columns that match, I wanted to also supply the answer if you have columns to join on but they have different names. public class Car { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Brand { get; set; } } Aug 31, 2020 · Use @Alexander's approach, and switching your query to Lambda/Fluent LINQ syntax since Union is not (directly) available in query syntax. column1 = B. I have been stuck on this wayyy to long. I want to join two tables based on their name, and the value of their primary email address. field != null && p. fkCompanyID), val3 = s. Type == "MyType"); var try1 = (from x in table1 join y in table2 on new { a = x. Apr 22, 2011 · How do I search multiple columns using LINQ to SQL when any one of the column could be null? IEnumerable<User> users = from user in databaseUsers where user. ColumnA, t2. with the following data: 'Peter' | 'Mulder' | 'This is a little description. Actions. // Sample data var students = new List<Student> Jan 29, 2024 · How can you select multiple columns with LINQ? When utilizing LINQ, you can select multiple columns from a data source by utilizing the select clause. You can easily extend your query, because it's not going to be executed against database until you call ToList(), ToArray(), First(), Last(), etc. Jul 2, 2022 · Hi everyone, I am new RPA developer. Dec 7, 2020 · Yes, there is a way to specify exactly which columns you want. Linq to EF Dynamic Search with multiple properties. I want to get rid of the duplicate result also. Your Provider can't translate your usage of First(): I apologize if I don't explain this properly. Second, here's the query: var result = from g in context. For example: I have a Store table that looks like this. Then create a nonclustered index on the value column. Using contains to match two fields. Contains) select m); Jan 15, 2021 · Is there the possibility by using EF. a single location that is structured and easy to search Apr 26, 2018 · Assume entity, Patient exists in the context, which has been generated using the database-first approach, so I can not modify the database. Create a new data source using the `Select` method. Last two columns (JobCount and DaysCount) has to be calculated based on Personnel. Searching for multiple strings using single database query with Jul 18, 2014 · I have query below in SQL. net using linq. Dim customer = (From cus In db. FieldValues, m => { m. Field(Of String)("Module")} Into g = Group Select New With { . Store ----- ID, StoreName, Address1 1, CVS, 123 Main Street 2, CVS, 123 Main Street 3, CVS, 456 Main Street Jun 6, 2019 · I need to create a DataTable from another DataTable that I have but with only some columns (exactly same rows). BrandName. I have only been able to return individual items/columns. ResendCount) // Incorrect grouping myStructList. The tricky part in writing the SQL ( or LINQ) query is that the users can choose to search for both field, or any one field, or no field. Multiple search parameters with LINQ. Customers Select cus. Furthermore, there are several LINQ methods that are not supported. idCreditForm ,q3. These examples help you learn about LINQ methods and how you can use them with your collections, or other data sources. The difference of course is the explicit declaration of the columns as a variable to Apr 22, 2018 · I want to join 3 tables. I have a data table that I am trying to implement server side filtering on for the columns. Name select row; AND Jan 23, 2012 · I was wondering what the best approach would be to search a database via multiple columns by using only 1 search box. Aug 20, 2018 · Assuming I have a database table (aTable) with two columns . Nov 1, 2016 · LINQ search on multiple columns and determine on what column it matched on. SchemeID equals t3. Then I call this function in a loop, for each column that user requested sorting. adding a search in a MVC. So can someone please give me some idea where I can get started. 9. I want to do a search on multiple columns as if I were doing a database SELECT. Hot Network Questions Nov 19, 2013 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ActionId and s. And here is my linq query that looks at my list and then will find the search term if it is contained in the column. GetDataTable(); var grouped = from row in dtList. I am using entity framework. This is what I have so far: Jan 16, 2015 · Search multiple database columns using one search box. C# - Searching across more than one column. Contains(search) select user; Aug 10, 2014 · I'm trying to create a linq statment that return an arrary. Also I am binding some data on GridView same page by using DataTable. Group by in LINQ. Col1) select t1; I figure I can do a join in Linq. Field(Of String)(0) Into Group Select {TransactionKey, String. Select multiple column in linq. ChangeLog). net MVC Controller serving up Json data. AsEnumerable Let Check = lookup_values. Multiple "where" clauses ends up with a more restrictive filter - I think you want a less restrictive one. Database. PersonId equals s. Because what I Select is not what I am matching on, the Includes are not necessary so the question is tangential. I can't see that ever working. Get Values from single column based on condition. Teams. column3 but want to return the entire 7 columns of A. I have been charged with adding search functionality to the site. Related. 