New britain police blotter 2025 Vietnam veterans who went to war instead of graduating from SHS finally get their diplomas. Lawmakers push for a bill supporting local news outlets. Incident No. Student leaders honored by CABE. Women’s Club of New Britain next Department: New Britain Police Arrest Log from 11/27/2023 to 12/3/2023 11:59 PM Page 1 of 6 Number Arrest Date Time Arrestee Address Sex/Race DOB Age Offense AB23-017492 11/27/2023 09:34 CLAUDIO, JAYBRIEL, JOMAR 295 CHESTNUT ST,New Britain,CT,06051 United States Male/White 06/01/05 18 LARCENY 3RD Petitions Filed For Major Changes To City Zoning Map At April 26th Meeting By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council is scheduled to select a new Chief of Police at the Wednesday, May 26th regular meeting. Programs coming to New Britain library. Berlin to hold annual budget hearing. Town budget has increase. Click to read the Police CITY OF NEW BRITAIN Police 10 Chestnut Street New Britain, CT 06051 Phone (860) 826-3000 - Fax (860) 223-9300 est. Enable Notifications Browser Extension. Day of fashion, literature and film to celebrate Black History. SOUTHINGTON POLICE BLOTTER. The police blotter lists published by the city that have this demographic information appear to show that 73% of the people arrested in the periods covered by these reports were white Programs for all ages happening this month at New Britain Library. Blindspot. NBMAA exhibition explores color in furniture, Chaplin art. CT. Ending poverty isn’t aim of state policy; NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER August 4. , Plantsville, was charged July 13 with disorderly conduct and second degree reckless endangerment. Grant will expand equine therapy. gov Blotter 8/13/23 – 8/19/23 Arrest Date Full Name Address Age Offense 7/31/2023 TORRES, MICHAEL, ANTHONY 122 WALLACE ST FLR:1 New Britain ,CT 06051 36 Republican Mayor Erin Stewart has apparently used New Britain's official police badge and insignia in a campaign fundraising flyer. At least one City Council member Another batch of zoning ordinance and zoning map change proposals has been submitted to the New Britain City Council for consideration. Man arrested for impersonating a police officer. On February 10, 2025, a 48-year-old male was taken into custody for DUI after a vehicle accident on S. 26 for Police step up speeding enforcement. is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. He faces a non-surety bond of $5,000 and will appear in court on March 10. Officers Plainville police seeking suspect who stole cooler from restaurant. On October 11, 2023, the city of New Britain settled a claim by Mr. Run Date: 01/13/2025 Run Time: 13:04 New Britain Police Department Press Arrest Log Page 1 of 14 Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest 47 2500002594 46 2402013504 46 2402013356 38 2500002568 Police Blotter - New Britain Police Department. 93 traffic citations and 238 traffic warnings were issued. Race in the Park returns. Home. Chief's Message; The Chief; Code of Ethics; Department Policies; New Britain Police Department. The decision appeared to split council members, with a majority in favor of the Mayor’s choice but members from both SOUTHINGTON POLICE BLOTTER. Jeanpaul Paez, 313 High St Apt:2n, New Britain, 29, Evade Resp-Injury/Prop The 2025 New Britain Little Poland Festival is planned for Sunday, June 8th. The Library says, New to the area and looking to meet new people who like to play board games? Have an established gaming group and are looking for a new spot to play? Join us on the last Wednesday of the month for board games and refreshments at the Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation, and you are invited to purchase advertisements in the New Britain Progressive. Plainville schools, guests take part in ‘Read Across America’ Got Lunch Pajama Day raises over $3K for children’s summer lunches. Subscribe Login. Cheng still pleads poverty; and The 2025 New Britain Little Poland Festival is planned for Sunday, June 8th. Hit New Britain Police Department’s police blotter goes online ending a move to deny the press public information. Find community events this week at the New Britain Progressive's Community Events and Meetings Page. How to If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. . The I am Frank Chase. Plainville HS Choirs present ‘coffee house’ performance. If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. gov Blotter 8/20/23 – 8/26/23 Date Name Age Offense 08/20/2023 04:03 ORTIZ, WIGBERTO 35 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1ST DEG, LARCENY 6TH DEG 08/20/2023 04:33 In affidavits, New Britain police Detective Darrius Conaway quoted Joseph Griffiths as admitting that he held the door for his brother in the Subway robbery and that he was involved in all the robberies that took place that week. The Paddock in New Britain strengthens car restoration team. Letter to the Editor. Additional monitoring. Colon died after being hit by a New Britain police car in September. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Run Date: 02/17/2025 Run Time: 09:32 New Britain Police Department Press Arrest Log Page 1 of 15 Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest 48 2500010659 41 2500010643 33 2500010615 30 2500010551 35 2500010547 Name: Address: Arrested. Click to read the Police Blotter. 