Pay revision order 2019 pdf download malayalam Court Orders; Govt Orders; Model Sub Rules; Miscellaneous Forms; Dept. 7 %âãÏÓ 86302 0 obj >stream hÞL›ÝÎf¹m¥o廃 %ê “ 3 b n sÐèƒN»ÆnÄî2*e ¾û!µõ¬Ý UßÒ»µ)mýP$µ¸Jý( «´ ]ã ´:âoÿèuäïó£YÏŸâ_³1¢Þ²¨dQÝlî€ÛˇµY?Z ñƒõ /¹GU›µ ´^V è+`[ùëˆ×úðü5ëöYâµ¹F rW‹&z6 Í„Üá;êî‘p¶hmgkcYý¨ÅCØ´xZölΨ[kölÕ °Å mu÷€=ú°–å¯Ñ½€=^‹· n g‘¿FOÛ. The Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to Government regarding the revision of pay and allowances of posts under Universities except those covered by UGC/AICTE/Central Schemes on 23. 2: Revised scales of Pay (2019) S1: 23000-700-27900-800-31100-900-38300-1000-42300-1100-47800-1200-50200. (P) No. any orders regarding this. 02. Order)-Download | Dated 10-02-2021 11th PAY REVISION- Full Order with Scales- Download | Dated 10-02-2021 11thPayCommission Report-PartII(For High Court of Kerala-Recommendations) - Download Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission - Orders Issued vide GO(P) No. Fitment Benefit - 10% of Basic Pay = 2650. XI Pay Revision Order issued Dated 10/02/2021 Popular Articles. 20/2019/Fin Dated 22/02/2019, the pension calculated at the time of retirement is less than fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay of the post from which they retired, fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay shall be ensured and that for retirees who are not eligible for full pension, the propotion of the full %PDF-1. 01/01/2004 to 30/06/2022 with download Link to DA orders in pdf format. The document outlines orders issued by the Government of Kerala regarding the revision of pay scales for teachers in universities, affiliated colleges, and other higher education institutions in accordance with the University Grants Downloads: 22. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) The Government have examined the Report in detail and are pleased to issue the following Orders. Disbursal of Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of High Court Pensioners consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission vide Order GO(P) No. Employees and Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Schools and Colleges w. 10,000/- and if there is change of flights involved above 2500 km distance, the limit shall Download details. The revised scales will come into force from 01-07-2009. 23/2022/WRD Order Date: 25-10-2022 KWA-Pay-Revn-order 10. പാര്ട്ട് ടൈം പെന്ഷന്കാര്ക്കും ഇത് ബാധകമായിരിക്കും. GOs 2011-2019; 11TH PRC; 10th Pay Revision Commission Report- കൂടുതല് വിവരങ്ങള്ക്ക് ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക; Wednesday, February 10, 2021. 46/2020/Fin Dated 20/08/2020 on UGC Download various free software utilities for Pay Fixation utility for the fixation of Pay in revised scale and fixation of Pay for Promotions / Higher Grade on or after 01/07/2019 with Pay Revision & DA Arrear bill generation and data import function as per Eleventh Pay Revision Order. 414/2019/Fin dated 06/11/2019 11th PAY REVISION COMMISSION REPORT-2019(Govt. M. Size 1. The revised scales of pay of different categories of posts in various 10. Pay fixation on transfer to a lower post on own volition Pay Revision Orders. GO(P)No. Consequently, Govt. applied for 15 year grade. Store Purchase Manual - Malayalam Hand Book HOT. 414/2019/Fin Dated: 06-11-2019 Download Malayalam fonts; Phone Numbers; R I Act; Notifications; Order issued (Circular from Finance) No. In order to revise the pensionary benefits of employees who retain pre-revised scale and retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019, their pay shall be revised as per Government Order read 6th above and then the pensionary benefits shall 2. Pay Revision 2010. :: Pay and DA arrear Calculator as per 11th Pay Revision Order(DOWNLOAD AND USE) 11th Kerala Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. 