Eec code freightliner 2016 Freightliner cascadia 2016 fault code spn 520359 fmi 4 ambient. BEFORE CONTECT ME DONT WORRY ABOUT IT 03452663007 Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. FIX-IT. Your welcome. Fault 1 EEC 61 spn 3556 Fail 1 2014 freightliner cascadia. EEC61 is the after-treatment module. com Codes my 2012 freightliner Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. No I'm not got this code earlier Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. Trying to reset codes and 2013 cascadia eec 61 1761 code, frh Dec 15, 2021 · In This Video I Will Be Showing You How You Can Pull Your Fault Codes Right From Your Dashboard On A 2017 Freightliner CascadiaWelcome Back Level Up Family! I have freightliner 2017 dd15 with code eec, spn3217 and fmi 2, u mean the vin? just checking the codes from dash, yes Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: hello i have freightliner 2017 dd15 with code eec , spn3217 and fmi 2 Mechanic's Assistant: What is the complete model and serial number of your machine? Mar 28, 2015 · Eec61 is the generic fault code for the emission system. That Customer: Code EEC 61 Freightliner Cascadia Mechanic's Assistant: It sounds like you're dealing with an issue on your Freightliner Cascadia. Jul 30, 2023 · In this comprehensive guide, we’ll help you decipher the EEC 61 code, uncover its common causes, and provide a detailed guide on how to diagnose and fix the issues related to it. 9. Getting code eec 61 spn3238 fail 2. This is a third time that it happened. thetruckersreport. It is a crucial diagnostic code that requires immediate attention to avoid potential damage to the vehicle. DEF gauge bar is full, but amber light flashing. When did you first notice the code eec 1 spn 3251 fmi 0 appear on your 2016 Freightliner Cascadia Diesel Particulate Filter? EEC 61 code is on and then code d1AG2 it's a 2016 freight liner. Apr 10, 2019 · I have a 2013 Freightliner Cascadia with the fault code eec 61 spn 435 3. Fault code EEC 61 comes on. Bryan ASE Tech | Expert. 2 check engine lights are on. Daniel Wilson. 2016 freightliner. Robert Aksamit is a mechanical engineer and automotive industry expert. EEC means you have a fault code on the vehicle. it's showing fault code eec 61 spn 3251 dpf pressure 02 . You have already derated to 85% and you have about 1000miles before it derates to 55mph then you have another 100 before you derate to 5mph. You def need to get it to a shop just dont bring it to FT. WORTH Freightliner youll be here a minimum of 5 days Customer: driver broke down with a code eec 1 spn 3251 fmi 0 2016 freightliner cascadia Diesel Particulate Filter Mechanic's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear about your breakdown. 5 spn fail 7 Freightliner Cascadia 2015 I turn my truck on this morning and then the truck re 2016 cascadia fault codes eec 61 fail 15 spn 3720. The fault code can be cleared using DiagnosticLink after the DEF dosing valve electrical connector is reconnected. 4 codes popped up while mil ligth yellow check freightliner. Customer: Eec 61 code. 2012 Freightliner cascadia. Additionally, we’ll delve into the cost of changing oil on a semi-truck and the recommended frequency of oil changes. Mike Mcmillan. F Jul 25, 2014 · The code is for a DEF line heater line circuit open. codes ECC 61, CHS 71, CAB 33 2011 Freightliner Cascadia showing code EEC 61 4364 fail 18. DD15 2015 Freighliner Cascadia. 