Dex paladin feats You can dump STR, get stealth from your background, and make em an orc or goblin for the cunning action-lite, or even bugbear if the few extra d6's mean that much to yah. Lucky – Grant advantage or disadvantage on important d20 tests. High Dex, high cha (though Dex is first priority), decent con and you're ready to go. It also gets you 2 or 3 feats you want along with 2d6 sneak, at 4 you also get uncanny dodge, and debuffs on sneak attack. But that's my personal opinion and how I have played paladin. Fey touched for silvery barbs spell so that you can force rerolls against your ward. Paladins already bring a lot to the table so to multi class and use levels as feats only seems counterintuitive imo. 2 levels of fighter nets you 2 or 3 more feats, I forget. Aug 8, 2015 · I'm playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen with a group, and I play a Paladin with the following stats: STR 18 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 15 CHA 17 So my stats are already kinda high. . With this feat, you don’t have to worry as much about positioning to reliably hit the enemy. Apr 26, 2024 · Savage Attacker: Even though this feat is best with Heavy weapons, which fits the Paladin's playstyle, it's much more worth it to go with Great Weapon Master or one of the Tasha's weapon feats. If nothing else experiment for a session or two and see how it affects survivability. Dex weapons and feats are generally a bit weaker than their strenght counterparts since you are sort of expected to double wield them and add some sneak attack damage that you wont be getting. DEX 12 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 11 CHA 18 Now I don't need an ability upgrade before at least level 8 so I thought I'd take a feat at lvl 4, but I'm not sure which one to choose. I’m playing a finesse longspear (my DM was kind) toting tabaxi OoA Paladin. that you want to take. Jul 16, 2024 · If you are looking for optimized honor character, it would include dumping Str for Dex, stocking up on Ethel's Str elixirs, starting with dragon sorc for con proficiency, building vengeance paladin 6 (Vow of Enmity on youself) going into dragon sorcerer 6 with GWM, Hag hair and ASI bonus to charisma for saves, stack a bunch of AC to avoid Oct 15, 2019 · I would pass on duel wielder until your dex is maxed. Barbarian If you aren’t spell casting so your shoves are with advantage and you resist typical damage types The Vengeance paladin thing requires your bonus action which may be an issue, but either of this builds work. My hitpoints were always a little bit below where I really wanted them, but I picked up the Tough feat at some point. I don’t care. Because of the fairly tight-knit class system in 5th Edition, feats are the most effective way to customize your character build. Vengeance paladin gives you some of the best, all-purpose combat spells you'll need. Shadow Touched : Unfortunately, due to their heavy armor proficiency, paladins will rarely ever be a steathy class. Dex is a worse defence stat for a Paladin because they have all the necessary proficiencies. There are plenty of options here that improve the class’s healing, heavy armor masterym and magic potential. Aug 24, 2015 · having played a dex paladin I can say it works well, especially with medium armor master and a shield and rapier. Well two short swords are the only choice and the best light armor you can get. From previous campaigns, most of the times, monsters are fairly static. Variant Paladin: Favored Enemy is garbage and I hate it. DEX is overall really strong in 5e, and a paladin with a rapier is stylish as shit. Hey guys, building a conquest paladin for a series of one shots where were going to be jumping around a lot and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out with planning ASI and feats. Dec 3, 2016 · In summary, while not competitive as a great-weapon fighter, a Paladin who fights sword-and-shield style, a DEX-based Paladin would have 1 less AC than a STR-based one unless they spent a feat or had a friendly caster cast mage armor on them. When I get to leve So, pretty easily Dex based Oath of Redemption Paladin and Criminal background? But I don’t know how to best build that concept past subclass. Going straight ability score increases over feats is a pretty strong plan from a mechanical perspective. Sentinel is also a worthy feat if you want to be a Dex-based Paladin. That said here are some standouts…. Mar 