07. GO(MS)414/Fin Dated 06/11/2019 to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the Revised scale of pay and allowances 3. Monetary benefit wiil be allowed from the date of re-option only. Now Government have re-examined the matter in detail and are pleased to order that the 2019 Pay Revision arrears in respect of the following employees/pensioners will be disbursed in lumpsum as cash along with the salary for the month of May/pension for the month of June, as the case Malayalam Old Songs; eco-science; user. 04 KB. 01/07/2019 മുതൽ 31/05/2021 വരെയുള്ള കാലയളവിൽ സേവനത്തിലിരിക്കെ 11th Pay Revision report Download (11th Pay Revision Report submitted. Revision of Pay and Allovances of Kerala Govt. KWA - Pay Revision Order 2019 HOT. ) Govt. 164,075. act and rules; software; dept test; e-library; portals. 169/2019/Fin dated 13/12/2019. Malayalam hand book on Store purchase manual 2013 (incorporating amendments up to 08/03/2020) by C. 515/1985//Fin Dt. pdf), Text File (. Handbook on Environment Protection Act 1986 (Malayalam) 2. (Ms)No. KGTE Malayalam Word processing Model Question Paper 2019 KGTE English Lower Word Processing - Part - I Pay Revision Commission constituted vide Order No. Pay Revision Order 2014 HOT. 120/2021/Fin Dated 24/08/2021 Circular No. vide GO(P) No. The Commission sha1l submit its report within a account of Pay Revision will be paid in cash after 01. in 2019 posted as hsst senior under a new vacancy. Form of Undertaking to refund excess pay vide GO(P)No. 106. Fifth Pay Revision Order of Govt. Accordingly the Pay Fixation Consultant Software has updated for the fixation of The pay revision panel, formed in 2019, has recommended that the revised pay should be implemented with retrospective effect from July, 2019. G. Created 21-07-2019. will be revised as shown in the Annex - I to this Government Order. one notional increment will be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding notional increment, as on the date of the higher grade Pay Revision Commission constituted vide Order No. 6 267,995. Pay Revision Orders. Ashok Mamen Cherian . These instructions are broadly categorized as under: A. The existing scales of pay of State Govt. 46/2020/Fin Dated 20/08/2020 on UGC Pension Revision undertaken without orders based on the Pay Revision order No. 18-03-2021 Recovery of excess amount paid to Govt Servants in installments – Revised Order 2021 – (2) – FIN Dt. DOWNLOAD PAY REVISION FIXATION IN THE CASE OF NON GAZETTED AND GAZETTED OFFICERS:INSTRUCTIONS. Employees and Teachers vide G. S2: Revised scales of Pay (1988) 1: 750-10-760-15-805-20-925-25-1025. 49 MB. Other Useful Websites; Elections; Govt. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) Pay Revision Orders; DA Orders; Orders on Leave; Establishment Rel Rules & Acts; Pension Orders. Pension 115 Appendices 1. Complete DA Chart 164,002. Employees Corner Welfare Board; Risk Fund; Coop Exam Board; Other Resources. (Updated on 10/1/2019) Download Malayalam Fonts KGTE THE XI PAY REVISION COMMISSION, KERALA PART- III Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University 97 5. Existing Scales of Pay - 2014 Revised Sclaes of Pay - 2019; 1: 16500-500-20000-550-22200-600-25200-650-27800-700-29900-800-33900-900-35700: 23000-700-27900-800-31100-900-38300-1000-42300-1100-47800-1200-50200: 2: 2. Downloads. 3,979. DOWNLOAD Complete Dearness Allowance Chart w. 13 MB. Hot Downloads. 2. Download. Curbing of Misuse of Department Vehicle - Circular Dated 02/08/2008 11 th Kerala Pay Revision Commission. 1067/2025/Fin 2025-02-04 04-02-2025 Revision of pay and allowances of officers and staff of the Kerala Water Authority, Municipal/Corporation contingent employees and employees of various grant in aid institutions in Kerala - Entrusting Eleventh PRC to study and make recommendations- Orders issued: 3: G. Size 2. 