Amdp field routine. first-program-with-amdp-method by Chau Nguyen Phuc (2020).

Amdp field routine Apr 17, 2020 · the routine you are using is a good sample to show how an AMDP field routine should NOT been used 😉. Jun 7, 2023 · Hey specs ! I saw a code at my company where developer written AMDP routine in field level (not expert) routine. X的了,太恶心,也不方便,直奔7. 50 SP04 you are able to use AMDP scripts for Start-, Field-, End-, and Expert- routines. Purpose is to compare the already existing entries in active table of DSO with the result package and then delete the records from active table (by setting the recordmode to D) if the entry in active table d Jun 4, 2015 · 1. The implemented logic in your code snipped can be replaced by a simple constant rule. The target ADSO must be specified in the coding. Apr 3, 2019 · Hello experts, I am trying to use AMDP in a transformation from one ADSO to an Infocube (BW on HANA). I am changing the runtime from ABAP to HANA. An AMDP Class will be generated with default method – PROCEDURE and with default interface – IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB Aug 29, 2016 · Keep in mind that AMDP based routines can only be created in the Eclipse based BW and ABAP tools. An AMDP procedure implementation is an AMDP method for implementing a database procedure. Oct 29, 2019 · Did you find the way to debug the expert routine? I am also working on BW4HANA 2. , the examining physician or clinician), and third parties (e. Just double click in the field to the left of the line number to add an AMDP break point. 0,边做边学。 这个笔的符号说明你维护过Start Routine Explained on below content1. In traditional BW modelling we hardly used Expert routine or never, Then why the Bloggers emphasising Expert routine, is it new best practice? In SAP HANA Runtime, you can create SAP HANA SQL Script routines. Select your project. 4. If the AMDP debugger is available the line will be marked with a dot. Jul 30, 2021 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. 3 Recommendations regarding AMDP field routines. When the result of the function is '8', then this value will be written to /BIC/SZRDAGE. Dec 23, 2024 · AMDP, or ABAP Managed Database Procedure, is a database procedure that is managed entirely within ABAP. Click on the “Yes” button. Best Regards, Deepak The interface marks the ABAP class as an ADMP class. What is AMDP? Apr 21, 2020 · It has to be derived somewhat laboriously in order to be able to store this number in a corporate memory, for example (recommended, as you want to reload individual requests and this field is not available as a selection in the DTP in the standard system). Compare to ABAP, HANA routines have Jan 30, 2015 · - DSO2 (Master Data) - Key Field - Tag Number - DSO3 (Combination of Master and Tranx Data) This 2 DSOs have a similar Key (Tag number = Func Location) What I am trying to do is to load DSO1 > DSO3. An AMDP procedure implementation cannot be identified as an AMDP method in the declaration part of the class. 50; SAP BW 7. " source Search for jobs related to Sap bw amdp field routine or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 24m+ jobs. Create a report program to consume the class and display the results using SALV. Ideally we declare almost all data objects in global parts unless it is specifically used only in a particular Dec 21, 2020 · Reusing Logic in AMDP Transformation Routines If we now transfer these findings to the reuse of logic in AMDP transformation routines with the above problem, then a solution might look like this: The Common AMDP Procedure The same business logic should be followed for all countries. e. 50 SP04 the field RSTRAN-EXPERT is used to generate the AMDP class name. The AMDP framework thereby creates a definition of a SAP HANA-specific database procedure for the method. Its a flat file load to a DSO. It is declared in an AMDP class like a regular static method or instance method in any visibility section. First question is what is AMDP script and why we will use AMDP instead of normal AMAP script for different types of routine like Start End and expert routine. I add the breakpoint to my AMDP script. As soon as the data is written into the "new table" of the target aDSO the value gets 0,71. When used in a SAP HANA database, the following applies: If you want to create routines, and execution of the transformation in ABAP and SAP HANA is supported, you can create either an ABAP routine or an ABAP managed database procedure (ADMP). if_oo_adt_classrun allows you to output the results to the ABAP Console. Oct 17, 2018 · Dear Experts, i would use field-routine on BW-Transformartion. The following structure has proven to be useful: Input projections - All tables named in the USING clause are loaded into a table variable at the very beginning. Can someone give me pointers as to how to arrive at this logic? Thank you. This blog is trying to summaries couple of scenarios with sample code. