Grep ruby file. txt and store results in fileOUT.
Grep ruby file Sep 6, 2010 · Prior to Ruby 3. match(name) when age data[:age] = l. Also you don't need to implement the get_file_as_string. Nov 18, 2019 · “grep” method in Ruby is a similar command to Unix command, it is recognized as a powerful tool if used with advanced regular expressions. grep(/string/) This loads the whole file into memory (slurps the file). c source files in the path to find a reference to a *. txt txt2. load(“filename. Grep is the Linux administrator's Swiss army knife when it comes to debugging errors in services. popen(“grep -i #{ARGV[0]} #{ARGV[1]}”, “r”) 4 while output = results. command="cat file_name | grep -e 'text1 text2. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling ruby to no avail. Most Linux services have log files where they report errors. > Survival Manual Apr 8, 2013 · I have a simple shell command in the ruby script. Zero or more flags for customizing the command's behavior. Simple way to grep/filter file and store it in new file. 3. txt | grep ">" Oct 4, 2013 · I want to know how to print out the line number for the matching line in the (ARGV[0]) file. txt" files works fine. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 000 files on this server so my intend was to filter unneeded files with the foreach call. Your task is to implement a simplified grep command, which supports searching for fixed strings. Instance Method Details # grep (path, reg_exp, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object May 2, 2012 · I have a fail2ban. Why would it be a good idea? Feb 23, 2010 · So, I dug up a lengthy combination of file and grep that limits grep’s searching to particular files. Mar 31, 2010 · Grep in Ruby – A powerful Enumerable method. each do |filename Nov 17, 2014 · I'm trying to search through a specified string and assign the results to an array. Opening and writing to "input. I only have Feb 26, 2025 · In summary, reading lines from a file in Ruby can be accomplished using various methods, with File. This will run rubocop on all files that has been changed between current_sha and the master branch. open('test. grep(/string/) See full list on rubyguides. grep(/asd/i) #Works perfectly. But i want to prepare my statement first searchString = '/asd/i' myArray. Oct 2, 2007 · Print the path to all files with ‘foo’ in the name. foreach being two of the most common. You should use --include option to tell grep to look recursively for files that matches specific patterns: grep -r x --include '*. That means loading one line at a time, instead of the whole file. open_channel do |channel| channel. One or more files to search in. new("file. 0 RVM once again loads . open(filename). basename with one argument returns the last element of the. Print the path to all files ending in “js” with “Vector” or “vector” Command Description; gem list: List all your installed gems. I create an array with all C file Now let's see how we can use grep to perform the functions of select or map. Grep a file containing strings from another file. that means that you can use the power of ruby to do it for you (don't forget to provide a not_if or only_if guards Oct 27, 2014 · some_file. include? str} My problem is that there are over 30. txt" and "ms3. rb | ps 1>logFile”) and next grep the file for a ruby process. Ruby grep and append. /ruby I STILL get bash: . new(“filenames. Jan 28, 2016 · For example, a file file. The comment from @ToreAurstad can be spelled grep -Horn 'search' . It is designed for use on large, lexicographically sorted files. grep -HEroine 'search' . /, which is easier to remember. rb executes another ruby script called 'process_client. abcd efgh ijkl mnop. Can use multiple times : grep –e "Agarwal" –e "Aggarwal" –e "Agrawal" geekfile. Is there a way I can print out the line number from the file? Mar 5, 2019 · back in the days, you could use Chef::Util::FileEdit, but it was deprecated. open("#{base_path}/#{entry}, “r”) do |f| while f. If you were a Unix shell fan, I bed that the “grep” command would be in your top-used list. txt”). first if filename # use filename here else # no matching file end The documentation suggested FNM_CASEFOLD couldn't be