12ax7 vs 12at7 tube Other substitutes in these families are (some are much more resilient and built for rugged use, called "ruggedized" in the tube field): 12AX7 - ECC83, 7025, ECC803, E83CC, 6681 (YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS TUBE IN A RAVEN AUDIO AVIAN SERIES INTEGRATED!) * 12AT7 - ECC81, 6201, 6679, 6060 12AY7 - 6072 The JJ ECC83 (12AX7) is a very popular choice among guitar players and musicians. 12Ax7. These tubes also differ in transconductance (Gm) and plate resistance (Rp). Here is a list of the main differences between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 tube amps: 1. If Dec 29, 2005 · I know a very good tube amp tech who says it is possible to exchange a 12AX7 for a 12AT7 in terms of pinout and electrical properties with a resulting loss of preamp gain. Feb 9, 2009 · But since the new tube was designed to work as a replacement for the older tube, and because the new and old were so similar, the new tube was grouped into the same tube type. In this Killer Rig article, we will explore the origins, technical specifications, and common uses of both the ECC83 and the 12AX7 vacuum tubes. For example, if you are using a JJ ECC83S, which can be a bit darker sounding, you may want to try TungSol 12AX7 . Apr 29, 2009 · I looked at the manual for the tube assignments, try a vintage 12at7 in V1, that will get you closer, if that is not quite enough, stick a 5751 in v2. The gain factor of a nice soft 12AU7 is 17 or so in the same circuit. Oct 9, 2018 · "12AY7 or 12AT7 as preamp tubes – Less preamp gain. The 12DW7's are super low gain (about 80% less than a 12AX7. I inherited my dad's Conrad-Johnson CAV-50 integrated preamp/power amp. I'm looking for some expertise on the relative lifespan of vacuum tubes. com/artist/6UI78irvVGTNf51qNDLpz Jun 5, 2021 · I have tried the following 12ax7, 12at7 in my McIntosh C2600 preamp: Genalex Gold Lion (new production) 12ax7, 12at7= Very clear, they take a while to break in, very balanced in both ends. a 12AT7, I like to tweak the circuitry at the PI and power tube inputs, especially if it's a lower powered BF/SF amp (DR being the best example). 6 V. Cathode has a 1K resistor on it and draws about 1. Feb 18, 2018 · First of all the 6922 works with a filament voltage of 6. Many folks greatly prefer 5751's, which in their amps give a much fuller tone. The amplification factor is radically different with the 12ax7 's being 100 and the 12au7 only 19. com/hushegyi_andras/Check out my band :http://thebutchers. This is why trying to decide how loud an amp is based on the tube choices alone is, indeed, a moot discussion. (ECC81 is 12AT7 and ECC82 is The preamp tubes are measured by gain, and the 12AX7 is a much more powerful tube with a gain factor of about 65 +/- depending on how it's "fed". Developed around 1946 by RCA engineers [ 2 ] in Camden, New Jersey , under developmental number A-4522, it was released for public sale under the 12AX7 identifier on September 15, 1947. The 5751 is a military spec tube, with a gain of 70, vs the 12AX7's gain of 100. Also, I wouldnt' recommend using a 12AX7 in place of a 12AT7 in a reverb driver. Characteristics of 12AX7 Tubes Jun 15, 2019 · Along with the tighter low end vs. The 12AU7 tube also looks similar to 12AX7 and 12AT7, but Differences Between 12AX7 and 12AT7 Tubes. The 12DW7 has two different sides, one with a gain factor of 100 like a 12AX7, and one with a low gain factor of about 20, like a 12AU7. The easiest is the one is what I'm about to perform by just changing out the V1 from a Nice thick bottles and well aligned internals also help. Jul 22, 2014 · A Comparison of Current Production 12AX7 Tubes 2013 Graph Interpretation All 12AX7s have an amplification factor (μ) of 100 ("high-mu"). The 5751 has a transconductance of about 1200. the 12AX7 is a high gain (mu=100) tube that is typically used within a phonostage since you need the gain to amplify the low level signal from a phono cartridge. The eq was set identically during both tests wit Instagram: https://www. However, in reality there are comparative gain differences amoung 12AX7s. MUCH higher transconductance of the 12AT7 vs. I had concerns would this make the pow Jan 24, 2013 · I just picked up new tubes for my Mesa 2:50 stereo power amp. 12AT7 / ECC81: The 12AT7 is a lower-gain tube (approximately 60% of the 12AX7’s gain) with slightly different electrical characteristics. 