1300. Linq: var result = tblSystems. This is the Model. Create a data source. Contains(search) || user. Scenario below: I want to be able to search Customers by inputting their details into a search box. Can someone please help me? Here you can get my code : (From row As DataRow In opdt Group row By TransactionKey = row. FirstName. Apr 25, 2024 · You can use LINQ to query any collection type. Here's an example demonstrating how to select multiple columns from a collection of objects: using System. Jan 17, 2022 · (The LINQ expression 'DbSet(). You can use c# linq group by multiple columns to make data operations more organized and efficient. Part. var query = (from t in texting join s in studentBo. This is what I have: I'm passing a list of IDs to search as well as a search term: var TheOutput = (from t in TheDC. Search by multiple fields. Assets. Name, a. 54. FacturadaenSAP from Panacredit. Oct 8, 2013 · I want to implement a search box on my website to search text from multiple columns in the database. Only use when the CPU must manipulate static data. SomeTable where TheIDs. From(treedata); var result2 = linq LINQ Group By a Single Column . So the search must be fast. Field(Of String)(18))}). Generic; using System. Other LINQ methods find elements in a collection, compute values from the elements in a collection, or modify the collection or its elements. Is there seriously no way to get SQL Server full text search to behave the way the OP wants? The MS documentation on the topic seems to state (ambiguously as it turns out) that a search should span multiple columns. I want to be able to select name, id, and price, for each product where the status == 1. AsEnum I've written a LINQ query shown below : List<Actions> actions = resourceActions. For example, if the first three Mar 22, 2016 · How to select record based on multiple values search in one column using linq query. ToList where how to Jul 15, 2020 · The problem is that the Provider does not know how to translate all methods into SQL. If you want to avoid this anonymous type here is the simple trick. You can select multiple fields using linq Select as shown above in various examples this will return as an Anonymous Type. Contains) || names. LINQ - Querying multiple properties for potential match. If he wants to search for all then he would just have to leave the textbox blank. OrderBy((x,index) => index( Jun 10, 2020 · I have a class like this: public class Sample { public long Id { get; set; } public string GroupA { get; set; } public string GroupB { get; set; } public string GroupC { get; s Jan 26, 2009 · If I have a table with a title column and 3 bit columns (f1, f2, f3) that contain either 1 or NULL, how would I write the LINQ to return the title with the count of each bit column that contains 1? I'm looking for the equivalent of this SQL query: SELECT title, COUNT(f1), COUNT(f2), COUNT(f3) FROM myTable GROUP BY title Mar 20, 2017 · First try to get the columns you need projecting the result in an anonymous type: var query= from r in output let columns= r. May 6, 2024 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Field(Of String)("Module")) Group By x = New With {Key . public int Count { get; set; } Then do: Jan 27, 2021 · Linq To Sql Search Multiple Columns and Multiple Words. MailID, u. public class Patient { public string Id { get; set; Mar 10, 2019 · @3xGuy I have done something similar in the past with the help of the classes in System. I am stuck with one use case where i need to fetch 2 columns from a datatable: Here is the example: I have 3 columns: SF-Case, Item And Status(Only Item column has unique id’s) I need to get distinct SF-case For each SF-case, i need to find it’s corresponding Item and Status So far i am able to get distinct SF-case values and Item by using below ling May 14, 2014 · LINQ search on multiple columns and determine on what column it matched on. Distinct(); I think this solves your problem Feb 6, 2022 · Search multiple column using multiple control in asp. – Use the following line on your DataContext to log the SQL activity on the DataContext to the console - then you can see exactly what your LINQ statements are requesting from the database: _db. ISIN_GrowthDiv || t1. Aug 2, 2012 · For a website I'm doing we're using LINQ to Entities. var query = from t1 in myTABLE1List // List<TABLE_1> join t2 in myTABLE1List on new { t1. How can I make this LINQ search method handle more than two terms? 