Active warrant list. every day until further notice.

Active warrant list Click on any result to see more detailed information. Warrants on this list are current as of the date listed above. 05 trespass 6/26/2021 5:21: If you have any information concerning these persons' whereabouts, take no action yourself. [Wanted persons may use false identification, which could cause the warrant to contain a name, date of birth, or other information not belonging to the subject of the warrant. The Henderson Municipal Court's Active Warrant List includes the warrant type and bail amount. Jan 4, 2019 · Date Posted: Friday, January 4th, 2019 The Delaware State Police is encouraging citizens to check the Delaware Criminal Justice Information System Online Wanted Person Review to see if there is an active warrant or capias out for their arrest. The Painesville Municipal Court computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Painesville Municipal Court data retrieval system. 694. Case Last Name First Name Middle Name 2002 CMD 001765 : ABBOTT : LAWRENCE : E : 2016 CMD 019849 Active Warrant Lists: The information on warrants comes directly from the Sixth Judicial District Court. In this article, we explained about the types of warrants that are practiced in the state. active civil and criminal warrant list The following individuals have active warrants issued for failing to appear at civil or criminal court proceedings. A public facing list of active warrants is in development. Toggle Subnavigation Menu Residents. Mar 6, 2025 · County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. Active Warrant List. Unless actually convicted in court, all suspects should be considered innocent. 00 HARASSING COMMUNICAT FELONY 1JU-00-00612CR ARMENTA DANIEL GARCIA M 73 5000. If you come in contact with any of these persons, or have any information regarding their whereabouts, please contact the Nevada County Sheriff's Office at 530-265-1474. 432 Active Warrants Listed. No action will be taken for the warrants listed unless first verified by a Maryland law enforcement agency. The Sheriff is the chief law enforcement authority in the county. Alphabetic List of Wanted Person Information Page 2 of 791 rpcrwps. It ensures that these warrants are duly executed, and the individuals named in the warrants are taken into custody. Search By Name, Date Or City of Wanted Person. This list is sorted by Birth Date. Names appearing on the list do not indicate that the person is guilty of the crime; only that there is a warrant on file for their arrest. 6 days ago · Active Warrant Summary by Name Thru 3/10/2025 It is the policy of Olmsted County to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Such false information may or may not be designated as an Renville County active warrant list. To find out whether you have an outstanding warrant you may view the list at the link below or you may call the City of Amarillo Municipal Court at 378-9342. Citation # Docket # Viol Date: Offense: Name: 47017: 17A103: 10/21/2017: Noises - Animals on Premises: Quintana, Lyndi: 47387: 18A001: 01/03/2018: Dog Running at About Arrest Warrants. Active Warrant List . Information contained herein should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. Page 1 of 23 Active Warrant List - County Website - Felonies Printed on March 12, 2025 Name/ Discription Charge/ Bond Information Date Issued Dec 5, 2024 · Home » Public Information » Warrant List Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet To view the list of Rome, NY Police Department Active Warrants, please click Here Skip to content Rome Police Tip Line: 315-339-7744 Rome Police Drug Tip Line: 315-339-7749 Mohawk Valley Crime Stoppers Tip Line: 1-866-730-8477 Access resources for warrant checks, including court and government warrants. Reasonable efforts are made to keep the active warrant listing up to date. m. This list is not to be used as a confirmation or probable cause that any warrant is active. An arrest warrant, which calls for the immediate apprehension and arrest of a person, is issued by a judge as a result of a suspected commission of a crime and/or failure to follow an order of the Court, such as a failure to appear at a hearing, or a violation of the terms of probation or pre-trial supervision. Please be aware that photos, if available, are included in the results. The Sheriff's Office offers the online list as a public service for informational and public safety purposes. 