12AX7 Mar 8, 2025 · 12Ax7A Vs. THEN I read tube chart and see that one tube is 12at7 and the other is 7025. Quick Summary Mar 28, 2010 · A 12ax7 will only dissipate 1 watt max vs 2. On préférera donc les 12AT7 en en V3 (reverb) et V6 (déphaseur) pas en V1 V2 dans un Fender vintage. The differences are subtle but definitely noticeable. But, there is a third factor, transconductance, to be considered. Provides more gain than the 12AT7. But what are the differences? It depends on which tube you are replacing. For NOS I like 12AT7 Holland made 50's Amperex/Philips (bugle boys) paired with 12AX7 RCA Blackplates, the combination is really spectacular. Oct 13, 2009 · these tubes to be swapped in for a 12AX7, it's not ideal either. The high amplification factor of 100 has made the 12AX7A an absolute icon in the realm of tube amplifiers over time. Jan 12, 2012 · wow thank you guys for the wealth of information. Nov 29, 2013 · So in this forum I was told to check v3 and v4 (SFDR) and replace with 12ax7 and 12at7 to determine if this solves the reverb problem I am having (ghost wave crash post note/chord). The 12AT7 is found in many high fidelity applications, as each triode section in normal use operates as a class A amplifier. These tubes, while similar in almost all aspects, do have a few differences. Apr 8, 2009 · A 12AX7 was too harsh. In other circuits though, the 12AX7 might not have the power to handle the circuit around it. The 12AY7 was used for V1 in Tweed Bassmans but a 12AX7 is often substituted for more gain in guitar The ’12AT7′ Tube; The ’12AU7′ Tube; The ’12AX7′ Tube; The 12AX7 Tube: The Cornerstone of Guitar Tone; The 6SN7GT: The Best General-Purpose Dual Triode? The Accurate BSPICE Tube Models; The Cool Sound of Tubes; The Inner Workings of Vacuum Tube Buffers; The Tube Family Tree – Part 1; The Tube Family Tree – Part 2; The Tube Family Jun 20, 2007 · Being smaller, it is less microphonic, more sturdy. I do not currently have any 12AU7 tubes. The W designates the "military" type designation. If your amp is a bit aggressive sounding the Mullard is a good choice vs a more 'polite' sounding tube amp that may prefer the GE 12AX7/7025. I have matched pair that I use in phone stage in my Fisher 400-C, are very low noise and sound great. significantly different specs. Many other manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon, copying, adopting, and modifying the design. O, o - - what about the Groove Tube 12AY7? KYC. I used those and same Era 12AU7 in my Zesto preamp and honestly the premium JJ 12ax7 gold and ecc802 gold (12au7) sounded better in that unit. This graph is based on the average gain and noise measured Dec 15, 2012 · The 12AX7 and 6SN7 tubes are not directly comparable and serve different functions within a preamp. 12AY7 Originally Posted by KYChucky. 2mA with a 12AT7 in it and about 1. Among the most popular types are the 12AX7, 12AU7, and 12AT7. Let's assume it is the first preamp tube. Not cheap but real NOS sound great. The gain is similar but overall it is quieter and a bit warmer to my ears. Various versions of the original which is the 12AX7 have been developed, including the 12AX7A. Understanding 12AX7 and 12AU7 Tubes. Of course, you’re can change whatever you want with your amp. So far I have a GE 12AT7 and sounds midrangey. Apr 9, 2022 · 12AY7 was like the 12AX7 but lower gain, even lower noise, 12AZ7 is like 12AT7 but has a higher heater-cathode voltage rating, so could be used in transformerless TVs, test instruments with high voltage. 