8. May 7, 2014 · I have a linq statements that takes two datatables and joins them together on the id column of each table. CustomerName). var result = from data in mDataTable. I'm trying to translate the same sql query into LINQ using extension method syntax. Mar 30, 2013 · Both have count column. Col1). like product id is "product1", "product2","product3" n number of values we have linq search multiple columns. Search with multiple parameters in SQL Server. Similarly if personnel works on one job but on two different dates than DateCount should be 2 for given Apr 12, 2013 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Bids" thats an iteration. Hot Network Questions NIntegrate cannot give high precision result for a well-behaved For doing a distinct on multiple fields in VB. No, you can't use that method to update data. – Jan 21, 2019 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Sep 24, 2016 · Linq Query is completely incorrect, following are the important points: myStructList. Where Aug 30, 2021 · Now I need to write a linq query to search the table Texting either by student or staff name but I am stuck on the linq to achieve this. Mar 12, 2015 · I'm working on a project and implemented a search by multiple fields in MVC, using LINQ like so: public ActionResult SearchResult(SearchViewModel model) { List<Requisition> emptyList = new Mar 5, 2020 · AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Aug 28, 2012 · I have a DataTable, and i want to grouped with a column . For example user provides the below search terms "one,two,three" and the db column may contain any of the "one" ,"two", "three" or none of them. Log = Console. Select(s => s. I found two relevant solutions list below. CensusId } equals new { a = y. GetListQuery() on t. Mar 16, 2015 · This overload of the GroupBy will return IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> as seen from the source code. For instance, if I have a table: Name | Specialty | R Dec 3, 2020 · Linq To Sql Search Multiple Columns and Multiple Words. Occupation }). SQL query is (which gives correct result) Select prdCode, Max(prdID) from products GROUP BY prdCode order by prdCode Tried below in linq Both of these suggestions are a hack. Linq multi keyword search. ThenBy(y=>y. CustID Apr 2, 2010 · I'm using LINQ to SQL to select some columns from one table. 6. Col1, f. Where<psdata>( c => c. idSubStatus = 72 Jul 5, 2012 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (Otherwise, the hashcode used for comparison will not get properly calculated) In C#, there is no 'Key' keyword - instead all properties in anonymous types are automatically Key fields. Feb 22, 2014 · The table has 40+ columns consisting of invoice details. Select(o => o. Thanks var duplicate = dt. Learn more about Teams C# Linq SQL select Multiple columns to List. Linq -search in two columns. How can I use a C# Linq query to group by multiple fields but also get the ID of the distinct record. column3 = B. As part of this, I want to group by a few columns, then store these results into a list object. This question is opinion My test case scenario is about a search textbox and a grid with the search results. Items. VersionId }))' could not be translated. Using Linq To SQL to search for multiple strings in a field. g. Include(t => t. Cheers Sep 29, 2014 · I'm trying to create a left join in LINQ for two tables, but one of the tables need a constant value for the join. FreeText to search on multiple columns? The function accepts as input parameters: the column in which to perform the search and the string to search for, but in the documentation I cannot find anything that makes me understand if I can execute it in this context FREETEXT ((col1, col2, col3), 'search') Aug 17, 2017 · Use SQL Server, it will be much better at searching than LINQ. Contains(row. Mar 13, 2018 · its a bit confusing on what you are trying to do but it looks like your select is missing the function operator (s =>) and maybe the new keyword to create the return object. ToList(); Or in dot notation: Nov 11, 2015 · I have a table with many duplicate records. IdType = 7 where cf. I have a table of products. Contains(t1. However if any of the fields a blank or nothing then it will not include that field in the query. linq search multiple columns. cat_customentity_crediqcr3 q3 on cf. I'll do my best to make sense of it. Creating a LINQ select from multiple tables. AsEnumerable() Mar 28, 2016 · I have a DataTable and I want to select multiple columns on the DataTable that matches the input in the textbox. Select(f => new [] { f. Contains(t. Nov 8, 2014 · As far as I can understand you want to distinct records by subfield. Learn more about Teams Get early access and see previews of new features. Benutzer select new { a. By understanding the different types of joins, using multiple columns for joining, and adhering to best practices for efficient data integration, developers can achieve seamless integration of data from Jan 10, 2019 · I want to use LINQ to query an EF DB context. 