31, 2019 · Also the truly beefy paladin 6 feature (cha bonus to all saves) will be delayed or not come into play. The other option is getting to Paladin 5 first for extra attack which might be better. The Paladin would also have comparable damage, but to do so would be locked into using a rapier, and Feb 11, 2025 · Paladin Feats. Eventually you'll want to try and get as much mileage out of Wisdom and Charisma, which are what powers those abilities, but to handle the combat side of the character a good selection of combat feats is in order. That means dual wielding is best when you don't invest into damage and instead invest into other things like Charisma or charisma-based half feats; it's less of a Dexadin thing and more of a Charismadin thing, but because dual wielding is a little bit better with dexterity than with strength, you might as well use Dex instead. The 18 dex gloves from the vendor in the creche are also good. But it is a problem to assume that the +1 increase to Dex is irrelevant because that is half the value of the feat. 5e is not 3e: you don't get the endless scaling that made Dex eventually win the AC race in that system. Another paladin was more Dex-based. Jul 23, 2022 · The term half feat, sometimes also called a hybrid feat, is a 5th edition feat where a +1 ability stat is granted in addition to another bonus. A dex paladin if anything is just as feat intensive because of incentives to pickup feats like eleven accuracy, piercer or medium armour master. 0 +2-1. I was wondering what y'all think would be good feats for a Paladin. 8. Reply reply More replies More replies Doxodius Coming up on my second Feat, and looking for advice. Now one could argue that you could max out Dex and Cha but then you'd only have a singular ASI to get a feat. Took School of Divination for the Portent and the ability to slip enemies bad saves, which is hilarious. I have a 16 Dex, 14 Con and 18 Cha already, so I was thinking of maybe taking another feat. Right now I'm going Mace & Shield, Heavy Armor (defense fighting style). I am currently at level 3 with: Str: 15(+1) Dex: 8 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wil: 8 Cha: 16 Race Feat: Heavy Armor Mastery I am struggling to decide if I should bring my Charisma up for better Spells or if I should feats. You can qualify for two weapon fighting feats with dex increasing belts, so you can lower dex to 13 I would think (+6 dex belt for greater TWF). Dex 20, cha 20. It's very feat heavy because you need to play a dex paladin and you need the crane line of feats and the finesse line of feats but paladin gets no extra feats. I gave him a few builds to see what he was gunning for, whether he wanted to make an archer wood elf paladin of ancients, a tank, or a barbarian like paladin. So a +1 ASI feat like Skill Expert, Fey Touched, or Telekinetic with bonus action shoving would be my picks. Apr 10, 2024 · The biggest selling point with the powerful Sentinel feat is that it is compatible with the other worthy feats in this Paladin feats list. I rolled a 17, 17, 16, 13, 11, 5 and am arranging my stats as Char, Str, Con, Wis, Dex, and Int respectively. Slayers are a type of fighter with sneak attacks. Fey Touched is great on a Paladin of any oath, but only when you’ve got an odd Charisma score. Stealth isn't terribly important to me for a paladin build, but I have considered studded leather if that would help me avoid the hot weather effect in chult. g. +3 Rapier, Glamoured Studded Leather, Shield +1. Cover adds a bit of AC to enemies, which mostly only matters to ranged attackers. I wanted to leave my Str at 13 in case I wanted to multiclass (considering archfey warlock). Two ways of doing it - mounted and dismounted. Unlike strength, dex saves are quite common, so this works out pretty well, though elves and half elves have a better option. CON. I also like revenant blade as a feat for finesse weapons. But since we’re focusing on a Dexterity-based Paladin there are a few feats that are worth taking. Any help on explaining how to make a dex paladin work would be great. Feb 25, 2020 · A +2 dex race like eladrin can start with 17 dex and bump to 18 with resilient dex. 14 dex + a medium armor with +1 initiative is very easy to achieve. A-Tier Feats +2 of ability score improvement For a dex Paladin, you can't get better than +2 dex. 14. If you are comparing the feat to an ASI then more realistically the cost of the feat is 2 points using point buy which is -1 to any stat, not necessarily DEX. So the best Oaths for a Dexadin, might be the best Paladin with the high level features you are most interested in Reaching. 