12AT7 - 60 12AY7 - 45 12AV7 - 42 12AU7 - 19. I'll swap th Mar 3, 2005 · So, revitalized, I tried it all over again, same organ, all my tubes I had in my house of a 12AX7 nature: GE, SYLVANIA, TUNG-SOL, CHINESE, TELEFUNKEN, AMPEREX, MULLARD, RCA CLEAR TOP, RCA BLACK, etc. A 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, whereas a 12AT7 has a gain factor of 60. With a vintage Telefunken 12AT7 you can expect a very similar sound to an American black plate tube, where you will sacrifice some depth and warmth for an extra low noise floor and a more forward reverb sound. We use 12au7 tubes for our linestage preamps, and 12at7 tubes for our phono preamp. 12AX7A vs. These are all pin compatible with one another, the only differences being the gain factor of each tube. Tung Sol (new production) 12ax7, 12at7= Detailed without being bright, dynamic, great for rock and roll. The stock tubes in my Pro-Ject Tube Box SE II (presumably Electro-Harmonix) sound much better, offer great detail and a smooth, balanced sound across the spectrum. 5 12DW7 = 100 and 17-20 The 12AY has a little more than twice as much gain as a 12AU7, but a little less than have as much gain as the common 12AX7. (I had over 5000 NOS audio tubes at one time & rolled a lot of tubes in a fair amount of equipment over the years). To put it differently, the 12AY7 vacuum tube can often replace a 12AX7 in your amplifier and give you a rich, warm tone with lower gain than a 12AX7. The Mullard 12AX7 long plate are excellent plus extremely expensive. now 5751 is not a Mar 26, 2016 · If you were looking for a tube electrically equivalent to a 12AX7 with lower gain, the 5751 is what you're looking for. They do not have to be unused, just strong and relatively low in microphonics, although in low gain preamp tubes microphonics are not quite as severe of a The 12AY7 valve versus the 12AX7 (ECC83) valve. The 5751 thats often substituted for the 12ax7 has an amplification factor of 70 thats much closer to the 12ax7. and the only tube that came close to that 3-D sound that was so seductive to me and so realistic was the TELEFUNKEN. ANSWER - You can substitute a 12AX7 for a 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AY7, 5751 or a 7025. These tubes were were made with internal mechanical enhancements to make the tube more "physically" rugged. Increasing the PI's tail resistor value and decreasing the power tubes' grid leak resistors seems to have the most positive effect. 12AX7: Gain output of 100. very different tubes. The main differences between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 are: The 12AX7 has a gain output of 100, whereas the 12AT7 has a gain output of 60; The 12AX7's high gain can make it prone to clipping and distortion, whereas the 12AT7 can give you more headroom. These three tubes act quite differently. Mar 23, 2022 · In this video I show the difference of gain structures in 3 types of preamp tubes, 12AX7, 12AT7 and 12AU7. Relabled EH AFAIK. 75 watts max for the 12au7. I try to keep my mind open on different sounds. The tubes that came with it were all Chinese tubes, and although decent sounding enough, the tonal balance was skewed towards the higher frequencies, and the sound stage had shrunk considerably compared to the Rogue that had been in my system for the past 3 years. Different tubes sounds different in various circuits. the 5751 has more gain than the 12at7 but less than a typical 12ax7. 12AX7 vs. Jan 8, 2015 · Manual says you can use 12AX7 in place of V1. Before trying different tube types like 12AT7 or 5751, you may want to try a different 12AX7 tube first. 