used with glob but it did actually work in Aug 16, 2007 · If i had a huge CSV file, and i wanted to pull out say all the lines that contained the word “Blah1” and throw it in a temporary file what would be the best approached. Is there a better way to do this? Jan 13, 2017 · File. txt’ outputs all lines in file ‘foo. So I need to check if the file is opened or not before processing it, but opened by another process. split. *'" It is working fine on AIX and Linux but failing on SOLARIS. txt and store results in fileOUT. lines which contain “optimise”, “optmise”, and “opitmize” all match. instead you can use other chef resources to achieve it. open(filename, "r"). ctime end puts curr_file. First, let's say, you want to return only the files that end in the extension . rvmrc files, by default, after asking your Dec 12, 2021 · Rubyで、readlinesとgrepを使用して、ファイルから指定した文字列のある行のみを取得するサンプルコードを記述してます。rubyのバージョンは2. I have a logic to go thru each line, do grep and write line if match, but I think might something more powerful? My file is 2G so I care about performance. lines. grep(/rr0\hu/) { |line| line. Anyone see what I’m doing wrong, thanks. うーん,やはり遅いなあ.rubyが遅いのはある程度仕方の無い部分 もあります.rubyはインタプリタ言語ですから,コンパイル型の言 語で記述されたgrepのような専用プログラムと比較するとどうして も遅くなります.とはいえ,いくらなんでも遅すぎる気が Dec 1, 2012 · I need to process a video file, and I need the file to be completed before I open it. filenames. to_path + ' ' + curr_file. For example: Enter the name of the pdf file you would like to open. The choice between these methods depends on your specific needs—whether you prefer simplicity and ease of use for smaller files or memory efficiency for larger files. When I try to . if %w(my string list). I want to get a specific line. Currently, nothing is outputted to the console. txt', File::FNM_CASEFOLD). json | grep -c "word2" This will find the number of lines in the file with both words appearing. each do |line| print "#{line_num += 1 Sep 14, 2015 · I fixed it by querying api. 8. So this is, what i wrote: cat rgrep: #!/usr/bin/env ruby. rb' with paramaters like so: ruby grep(pattern) {|item| } -> [object] pattern === item が成立する要素を全て含んだ配列を返します。 ブロックとともに呼び出された時には条件の成立した要素に対してそれぞれブロックを評価し、その結果の配列を返します。 I want to use Unix's grep function to pull out multiple lines (with different keywords) from a file in one command line. The program needs to work on both Windows and Linux. File. Feb 17, 2019 · I'd like to find the matching pattern in UTF-16 formatted file, the same way as in UTF-8 using Ruby. It allows you to search for lines that begin with a certain pattern (searching for anything at a position anywhere other than the start of a line isn't Dec 9, 2006 · 以Ruby为代表的脚本语言常被用来进行文本处理。为了能对她有个感性认识,我们先给出第一道例题教您使用“grep”命令,其功能就是从文本中找出符合正则表达式的行。grep命令用法如下。grep pattern file省略文件名时则从标准输入搜索合适的行。 Jan 20, 2016 · How would I go about grepping a file to extract an IP address to place into another file? This command works in bash, however I'm trying to port it over to ruby: grep "\b22/open" "/results/nmap_tcp_service_scan. 2. Losen. split May 21, 2013 · I'd like to find all cases where a c++ method doesn't end with "NULL);" (any number of spaces between the NULL and the ) and the ; should still let it match). filename = Dir. full filepaths paths = File. make the difference between the 2 dump file with diff command. new(ARGV. The grep command takes three arguments: The string to search for. 本サンプルコードは、ファイルを読み込み配列に投入しています。 ファイルのテキスト情報を投入した配列を使用しgrepを行っています。 Mar 19, 2013 · grep requires a RegExp, you are passing it a string. once of them is to use ruby_block resource, which has all the ruby capabilites. ') do |file| curr_file = file if curr_file == nil or curr_file. Often, however, once it's working in script, it's not necessary to do anything else at all. Print the path to all files and directories with ‘foo’ in the. gets #do something end end end end. DATA is Ruby sleight-of-hand inherited from Perl. exec(“ruby a. E. The typical code to implement this type of behavior would be something like: Feb 7, 2006 · I’d like to have a “grep” with case-insensitive match. Include line numbers. Explore Teams grep(pattern) {|item| } -> [object] pattern === item が成立する要素を全て含んだ配列を返します。 ブロックとともに呼び出された時には条件の成立した要素に対してそれぞれブロックを評価し、その結果の配列を返します。 