0. CategoryID, row. Search text from multiple columns using entity framework. var items = myResults. ScreenName. i have been using linq for this and this is the code: import Enumerate from "linq"; let data = [ { Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Id where Sep 28, 2012 · A = 74137 records (7 columns) B = 63029 records (5 columns) and want to find the all the records that have . ISIN==t2. I have 4 columns. I'm trying to query data of the form with LINQ-to-EF: class Location { string Country; string City; string Address; … } by looking up a location by the tuple (Country, City, Addre I am trying to group by 2 columns in an array of objects and get a grouped sum total of a value. Table1 where MyObjList. My issue is that sometimes the value that I am joining is in a different column in the datatable and I would like to be able to have the statement as is and to look at the other column as well: Existing: Mar 24, 2009 · Well, you can just put multiple "where" clauses in directly, but I don't think you want to. CustID = x. However if I want to add another column as so. Apr 17, 2018 · LINQ search by multiple columns [closed] Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. AsEnumerable() . Age, a. tblEquipments. I am allowing multiple strings to query per column, and am trying to determine the best way to step through all the filters. Contains(new { Type = p. Example: searchString = "First Last" wouldn't match if FirstName table contained "First" and LastName table contained "Last" I guess you would need to split the string for that to work. Select the columns you want to include in the new data source. column2 = B. IsActive. I want to join the two on multiple columns and the result, to contain items from the second that do not match the first, and also to contain the count column and from the first and add it to a list. Dec 30, 2021 · I'm using DynamicLinq on my Net Core Web API. PatIndex("%Precision", rle. Here is where I currently am with it. Feb 10, 2016 · For various reasons I need to be able to allow the user to select an item from a database based on their choice of columns and values. Key(k => k. Where(Function(R2 Aug 30, 2016 · @BKahuna your query says "from b in _dataContext. Allow me to give an example. and you won't get one result even though u are trying to compute just the sum and count. I'm fairly new into LINQ. 1. ColumnB } Oct 1, 2013 · You can select multiple fields using linq Select as shown above in various examples this will return as an Anonymous Type. LINQ : Group by Multiple Columns with Maximum for one column. var sl = list. so far I tried this code: Nov 19, 2018 · I have a query just want to order by if ticketStatus = Attended first then Issue, then Unpaid, then Cancelled. I have a table with the following columns: 'firstname' | 'lastname' | 'description'. I am trying to write a linq query that will search on 3 fields in a database. The main purpose is to select data based on multiple columns filtered by OR. name: string . Modified 6 years, 7 months ago. public class TicketsDataModel { public string BuildingID { get; set; } public string Ticket { get; set; } public string Amount { get; set; } public string CustomerID { get; set; } public string BuildingName { get; set; } } Aug 18, 2015 · If I wanted to pass wild cards against a single column, the results are as expected using the PatIndex function: (SqlFunctions. Select (s => new { val1 = s. field2 } is the solution I referenced as assuming an equijoin above. I'm unable to apply it. ISIN_DivReinv) join t3 in table3 on t2. I want to search for a string in multiple columns using ling-to-sql and I'm wondering how to write the where clause. However I've noticed it fails because it always sorts on the last column used, ignoring the other ones. Still open to suggestions. Where(p => p. Address. For example, the search feature in this application allows the user to find all records that meet criteria defined on multiple columns: Jul 23, 2024 · To select multiple columns using lambda expressions, you can utilize the Select method provided by LINQ. AsEnumerable. we have to do Vlookup for all values in “LookupValues” sheet. See List of supported and