5 watts max dissipation vs 1 watt). In short, a more "durable" tube. 12AX7 TUBE REVIEWS CHART 12AX7 comparison at a glance. La 12AT7 par exemple, a un courant d’anode très supérieure à une 12AX7 , elle peut dissiper plus de watts et possède une transconductance supérieure aussi. So a 6L6GC would be a newer version of the old 6L6 tube, and could usually replace a 6L6GB (although the "GB" version, being older, might not work as a replacement for Audio Asylum - Tubes Asylum: REVIEW: Telefunken 12AT7/ECC81 Tubes by Luminator the 12AX7 is probably second only to the ubiquitous 6922. In most tubes, like the 12AX7, the two sides are identical. ikey_ [a] V1 an aftermarket higher gain tube, and V3 a 12at7. Jan 21, 2013 · Never played much with RCA 12AX7 long plates, but not my first choice. The standard Mullard 12AX7 short plate (not the 10M series) always have been too syrupy sounding in the tube amps I owned. Apr 12, 2007 · Summing up you get different tone when using 12at7/12au7. This tube may require adjustments to the bias, but Jun 5, 2021 · Next, the expensive Mullard 12AX7 long plate is also very low distortion and can be a little polite, perhaps a little dark sounding, but ultra clear sounding. This tube has a mu factor of 60, as compared to the higher gain 12AX7 with a factor of 100, and the 12AU7, with a mu of only 20. and im going ruby tubes aka JJs for the power tubes. SPAX7 by Brewboy73 but keeps all of the punch unlike the 12AT7 that a lot of people put in the first position to Mar 3, 2005 · The reissue Tung-Sol 12AX7 tubes don't impress me much. If you currently like the Tung-Sol 12AX7 preamp tube you will love this tube. I sell tubes on eb Technically speaking, the 12AT7 is a mini 9-pin dual triode vacuum tube with a mu factor (60) significantly lower than 12AX7 (100) but higher plate current and transconductance. Tube Rolling the 12AT7 for the 12AX7, or substituting a 12AT7 in a position designed for a 12AX7. Mar 3, 2014 · Of the SPAX7, Mesa says "This is the ultimate preamp tube to use in all critical gain stage positions. The 12AU7 is not considered a satisfactory replacement for a 12AX7 or a 12AT7. 6 mA with a 5751, so it doesn't appear anything dangerous to the tubes is occurring in the swap. Dec 7, 2020 · Looking on Ebay, you can find Telefunken 12AX7 tubes with the diamond, made in Germany, 2 letter date code for $30-50 and then what appears to be same tubes for close to $200 or more. We've compiled our findings into a chart that shows you rating scores for each vacuum tube's microphonics, noise, and musical detail Mar 16, 2015 · Mullard 12ax7 long plate- Warm and the classic tube sound. It was originally designed as a low noise tube and was actually developed before the 12AX7 (ECC83). 12AT7: Gain output Jan 4, 2019 · What is the Difference Between the 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 Preamp Tubes? Let’s take a look at the less glamorous, but equally important type of amplifier tube – the preamp tube. Two popular vacuum tubes often used in audio applications are the ECC83 and the 12AX7. In this guide, we will delve into the nuanced differences between two prominent members of this series: the 12AX7A vs 12AX7B. Grey rows represent discontinued and unavailable tubes. " From the manufacturer: "The CV4004/12AX7 is a high gain, low noise valve with a short plate structure for reduced microphonics. But even this tube will not work in all 12ax7 applications. The primary difference is the tube gain. Aug 14, 2010 Sep 8, 2013 · Telefunken 12AX7 are a good sounding tube. So it is a lower gain version of the 12at7. Each "side" of the tube does a different job in the amp, like two separate tubes. (And these tubes sound different, of course) Clean headroom (using 12at7/12au7) You need to drive the power tube to it's limit where it still sounds clean and loud, of course with the preamp section being clean, too! Les 12AT7 et 12AU7 ne sont pas extra pour ce genre d'application. A 5751 and 12AX7 are much more closely related than the 5751 and 12AT7. 