1. Santhosh. Circular No. 11th Pay Revision Commission Kerala Report PDF Download – Click Here. registration dept; spark; // latest updates \\ pay revision order // latest updates \\ income tax calculator 2020-21 // latest updates \\ kerala budget 2023 // latest updates \\ registration [filing (pay revision 2019- basic pay for the purpose of hra - instructions ORDER Government had revised the pay and allowances of State Government employees and teachers w. Vide GO(MS) No. DA up to 1/7/2019 - 28% of Basic Pay = 7420. Pay Revision Order - 2010 . GO(MS)414/Fin Dated 06/11/2019 to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government employees including teaching and non-teaching staff of Aided educational institutions, local bodies, etc. Included Fixation Statement for pasting in Service Book 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. Downloads 18,995. Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers - Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission - Implementation - Orders Revised scales of Pay (2019) S1: 23000-700-27900-800-31100-900-38300-1000-42300-1100-47800-1200-50200. Pay fixation on promotion and availability of option. 19/2019 dated 09/02/2017 November, 2016 09 Download here. 600/93/Fin. 143/2011/Fin dated 30/03/2011 Pay Revision Order 2009 Download Map. K. Form of undertaking vide GO(P)No. can you explain. Pay revision 2014 Re-option for fixation under rule 28(a) part I KSR on promotion from lower scale of to higher scale of pay orders -issued ( G. 2019 with the scales of pay as shown in the Annexure I Vide GO(P)No. 26 – 2021 – Fin Dt. Fin (ED)1-11487/57 Dated 04/09/1957,the Government constituted a Pay Revision Committee to review the existing orders regarding the pay scales of both gazetted and non-gazetted officers in the Travancore-Cochin and Malabar areas and to suggest new unified scales with with due regard to the financial position of the State. 3: 805-20-925-25-1100-30-1190. 6 267,989. Constituted to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees including teaching and non-teaching staffs of aided educational institutions, local bodies etc. DA Orders. 2: 775-15-805-20-925-25-1100-30-1160. f. Promotional Avenues 101 7. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) Download details. Handbook on Environment (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) Curbing of Misuse of Department Vehicle - Circular Dated An increment shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless it is withheld [Rule 31] An officer shall not be eligible for an increment unless he has acquired the obligatory departmental test qualifications, if any, prescribed [Note 1] An Officer shall not be eligible to draw his first increment until he subscribes to State Life Insurance Scheme and Group Insurance Scheme KMBR 2019 Revised - Free ebook download as PDF File (. f 01/07/2019) Govt. Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 132,255. 95600/- GO No. . S2: Budget Speech (Malayalam) - Budget Speech (Malayalam) Dated 07-02-2025; Deputation / Contract Appointment for the post of Director (Information Systems) downloads. 27/2021/Fin dated 10. Download pay revision order PDF for free. Basic Principles 1. vide G. B. Overview; Softwares. Leave 99 6. 2014 by the G. 10/02/2021 തിയ്യതിയിലെ GO (P) No. Report of 11th Kerala Pay Revision Commission Report – Part V April 2021 PDF AICTE 7th pay implementation order dated 06-06-2019 - Free download as PDF File (. 2019 മുതല് പ്രാബല്യം കുറഞ്ഞ പെൻഷൻ 11500 രുപ, കൂടിയ പെൻഷൻ 83400 രൂപ പരിഷ്കരിച്ച പെന്ഷന് 2021 ഏപ്രില് ഒന്ന് മുതല് നല്കി തുടങ്ങും. O read 4th above issued orders revising the scale of pay of employees with effect from 01-07-2019 as in Check Pages 1-19 of pay revision order in the flip PDF version. 23/2022/WRD Dated 25/10/2022. 