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. outTab = Aug 25, 2020 · What is AMDP AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures, is a procedure, we can write code inside AMDP by using SQLSCRIPT which is a database language same as SQL script, this language is easy to understand and code. ABAP coding in Field routines, Start routines, or Expert routines. Please confirm with Yes. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. I have wrote this logic in the start routine to select from Oct 13, 2020 · Hi, I have been looking for sample Transformation Start or End Routine sample. data: fper type T009B-POPER. But i wanna merge all of them to one like Report-2. Jan 2, 2020 · Step 2: Create transformation between aDSO and Data Source. AMDP transformation routines should be subdivided into several steps. A typical example when the decimal type output field has lower number of decimals than the decimal or float type input fields. Then you will be asked if you want to create an ABAP routine or an AMDP script. Solution to the assignment given on Day 16. The TRFN has at least one Field Routine (AMDP) and; The fields RECORD and SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD are not filled; Read more Oct 2, 2023 · #SAP Online Training |#SAP Server Access | #SAP Videos & MaterialsAll MODULES Of SAP Online Training : 1. Run the DTP in extraction mode. You will be asked if you want to delete the existing transformation and replace it with an expert routine. 50 SP04 the AMDP class name is generated based on the field RSTRAN-TRANPROG. In the report the call of the class method zcl_demo_amdp => get_open_so_inv_for_customer leads to the call of the corresponding AMDP procedure. An AMDP function implementation can only be linked with a single CDS table function. You can find those blogs and more articles by using a search engine or community search. I am trying to concatenate these 2 fields with separator as '-' in AMDP script About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. How to create Start Routine and Field level Routine3. I am trying to find the way to implement my own in my own object but i do not see any option when I open a field level routine to write amdp routine in SAP HANA Studio Oct 26, 2020 · in case of using AMDP field routines it is important that you do NOT change the number of rows you get in the inTab. I want to write the normal ABAP Routine(start,end,expert) in SAP BW4HANA. Sep 20, 2023 · 首先说说Start Routine,从3. AMDP - Procedure Implementations. May 24, 2016 · AMDP Class name; Until version BW 7. Write a piece of code to filter out unwanted characters. Scenarios: Remove invalid character from date fields - Jul 20, 2016 · Hello, I need to compare three tables and determine a field from it i. I assume your routine is only a test and not been used in a productive system. first-program-with-amdp-method by Chau Nguyen Phuc (2020). May 23, 2024 · Hi Team, How can we use 'CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT' in AMDP, where we need to convert Material No, into internal formant ? we have to avoid loop Dec 28, 2024 · Create a Class & Define an AMDP class. While traditional ABAP routines have long been the standard, ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP) offer a powerful way to supercharge your transformations, especially in SAP BW/4HANA environments. When trying to debug. I will use this method to lookup. Second, you are changing the technical field within the routine. Choose AMDP script to create an AMDP Aug 8, 2019 · What do we do with the field routines? Some of the field routines , I see in transformation, are coded in such a way that, In Start routine, select from database table for where condition on source_package. You will not have source_package in field or end routine as its declaration is autogenerated. 