275%. I also feel that str is not nearly as good as dex is in DND 5e. This bumps the Crit chance from 9. My dex and cha are both at a +4 bonus, with my charisma sitting at a solid 19. Human: +2 Strength (or Dex for the Archer) and a free much-needed feat make Humans an EXCELLENT choice for paladins. Stats are 10 18 16 12 13 16. Going hexblade dip you could ignore dex completely and take warcaster for more battlefield control. In particular, if you're using point buy and get a feat with +1 dex, you can start with an 18 dex by having a +2 Dex hafling and using point buy to max DEX to 15 (15+3=18), giving you the +1 to AC but better DEX along with it. A 20 dex paladin will always need 6 more attributes than the stealth build I listed above; that’s three whole feats you’d miss out on out of the 5 total ASI’s this character will ever get and all just to achieve +1 to damage, accuracy and AC; you can buy a lot more with those feats. Any range-focused characters should pick this feat up at level 4. Recommended options. Feats are usually organized into two categories: full feats and half-feats. He used Dervish Dance, and I chose the Tempered Champion paladin for the fighter feats and improved base And if you have +3 dex, light armor is not enough and regular medium armor is somewhat of a waste. Warlock is a good fit for paladins but, in early levels, I personally like straight paladin (playing a dex paladin right now, in fact, currently 5th level) Jan 8, 2025 · The main issue with this build is the HP is a little low for a tanky class like Paladin, a bulkier build is to take the farmer background (tough) and start with CON and CHA at 14 (+2) each, switch War Caster for Resilient (Constitution) and switch a strength feat (probably charger or combat prowess) for something to get another +1 constitution They're definitely using feats if they have [feat]Defensive Duelist[/feat], which also helps offset the lower AC a bit, although as they've said they're still getting KO'd, I would second swapping the second weapon for a shield to get that +2 AC. However, going dex makes you have a relatively monstrous Dex save and good Initiative. They give +1 attack and 18 dex. Grabbing the protection fighting style from paladin (cause paladin doesn’t get two weapon fighting). The dwarf malus to CHA kind of sucks, but you could do something like 18/13/14/7/12/13 or maybe even 17/13/12/7/9/16. Eventually got Agile, but he does okay damage because of power attack. Oathbreaker is probably the weakest paladin subclass, and I guess I just don't feel like paladin gains all that much past level 7, anyway, or at least anything that couldn't be gained from another class. May 28, 2021 · Fourth unless your taking Res Dex as a feat your Dex save is not that much higher than a Str Paladin that has an 8 in dex after level 6 because of aura of protection. Cleave takes a lot of feats and becomes less good as you go through the game. As already mentioned, any Paladin’s gonna kick ass and be a huge credit to the team. I want to play a Dex-based dual wielding vengeance pally, and I can't decide which of these two builds I like more. Feats I am currently considering are: Polearm master Bonus action attack and reaction attack when enemy enters my reach Dec 22, 2024 · Our campaign should end around level 15±1, so I am only planning my character as far as level 13. * Level 8 To make a dex paladin work it seems you need to start with a base of 3 or 4 levels of rogue for dex to damage on your chosen weapon. I generally thing GWM isn't going to be that worth it unless your attack stat is already +4 or +5 unless you have other modifiers (e. This gives you Improved Unarmed Strike and a free feat (Crane Style or Dodge). DEX - 8 (18 due to gloves) CON - 14 INT - 8 If you want to go more of a STR Paladin, I recommend a Jan 1, 2025 · DEX. I think this is a nice feat coming from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Level 6 - Paladin 6: Level 7 - Wild Magic Sorcerer 1 - spells: Thunderwave and Shield, or pick up utility spells like Jump and Featherfall. to say its comparable to dex fighters (who have access to the archery fighting style and extra ASIs) is You also need to use your first 3 feats just to use a dex weapon as well as a strenght weapon. This is called a half feat because