4 days ago · Clearwater County Active Warrant List If you know the whereabouts of any of the following individuals, call the Sheriff's Office at 218. If you have information on the location of a person that is wanted, contact the Eau Claire County Sheriff's Office, Warrant Division at 715-839-4704 or email the information to us confidentially to: warrant@co. This is an elected position. To clear and view all results, select the Reset button. You may find the names of persons below who have outstanding warrants in the City of Newport News by selecting the letter corresponding to the last name. Protection against unlawful arrests and searches. As with all warrants, verify them before arresting a subject. The Texas Crime Information Center (TCIC) provides immediate access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to law enforcement agencies throughout the state to data regarding the stolen status of property and the wanted, missing, sex offender, or protective order status of persons. If you have an active warrant you may be contacted by a member of the Platte County Sheriff's Office Team regarding your warrant. Wanted individuals may be arrested on a daily basis so data are subject to change. Be ready to provide the full name and date of birth, Once you have a case or warrant number, call the sheriff’s office at 612-348-2000. This list is updated daily. Government Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Phone: 208-446-1400 See Active Warrants. Active Warrant Report 319 Active Warrants Listed. Access resources for warrant lookups, verifications, and status checks, including criminal and child support warrants. Use our directory to search warrant lists, active warrants, and databases from the Amarillo Police Department, Potter County Sheriff's Office, and other local agencies. The court makes every effort to publish accurate information. This information is offered as a service to the public. Current List: Updated 1-8-25. Click a field's heading to sort it by that field. If you know the whereabouts of someone on this list, please call (320) 762-8151. Home; Active Warrant Report. Other purposes: Collecting taxes and state dues. Active Warrants All information accessible through the online warrant search is provided, and must be used, in accordance with local, state and federal laws. Apr 22, 2022 · Notice There is a potential delay (up to 24 hours) on the information provided on this site. LOUIS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ACTIVE WARRANT LIST Page1 of Ackerson, Amber Lyn Aho, David Lawrence Alcoser, Charles Brian Beltrami County has migrated to a new Records Management System. You will need a case or warrant number to take care of a warrant. This list is current as of the date printed on the warrant list. This information is updated on a regular basis but should not to be used as a confirmation or probable cause that any warrant is active. Active Arrest Warrants. 11 crim obstruc breath/aply press 2/26/2021 9:10:40 am abrams kareem rcc 14-213 determination; general provisions. Criminal Records and Background Checks Find detailed information on active and fugitive warrants in Michigan counties. Box 130 Redwood Falls, MN 56283 SO 03/11/2025 9:30:09 PM ST. Kootenai County Sheriff 2451 W. This information is provided as a service and is not considered official court record. To verify a warrant, the individual may contact our Criminal Warrants Unit at 423-209-7296. Box 687 Winnebago, NE 68071. This page shows persons with possible active warrants that are held by the Shelby County Sheriff's Office. View a list of calls that police are responding to now. The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department maintains a list of all active arrest warrants issued in the county. The content of this site is updated daily; however, the most up-to-date information is available by contacting the DCSO Warrants Division at (608) 284-6110 during normal business hours. Hayden, ID 83835 Phone: 208-446-1300 Fax: 208-446-1308 Kootenai County Jail 5500 N. Or you can leave a Message at 507-304-4888 or tips@blueearthcountymn. AST Active Warrants for A Detachment Last name First Name Middle Sex Age as of 03/02/2025 Bail Amount Desc Warrant Type Court Order ALHILAWI ADNAN H M 68 50000. Sheriff Warrant List If you are below named individual you may avoid additional expenses by reporting to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility or directly to the court. Warrants are served on a regular basis and a warrant on this list may already have been served. Notice In most cases, warrants are issued by the court for failure to respond to the court or failure to carry out an order from the court. 5 days ago · Active Warrant Listing March 11, 2025 - 08:24 am Warrant Number Name: Date of Birth: Date of Warrant: Offense Level: Description: CR2319: Abbott, Carolyn Joy : 03 5 days ago · << Warrants Division Home. Arrest Warrants List Updated 3/10/2025; Helena Municipal Court - Frequently Asked Questions; Arrest Warrants & Defendants in Custody; Court Hearing Forms and Instructions; Driver's License Status; Fine Payments; Jury Duty; No Contact Order & Order of Protection; Traffic Citations; Human Resources Sub-menu. This list is sorted by Defendant Name. If you are unable to pay the full bail amount, you may speak with a marshal about your options by calling 702-267-3370. Search for Iowa warrants. Warrants List. This list is sorted by Issue Date. Dec 16, 2020 · Warrant Number Name Date of Birth Date of Warrant