5E3 Preamp Tube 12AT7 vs. The V2,V3 preamp tubes are Tung-sol 12AU7 and the power tubes are Tung-sol EL34B. Here are some of the most common ones: 12au7 equivalents: 12au7A ECC82 ECC802 E82CC 5814 5814A 13d5 6189 7316 6680 CV4003 ECC186 Aug 21, 2024 · Vacuum tubes, often referred to as "valves" outside the US, play a crucial role in shaping the sound of many guitar amplifiers and hi-fi audio equipment. with varying filament voltages. Apr 8, 2007 · 12AT7's can sound very "thin" in many amp circuits designed for AX7's. (The drive channel, V2 in these amps is way over the top. There is a difference for sure. Check out how lower gain 12AT7 preamp tubes affect the overdrive channel of an amp. The European designation is ECC83. These tubes might look similar, but they each have unique characteristics that influence their applicati Apr 10, 2019 · Re: 12au7 vs 12ay7 Amplification factor, 12AX7=100 12AT7= 60 12AY7 = 44 12AU7 =17 and 19. thats really why i`m looking into the 5751 range of Oct 25, 2015 · The choice of tubes is a matter for the designer based on a lot of variables. Aug 14, 2010 · 12ax7 vs 12at7 by Ikey_ Stick for me. The 7062 / E180CC is a dual triode, computer rated preamp tube suitable for use in many 12AT7 / ECC81 circuits. eu/ Spotify: https://open. I'll swap the V1 and V2 preamp Jun 29, 2008 · The 12AT7 is a higher gain tube and has some other small differences, as well. ] Sep 9, 2009 · Somewhat uncommon but this medium-mu tube sounds very good in place of the standard 12AT7. All three of these parameters define how a tube operates in any particular circuit. Thus, much has been said Mar 18, 2014 · Re: 12AY7 vs 12AX7 12AY7, 12AT7, and even 12DW7 are usually decent lower-gain replacements for 12AX7's. What about using a 12ax7? Any thoughts? Aug 28, 2023 · Among the myriad of vacuum tubes available, the 12AX7 series has solidified its place as a staple in the industry, cherished for its versatility and distinct tonal qualities. I'm a much bigger fan of the reissue Mullard 12AX7 tubes. Sep 15, 2020 · A 12AT7 tube will give you slightly less volume, lower gain, and a higher headroom than a 12AX7 tube. The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes. They seem to lack a certain something. Jul 6, 2003 · I’ve found that if the circuit design using a pair of preamp tubes for input gain (12AU7, 12AX7, etc. Apr 4, 2013 · A 12AX7 and a 12AT7 tube are directly compatible and can be swapped. In essence, these two identifiers refer to the same vacuum tube type, used widely in guitar amps for its significant role in shaping sound. Clips and distorts much sooner due to its high gain. "If you want cleaner and spankier preamp distortion charcteristics, you may replace the V1 or V2 12AX7 preamp tube with 12AT7 and 12AY7. Amperes BugleBoy 12ax7 Foil Getter- Very similiar to Mullard Long plates but with more detail Mazda 12ax7-To me sounds like Teles with a dash of Amperex. In this video I audio test a batch of preamp tubes in a Peavey XXX guitar amp. If your current phase invertor tube (let's say a 12AX7) is clipping, replacing it with a 12AT7 will give it more headroom (2. These tubes have different frequency responses than 12AX7, particurlarly when distorting. Feb 9, 2023 · NOTE: This whole video I kept saying it’s an 12AU7 when Infact it’s a JJ12AT7, ECC81. They can also run at the half of their voltage, provided that you short pins 4 an 5. 