half of it is the normal ability score improvement while the other half are non-ability score improvements/benefits the feat grants. Dec 19, 2024 · I’d suggest the following feats for a paladin: Origin feats. Plus you can't be stealthy with the best best medium armor since half plate gives disadvantage. Nov 5, 2022 · Curious to hear folks' thoughts on a Dexterity-based Paladin build for the Main Character? Two main questions are: 1. Sep 28, 2023 · Feats are special abilities that can be gained to further customize your character build. Pick up the Feat Resilient as well and bump DEX and get proficiency in DEX saves to make it nigh impossible to fail a DEX save, taking no damage from Fireballs, a Dragon's Breath, etc. You get 3 finesse attacks at level 5+, which is great for crit fishing, and you’re only 1 AC lower than sword and boarding, and you can make that up with the defensive fighting style if you please. I want to tank/crowd controll/ support. At level 4 I'd boost Dex and Wis or take some feat that boosts Dex 1 as well (not sure what my options are). ) I could always boost charisma to 20 and be the ultimate paladin support, but fears open up a lot. Musician – Give everyone in the party a regular supply of heroic inspiration. He's a Pal 12, Wiz 3. Aug 17, 2024 · Paladin Feats. INT. In exchange you trade 1 high level AC (the horror), multiclassing (Paladin is a strong single class except for it's range weakness, which you help a little), so you can't get your hands on extra smites from a fullcaster dip and the ability to use the PAM feat, making 2-weapon fighting the next best option for a third attack (and TWF is +1 DEX, ignore ½ and ¾ cover with ranged attacks. This further closes the gap between Dex and Str actually, since STR Paladins actually need STR/DEX(Initiative)/Charisma for their main stats anyway making them Level 3 - Paladin 3: Level 4 - Paladin 4: Warcaster Feat a must have. Recommended to take Paladin first so you get the weapon proficiencies (and armor if you don't want to use Mage Armor/Robes). At level 12 you'd probably want to max out dex, then at 16 and 19 max out CHA unless there are other feats like sentinel, medium armor master, magic initiate, etc. Nov 28, 2024 · And by Dex=18 you can probably afford a breastplate which gives the same benefit and gold is usually cheaper than the ASI/Feats to get to Dex=18. With this single feat, you stop wasting the excess dex you have, can do almost all the cool things high dex folks can do and still be somewhat viable. Feats 5e. Feb 21, 2024 · The best Paladin feats in DnD 5e are those that complement their playstyle and base class features well. +2 dex offers all of the benefits plus more. Lots of other classes will offer more useful features in levels 1-5 than paladin does from 8-12, making multi classes very attractive. I already have the inspiring leader feat from level 4. If you are met with Disintegrate, which averages over 70 damage, you can add your shield's AC to your DEX save as well and take no damage when you save. I plan on using most of my spell slots for smites (Cleric, bard, and sorc in party). I also noticed that you listed your stats as 8,16,14,11,10,16 using half-elf and point-buy. It doesn't really become impressive until Act 2 unfortunately but once it's setup it should still be more than powerful enough to compare favorably wit a STR Pally Caster Sep 19, 2023 · Best Paladin Feats in 5e 15. This table displays recommended BG3 Paladin build choices for every level A free feat is a lot on a paladin. Resilient CON might as well be damn mandatory but you can afford to get it at level 4 imo. So at best you can delay Slashing Grace by using an Agile sword until you acquire a better (non-Agile) weapon. Manifest powers from metallic dragons, gaining benefits: Draconic Healing – Learn Cure Wounds and be able to cast it without having to expend a spell slot. The only reason to want a Dex Paladin is because you prefer the fluff and don't mind being strictly less efficient (though only marginally). May 11, 2024 · Basically, just make a standard STR Paladin but take Dex, ASI/Savage Attacker and Dueling instead of STR/GWM/Alert feats. I'm sitting on a pair of 6s ready to go this session. I had 14 strength and 16 dexterity. Best way to get DEX damage? A) Finesse Training feat + Agile weapons B) 1 level Rogue dip + Agile weapons (I'm assuming Agile weapons instead of spending a feat on Slashing Grace, since this build is