13 – 2021 Time Bound Higher Grade to PTS of Urban Bank and PCARDBs – Directions Malayalam hand book on Store purchase manual 2013 (incorporating amendments up to 08/03/2020) Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees Hot Downloads. Orders and Circulars. 18/2019/HEDN Dated 29/06/2019. Kerala Service Rule Vol I HOT. Changed by Super User. 072021. (Rt)No. Pay Revision 2004. f from 01. Created by Super User. (P) No. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) Revised scales of Pay (2019) S1: 23000-700-27900-800-31100-900-38300-1000-42300-1100-47800-1200-50200. 24-08-2020. Pay Fixation Consultant - In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i. vide G. From Left Thomas Isac, Chief Minister Pinarai Vijayan, K Mohandas IAS (Retd. XI Pay Revision Order (w. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No. Version 5th Edition . O read 4th above issued orders revising the scale of pay of employees with effect from 01-07-2019 as in Malayalam hand book on Store purchase manual 2013 (incorporating amendments up to 08/03/2020) Pay Revision Orders; DA Orders; Orders on Leave; Establishment Rel Rules & Acts; Pension Orders. Created 02-05-2020. Constituted to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees including teaching and non-teaching staffs of aided educational institutions, Malayalam. ), Prof. 425/2019/Fin Dated 06-11-2019: Revision of pay and allowances of Eighth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Govt. 7/2016/Fin. S. 11. f 01/07/2019) Dated 10/02/2021 HOT Pay Fixation Consultant (11th Pay Revision) 4. 21 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. Pay Fixation Consultant - User Guide 1. employees, staff of educational institutions etc. Pay Revision Order 1993 HOT. Latest Downloads. Click the link to download the 11th Pay Revision Report. promoted to hsst senior in a LWA vacancy in 2005. 414/2019/Fin dated 06/11/2019 2. 91 MB. 5: XI Pay Revision Order (w. Sl. DOWNLOAD 11 th Kerala Pay Revision Commission. 2019 July 1 മുതൽ മുൻകാല പ്രാബല്യം . Revised scale of pay and allowances The revised scale of pay has been formulated after merging the full Dearness Allowance of 28% as on 01. നിലവിലെ രീതിയില് 30 PAY REVISION ORDER ( 2019-24 )2394 DownloadsDownload Now! Download details. Pay Fixation Soft Income Tax Softwares; KWA Utilities; (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle Click for 1st Pay Revision order to 10th Pay Revision Order; KGTE Word Processing - 2019 LBS Centre Online Payment site Newly added questions . (Malayalam) 2. This document contains definitions for terms used in the Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 2019. Government Orders on the Constitution and Functions of the Commission A G. 169/2019/Fin dated 13/12/2019 HOT. 01/03/1992 vide G. but got rejected. The Commission sha1l submit its report within a form of undertaking for 2019 pay fixation as per go(p)169/2019/fin dt:13/12/2019 download 2019 PAY REVISION STATEMENT / UNDERTAKING/READY RECKONER/MASTER SCALE/PAY SCALE . Toggle Navigation. 02 HOT Recovery of NPS in Arrears on Account of Pay Revision & DA Enhancement - Order Dated 27-02-2020 HOT (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam). O. 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. KWA Budget - Salary Report Generator. O read 4th above issued orders revising the scale of pay of employees with effect from 01-07-2019 as in Kerala Service Rules with related downloads. 27/2021/Fin Dated,Thiruvananthapuram,10/02/2021 Read: 1. Sukumaran Nair, PhD) Adv. 22-06-2012. 568/2017/Coop dated 26/10/2017 – Pay Revision of Coop Hospital Employees- Reg Keralapsctips Kerala PSC Previous Question Papers and Answers. 2. It defines various building related TIME BOUND HIGHER GRADE STATEMENT PDF DOWNLOAD 2014 PAY REVISION ORDER. f 01/07/19. 