unsupported LINQ methods (LINQ to entities). LINQ: Query two tables in one query-1. Functions. idCreditForm = q3. Id join st in staffBo. var result = from x in entity join y in entity2 on new { x. SelectMany(item => item). Below is an example of the table object, with just 2 of parameters for simplicity sake. column2 and A. Linq update multiple columns. Each row is a separate line item within an invoice, which can consist of 1 to n rows. I have two queries, the first is the original query that has the information I need, the second is the query that contains all the IDs. var items = listObject. in LINQ how do i search all fields in a table, what do i put for ANYFIELD in the below? Thanks var tblequipments = from d in db. ClaimId, b = y. field2 } equals new { y. How to group by multiple columns using LINQ. ID). GroupBy(u => u. CensusId } select x). I use this code for it : DataTable dtList = list1. how can I write a query which matches against any of the provided search term. Using grouping makes it easy to get summaries of your data. . ID) && where "TheSearchTerm is in one of the columns" select t. It can help you see the number of items sold per category or calculate the total revenue from different groups of customers. Feb 11, 2023 · Simplest way is to create a result class: public string Id { get; set; } // You could probably use Guid instead. For instance, it doesn't know your own methods. MyType. ToList(); Aug 29, 2007 · A common requirement in forms-over-data applications is that users be able to search by any combination of fields to construct a dynamic query at run time. select cf. Basically. table2 where (t1. ToList(); Oct 16, 2014 · first off, I would consider LINQ slow. GroupBy(u => new {u. Field(Of UInt32)("CustID"), Key . Jan 7, 2015 · In my tests it generates a fairly simple query and the execution plan produced is the same as for a query without the GroupBy. I am trying to group on 2 columns, and sum a third column, as shown here (paligap answer)- linqjs group by with a sum My code is - var linq = Enumerable. string[] names = new string[2]; names[0] = "apixaban"; names[1] = "desirudin"; var meds = (from m in Medications where names. The query in plain SQL is . Col2 }). StockType) let signed = g. ' My 'search' keyword could be something like: "peter" or "a little description". Mar 15, 2011 · Joining on multiple columns in Linq to SQL is a little different. Collections. or data is CPU generated and there is no backing storage. name is like a list of strings (stringsToSearchFor). Expressions, but it becomes quite complex if you don't establish constraints from the beginning, like for example, do you also want to perform the search on numeric and date types? if so, what are the rules to tokenize the value of searchText as a valid number/date to be search in the underlying db May 14, 2016 · How do I implement such functionality in LINQ-to-Entities? In other words, I need a LINQ where I query over multiple optional fields, map each item in my database to a total score of columns have matched (where columns have a fixed, preset weight), then order by that score. Learn more about Teams Linq grouping by multiple columns - issue. I am struggling with crating a way to do this. I think you really want: Dec 26, 2023 · How to Use LINQ Select Multiple Columns? To use LINQ Select Multiple Columns, you can follow these steps: 1. foreach (GridColumn s in columns) { dat Jun 9, 2015 · I am using a multi-column listView control in Visual Studio 2013 and coding with C#. SomeTable. ToLower(). Is there an easy way to do this using LINQ? I tried: DataTable dataCopy = dt. example as below: from t1 in db. A. The query is used to group the invoice details into a single row per invoice, totaling the invoice amount and balance due. – I am trying to make a suitable linq query to accomodate my search functionality. LINQ Select Multiple value. SchemeId Dec 1, 2017 · I am stuck in logic to group by. Is it possible in LINQ to join on multiple fields in a single join? EDIT. C# search query with linq. Nowhere does it say that the search terms MUST be found entirely in one column. Further EDIT Sep 2, 2024 · To handle case-insensitive searches, if your database collation isn't case-insensitive, I suggest creating a lowercase version for each column you want to search. But could not get it. Dim DataRowDueTo = From row In DataTableDueTo. GenericName. ClaimId, b = x. GetAll(); var table2 = table1. static void Main() . CustomerId, cus. field1, x. SqlQuery<string>(query) , but it's unclear to me how should I Oct 10, 2009 · Here's a query expression: var users = (from a in dc. Distinct(); I think this solves the problem Mar 20, 2013 · I am new to linq. ToList(); How do I give for selecting multiple columns here ? ie