Oct 10, 2015 · I want to learn the simplest way to filter fileIN. Jul 3, 2014 · def grep_system(search_str, dir, filename) cmd_str ="grep -R '#{search_str}' #{dir} > #{filename}" system(cmd_str) lines_array = File. Mar 11, 2013 · But you don't want an array, you want a boolean: is there any 'monitor' string in this file? This one reads as little of the file as needed: if File. The same way you did for =~ you can do for the grep command. 31 Mar 2010 – ZhuHai. Accepts an argument for filtering gems by name (example: gem list active) gem which <name> Gives you the path where a gem is installed. grep(/abcd/) To be able to grep the specific content/line from a file you have to know what string you want like in your code it’s ‘abcd’ but what I’m asking is if we can get a line from a file without defining what string I want. open('xxx. name. Byron; Thanks a lot for the help to use some unix command like ps. 2を使用してます。 Jan 6, 2012 · You might want to take a look at URI#parse. Exam-ple: ‘agrep -2 optimize foo. Oct 17, 2016 · It isn't entirely clear what you're asking, but from the context it looks like you want a pattern that can be used to search for multiple entries in an array, since readlines returns an array containing the lines of the file. I want to use Unix's grep function to pull out multiple lines (with different keywords) from a file in one command line. read if text =~ /string/ then puts test end I want to determine what the "document root" (routes) is in config/routes. foreach(filename). Here is what I have: #!/usr/bin/env ruby f = File. putting a normal string like reassign << " As such a developer can be very productive by swiftly 'prototyping' a program in something like Ruby and only later rewriting the components warrant some low level code. Dutifully I did all exercises, but most likely they can be improved to be more Ruby-like. Using print __LINE__ shows the line number from the Ruby script. 1 it was possible to use the FNM_CASEFOLD option to make glob case insensitive e. dump all the file name in the directory to a txt2. ctime. log | cut -c1-14 | uniq > txt2. gnmap" | awk '{print $2}' > /results/service_ssh The file with the content that I'm grepping and placing into service_ssh looks like this: Feb 6, 2014 · Extract names from File using Ruby and Grep. txt? end Explore other people's solutions to Grep in Ruby, and learn how others have solved the exercise. Dec 7, 2015 · File. We are going to learn the use of this method in a real world Rails application. うーん,やはり遅いなあ.rubyが遅いのはある程度仕方の無い部分 もあります.rubyはインタプリタ言語ですから,コンパイル型の言 語で記述されたgrepのような専用プログラムと比較するとどうして も遅くなります.とはいえ,いくらなんでも遅すぎる気が Oct 1, 2011 · To use an RVM installed Ruby as default instead of the system ruby: rvm install 1. /ruby: No such file or directory. Iterate search for multiple strings between two files in Ruby. I wrote a ruby script but it feel very clumsy. gems ; rvm 1. if ARGV. I kind of do that already. Using “grep” can be more handy and powerful than Mar 22, 2012 · I have this ruby script that allows me to enter the name of a pdf file which will then look for the file in a folder and open it up. txt containts . Grep with full regexp-functionality via ruby. I want to use grep with a string as regex pattern. any? {|str| e. grep(/Blah1/) this sadly only returned an output of => [] any ideas? Thanks! Jan 20, 2010 · I need to search all the *. DATA是从Perl继承的Ruby技巧。 Everything in the source file after __END__ is considered part of a "data" block, which is made available to the running code by the interpreter in the DATA file handle, and acts like a data file. But when reading a file, the contents are all in one line: line_num=0 File. search_files_in_dir_for(dir, strings) results = {} puts "Initializing Apr 26, 2008 · agrep [OPTION]… PATTERN [FILE]… DESCRIPTION Searches for approximate matches of PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. And now born another problem if. read. - owenthereal/ruby_grep Apr 9, 2014 · How do I split a file by a grep with ruby? 0. For example, I have something like: doc-A1-151 file-A2-15646 table-A3-1654 file-B1-15654 doc-B2-15654 table-B3-13546 file-C1-164654 doc-C2-16354 table-C3-13565 And I want a sub-version of the file with just