Bond/Bail Amount Offense Level Description; 2210031045: Aamot, Jason David: 4/16/1981: 9/30/2022: $0: Misdemeanor Mar 3, 2025 · Active Warrant List 3/03/2025 Outstanding Warrants To avoid arrest and any other potential consequences, please contact one of the following offices for information on how to clear any warrant(s) you have outstanding: 2. Alternatively, an individual can surrender at the Hamilton County Jail and Detention Center located at 601 Justice Way. Name Sex Open the List Note: Please take notice of the run date (in the upper left on the report) - warrants on the list may have been recalled or new warrants issued since the run date. Furthermore, the department regularly updates its Most wanted list. The Fourth Amendment and its role in the issue of active warrants. Bench warrants: Detain individuals who have disobeyed a court order, like a subpoena or a summons. The Alaska State Troopers request that no citizen take action in these matters beyond contacting their local law enforcement agency. It requires unique access permissions that are limited to court personnel COURTHOUSE & LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER 830 11th Street East Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1065 5th Avenue Southeast Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. If you suspect someone has a warrant, or you want to check if you have an outstanding warrant, you can use the Aiken County Warrant lookup service provided by the department. If you have information on how to locate any of the following individuals, please contact us at (419) 334-2909. Persons who may be wanted TRIBAL ACTIVE WARRANTS. Learn about arrest warrants, search warrants, civil capias warrants, and more. Use the Search option to find warrants by name. Services for Individuals & Families Crisis resources 138 Active Warrants Listed. 00 alcaraz, timothy adam 12/01/82 failure to pay 745. It will take approximately one year for all active warrants to be populated in the new system. If you are looking for a search warrant this article is more informative. If you have a Failure to Pay warrant with a fine, you have 3 payment options to clear the warrant: PAY ONLINE - To pay online you must call the Circuit Court at 307-322-3441 to make arrangements to pay and clear your Arkansas warrant search is a portal where you can find any active warrant against yourself. 9/2/2014 8:07:04 pm addington wesley a rcc 14-213 determination; general provisions. Notice to all Web Court Information Users and Legal Disclaimer. 00 "Open to All, Trusted by All, Justice for All" District of Columbia Courts | (202) 879-1010 Assume that individuals with active arrest warrants (fugitives) are dangerous. Online requesters should note that warrant information can be tagged in names like "Most Wanted," Warrant list, or Active Outstanding Warrants. This list is sorted by Case Number. See Active Warrants. If you don’t have a case or warrant number, call district court at 612-348-6000. Keep in mind that call types are based on information received when the call is dispatched, and the outcome of the investigation may be different. Active Traffic Fines [email protected] (402) 878-2272. If you are found to have an active warrant, it is essential to take immediate action to resolve the issue. Active Warrant List If you have information regarding someone with a warrant, please contact the Martin County Sheriff’s Office at (507) 238-4481 or contact your nearest local law enforcement agency. Arrest warrants: Most common judicial orders in the category. O. Many warrants for people living in cities within Kanawha County are in the possession of city police departments. 00 alcarazsanchez, carlos 08/19/77 failure to appear 3,620. us. Following is a list of all of the warrants currently active in Pennington County. P. A warrant is a court order to apprehend an individual. All warrants will be verified before an arrest is made. Click on the links below to view: Eau Claire County Active Warrant List. If you have information or know the whereabouts of any of the individuals listed on the Warrant List please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (402) 426-6890. If you know or have information about this person please email the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office at [email protected] or use the Anonymous Tips option to let us know. To check on the status of a warrant, contact Court Administration. Active Warrant Report 138 Active Warrants Listed. Get information on fugitives, most wanted individuals, and child support warrants. Active Warrant Listing March 14, 2025 - 06:09 am Warrant Number: Name: Date of Birth: Date of Warrant: Offense Level: Description: 87CR2532: Anderson, Amber To report the location of a person who may be wanted on a warrant, please call 911 or Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office at 507-304-4800. Agreement Active Warrant Report. The use of this feature is not available to the general public. If