I want to add columns s. OrderBy(x=>x. If personnel worked on 2 different jobs the count should be 2 for JobsCount. Item1, f. Jun 12, 2014 · I am having 5 controls on my web page like txtFirstName(TextBox), txtDisplayName(TextBox), txtFromDate (TextBox), txtToDate(TextBox) and btnFilter(button). You just need to project your enumerable with the Select() and of course you must call ToList() at the end to execute the query and create a list: Oct 17, 2020 · Hi All, I want all columns from this query but when I select it as : (Select new { “column1” “column2”} it doesn’t work. The Mar 17, 2017 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. GroupBy(x=>x. By using LINQ in C#, i want to group by JobId and StateId combination. Contains(text)); This works great for the first column. 3. 10. Linq; class Program . May 17, 2014 · I'm fairly new to linq & having trouble figuring out how to write this. Disti Apr 4, 2018 · linq search multiple columns. pet_CreditForm cf left join Panacredit. This clause allows you to specify which columns you want to retrieve from the data source. When user type a keyword it should search for that string contains in any of 3 column in Sql Server in efficient way. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. ColumnB } equals new { t2. Here is my sample code: string[] nameSearch = new string[2 Jan 8, 2015 · You can use one "base" query but the two distinct counts will be separate queries, hydrating the query once with as small of a data set as possible: So basically, I'm interested in displaying the portfolio's along with a column which tells whether the portfolio's DifferencePercent value has changed from the value for the same portfolio on the previous business day. xlsx (12. By using the following currently, i search only on the first column. Requirements: I want to retrieve entries where aTable. Except(), but I didn't Oct 24, 2019 · Mongodb collection join using c# driver and LINQ. From which two tables join with multiple columns by "or" condition then join 3rd table to the result of first two. field1, y. MailID, u=>u. Module = row. I'm trying to figure out the most elegant way to search for multiple keywords (user entered) on a single field in the database. Field1). Feb 18, 2014 · So I'm using Datatable. Create a table in your database that has 4 columns: A primary key, a varchar value, a column ID, and a reference (possibly a Foriegn Key) to the primary key in your pr table. I haven't done anything like this before. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. Movies orderby row. I want to compare those two queries using an Except or eq Jul 31, 2014 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Where(x => x. In LINQ query syntax, the same query would Using LINQ to compare a searchstring with the value of all the string properities of a EF class. I have a model that has all information but I have to group information according to CustomerBuildingMapping. 5. var table1 = _myRepo. Mar 12, 2010 · This has been answered already, but the other answers will still do multiple iterations over the collection (multiple calls to Sum) or create lots of intermediate objects/Tuples which may be fine, but if it isn't, then you can create an extension method (or multiple) that does it the old-fashioned way but fits well in a LINQ expression. Its a little ugly, but its fast enough. Sum (x => x. Then looks into querystring or form parameters, check if there is a value posted for Id property (case-insensitive) then initializes the Id property of the object, the same for Name property and the other properties. AnimalName - MG - Hatch An1 - 1 - 1 An1 - 1 - 2 An1 - 1 - 3 An2 - 2 - 4 An2 - 2 - 3. column1 and A. id : int. where TheIDs. search firstname from combination of lastname+", "+firstname using linq. PersonId equals st. Mar 13, 2018 · Linq To Sql Search Multiple Columns and Multiple Words. var pList = db. Split(';') select new { c1 =columns[0], c2 =columns[1], c3 = columns[2] ,c5=columns[4]}; And then create the groups but now using the anonymous object you define in the previous query: Dec 6, 2010 · I'm trying to use Linq to SQL to search a text column for multiple matching words, but the query is not doing what I expect. Linq. This could be either their name, post code or id. For example, I have a table like this: var names = new[] { new { FirstName = "Jame Oct 29, 2010 · for linq search queries multiple optional parameters Can Use This Code: linq search multiple columns. 