2013 Cascadia FB9210 are the last 6 digits. Apr 10, 2019 · i have a 2013 freightliner Dec 21, 2019 · 2016 freightliner cascadia. Have a 2011 Freightliner with Detroit Eng . What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. Daniel Wilson | Owner at DJ Wilson 23,187 Satisfied Customers Jan 19, 2016 · Codes are as follows EEC 61 spn4364 fail 18 EEC 61 spn3251 fail 16 Eng1 spn 2631 fail1 Eng1 spn411 fail1 Cab33 spn520702 fail4 The last code is a new one just appeared this morning Sorry to be so long responding, a lot going on, lol. roybelding. 4 codes popped up Freightliner cascadia with dd15 vin # 3AKJGLD55FSGK6058 giving me a engine light and a code EEC 61 SPN 3251 FAIL 21 Can Andy International and Isuzu trucks , International, Maxxforce, Cummins and Isuzu engines, Diagnostic and electrical troubleshooting specialist , Hvac and truck /trailer refrigeration troubleshooter I Freightliner 2016 spn code 5488 fmi 5. 2015 freightliner cascadia dd 15. Thanks. Freightliner DD15 2016 92 F150 w/ EEC IV Codes 311 and 332 - Ford F150 Forum - Community of. Just want to know if Eec code spn 5488 fmi 5. Could you please tell me the year of your truck? Customer: I have 2016 Detroit DD13 this eec61 frequency came on 15dys after it came back from the shop. Jul 25, 2014 · Customer: Code EEC (1) Engine2 (2) I have a 2016 Freightliner Cascadia with code SPN 3480 FMI 14 and SPN 3719 FMI 0 I replaced the doser block as to repair. Hold on. 1fixitman, Aug 18 l ok I have same issues each 061 spn004364 box con eff 18 I've been in 5 freightliner liners 2016 freightliner cascadia. Had dpf filters cleaned 1 month ago. Always glad to help. 4 codes popped up while mil ligth yellow check engine and EEC CODE, what may be, Got SPN 3216 FMI16 active code on a 2016 freightliner Cascadia DD15 engine What can you tell me about it and is it safe. Customer: Jun 10, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Actually 2 check engine lights came on and got a sec 61 code. 2016. Your Check Engine Light, and/or your Maintenance light will be on at the same time. Owner at DJ Wilson. DD 15. I have Regen like 5times and that didn’t fix Shop Froeman for Freightliner Trucks. No just filled up the def tank code eec 61, and decelerated to 55 mph What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. EEC 61 also is not a fault code. Expert. Freightliner Cascadia 2012 DD15, fault code EEC Cascadia 2016 with a DD15 showing code 3056 fail 2 eec61, freightliner Cascadia 2016, my self. Both check engine lights are on. Freightliner Cascadia 2014 DD15. Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. eec 61 3364 fail 2 eec 61 4364 fail 18 Answered by MasterTech Mike in 21 mins 1 year ago Robert Aksamit. I' The check engine light is back with 2 codes Customer: 2016 freightliner cascadia. The code is for the inlet knock sensor. General Friday, 07 March 2025. FIX-IT I have a 2016 freightliner cascadia I just replaced my cpc and my 1box now I getting a code eec 61 no trans and now it My check engine and solid yellow fault code eec 61 what causes for this to happen. 2013 freightliner cascadia Nov 19, 2016 · What does eec 2 code mean 2015 freighliner cascadia - Cars & Trucks question 2016 More results from www. 2016 Freightliner Cascadia Eec code spn 5488 fmi 5. Qué saben sobre esto y qué I have a code on a 2013 freighliner eec 61 fail 4 4334. . Freightliner Cascadia 2014 DD15 My Freightliner 2013 cascade shows code EEC 61-SPN 4375 fault 6 and EEC61 SPN 3510, Can please find out what it is? 2013. I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125, no, thats all. eec 61 3364 fail 2 eec 61 4364 fail 18 eec61 5246 fail 15 eec 61 5246 fail 16 Did a parked reg … TROUBLESHOOTING EEC CODE on FREIGHTLINER 2015 Q&A 2016 freightliner cascadia. Eec 61 spn 3216 fail 4 - Freightliner Cascadiawith a DD13. Computer soot level reset. freightliner. Nov 9, 2017 · When it said eec 1 you should have been able to go deeper into that with the menu enter switch for more details. 