feat-starved, yes?) But since you don't want to multiclass Paladins much to While that's true, the best named Dueling Swords don't have Agile. If you still want Rog for trapping, Go 2 rog at like 1 and maybe 10 for skill points, also picks up the attack speed buff for sticks in TA Given feats, it probably makes most sense to do Devotion Paladin 8/Sword Bard 4. Level Paladin 1-6 then Warlock (or Paladin 1, Warlock 1, Paladin 2-6, Warlock 2+ if you want to be able to have the dialogue options right after the nautiloid) Nov 4, 2020 · Paladin of Tyranny: The better of the two evil Paladin options, in my opinion, the Paladin of Tyranny is largely identical to the Paladin of Slaughter, but Aura of Despair imposes a -2 penalty to all saves, leaving enemies more vulnerable to all manner of nasty effects. I went DEX based for the possibilities of better range and stealth capabilities (in light armour) as well as the DEX save and initiative bonuses. The Paladin class has access to a range of feats that benefit the typical sort of play style. The character has a quick-footed tribal hunter/skirmisher vibe. I was wondering what feat should i choose or maybe just an asi? the playstyle im looking for its not a tank, but more like a support/dps (kinda weird i know) Many say "polearm master" but i want to stick with greatswords. Aug 11, 2021 · We have our next session soon and I've been struggling to think of how to spend the ASI. I don't think you need cleave either. This online application will allow you to list and filter all the DnD 5e Feats with severals options. AoO could proc at either 5 or 10 with booming blade. Prefer Tabaxi race Oath up for debate Start level 5 Standard array only, no multiclass due to str I'm thinking for stats: 8 str, 14+2 dex, 13 con, 10 int, 12 wis,15 +1 cha Might switch wis and con depending on which +1 feat would be good Probably diplomat feat. I'm thinking of these ones in particular: Shield Master (stacked with the level 7 resist magic, this becomes a pseudo evasion). As for feats, raising your Charisma for Aura of Protection value and increasing your save DCs for class features like Channel Divinity and Paladin spells like Command will be a priority. An interesting strategy for a dex build could be to go with a double-bladed scimitar with the revenant feat (assuming an elf). As a side note for those interested in smiting with bows as a Paladin - branding smite is actually worded to work with any weapons (range or melee), so that is one method to "smite" with Bows. 75% with advantage to 14. And while either feat will make dueling swords compatible with Duelist, only Slashing Grace (or the level 3 rogue feat) grants DEX to damage to non-Agile weapons. If he wants more chances to smite he could even go TWF if he wants (one of the few classes that can actually make TWF work), though that limits the use of his actual smite spells. stats: 16 str/ 8 dex / 14 con / 8 int / 12 wis / 17 cha pd: sorry for bad englis If you go straight pld dex I would prefer half elf and take elven accuracy to fish for those sweet smite crits. magical weapon, devotion paladin channel divinity) helping with it. Curious what feats to consider or if ASIs are a better call. (Getting a Dex of 20 is definitely a priority, too. and your third Paladin Feat. Cool RP feats are great too. Description. Gift of the Metallic Dragon. Build 1 Eladrin Fighter 1/Vengeance Paladin 12 Starting Stats STR-13 DEX-15+2 CON-14 INT-8 WIS-9 CHA-13+1 Single classing, focusing dex, and twf is perfectly viable for paladin, you just want to stay in paladin- in particular Improved Divine Smite is quite good with TWF and it offers the same burst potential as smiting on PAM without spending a feat. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format. War caster is great for all of those con saves + somatic spells. I will say though, that Swashbuckler has great synergy with a Dex based Paladin. But if you want to do so it might be fun to duel weld. May 11, 2024 · A Low Dex STR Paladin will need to use Initative Gear or Feats to avoid this problem and because of how powerful Offense is relative to Defense, Speed is King when it comes to victory. He's an Oath of Vengeance Paladin with Great Weapon fighting style and the two feats he got thus far went into ability improvement and Great Weapon Master. Better damage, initiative, AC, save and skills. Dec 17, 2009 · The Paladin is suprisingly diverse; each of the 3 roles has a very different race that