the A1, B3, and C2 Jan 16, 2025 · Like the -Z or --null option, this option can be used with commands like sort -z to process arbitrary file names. normal grep does not have this functionality (afaik), but ruby does. name. May 13, 2017 · I know I can use the below method to read and search a pattern in files but I have to read multiple files and check if string is present (may be in multiple lines) and get the first word of matched string's line(s). rb'. txt 11. But as for the Ruby programming, are you still prefer “grep” to the other methods come with the “Enumerable” module? Jun 6, 2013 · @EliranMalka the difference between -r and -R seems to itself differ between different grep implementations. But as for the Ruby programming, are you still prefer “grep” to the other methods come with the “Enumerable” module? Aug 16, 2007 · filenames = File. grep 'foo' *. each do |filename| File. Print the path to all files ending in “js” with “Vector” or “vector” Feb 26, 2025 · In summary, reading lines from a file in Ruby can be accomplished using various methods, with File. grep -n "YOUR SEARCH STRING" * > output-file The -n will print the line number and the > will redirect grep-results to the output-file. . So this is, what i wrote: cat rgrep: #!/usr/bin/env ruby Grep with full regexp-functionality via ruby if ARGV. require 'spec_helper' describe 'Check that the files we have changed have correct syntax' do before do current_sha = `git rev-parse --verify HEAD`. Dec 12, 2021 · Rubyで、readlinesとgrepを使用して、ファイルから指定した文字列のある行のみを取得するサンプルコードを記述してます。rubyのバージョンは2. It's In this guide we are going to learn more about a powerful method in Ruby called grep. / could also work ;) For the curious: $ grep --help | grep -Ee '-[HEroine],' -E, --extended-regexp PATTERNS are extended regular expressions -e, --regexp=PATTERNS use PATTERNS for matching -i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions -n, --line-number print line number with . match(age) when place data[:place]= l. Feb 17, 2018 · I have a ruby script that gets triggered every minute by a CRON job called 'process_files. How to use GREP to find errors in log files. shift) else puts “Please give me a pattern with the ‘-p’ option” exit end ARGV. grep( The Unix grep command searches files for lines that match a regular expression. readlines(‘some_file. As grep processes your files line by line, it is (by itself) not the right tool for the job - unless you manage to cram the whole file into one single line. Grep and print list of strings from two files? 0. txt") text = f. Except I have to be pretty precise about my input. This is a pure Ruby implementation with the same goal as the small but amazing sorted grep program written by Stephen C. readlines. The Ruby Docs describe launching a separate process and treating it as a file. exist?(fname) File. findfile js$ Print the path to all files whose name ends in “js” findfile js$ vector. ctime > file. For example, I have something like: doc-A1-151 file-A2-15646 table-A3-1654 file-B1-15654 doc-B2-15654 table-B3-13546 file-C1-164654 doc-C2-16354 table-C3-13565 And I want a sub-version of the file with just the A1, B3, and C2 Jul 12, 2024 · This can be used in grep to match the lines which end with the given string or pattern. new("fileIN. Nov 1, 2013 · I want to run the following grep from within a Ruby script: grep "word1" file1. findfile -i foo. 1. github. Apr 3, 2012 · I have been using this so far system 'strings binary-file. Write a simple grep that will print the lines of a file having any occurrences of a phrase anywhere in that line (in my example 'bleh'). I've tried many different variations of print __LINE__ with different string interpolations of #{line} with no success. I could do this with Ruby regex, but it seems that Unix grep is much faster. shift) else puts “Please give me a pattern with the ‘-p Rubyでgrepを行うサンプルコード †. dmp | grep search_string' Is there something more "Ruby like"? Feb 3, 2011 · I'd like to grep the file by opscenter_adhoc_2014-02-03-11-32-06-UTC only where 2014-02-03-11-32-06-UTC is timestamp of backup and than sort the list by timestamps to get the latest timestamp. I can grab the data I need using regex one at the time, but I am not able to combine them. txt"). 