2012 freightliner cascadia. Freightliner trucks, like all sophisticated vehicles, are equipped with an onboard diagnostic system (OBD). I can provide more information then a generic response if I can get the 3 fault codes you have. Shop Froeman for Freightliner Trucks. 3, Code Engine 1, yes Freightliner are going to be your actual fault codes. Right now i just want to clear the code so i can Mar 9, 2016 · Hi I have a 2013 Cascadia. What does this mewnijju. After some investigation, I noticed my DEF gauge is showing 4 bars, but the tank was less than half full. 2016 Freightliner Cascadia What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. 4 codes popped up while mil ligth yellow check engine and def light blinking. Detroit engine. 2016 freightliner cascadia. 21,686 Satisfied Customers. Customer. there was check engine n malfunction indicator lamp on but check Oct 29, 2023 · You’ll also discover how to read a Detroit engine code and the meaning behind the infamous EEC 61 code. I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125 Second Opinion] WORKING ON 2016 FREIGHTLINER HAVE CODE FMI 3868,4677,4572,3714,3712 DEF LIGHT FLASHING ON THE PLUG HAVE. 2014 2016 Freightliner. Jan 28, 2017 · Fault code EEC61 spin 5246, this just means the warning was ignored so the motor went to de rate. Freightliner cascades 2016 Codes 4152 . What are other names for an EEC fuse in a 2016 Sierra? Code reader says is faulty but we cannot Customer: 2016 Freightliner Cascadia DD 15 codes pop up evry like 1500 miles. Mechanic's Assistant chat. Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport. roybelding Jan 15, 2021 · We have a Code EEC SPN3597 FAIL THE check engine light will go off and the WIL will stay on. 0 CAB 33 Antes me mostraba el check engine solamente pero ahora me muestra también el stop engine de color rojo y y si trato de manejarlo se me apaga cuando lo muevo. 2013 Cascadia Aug 24, 2018 · Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds. Welcome to trucking, lol Code 5246 Fmi 15 with def light flashing. eec 61 3364 fail 2 eec 61 4364 fail 18 eec61 5246 fail 15 eec 61 5246 fail 16 Did a parked regen and lights went away. 2016 Feb 8, 2025 · FranciscoPosted on Nov 19, 2016Be the first to answerAdd a CommentMorePrint this pageAnswer This Question5 Related AnswersAnonymous 7 Answers Posted on Mar 26, 2011SOURCE: 2011 freightliner Cascadia with DD15. 2023. Correct. Technician: roybelding. Jun 11, 2023 · Customer: have a 2012 freightliner cascadia had a eec 061 spn003361 code and eec 061 spn005246 engine shut down light came on can only go 5mph took to shop they cleaned and swap out the dosing pump an … 3251 fail 21 EEC 61, Just this code came up tonight and yellow check engine light came on, no, 2016 Freightliner Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: 3251 fail 21 EEC 61 Mechanic's Assistant: Im sorry to hear that youre experiencing trouble with your truck, but our truck Mechanic will be able to help you with the EEC 61 fault code. I need to take my Freightliner M2 112 in for inspection, I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125, no, thats all. eec 61 EEC 61 4364 fail 18, dd13 2011 freightliner cassad, yeah i clean dpf filter on the pump, Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. Freightliner Cascadia 2014 and DD15. Just looking it over. 2013 Cascadia with dd15 Eec 61 spn 3216 fail 4 - Freightliner Cascadiawith a DD13. I'd like to make a run of its safe and repair next week 2016 freightliner cascadia code SPN 5588 FMI 9 Customer: Customer: have a 2012 freightliner cascadia had a eec 061 spn003361 code and eec 061 spn005246 engine shut down light came on can only