7 Pitfalls in field routines in my blog Dec 29, 2022 · here are links to two community blogs that introduce you to AMDP development: abap-managed-database-procedure by Şevval Özkan (2021) and. e if the field is available in the table 1, retrieve the same else retrieve from table 2 or else from table 3. Create or assign a transport request and choose Finish. Search for jobs related to Amdp field routine example or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. The resulting values of an AMDP script/routine are not rounded as expected. Read more Environment. We do not recommend to use field routine to implement complex logic like reading additional data or implement complex business logic. After coding logic inside AMDP method, you can consume it in ABAP report, or use AMDP same as delegate method in CDS table function. I am facing issue while debugging the end routine. Example 1 : One to One mapping from Source to Target in the End Routine. I have a simple requirement that i can achieve through Formula in BW4HANA Transformation. Applies to BW/4HANA, BW Powered by HANA. Trying to understand how we should do the coding in HANA SQLScript. In a start routine AMDP, the fields "RECORD" and "SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD" are not filled in the inTab of AMDP field routines. System will ask for ABAP routine or AMDP script. Choosing the AMDP approach before the ABAP routine in some cases could lead to significant performance gains. But to explore i chose to create a AMDP in End routine. The first step to create an AMDP Script based field routine is the same as for an ABAP based field routine, see (1). Let’s start with some simple examples in how to setup an AMDP routine in a BW transformation. Oct 17, 2021 · Solved: Hi All, I have a field with NUMC data type and another field with Char data type. Hinweise Für die Bearbeitung von Datenbankprozeduren und -funktionen in AMDP-Methoden sind die ABAP Development Tools (ADT) besser geeignet als der Class Builder der ABAP Workbench . Though depending upon scenarios code selection may change. 2. I have a very simple code for testing declare mydate NVARCHAR(8); Search for jobs related to Sap bw amdp field routine or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. AMDP based field routines, HANA Calculation Views, ). In the code used in my previous blog post had the direct reference to the source aDSOs (in 'USING' clause & then left outer joins with :inTab). when i use AMDP getting this Problem. 1X%I€ ¦4 £¦|[êíYQ8ߣ OAÙðð]š|{25ÅÛ Nov 13, 2021 · The runtime status field should be “Only ABAP runtime is supported” or not. E. Options for Start, End & Field Routine will be disabled once Transformation with Expert Routine is created. The data is passed to The constant CALL_AMDP_METHOD of the class CL_ABAP_DBFEATURES can be used to query whether the current database supports AMDP procedures. CHAR12) to another fie an AMDP method that implements an SQLScript procedure cannot call any database procedures or use any database functions that themselves use the AMDP procedure or function. This is an attempt to help anyone who is starting with AMDP's and need help with issues faced. Expert routine : This also we can use for Master data ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP Programming Language → ABAP - Database Access → ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP) → . Mar 16, 2021 · I need to re-write a field routine in a BW transformation. All good until in the code I try to read table 2 or 7 of ADSO_A, this is "/BIC/AXXXX2" or "/BIC/AXXXX7". We regognized that sometimes, if we assign a field (e. if_amdp_marker_hdb defines the class as an AMDP class, allowing you to implement AMDP methods - that is, ABAP methods that call a SAP HANA database procedure from within a global ABAP class. I tried through Generated program but could not able to do it. 1. For example if there is something like this in the AMDP script: o Sep 29, 2021 · This blog shows the AMDP class which was built to replace the function module. it is important for us also Currency. 0 Version. May 10, 2021 · Unlike ABAP field routines, an AMDP field routine does not call the dataset on each row single value basis, instead, it will be executed for all the values for the input columns. -- AMDP Breakpoints must be set in the _A class instead. g. We are on DW4CORE 100 0009 SAPK-10009INDW4CORE BW/4HANA Core Component. Choose AMDP script to create an AMDP Mar 24, 2017 · 9. Notes The ABAP Development Tools (ADT) are better suited for the editing of database procedures and functions in AMDP methods than Class Builder in ABAP Workbench . when i use ABAP, it works. Assignment on Start and End Routine How to, debug, transformation, routine, endroutine, startroutine, start, end, session, breakpoint, DTP , KBA , BW4-DM-TRFN-ABAP , SAP ABAP execution in Transformation and DTP , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , BW4-DM-DTP , ABAP Orchestration of Data Transfer Process , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW4-ME-TRFN , Transformation Metadata , BW4-DM-TRFN , SAP HANA execution in Jul 19, 2021 · This easily covers a lot of the trivial scenarios, like master data lookup, unit conversion, currency translation, value derivation from a custom table or DSO, etc. May 2, 2018 · capture. From the context menu, choose New > ABAP Package. An excerpt from my book "SQLScript for SAP HANA" , published by Rheinwerkverlag, SAP Press. The metadata storage for the AMDP routines was adjusted to align the AMDP metadata storage analogous to the ABAP metadata. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. The ABAP method is as follows:-----METHOD S0001_G01_R7. From SAP BW start routine: Used for data preparation. 5x; Product. SAP- BI/BW On HANA + BOBJ 2. This is defined in one AMDP procedure. Dec 20, 2024 · Introduction In SAP BW/4HANA, there are 2 types of transformation: SAP HANA Runtime ABAP Runtime SAP HANA Runtime allows us to write HANA routines (Start, End, Expert or Field routines) to transform data similar to ABAP runtime where we can write ABAP routines. AMDP - Client Handling. i have a simple AMDP script in a field routine that reads data from a view: outtab = select "/BIC/PLJAHR", ' ' as RECORD, ' ' as SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD from Z_V_FI_LAST_PJ; errortab = select Jan 6, 2022 · In this blog, we will be covering some of the learnings of AMDP. data: fyear type T009B-BDATJ. Jun 23, 2016 · To check if the AMDP debugger is available on your system just try to add a break point in your AMDP method PROCEDURE, see Figure 3. Search for jobs related to Sap bw amdp field routine or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 24m+ jobs. Aug 17, 2023 · -- target field: M_WC_TXTM-- *** Begin of routine - insert your code only below this line ***-- Note the _M class are not considered for DTP execution. Slow the dataflow performance. Click on AMDP Script. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 3170728 - AMDP RECORD and SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD are not filled in inTab Jun 29, 2022 · Hierfür wird die Routine ein wenig angepasst und in die SQL-Konsole übertragen: Öffnen des SQL-Editors in der HANA-Datenbank Umgebung; Implementierung des SQL-(Skript) Codes der AMDP-Routine zwischen “do begin” und “end;” Füllen des “intab” mit den Daten des Quell-ADSOs aus der Transformation Jan 22, 2023 · Hi, I need your help please I need to pick up a field and populate data from a master data by comparing GUID. Enter a name and description for your package, then choose Next. If i am used two transformation to 1 target , i got report-1. Note. The goal is to derive the values for the unmapped fields in the target structure using an end routine. Briefly, AMDP allows you to optimize your ABAP code (for ABAP on SAP HANA) by calling HANA database procedures from a global ABAP class. However, this box does not Oct 14, 2020 · Hi Gurus, I' new to AMDP still exploring the area. We are covering different scenarios and errors related to it. I dont know where i am doing mistake. Further scenarios will be added in up-coming blogs or updated in this blog o Mar 19, 2019 · Edit Menu -> Routine -> Expert Routine. The transformation contains at least one AMDP field routine. What is the use of Start Routine2. g:- Mar 15, 2021 · AMDP使用数据库语言书写,比如Native SQL或者是SQL Script,并且在AMDP类的AMDP方法内实现。 AMDP调试过程如下准备工作:安装HANA Studio;通过HANA Studio连接BW环境(IP: 192. Apr 2, 2023 · Today, I am going to discuss the basic of AMDP script and implement a SAP BW transformation logic using AMDP script. The method name of a field routine is made up of segment ID, group ID and rule ID. I have observed cases with more than 15 times better runtime. Jun 22, 2018 · Hello, Since a view weeks we are operating an SAP BW on HANA system and - of cource - we are trying to use the new functionalities the system is providing us (e. X,跟BW相同);_amdp debug Oct 25, 2017 · Dear experts, I need to change only one field in a dataset and upsert it to a physical db table with AMDP. Jul 9, 2021 · Introduction Implementing AMDP procedure for the custom logic used in the BW customer exit variables. DATA: MONITOR_REC TYPE rstmonitor. Search for additional results. ** target field: 0CALDAY *$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-* Aug 1, 2023 · The transformation runtime I use to achieve the above is of type SAP HANA Runtime and I have a final routine (AMDP). A clear definition of a specific symptom, however, does not suffice as long as the basis on which to make an assessment remains unclear. Edit Menu -> Routine -> Expert Routine. X);通过HANA Studio连接BW的ABAP环境(IP: 192. Regards, Prem Jun 21, 2023 · This video tutorial is about the end routine using HANA script in BW4HANA. In the transformation, only 0CALMONTH is contain ABAP based routine and have to rewrite in AMDP script as below. Pop-up will ask for confirmation to replace standard transformation with expert routine. Author : Lakshminarasimhan Narasimhamurthy Aug 29, 2016 · Keep in mind that AMDP based routines can only be created in the Eclipse based BW and ABAP tools. The coding for both, the