you know the present location of a person whose name appears on this list call (315) 765-2232. FBI Most Wanted Active Warrants; Incarceration Lookup. The following list outlines some of the Michele Busby has active warrants for Access Device Fraud that occurred on June 14, 2023, and September 12, 2023. All calls are assigned a priority between 4 (lowest) and 1 (highest). Mar 1, 2025 · Consequences of Having an Active Warrant. The persons listed here are sought by law enforcement pursuant to an active warrant issued by a court of law. Search for criminal, bench, and child support warrants. If you have any information on the whereabouts of the persons listed on our warrant list, please contact the La Crosse County Sheriff’s Department (608) 785-5942. 436 Active Warrants Listed. Explore Montana county warrants. WIN contains the warrant, court records, internal correspondence related to the warrant and other information on individuals for whom Federal warrants have been issued. Please check back for updates. The Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) office will be closed 11 a. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. 3 days ago · Disclosing active warrants promotes public safety and aids in the identification and apprehension of those individuals wanted on a warrant. City of Amarillo Municipal 6 days ago · The most current list of individuals with active warrants for arrest is updated frequently. During each incident, Busby stole a purse from a distracted victim at Barnes & Noble on Fruitville Pike and quickly used the stolen credit cards The release of active warrants in Virginia is governed by the State Criminal Code section19. This list does not include warrants issued by the civil division for contempt of court (failure to appear for a debtor examination). – 12 p. Active Warrant Report. Never attempt to make an arrest. This application provides access to warrants generated from the Common Pleas Criminal Court Case Management System (CPCMS) and the Magisterial District Judge Management System (MDJS). The warrants searched on this website only include those in possession of the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office. Active Warrant Listing: Last Run Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 9:47 PM Warrant Number Name Date of Birth Date of Warrant Bond/Bail Amount Offense Level Search All Outstanding Warrants. Having an active warrant can have serious consequences, including arrest and detention, fines and penalties, and damage to your reputation and livelihood. 6 days ago · Active Warrant List sorted by Name as of 03/10/2025. 6226 . For example, the Danville Police Department provides access to warrant information online or in person during office hours. Understand the laws governing warrants' public disclosure and how to check for active warrants in Iowa including details on online searches, access to public records, and the duration of warrant validity. Dane County and DCSO assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The Folcroft Police currently hold an arrest warrant for Dylan Muldowney If know know the whereabouts of Muldowney, please contact Folcroft Police 610-522-1300 or dial 9-1-1 Active Warrants List. You may browse the list below, or search by first name, last name, DOC number, crime, or county. If you see or know the whereabouts of someone with an active arrest warrant, call 9-1-1 or report a tip. Use the scrollbar on the right side of the page to scroll to the bottom of longer pages. This office also serves warrants, commitment papers and court orders. eau-claire. If you have information on one of these cases, contact Lincoln Police at (402) 441-6000 to speak with an officer, or ; Report your information anonymously to Lincoln/Lancaster County Crime Stoppers. The accuracy of this information is not guaranteed. View Individuals with Active Arrest Warrants: Warrant List: 03-10-25. Benefits; Employment; Labor Unions The generated list contains possible active warrants that are held by the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office. Active Warrant List Warrants list as of 3-12-2025 Warrant Number Name Date of Birth Date of Warrant Bond/Bail Amount Offense Level Description; 68CR20356: Arbon-Stensrud, Kathrine Dianne: 7/20/2000: 6/26/2020 name dob warrant type bail amt alcaraz, liliana 09/07/81 failure to pay 723. Active Police Calls. You may also leave an anonymous tip on the Warrant You should verify that a warrant is active with your local law enforcement agency or with the reporting agency. Active Warrant List NOTICE TO ALL USERS: This website provides access to certain public records of Ashwaubenon Municipal Court. Statewide Warrants. Most police departments do not discuss warrant information over the phone. This list contains active warrants issued by the Alaska State Court System in relation to AST cases. Active Warrants List. If you have questions regarding the Court Issued Warrant List please contact Amarillo Municipal Court at 378-9342. 