12AU7 Tubes. I'm thinking of adding this pre amp to front of the tone control circuit by Practical Tone Controls. Before diving into the specifics of 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes, it’s essential for you to know that they are both twin triode tubes commonly found in guitar amplifiers but differ greatly in their gain and tonal characteristics, impacting the overall sound and performance of your amp. This tube is well-balanced and is relatively low in noise. Oct 22, 2017 · The characteristics of that tube are essentially equivalent to the 12AX7, except it has only a 6V heater option, and this is not a direct drop-in for the 12AX7 -- a slight wiring change is required. the psvane tubes i`m currently using sound just fantastic but i`m sure they`re limited in the soundstage width and depth. However, because it is a military spec tube, it is supposed to be more rugged than a 12AX7 or 12AT7 12AX7 (also known as ECC83 [1]) is a miniature dual-triode vacuum tube with high voltage gain. People describe these tubes to have less harsh and buzzy distortion. instagram. Compatibility: 12Ax7A Vs. This is an AB comparison between a 12AX7 and a 12AT7 phase inverter tube in my latest high gain amp design. This represents a huge gain factor change from 100 on the 12AX7 to 60 on the 12AT7. I do not use 12AX7 in power amplifier designs, especially as (popular) input stages because of Miller-C effect on NFB stability. This is perfect for hard rock and metal music. But hey still have differences aside on their names. 12AT7 vs 12AX7 Conclusion: Be Careful! But at the end of the day, I think it’s best to go with the stock tube type. However, running either a 12AT7 or a 5751 produces a a nicer, less piercing high in either the clean or the gain mode. I believe that this is why Leo Fender never used a 12AT7 tube anywhere except in a driver positionreverb driver and phase inverter. RCA 7025, GE 12AX7, TUNG SOL 12AX7 and 3 RCA 12AT7 tubes, all vintage USA made Apr 9, 2006 · Most of the generalizations above work for preamp tubes, but there are good reasons to install a "low-gain" tube as the phase invertor. A 12AX7 has a “TC” of about 1600 and a 12AT7 has a TC over 5000. This is actually two valves in one glass envelope. It can lead to a more distorted sounding tone. 12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7 Tube Shootout (Differences, Which To Buy) (producerhive. comNOTE Mar 3, 2005 · For new tubes, the 12AX7 Golden Lions I think are the best out right now, they pair really well with new 12AT7 and older NOS ones too. This tube offers improved microphonics and stability, making it an excellent choice for demanding audio applications. So of course I don't look at the tube chart and order one of each of the above. 12AT7 * * * * The 12AT7 is a clearer sounding tube than a 12AX7 but with a little less gain. Jan 10, 2025 · 12Ax7 vs ECC 83 are two types of tubes that have the same filament. The choice of the tube complement is based on their design tradeoffs. Main 12AX7 / ECC83 / 7025 tube reviews page. Mar 10, 2016 · Review – Preferred Series 12AX7 Tube November 11, 2022; Review – Gold Lion CV4004 / 12AX7 Tube November 2, 2022; Burning In 6SN7 Tubes for the Dark Voice 336SE Headphone Amp August 10, 2022; It’s All In Your Head December 4, 2021; 7 Ways To Prolong Your Tube’s Lifespan May 5, 2021; Review – JJ ECC803-S Tube September 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2021 · I'm game-on to explore tube-rolling the 12AT7 preamp tube of my 300b amp. It is what is called a ‘double triode’. Feb 16, 2024 · Late fifties to early 60"s RCA 12ax7 is what I am using in my Quicksilvers. The 12Ax7A is compatible with both the parallel and series circuits, while the 12Ax7 only supports parallel circuits. The Mullard 12AX7 long plate are completely different sounding vs the Mullard 12AX7 short plate. Just a single tube. Mostly used in the preamp section of guitar amplifiers to boost the signal. Link to Quality Vintage Tubes: https://valvesnmore. Therefore the 12AT7 is used across-the-board in hi-fi equipment and vacuum tube-driven recording systems, musical instrument amplifiers, microphone preamps, and in-line Jun 19, 2021 · He taught me much. He suggested using 12AT7 in one instance and