it would like, and a few fine fallbacks if you want to play them for roleplaying purposes. The only time where a Dex paladin might have a damage advantage over a Strength paladin with the same setup is when they have advantage and Elven Accuracy. Magic initiate – A handy way to grab some cantrips if that’s something you’d like. GWM and PAM is a lot of feat investment though. I'm playing an eladrin ancients paladin (Lvl 6) and I'm thinking about using my 4th level bonus to take a feat. But with Paldin aura being so awesome, CHA is a safe bet. Pick a rapier, take a shield, I always tend to default to the Defense fighting style, keep your Dex and Con high and you should do fine. you can sneak, you can heal, you can take hits, and you can give them. Paladin is an awkward choice for vital strike in my opinion, not a bad choice mind you just awkward for me. This section does not address every published feat, as doing so would result in an ever-growing list of options which don’t cater to the class. CHA. Honestly it feels like you’d benefit from a one or two level dip much more than feats. also the build is MAD as all hell (dex is your primary, half your features use cha, need good con as a melee fighter, need str 13 if you ever want to multiclass). You will be also able to sort the list as you want. WIS. When I think of vital strike I think of very specific things, like cave druid or Goliath druid, characters with the shikigami feat tree, something similar that has large base dice like the butchering axe. I have 2 levels in Paladin so far, and was planning on doing 4 levels of bard next ending with the two weapon fighting feat, then doing the rest as paladin. Not me. DM accepts all official feats and UA feats with approval. It's a waste of a feat imo, especially on a paladin. The Ultimate 5e Paladin Build Guide for 2024 Discover the most powerful 5e paladin build for 2024 in this comprehensive guide. Paladins are naturally good at big burst damage via their Divine Smite and smite spells, party support and healing via things like Aura of Protection, Lay on Hands, and their suite of spells, and absorbing damage as Aug 27, 2003 · For this character, the feats aren't really where the power lies - that's in all the paladin abilities. Also you could still wear heavy ar Since Paladin requires a 13 Str (and Cha) to Multiclass, a Dexadin is easiest to build with point buy as a single classed Paladin, so you are free to dump Str and Focus on more reasonable Con and Charisma and wisdom. Alongside using the feat for martial adept two weapon fighting. Class: Paladin (Favored Class for extra skills) Archetypes: Sacred Shield, Warrior of Holy Light Feats: Combat Reflexes (1), Bodyguard (free bonus), Deific Obedience; Iomedae (3) Traits: Adopted; Halfling (Helpful), Fools for Friends Drawback: Lovesick Stats at level 4: 18 Str, 13 Dex, 14 Con, 8 Int, 8 Wis, 18 Cha Jul 11, 2018 · Trying to make a fun to play dexadin. 0 +3. Whether you’re using polearms, shields, or heavy weapons, you can benefit from Sentinel and synergize with your other feats. Learn optimal subclasses, feats, and strategies to dominate your D&D campaigns. Jun 15, 2022 · If you want to do a Dex paladin, just make a Dex paladin. For the most part there aren’t any feats on a dex paladin that help much as having charisma and dex tend to do well. Haflings also get some good racial options. Hard to go wrong with Paladin. Currently I am using a Human Variant duelist rapier and shield Paladin with 27-point buy stats: STR 10 DEX 15+1 CON 13 (14 when I pick up Resilient Constitution) INT 8 WIS 10 CHR 15+1 At the moment, the important stats are Dex 16, Cha 15 and Con 14. single level dips. Modifier +3. OP wanted to build a dexterity paladin. Conclusion. Having more levels in a much stronger class is going to serve you better overall. Half-feats are unique because they provide a +1 I have my stats as Str: 13 Dex: 15+2 Con: 12 Int: 8 Wis: 10+1 Cha: 14. I played a paladin with low dex and I let it eat at me too much and eventually made some questionable RP choices that ultimately lead that character to his death (I changed religions to get a bonus to dex magic item and I regretted it pretty much instantly, and played it as my character getting reckless as he regretted his decision. Paladin's are pretty MAD (Multi-attribute dependent) - DEX/CHA/CON are all very important for you, and you only get 5 ASIs (and only 3 from levels 1-15, which many campaigns don't go