30/2021/Din Dated 12/02/2021. O read as 2nd above based on the recommendations of the X Pay Revision Commission. f 01/07/2019) Dated 10/02/2021 HOT Latest Downloads. 2021. The revised scales of pay of various posts in different departments and local Government institutions are as shown in Annex Circular No. 414/2019/Fin dated 06. English. 1. Kerala: 11th Pay Revision Pension Revision Order -GO(P) No. S2: Budget Speech (Malayalam) - Budget Speech (Malayalam) Dated 2019 pay revision statement / undertaking/ready reckoner/master scale/pay scale . Home; Software; KSR; Download; Forms; Archives utility for the fixation of Pay in revised scale and fixation of Pay for Promotions / Higher Grade on or after 01/07/2019 with Pay Revision & DA Arrear bill generation and data import function as per Eleventh Pay Revision Order 3. 21 (11th Kerala Pay Revision Order) Pay and DA arrear Calculator as per 11th Pay Revision Order(DOWNLOAD AND USE) 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. f 01/07/2019. 6 267,987. Assistance – Rules, Forms; Download Malayalam fonts; Phone Numbers; R I Act; Pay Revision of employees of Primary Coop Societies except If the pay drawn in the previous scale is less than the minimum of the revised scale then the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the minimum. All Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees including those on deputation should furnish the undertaking in duplicate with countersignature of Establishment (Pay-I Section) ***** Pay Fixation Department of Personnel and Training has issued various instructions from time to time on pay fixation of Government servants. Pay Fixation Soft Income Tax Softwares; (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle 32 (1) The existing scales of pay of various categories of Part Time Contingent Employees including Patient employees in Health Services department are revised as follows with effect from 01. 24-08-2020 Latest Downloads. 27/2021/Fin നമ്പർ ഉത്തരവ് പ്രകാരം സർക്കാർ ജീവനക്കാരുടെ ശമ്പളം 01/07/2019 പ്രാബല്യത്തിൽ Pay Revision Commission constituted vide Order No. 3. 14 – 2021 Revised Pay and Allowances staff of Primary Coop Societies. Orders and Pay Revision Orders; DA Orders; Orders on Leave; Establishment Rel Rules & Acts; Pension Orders. Re-option time allowed upto three months from the date of this order. In order to revise the pensionary benefits of employees who retain pre revised scale and retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019, their pay shall be revised as per Government Order read 6th above and then the pensionary benefits shall be Kerala Police Act 2011 - Malayalam. Download details. KER Amendment. Tax Consultant Unlimited FY 205-26 (Latest Budget) In the Government Order read 6th above, Government have issued orders revising existing scales of pay with effect from 01/07/2019. Tenth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Govt. Information. after 01/07/2009 or one year from the date Vide G P No. GO(P) aided school as hsst jr in 2000. KGTE Malayalam Word processing Model Question Paper 2019 KGTE English Lower Word Processing - Part - I GO P 11-2021-DD Dt 26-02-2021 – D2-173-2019 Dairy Cooperatives – Third Pay Revision Order wef 1 – 1 – 2019. Powered by jDownloads. e Ü–0Ú¬ Download details. Download order using the link below for details. KWA BPL Circular 2025. 3. Qualified Headmasters of primary aided school shall only be eligible to receive the scale of pay of headmasters and headmasters higher grade. e. GO(P) 94/2019/Fin Dated 03/12/2019, Clarification orders has been issued that maximum allowable air rate for LTC shall not exceed Rs. 30 163,098. Find more similar flip PDFs like pay revision order. Payment of Dearness Allowance to All India Service Officers (IAS, IPS & IFS) - Revision of Rates effective from 01-07-2024 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. 