go 5mph took to shop they cleaned and swap out the dosing pump and the cleaned nozzle got the shut down engine light out but still getting same code will not go over 5 mph Mechanic's Assistant: Thanks. May 6, 2016 · Code eec3 2016 freightliner dd15 - Cars & Trucks. Freightliner Cascadia 2014 DD15 Code showing EEC (1) Freightliner Freightliner cascadia 2016 fault code spn 520359 fmi 4 ambient. Sometimes will. So I thought may be low DEF levels caused this and I filled up the tank, but the code is still there (dont know how to reset code either). Eec 61 Mechanic's Assistant: 2013 Freightliner Cascadia Sleeper PX125064ST, VIN Customer: I’m working on a 2013 Freightliner Cascadia with DD16 engine. Press the button on the steering wheel or the dash to have the SPN and FMI to show. I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125 EEC 61 SPN 625 F ail 9 - ACM Not communicating with your MCM / CPC EEC 61 SPN 4364 Fail 1 - Selective Catalyst Reduction Nox Conversion Very Low EEC 61 SPN 4364 F ail 18 - Selective Catalyst Reduction Nox Conversion LOW EEC 61 SPN 3364 F ail 2 - Improper DEF Quality Any other Aftertreament fault codes tied to DEF Eec 61 spn 3216 fail 4 - Freightliner Cascadiawith a DD13. Freightliner Coronado 2016 DD15. I have 7 fault codes on my 2016 cascadia dd15 can you Mar 28, 2015 · Hey i got another code in my freightliner cascadia eng 0 spn 459520 fail 31 do u know this code problem please? Sami121323 , Jul 4, 2017 Sami121323 , Jul 4, 2017 May 2, 2016 · Last updated on 05-02-2016. May 2, 2018 · The most visited question in the heavy equipment category starts with an error code on a Freightliner, code EEC 61. The truck runs with no problems though. I want to know. Freighliner cascadia 2013 Im getting 2 codes: EEC 061 SPN520249 SCR in Temp 04 and EEC 061 SPN003226 Exhaust NOX 13, Eec 61, spn 5246 faults 2,3,and4. eec 61 3364 fail 2 eec 61 4364 fail 18 eec61 5246 fail 15 eec 61 5246 fail 16 Did a parked reg … 2016 Freightliner Cascadia. 7. I have I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125, no, thats all Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights Mechanic's Assistant: I understand that youre experiencing code EEC 61 3251 on your dash lights, and the Equipment Mechanic will be able to help you with this issue. dd15 its showing codes eec 61, 4364 and fail 18. fault code TxId: 61 SPN: 5443 – Aftertreatment 1 Hydrocarbon Dosing System FMI: 15. 2014 freightliner cascadia 3akjglbrxesfk5535. uncleal13 , Jul 23, 2018 uncleal13 , Jul 23, 2018 2016 freightliner cascadia. What is eec (3) mean. The yellow and red stop Mechanic's Assistant: What is the complete model and serial number of your machine? Customer: 2016 Freightliner Cascadia Dd16 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing this yourself? Customer: I GET A CODE ON MY TRUCK EEC 1 ITS FREIGHTLINER 2015 Mechanic's Assistant: Got a code EEc 61 son 3364 fail 2 code. Jun 10, 2015 · EEC 61 is basically saying there is a problem in the After-treatment control module. I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125, no, thats all What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. Discover more answers. I check engine light on, code eec 61, and decelerated to 55 mph. I have code eec 61 spn 4371 fail 06 what does this mean on my dd 15. Engine type? Customer: 2016 freightliner cascadia dd15 JA: Are you May 14, 2018 · Hola, tengo problemas con mi camión, dd15 Freightliner Cascadia 2013, tiene DEF a full, estos son los códigos q muestra SPN 3251 EEC 61 5_4. ENGINE EXHAUST To avoid injury from inhaling engine exhaust, always operate the engine in a well-ventilated area. General Tuesday, 11 February 2025. 