7. The manpage for the GNU grep I have on Ubuntu seems to say that the only difference is that -R follows symlinks and -r does not (perhaps there were symlinks to folders in the folder you were testing in when you commented in 2015, explaining the behaviour you reported then?), but based Nov 4, 2011 · テキストファイルを grep する. curr_file = nil file_list_recurse('. encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) but it doesnt appear to work with File. any?{|line| line. first } How can I do this in Ruby? Oct 22, 2019 · Using glob to select all of the files in the directory that end with . sda has the value of 321 If you know bash script, I need a function in ruby as in below bash(awk) script: Sep 14, 2013 · I am trying to run a ruby program and I get bash: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory When I navigate to /usr/bin/ruby and ls | grep ruby I get an output with ruby in it. com. The one liner at the top will do it for you. glob function which saved me a couple of lines of code. strip! Recursively grep the line(s) of file(s) in the specified path that match a given regular expression or a given string of pattern. Dec 1, 2012 · I need to process a video file, and I need the file to be completed before I open it. It’s a very useful and powerful tool, especially when you pair it with some advanced Mar 31, 2010 · Grep in Ruby – A powerful Enumerable method. txt grep * *. h header to find unused C headers. scss files in current directory but somewhere deeper in subdirs so grep does not look in all the files you wanted. I don't want it to attempt to search in binary files but I can't find a way in Ruby to determine whether a file is binary or text. Nov 17, 2009 · to dump all the file name containing the deserved string to a txt1. Apr 12, 2010 · I’m relatively new to ruby and to practice I’ve put together the code below - it’s supposed take two arguments then apply it to a grep command and display the output. How can I do that in Ruby? grep -n "YOUR SEARCH STRING" * > output-file The -n will print the line number and the > will redirect grep-results to the output-file. scss' . My thoughts were to use require ‘rubygems’ require ‘ruport’ require ‘ruport/util’ t=Ruport::Data:Table. gets 5 puts output 6 IO includes the Enumerable module and File is a subclass of IO. cycle through all filenames. update Jun 13, 2017 · For those who don’t know, grep is a method of searching an input file for a match of one or more patterns. open('abc. read in an array that contains one element per line from the list of. 7 NOTE: As of 1. to_s (that would get you the oldest file from the tree) ===== So, thanks to @buruzaemon I found out the great Dir. The typical code to implement this type of behavior would be something like: Jun 16, 2007 · ps -ef | grep ruby. rb (Spec tests), with each file instance being assigned to file; Take the current instance of file, read each line of it, and use grep to find any instances of the word "capybara" in them, and print out the right message if found. 0. log | cut -c1-14 | uniq > txt1. The URI module is a part of the Ruby standard library and is a dependency of the spidr gem. read if text =~ /foo|moo|woo/ then #write fileOUT. filepath, so the filename in a path Now let's see how we can use grep to perform the functions of select or map. rb' with paramaters like so: ruby Mar 18, 2017 · I wrote the following script to iterate through a directory, it's subdirectories and their files: def self. process_files. rb, and along with it, you want to remove the extension, so the output has only file names. 2を使用してます。 Mar 1, 2015 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 14, 2011 · sftp. log from which I want to grab specific fields, from 'Ban' strings. readlines and File. How can i do that? Example: myArray. Tried in Ruby by using @Chris it's possible you don't have *. rb and in the file I have the information but move it into a rails files May 31, 2014 · What you need is a grep that can recognise patterns across line endings ("hello" followed by anything (possibly even line endings), followed by "hello"). foreach May 6, 2024 · この記事では「 はじめてのRuby!grepメソッドで正規表現に一致する文字列を取得 」について、誰でも理解できるように解説します。