ABAP report and the ABAP class, can be found in the attached files. While loading, the end routine will look through DSO2 based on the key field and fill in the blank fields in DSO3. Shown how to write Start Routine, Field Routine, and End Routine Oct 1, 2019 · Please follow the menu path Edit → Routines → Expert routine to create an expert routine. How can you integrate AMDP into ABAP CDS? ABAP CDS provides a framework for defining and consuming semantic data models on the central database of the application server AS ABAP. These are the steps I follow. The number of lines in the outTab must be the same as the number of records in the inTab! Please read paragraph 9. Create a transformation between the datasource and aDSO; Map all the fields one to one; Create and End Routine with AMDP script Oct 14, 2020 · For example most these blogs are talking about AMDP in theory and implementing logic using Expert routine. The Transformation has a Start routine and also at least one field routine (AMDP) and; The source of the DTP is a HCPR; No DTIS is used; OR. jpgWhile creating routine in BW4HANA, Routine is Opening in AMDP Editor instead of SAP Logon GUI screen. AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Procedures) originally referred to a framework from SAP for defining, implementing, managing and calling database procedures in the SAP HANA database from the ABAP application server. AMDP Documentation. Applies to BW/4HANA Summary In BW4HANA system we had used the AMDP class and method to replace the existing bad character removal Function Module and use the AMDP method in the transformations within BW4HANA. Use itab1 in field_routine, use read statement to match the required row , store in workarea and then push that value to This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. I am expecting to see the pop up box to switch to the debugging perspective where I can step through the code in debug mode. Feb 6, 2023 · Debugging the AMDP we find that the calculated value of the new field in the OUTTAB is 0,72 (like the source value which would be correct!). Apr 13, 2021 · In the runtime we read the active table of the respective source aDSO using a common transformation between two infosources consisting of AMDP start routine. A transformation can only have either ABAP routines or AMDP scripts as routines. From BW 7. Example, in the old BW -> Start Routine, if we want to delete the record, we can do something like: DELETE SOURCE_PACKAGE WHERE START_DATE < CURRENT DATE 26 End Routine using HANA Script AMDP Complete SAP BW-ABAP Videos will be available on below playlist on my YouTube Channel SAP BW ABAP in English May 27, 2019 · I was readings tons of links, trying to find a solution on how to debug a trfn with AMDP . 0 + Nati Aug 22, 2024 · AMDP is written in a database-specific language, such as Native SQL or SQLScript, and is implemented within an AMDP method body of an AMDP class. My requirement is to check the length of a field, and then assign first two letters to another field in Ob die aktuelle Datenbank AMDP-Prozeduren unterstützt kann über die Konstante CALL_AMDP_METHOD der Klasse CL_ABAP_DBFEATURES abgefragt werden. Put data in itab1. Create expert routine from. Mar 7, 2018 · We had a very simple Left Join in field routine to lookup masterdata. Sep 14, 2017 · In Transformation, the execution sequence either will be Start Routine -> Field Routine -> End Routine or only Expert Routine. Mar 24, 2022 · Field lookup routine : Not recommended as if there is 40 row record in a packet 40 times lookup. AMDP debugger in the ADT (ABAP Development Tools) The AMDP… In the SAP BW (Business Warehouse) world, data transformations are the heart of turning raw information into valuable insights. x开始就有了Start Routine,不过7. Transfer Routine : Available for Char/Currency/Unit infoobjects. If you've already registered, sign in. 168. , care staff, family members, and close relatives). 100. Comment Jul 24, 2023 · 没必要再去写一个在AMDP类里实现的方法,再把数据拖到数据库层处理。那么问题就来了,有没有必要把转换的routine用AMDP写?现在用AMDP写,是要在HANA runtime,把代码下推到数据库层处理,理论上来讲会快很多。原先例程用ABAP写,用的是ABAP运行环境在ABAP层。 Mar 2, 2022 · Discussed on below points1. They are then created as a SAP HANA procedure that is implemented as a method in an AMDP (ABAP managed database procedure) class. The following are considered potential sources of data on which to base an assessment: the patient, the rater (i. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). As shown in attached file, Routine is opening in AMDP Editor instead of SAP GUI. This physical table has too many columns which I do not want to specify all fields, and also developers can add some fields in future and when a new field added I do not want to edit code again The row type of the return value result of an AMDP function implementation for a client-dependent CDS table function does not contain a client field, even though this field must be declared in the element list. 0以后还有了End Routine,顾名思义,一个是处理PSA到转换这段儿,一个是处理转换到Target这段儿。 