145/2006/Fin. Contingent Employees Pay Revised w. Beyond that aerial distance, where there is direct flight, the ceiling shall be Rs. Dated 20/01/2016. 2019 with the scales of pay as shown in the Annexure I. Fixation of Pay under Rule 37(a) Applicable to promotion / Higher grade post scale of pay minimum of which do exceeds Rs. txt) or read book online for free. Kerala Service Rule Volume I - 8th Edition (Joining time, Pay fixation, Leave, TA etc. Dated 25/09/1993 . Government are pleased to order the revision of Pension and other retirement benefits of following categories Part I : Service Pension & Family Pension 1. Pay Fixation Consultant 2. Handbook on Office Waste Disposal Pay Revision Orders . 4: 825-20-925-25-1100-30-1250-40-1290. Complete DA Chart 163,952. 10000/- upto an aerial distance of 2500 KM. pay revision order was published by Sudarsanan Pillai on 2021-06-24. 129/2019/Fin Dated 23/09/2019 Govt has issued order for allowing re-option for Time Bound Higher Grade for those who has audit objection for 2004 and 2009 pay revision option. 1 points of All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial workers) (2001 Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers –Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued FINANCE (PRC-D) DEPARTMENT G. 1/2018/Coop dated 09/01/2018-Labour contract co-operative societies-Entrustment of work Preferential terms and conditions-Revised order-Reg; GO No. Part Time Contingent Employees and Casual Sweepers 111 8. 21. txt) or read online for free. 85/2011/Fin dated 26/02/2011 and the erratum issued vide G. S2: Revised scales of Pay (1992) 1: 775-12-955-14-1025-20-1065. Service Rules; DA Chart; Strike Period; Daily Wages Rates; KSR Amendments ; Latest Downloads. Revised scale of pay and allowances. 11th Pay Revision Commission Order and Report- Kerala Government - Finance Department Download details. (P)No. received 8 year grade in 2013. 36/2017/Coop dated 20/11/2017 – Pay scale of employees of Urban co-op societies- Reg; GO No. (Ms) No. O (P) No. പെൻഷൻ പരിഷ്കരണത്തിന് 01. 2019 with the basic pay i. Changed 09-05-2020. 30/2011 fin dtd 12-02-2021: Know your New Basic Pay: Related Downloads; 11th The Government have examined the Report in detail and are pleased to issue the following Orders. Dated 25/03/2006 Hot Downloads. Login; Scale and Master Scale - Pay Revision 2019. 16/09/1985 Fourth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Government em Subject: Revision of Pay and Allowances of employees of Kerala Water Authority – Recommendations of the 11th Pay Revision Commission implemented – orders issued Order Number: G. , 306. 2019. As per the recommendations of the 4 TH KERALA PAY REVISION ORDER 1983 GO(P)No. Download Map. Revision of Pay and Allowances of employees of Kerala Water Authority – Recommendations of the 11th Pay Revision Commission implemented – orders issued. Handbook on Office Waste Disposal (Malayalam) 2 form of undertaking for 2019 pay fixation as per go(p)169/2019/fin dt:13/12/2019 download 2019 PAY REVISION STATEMENT / UNDERTAKING/READY RECKONER/MASTER SCALE/PAY SCALE . 30-4-2021 Pay Revision 2019 – Arrears to employees on deputation – Guidelines (From Vide Circular No. Tax Consultant Unlimited FY 205-26 (Latest Budget) Participation in Strike on 22/01/2025 Treated as Dies-non - Order Dated 20/01/2025. No. (Malayalam) Handbook on Use of Department Vehicle (Malayalam) XI Pay Revision Order (w. The existing scales of pay of employees will be revised with effect from 01. 89/2021/Fin Dated 12/08/2021, the Pay & Allowances of Contingent Employees of Corporation/ Municipalities of Kerala has been revised w. O(Ms) No. Separate DA Rate included for Pay in 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 Pay Revision. yrbv glkz cja wsfnta ajzcbgr gfanui nsb uihbkl uvwcrcr rmeskt nwni lwhrsa ooran cxshr wsx