not due to cost or availablity, had ample of both on hand. Feb 8, 2009 · The 12AX7 in the phase inverter leaves you with piercing, shrill highs. [Not asked, but in power amplifier use I really prefer the 12AT7 (ECC81) - but this expands the subject somewhat to include still other tubes. Main Differences Between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 Tubes. com) Mar 10, 2016 · Review – Preferred Series 12AX7 Tube November 11, 2022; Review – Gold Lion CV4004 / 12AX7 Tube November 2, 2022; Burning In 6SN7 Tubes for the Dark Voice 336SE Headphone Amp August 10, 2022; It’s All In Your Head December 4, 2021; 7 Ways To Prolong Your Tube’s Lifespan May 5, 2021; Review – JJ ECC803-S Tube September 17, 2020 Feb 2, 2014 · I use a JAN GE 5751 or Sovtek 12ax7lps for my PI tubes. Check out how lower gain 12AT7 and 12AU7 preamp tubes affect the overdrive channel of an amp. But there are many “equivalent” tubes that can be used in these positions. 3 V, both 12AX7 and 12AU7 run at 12. 12AT7 is not a 12AX7 substitute. It uses a combination of 12AX7, 6SN7, and EL34 tubes. The Sovtek 12ax7lps is really nice for the PI and is not fizzy. Mullard 12ax7 short plate- Less warm and sometimes even more dynamic-I61 esp. ) Dec 19, 2019 · A 12AT7 preamp tube is a lower gain tube. Mar 3, 2005 · This preamp uses a 5Z4P rectifier, two 12AX7 and a single 12AU7 as a stabilizer. 2 separate amplifiers - integrateds at that - may have different circuit topologies. The next tube is the RCA 12AX7 long plate. The other thing with that application, the cathode tends to be a fair bit positive relative to the heater. Thus it is going to be closer to a 12AT7 (gain of 60) in terms of gain than a 12AX7. In this video we take a look a Dec 4, 2017 · Today I substituted the JJ 12AT7 in the preamp for the Tung-sol 12AX7 preamp tubes in V1,V4. Having said that, I have to say that in my Zinky BV25, I prefer a 12AT7 in V1, to either a 12AX7 (the factory standard tube) or a 5751. Pretty boring as a description goes. Great for making the gain on a guitar amp more usable or eliminating harshness in your stereo system. I have never had a problem selling these to work as 12AX7 tube. 12AT7 and 12AU7 preamp tubes are lower gain tubes. Hope all is well in Germany. If you’re looking to make an amp sound warmer or just have a little bit of extra headroom, you can try swapping a 12AX7 for a 12AT7 and see if you like the results more. there are some circuits which can run avariety of tubes, but such compatability is a manufacturer question as these tubes (12ax7, 12au7, 12at7, 12ayz, 12bh7 and so one) are not substitutes for each other and their specs are not compatible. 5. Tubes with Similar Characteristics. " So would I best off just using the regular 12AX7 for most of my replacements, and trying this guy in V3 for my Gain on Channels 3 and 4? Also, Mesa's site mentions that the 12AT7 is used on the reverb position for many older Mesa amps. And if you’re planning to do some changes, please consult a professional beforehand. We will stick to the basic 12AX7 and 12AT7. That's a good segue to discussing the 12AX7 The 12AX7 is a high-gain dual triode. V2 is populated with Amperex Bugle Boy. In many cases, these tubes are interchangeable… 12AX7 Family Tube Substitution The 12AX7 family of dual-triode preamp tubes consists of the 12AX7, 5751, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12AV7 & 12AU7. Instead of a 12AX7, a lower Mu tube there gives you much nicer and broader tone sweep. Ideally, every 12AX7 should yield the same gain when placed in the same circuit. However, usually a great tube never sounds bad in any circuit. Dec 8, 2006 · They will function in positions that are better suited for the 12AX7/5751/12AY7 tubes function, but there are considerable differences in certain aspectsplate resistance, trans conductance, plate current. I've been maintaining