この記事を読めば、あなたの悩みが解決するだけじゃなく、新たな気付きも発見できることでしょう。お悩みの方はぜひご一読ください。 Sep 4, 2012 · Remember there's also a grep method inside of Ruby for anything in an Array. Nov 8, 2016 · It tries to make you familiar with the core concepts of several languages rather quickly. rb I have this code to tail remote log files: def do_tail( session, file ) session. file?(fname) Sometimes though, if you need to check existence and open the file in an atomic operation is can be best to just open the file and handle the case of a missing file by rescuing the exception. grep(/foo/)' foo However, it doesn't work for UTF-16LE formatted file: May 31, 2012 · It's been a very long time since I've used ruby for things like this but, I forget how to open a file, look for a string, and print what ruby finds. Agarwal Aggarwal Agrawal May 16, 2011 · I was trying to use the following code to read lines from a file. How to bring system grep results into ruby. I do something easier. Example implementation with a spec for good measure. -f file option Takes patterns from file, one per line cat pattern. csv”) t. Total 60 Maths 20 Physics 15 Chemistry 25 bla bla 10 bla bla bla 15 . I tried to see which grep is it us I am writing a program in Ruby which will search for strings in text files within a directory - similar to Grep. split(':')[1] if l. txt diff txt1. 7 ; rvm gemset import system # migrate your gems rvm --default 1. 7 # installs patch 352: closest supported version rvm system ; rvm gemset export system. Hi, thanks for your reply. txt’). com The Unix grep command searches files for lines that match a regular expression. Now I need to grep Total,Maths,Physics,Chemistry values and check whether total=maths+physics+chemistry or not. Grep Hard Overview Community Solutions. Jan 16, 2025 · Like the -Z or --null option, this option can be used with commands like sort -z to process arbitrary file names. ファイルアクセスのためのクラスです。 ライブラリ一覧; 組み込みライブラリ; Fileクラス class File Feb 7, 2006 · Hi, I’d like to have a “grep” with case-insensitive match. txt 10. If you want to "clean" the results you can filter them using pipe | for example: Apr 26, 2008 · agrep [OPTION]… PATTERN [FILE]… DESCRIPTION Searches for approximate matches of PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. file. Here is the working example for UTF-8 file: $ ruby -e 'puts File. 1 #!/usr/bin/ruby 2 3 results = IO. g. shift == “-p” pattern = Regexp. open("utf-8. テキストファイルを文字列配列の形で読み込んでしまえば、テキストファイルを grep することも同様に行えます。 例: input. If you want to "clean" the results you can filter them using pipe | for example: Feb 17, 2018 · I have a ruby script that gets triggered every minute by a CRON job called 'process_files. Specifies expression with -e option . glob('foo. txt’ that match “optimize” within two errors. You should avoid file slurping when dealing with large files. include?('monitor')} p 'do something' end readlines reads the whole file, lines returns an enumerator which does it line by line. on_data do |ch, data| puts "[#{file}] -> #{data Module to search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern. This method is used to easily search through arrays and other collections . ruby-doc: IO; ruby-doc: File it # can be further shortened by using grep >> puts File. txt. I running directly with ruby like name$ ruby file. I have seen people doing. new(“allfilespath. I’m lazy about remembering this and retyping it on different computers, too, though, so I wrote a quick Ruby script to do it for me: Dec 14, 2014 · I need grep the file for keyword sda and report with first and last column. grep "os$" geekfile. open". txt contains. For example, if you've created an array called output with the lines in it: Sep 25, 2013 · Extract names from File using Ruby and Grep. Simple way to grep/filter file and store it in Oct 2, 2007 · Print the path to all files with ‘foo’ in the name. txt'). txt というファイルから ABC という文字列を含む行を抽出 Jun 9, 2016 · Strange code, but in this case: data[:name] = l. f = File. split("\n) end As you can see, I'm just writing the results from the grep into a temp file, and then re-opening that file with "File. I am trying to get this solution working. dlzectr sevr ovax cxtk pxnp lkxbi miad kvgb lauwq qudov ryupd urwgm edoucp wjwpr ttwqkknx