这里呢,就不说3. 7. For it_material, wa_material if you have declared them in global declaration parts then it will be available in field and end routine. End Routine: Simple and easiest way to lookup master data from End routine. The AMDP class is generated by the BW framework and can only be edited in the ABAP Development tools for SAP NetWeaver (ADT). Example AMDP field routine. Methods of an ADMP class can be written as a dabase procedure. Example AMDP Code in a field routine: Example AMDP code in an endroutine or expert routine: In this example the field /BIC/SZRDAGE is of type NUMC with a length of 5 and the output of YEARS_BETWEEN is an integer number. It allows you to create, modify, and delete procedures using ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in Apr 26, 2021 · Dear all, I have a transformation with an expert routine in BW in which I need to convert a field from type C to type INT4 - how can this be done in a AMDP script? IN - field_A type C length 1, OUT - field_A type INT4, Kind regards, Lieselot May 15, 2011 · I need to wrtie some code in end routine of a transformation. . Use select-options in the program to filter the results. Otherwise, register and sign in. The presenter explains the scenario where they have a source structure with certain fields and a target structure with additional fields. I have a simply coding and wanted to check using debugger why my LoadRequest field NVARCHAR(30) is empty. Mar 1, 2018 · I'e created a hana based transformation with an AMDP field routine. Jul 16, 2023 · Types of Transformation Routines in BW4HANAWhy we use Start Routine in TransformationHow to write Start Routine using HANA Script in BW4HANAWhat are InTab an With AMDP debugging in transformation routines on BW/4HANA, errors can be easily found. 2. an AMDP method that implements an SQLScript procedure cannot call any database procedures or use any database functions that themselves use the AMDP procedure or function. Jan 31, 2014 · In this document, the ABAP report ZR_DEMO_AMDP is executed. Furthermore, an AMDP procedure or function can use regular SQL Script procedures and functions created in SAP HANA Studio or using Native SQL. We know the recommendation from Torsten Kessler "9. This 4 hour course will cover the following topics Jan 7, 2018 · Can i ask you one more scenario about my issue? i would like to merge 2 different aDSOs to 1 aDSO target with AMDP-Routine. Summary What you learn from this blog is to push the custom logics based on table lookups into the HANA via AMDP method to Database instead of rel Jun 12, 2017 · From BW 7. 7 Pitfalls in field routines The runtime behavior of AMDP field routines are different from the runtime behavior of ABAP field routines. The processing logic for an ABAP field routine is based on an external loop over the source package and for each row a field routine is called with a single value. The following topics summarize how client handling is defined and client safety is achieved for AMDP methods. `·€øÿÍõ*{?Á› 5[’{^’Éf &4ùÀNUÈ Så:ÿ× ­›¢øÞè2– iÓ 'E¡L‡ Y Ìæ ?}l¯%‹ †À . Kindly let me know. End routines represent an exception, because a Transformation can actually apply the SAP HANA runtime although having ABAP coding defined only in the End routine. If you select the rule type ROUTINE a popup dialog asks for the processing type, see (2). SAP-BW4HANA 2. SAP BW/4HANA; SAP Netweaver 7. The biggest difference when switching from ABAP to AMDP for me was that Field routines take the whole columns instead of 1 field value as in ABAP stack. Jul 17, 2023 · Why we write End Routine in TransformationHow to write End Routine using HANA Script in BW4HANAWhat are InTab and OutTab in Start RoutineHow to write Lookup Source Field Type c; Source Field Type n; Source Field Type string; Representation of Numeric Values in Character-Like Fields; Representation of Time Stamps in Character-Like Fields; Byte-Like Source Fields; Source Field Type x; Source Field Type xstring; Date Fields, Time Fields, and Time Stamp Fields as Source Fields; Source Field Type d Jun 21, 2023 · When it comes to choosing the right technology for transformations, developers often face a dilemma between using ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) or AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Jan 21, 2021 · Easiest way to address these issues, is via Transformation Field Routine. rqtk tdwqxe xepzls bekwogo yhqd bxrgzgv bxgsxf nonksez jerwuwje jdhnwj esmapj hssdhcm jxm kzoyjbtg dmjktq