it for the last ten years. Feb 21, 2016 · For example this board on ebay 1pc Gold Plated ECC83 12AX7 ECC82 12AU7 Tube Preamplifier DIY PCB 6 3V OR 12 6V | eBay use 12AX7 follows by a 12AU7. spotify. The major difference between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 is the compatibility of both tubes. Aug 28, 2021 · 12at7's are designed for grounded grid operation, so if this is a long tail pair inverter, thats basically grounded grid on one side. Is there any difference when use any combination of 12A?7 tubes? eg: 12AX7+12AX7 or 12AT7+12AT7. i`ve played around with all the other tubes and so far the brimars have had the best results in the soundstage and tone but i`m looking for more depth in the soundstage. Jan 27, 2010 · Some small signal tubes (12AX7, 12AU7) have more headroom than others. Nov 30, 2003 · These tubes are dual triodes - actually two tubes in one. The 12AY7 valve (also known as the 6072) is a 9-pin tube. Jun 19, 2023 · Mobile rated tube selected from 12AX7 production that meets specs. In most cases it can drop in to replace 12AT7, but not in series circuits where all tube heaters must be equal current ratings. If your amp came with a 12AT7 tube, there’s probably a good reason for it. They are marked CEI, but have the Heerlan, Holland "Delta" factory mark in the Dec 29, 2018 · Yes, what is apparently not well understood is that MU is not the only difference between the 12AX7 and 12AY7 or any of the tubes with 9A bases. 12at7 is rated for 90 H-K, 12BH7 is rated for 100 + 100v of signal. Being Special Quality (SQ), these are 10,000 hour rated tubes. Work you way down a bit at a time. Rated 0 - 5 where 0 is Unacceptable and 5 is Excellent. JJ has become a very popular and well-known brand over the last few decades as they make durable tubes with good longevity. The 12AX7 in that application will likely have a very short life. You aren't actually getting 60 mu out of a 12AT7 in a 12AX7 slot, and you aren't getting anything close to 45 mu from a 12AU7. I have heard opinions that lowering the preamp gain provides for driving the power amp tubes to clipping threshold at a lower apparent volume. Jan 7, 2010 · The brands alone are not reliable indicators of the tube sonics. ) that finding a pair that has decently matching gains on the first triode (if that is how the tube is implemented) is a good way to go. We currently have Holland made 7062 tubes. You want to know why these tubes sound clean? It's because running a 12AU7 or 12AT7 in a circuit designed for a 12AX7 biases them cold, damn near sterile. The 12AY7 and 6072 are the tube designations for a dual triode with medium gain that shares the same pin-out configuration as the 12AX7 and its variants. Seeking to try different 12AT7 NOS tube and 12AT7-substitutes (not 12ax7 or 12au7) to get some different flavor. Aug 10, 2008 · The 12AT7 has lower amplification factor than the 12AX7, so if the 12AX7 has enough balls to drive a reverb pan in some circuit, then the 12AT7 will also work at lower volume. The 12AT7 can also be substituted with a 5751 tube which has a gain factor of 70. The pre was voiced with those tubes and George of Zesto said there was a reason he used them. 12AX7WA A version of the 12AX7 tubes made for the US Military. It is a pin-compatible tube (5751, 12AT7 When examining the differences between the ECC83 vs 12AX7, you might initially be puzzled, as these terms often arise in discussions about guitar amplifiers. . 12Ax7, (about 5000 vs 1600), SOME After USA black plate tubes, vintage Telefunken and Mullard 12AT7 tubes are top choices for lush and warm reverb. If the tube is in the phase inverter section, balanced triodes are favorable. We often traded/bartered amp parts, discussed the latest issue of Vaccum Tube Valley and so on. kvnru xozgdv fimjbr gopablhd oowmc opc znwob ggotkb cyj fogkwcm zaentk izyqhfs fuh ucbh mekatq