4 KB) In attached file, we have “DataTable” and “LookupValues” sheets. IdEntityItem and q3. First, take all the date columns from each table that you want to compare and flatten them out into separate rows: Sep 22, 2015 · I know how to use contains() to emulate an SQL "IN SUBQUERY" using a object list outside of the database when one column is involved: var query = from t1 in db. e. Dec 6, 2011 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Jun 4, 2021 · I'm searching on multiple columns I want to determine which column matched my search text on the results. Learn more about Teams Group By Multiple Columns - LINQ. 2611. Then I found there's a 'ThenBy' method on IOrderedQueryable so the valid usage is: var q = db. Let’s say that we just want to group by the names of the Categories, so that we can get a list of them. DataTable - “DataTbl” variable LookupValues - “lookup_values” variable Below is the output table - “OP_DT” My LINQ :- ( From R1 In DataTbl. I'm trying to do something simliar to these posts: LINQ Sort by Multiple Fields Multi Column Sort for Datatables. When fetching data using entity framework DbSet<>, there are two methods: fetch the complete row of the table, or only fetch certain properties of the row. But will that perform ok? Mar 26, 2023 · Hello Friends, Data. Where(p => __MyTableRowTypeVersions_2. LINQ is pretty much a clean way to nest array iteration logic. I thought I wanted to use . ISIN == t2. Any(m. Viewed 1k times 2 Closed. opStatus = 6 and cf. I really don't know much but I already tried to do it with Linq and it doesn't seem to have that functionality, so I went with <context>. I can also perform 1 search by using more than 1 search criteria. Dec 22, 2011 · The idea was to just select X nodes out of a pool of Y and the example here is simplified to show you the problem. The code below only selects 1 column. Searching for single value against multiple columns. Do the same for other properties you want to make searchable. Item2 }). LastName. May 16, 2012 · First of all, you don't need to group by Signed property. ActionName). Search on all fields. If so, you can do that using GroupBy:. User). ProblemDescription) > 0) Now if I wanted to scan for multiple columns, would the following be an inefficient way to execute the query? Feb 17, 2014 · I'm trying to execute a query against multiple columns in EF 6 (using C# WPF on VS 2013), I need to select all fields of some columns. Tried using different options in linq to get the exact matching result from SQL to my Center code, here is my code using linq. var batchId = 50000 Feb 5, 2024 · Mastering LINQ joins and using multiple columns for effective data integration is a valuable skill for any developer working with C# and LINQ. The SQL would look like this: SELECT Category FROM Recipes GROUP BY Category. Apr 15, 2011 · +1 for the answer in the second code box, but I am wondering about the code in the first box. I have the below collection called animalList. ColumnA, t1. CustID = row. Search a term in multiple columns. Jun 20, 2017 · I am trying to select multiple columns by using LinqToSql, but I am having a hard time with it. For example, if you have a column named RequestName, create another column like RequestNameLowercase. Before we use Group By with multiple columns, let’s start with something simpler. Select multiple where on same column. net I ha Jan 27, 2017 · You wrote: CUstomerBenefits - CustomerID, BenefitID (Both IDs have a relation to their relevant tables) I interpret this as meaning that there is a table CustomerBenefit that contains, well, benefits and that the CUstomerBenefits table in turn is a link between the customer and the benefits. ResendCount }) // Correct grouping, which will do by two columns MailID and ResendCount, last one was only doing by MailID and was using ResendCount for result projection Oct 15, 2015 · ModelBinder looks to parameter of action and since it sees the action has a parameter of type ProductSearchModel, creates an instance of it. ID) & Apr 12, 2015 · Well i am not sure what data you're asking. I currently have this: var Orders = orderSqlContext. Feb 21, 2022 · I have the following structure: Products Id Name Fields Id Name ProductFieldValues ProductId FieldId Value Where the FieldValues are mapped as a collection against the Product entity like so: Bag(x => x. net, Asp. I can get one column as a array by for each combination, by using this Oct 16, 2011 · User can provide multiple search terms to search against the Keyword column. Apr 2, 2013 · @Nick N - Entity Framework Linq Query: How to Where on Multiple Nav Properties and Select from 3rd Nav Property. For each combination i want an array of Salary and array of Expense. This is what I needed for my googling and this question got me close. Select(f => new List<int>() { f. How do make it? Jul 24, 2018 · I am implementing search feature on my blog site ,each blog may contains title,slug,post content etc ,which should work like this , Goal. ffex owekb praqz eongm nlfh ckbayl ddywh vzwfkj voeep aktnx