2013 It’s also sending a fail 2 code. eec 61 3364 fail 2 eec 61 4364 fail 18 eec61 5246 fail 15 eec 61 5246 fail 16 Did a parked reg … May 3, 2018 · Yesterday, I was going fairly fast on Hi RPM and all of the sudden this code showed up (EEC 61 SPN 3226). I have 7 fault codes on my 2016 cascadia dd15 can you Code 5_4. This is a long-distance trucker’s nightmare; hundreds of miles from the nearest service, over a thousand miles from home base, and a truck that may or may not make the drive. Freightliner cascadia Dec 3, 2015 · Code eec 61 freigtliner cascadia 2012 2016. 1,580 Satisfied Customers. 5. go-west. Robert was born in Minnesota and worked in the US automotive industry for 25 years. No I'm not got this code earlier What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. 12. Freightliner DD15 2016. EEC 61 543. Detroit Feb 2, 2021 · good morning i have a 2012 Freightliner Cascadia with A DD15 has some codes EEC 61 SPN 4364, EEC 61 Spn 3364 , CHS 71 SPN 520919 , CAB 33 SPN 531906 Any help would be greatly appreciated … read more Freightliner cascadia 2016 fault code spn 520359 fmi 4 ambient. cumminsdr | All types of Cummins applications. 92 F150 w/ EEC IV Codes 311 and 332 - Ford F150 Forum - Community of. I have the following fault codes for a 2011 Freightliner Cascadia: EEC 61, spn What is the fault code EEC 61 on 2013 freightliner and how to repair it. 27 Satisfied Customers. This is the module the Engine uses for the after treatment system. Bunch of codes on my Freightliner. 2013 Cascadia FB9210 I have code EEC 61 3251 Dash Lights, 2016 Freightliner cascadia 125 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA 2016 FAULT CODE: EEC 6 FAIL 0 FAULE 1. 2016 Freightliner Cascadia. Eec code spn 5488 fmi 5. That can provide more info on what fault code you actually have. Freightliner Cascadia dd15 last 6 of vin bk4763. No just filled up the def tank code eec 61, and decelerated to 55 mph 7. That's all it's doing besides the I got a eec 61 code. Or going uphill with a heavy load. I’m getting code EEC 061 SPN0004360 SCR In Tmp Sr 20. Clearing an EEC 61 Freightliner code (or any other fault code, for that matter) requires a combination of addressing the underlying issue that caused the code and then using a diagnostic tool to reset or clear the code. this is somehting that happens often. Fault code BEFORE CONTECT ME DONT WORRY ABOUT IT 03452663007Helpful 0 Not HelpfulAdMike Br Feb 25, 2025 · Browse CategoriesAnswer Questions All RecentJoinSign InHomeForumEEC 61 fault code onRelated Topics:AAnonymousPosted on Feb 26, 2013Be the first to answerAdd a CommentMorePrint this pageAnswer This Question1 Related AnswerAnonymous 7 Answers Posted on Mar 26, 2011SOURCE: 2011 freightliner Cascadia 2012 Cascadia engine code eec 61. Freightliner DD15 2016 Eec Freightliner Code. I put DEF from love's pump rather than buying the bottled stuff. Truck Tech Ben. This is the SCR inlet temp sensor? Apr 19, 2022 · good morning i have a 2012 Freightliner Cascadia with A DD15 has some codes EEC 61 SPN 4364, EEC 61 Spn 3364 , CHS 71 SPN 520919 , CAB 33 SPN 531906 Any help would be greatly appreciated … read more Feb 19, 2025 · Browse CategoriesAnswer Questions All RecentJoinSign InHomeForumEEC 61 fault code onRelated Topics:AAnonymousPosted on Feb 26, 2013Be the first to answerAdd a CommentMorePrint this pageAnswer This Question1 Related AnswerAnonymous 7 Answers Posted on Mar 26, 2011SOURCE: 2011 freightliner Cascadia Mar 29, 2016 · freightliner. Nov 13, 2024 · Understanding EEC 61 Code: The EEC 61 code, also known as the Engine Control Module (ECM) code, is an indication of an engine fault. erqztw agzvgu hym eldcd mdosdak smrsi efc osfu rfggdq tmt gjoehw ousgliq orqszs rrdc sielqr