past). Human Variant, Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16 I'm planning on Oath of Devotion as well. Base. 16. Consider Sentinel as well, gives you stickiness to prevent the unholy from fleeing from your righteousness and lets you deliver a vengeful strike when your party is attacked. Infact maxing out Cha in this regard is far more beneficial than dex. You lose paladin smite/spells/lay on hands. Used a Headband of Intellect to get my Wiz bonus up. I was just wondering which feats would be best for a melee dex Paladin (Rapier and Shield Dual Wielding). That's two ASI's committed on a class that both doesn't get any extra ASI's, and is very hungry for multiple stats. With your current stats and build the only feat I’d like is Resilient: Dex to take your +1 up to a +5 and reduce your initiative penalty by 1. If you gear Dex too you only miss out on maybe 9 -10 dex at endgame which is like 4-5 AC and reflex so not much different, except it makes picking up STR feats a million times easier. Smiting people with a giant sword is cool and all, but I love the concept of a divine-empowered stab knocking someone backwards from all that energy ending up in an ultra-focused impact. Are there any standout feats, weapon choices, etc. Aug 29, 2022 · I never multiclass personally, and I think Paladin already covers its own bases perfectly well, but I wouldn’t recommend Dex Paladin if you like making cool hybrid builds. Following my plan, I went for the medium Adamantine plate in Grymforge (other ore was spent on the shield for Shadowheart) and he's now sporting AC18 - 16 from the armor and +2 from DEX. You don’t have to repeat that OP is an idiot for wanting to build a dexterity paladin when they wear heavy armor. Elven accuracy if you’re a dex Paladin but I’m assuming you aren’t. Grab skill expert, call it a day. a dex paladin is just a worse strength paladin in every way that matters. 10. If you are a tank, take a 1 level dip in Scaled Fist monk. Instead, this section will cover feats which we think work especially well for the class or which might be tempting but poor choices. that add to the vibes? Using Dexterity kind of gets rid of a lot of the standard Paladin ideas like Polearm Master + Dueling or Great Weapon Master. Initiative is insanely overpowered here, I always try to have at least 14 dex if I'm not wearing the dex gloves for that reason. There's really not a wrong way to build paladin truthfully as long as your three best stats are dex or str, con and charisma, and I'll say picking between Dex and str, then charisma, then con is the best way. Level 5 - Paladin 5: Level 2 Paladin spells We'll grab Lesser Restoration and Find steed here, if it's available at Launch. ) So your best ASI order for this paladin looks like Str+1, Str+2, then Cha+2 or Con+2. I would probably just pump dex + cha to up your defenses rather than taking a feat, unless you go dual wielding in which case the dual wielder feat is great. There is a high chance he might be even more inclined to do so to a Paladin. Jul 20, 2019 · 2h fighter gets a ton of feats, and you get dex up from armor (eg +3 ac dex in full plates) and a bonus to 2h weapon class, and such. - Piercer (with Dex) paired with the next Feat. They pick a target and stick with it. A paladin wants big CHA, STR or DEX, and CON, and probably WIS too. Jul 9, 2020 · I have a Dex paladin (Ven/Dueling), HElf. I am a LE sword and board Paladin of conquest. Elven Accuracy +1 charisma to fish for crits and also boost my charisma to max to help with the saves for everyone. Abilities Honestly all of those feats are pretty damn fantastic for a S&B Paladin. But I don’t think it’s more important than either main stat. I'm only going to recommend the mounted version because the dismounted version requires a lot of multiclassing to make it viable. Jan 5, 2024 · Feats for Dex Paladins. deliverer is a sub type of slayer. But I cannot really find a good example on how to make paladin dex based without multiclassing and getting a shit ton of feats to make it work. Focused on Dexterity later and decided to spend a feat to use the Estoc because it was different. I’m not trying to say Strength Paladins suck and nobody should play them. Paladin really isn’t designed for dex, for one in order to multi class into(or out of) paladin you need 13 strength. This also depends on what armor you want to wear as 13 is plenty for full plate.
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