00 PROBATION VIOLATION FELONY 1CR-11 Isanti County Sheriff's Office 2440 S Main Street Cambridge, MN 55008 General Questions: 763-689-2141 Tip Line: 763-691-2426 Fax: 763-691-1612 Always dial 911 in an emergency Active Warrant Listing: Last Run Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 10:10 PM: Warrant Number Name Age Date of Warrant Bond/Bail Amount Offense Level Description View Wright County Active Warrants. Chesterfield County, VA | Official Website Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 4:30pm (License Center opens at 8:30am) Redwood County Government Center 403 South Mill Street, P. Warrant Information System is used to track the status of all Federal warrants to aid in the investigations of all Federal fugitives. 2-71 which describes these directives as judicial processes that are issued in response to a writ filed by the police with a local tribunal. If you are below named individual you may avoid additional expenses by reporting to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility or directly to the court. If you have tips or information on the location of a fugitive, please call our 24-hour tip line at 651-603-0026 or contact Crime Stoppers using one of the options listed below: - 24/7 Tip Line: 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) - Crime Stoppers website (opens in a new window) Warrant Tip Line (812) 421-6276 Presumption of Innocence Notice: The fact that a person has been arrested or charged with a crime is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law. 439 Active Warrants Listed. Dakota Ave. PURPOSE. Only law enforcement officers are authorized to arrest a person for an active arrest warrant. Use of any information that is contrary to and/or in violation of local, state or federal laws is prohibited. 433 Active Warrants Listed. Verify warrant status and access official databases for accurate information. This page is updated every few minutes. The warrants on this website include those warrants related to criminal matters in Wright County District Court. Contact the Franklin County Sheriff's Office at (614) 525-7928 or (614) 525-3333, or the nearest Law Enforcement agency. To clear a warrant, you must post the bail amount in full. Criminal Records and Background Checks Muldowney, Dylan Matthew - (1 Count) 18-4914 (A) - False Identification to Law Enforcement (M3) and 1 additional charge. ” Name Age Issue Date Sawyer County Active Warrant List Run Date/Time 3/14/2025 12:45:03AM Reason for Warrant AGUILAR, RAPHAEL STEVEN 43 3/7/2017 MISD BATTERY /DC/CDTP/MSD THEFT Active Arrest Warrants. “ For questions regarding warrants, please contact the Sawyer County Clerk of Courts @ 715-634-4887 Option 7. To filter the Outstanding Warrants list, fill out the criteria above and select Search. Law enforcement personnel are required to validate the accurateness of this information by contacting the Court before enforcing any warrants listed. 00 FORGERY FELONY 1KE-01-01212CR ARRINGTON SHAWNATHON SCOTT M 39 5000. The Portage County Sheriff's Office holds active warrants for the persons listed as follows. This database only contains unserved Anne Arundel County warrants that have been active for six (6) months or longer and is not a representation of all unserved warrants. If you know the location of a person listed, please contact the Newport News Police Department: Mar 7, 2025 · These following individuals have active warrants for their arrest. Active Warrants. wi. gov. Oct 1, 2021 · rome pd active warrant list last name first name middle abbott scott j pl 121. every day until further notice. Jan 6, 2025 · Oneida County Sheriff's Office Warrants List. 3/18/2014 8:11:35 am adsit ronald j pl 140. Correction Incarcerated Individual Lookup; Justice Center Incarcerated Individual Lookup; Jamesville. Municipal Court Warrant List; Municipal Court. Arrest and Detention orders issued by a Probation Officer for one of their probationers are also entered into the Steele County Sheriff's Office warrant system for enforcement. The authority to issue these orders is vested in judges and magistrates… The Aiken County Sheriff's Department maintains a list of active arrest warrants. Do not attempt to arrest someone yourself. x5 03/13/25 Issued:€€ 04/08/21 Expires:€€ **/**/** Process Type:€€ WAR Crime Class:€€ MC Wanted for:€€ FAIL TO MAINTAIN FINANCIAL Warrant Number Name Date of Birth Date of Warrant Bond/Bail Amount Offense Level Description; 65K895970: Adams, Kevin Scott: 3/29/1971: 12/18/1995: $3000: Gross Misdemeanor 4 days ago · If your name isn’t on this list but you believe you may have a warrant, contact the Humboldt County Correctional Facility at 707-441-5121 to check your current warrant status. Jamesville Correctional Active Warrant Report. Active DOC Fugitives Reporting Tips. Do not attempt contact. Please call the civil division Take care of a warrant. avq chiem nznxbq dwetljpw rcuom iqpbwi gzze qmkzny fdnl ljqs oksyd ykmrsrv svmvv fqcguc ozr