24 February, 2025 2025 February 23, 2025 Tadhg Ua Briain 0. Subscribe. A new City Council proposal seeks to clarify when New Britain residents seeking relief from rents can allege that rents are excessive when their landlords have begun eviction proceeding for nonpayment of rent in certain cases. To: Mayor Stewart, Chief of Staff Dorsey and Our Alderpersons: As Mayor Stewart noted back in 2013, “The Allen St. Lamont proposes new law to protect veterans’ benefits. The Allen State Aid Needed To Implement Allen Street Capital Improvements In New Britain By John McNamara The damage to homes and properties caused by intense rains has accelerated over the last two years in New Britain and other communities across Connecticut. Colon and accountability from city police and Mayor Erin Stewart (R). Her family and community activists took to the streets to criticize a lack of information and accountability from city [] New Britain, was arrested on Feb. Home; About NBPD. Click to read the All of our recent storm-sewer flooding updates and narratives with photos and documents are published on-line in the New Britain Progressive’s Flooding Series. Flooding Victims, Concerned Citizens, City and State Officials. State of the City. 10 Chestnut Street. Homelessness, mental illness invite a ‘town farm’ approach. 901 Incident No. Login. 2 mins read. The popular New Britain cultural and community event is traditionally in springtime in New Britain’s vibrant Broad Street “Little Poland” neighborhood. Creating affordable preschool spaces. TODAY IN HISTORY. Click to read the NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER. HuskyTHON challenge opens today. Paul Skenes could be MLB’s ticket to Gen Z. The Allen St. Plainville names ‘All Star’ winners. 75% increase to budget. Discovering Shakespeare. Published 2 years ago. Flooding Victims, Concerned Citizens, City and State OfficialsAs flooding victims participating in the claims process we submit the following: PLAINVILLE POLICE BLOTTER. We live at 24 Roxbury Road. The New Britain Police Athletic League (PAL) is once again organizing its “Midnight Basketball” youth program on Friday and Saturday nights in the Summer of 2024. Community; Bingo at Oak St Health. There were 31 traffic accidents. Laprise agrees to 12 years. Toys could rise in price due to tariffs. Linden Street third grader wins essay contest. NEWINGTON POLICE BLOTTER. New Britain police report the following: Get access to our best features. 06051 (860) 826-3000. 31 on a charge of sixth-degree larceny. has been covering New Britain news and opinion since 2016, proudly providing news you will not find anywhere else. The New Britain Progressive, a publication of New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. Skip To Main Content. 05 after rising over 3 cents. 26 for assault in the third degree and disorderly conduct. LePage to receive The New Britain Progressive newspaper, as part of its community news coverage in New Britain, is publishing the New Britain Police blotter. Special Run Date: 03/10/2025 Run Time: 09:11 New Britain Police Department Press Arrest Log Page 1 of 16 Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest 45 2500015733 42 2500015666 44 24C1105694 34 2500015651 31 2500015626 Name: Address: Arrested. Education The New Britain Racial Justice Coalition (NBRJC) says it has, “submitted a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request to access all arrest records and use-of-force records in 2023 so far,” citing, “the recent decision by the city council to discontinue sending daily police blotters to the New Britain Herald. Click to read the Police Bret P. Trump making US greater for billionaires, not workers. Hartford man arrested after series of road rage incidents on I-84. Police charge stepmother. The League says it invites the public to -Hear our New Britain, Newington and Plainville State Legislators -Ask them your Questions -Enjoy Coffee/Tea & Brunch Goodies The event is Saturday, February 8, 2025 at If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. Ortiz against detective Linda Glimpse for $3,500 alleging she conducted false arrest in March [] Discussing key New Britain issues. PET OF THE WEEK: JESSIE. My wife Sharon and I have been leading the advocacy campaign for the long over due Allen St. Trudeau To: Allen St. Rivera Cruz, 31 Wallace St Flr:1 New Britain, 61, Distractd Drive Not Cell/ Elect, Flr To Insure Private Mtr Veh Robert Parsons, 2018 Corbin Ave New Britain, 41, Disorderly Conduct, Assault 3rd Deg. Carol Adelmary Dejesus, 36, 77 Gifford Ave. 58% for the fiscal year that begins July 1st, with a 5. 2500000939 Arrested: 19:00 New Britain , CT 06051-1/05/2025 Court Date: 01/06/2025 White 21 Years Old at The New Britain Progressive newspaper, a publication of the New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. Frank’s lasting donation: Dying man helps feed the community. Project is our most pressing need. The New Britain Progressive newspaper, a publication of the New Britain Post-Pandemic Revaluation Brings Hikes Of 50% Or More To Single And Multi Family Homes By John McNamara New Britain’s turn for a revaluation of real property came this year in the regressive property tax system that mandates every city and town set new values for tax purposes every five years. Easton The New Britain school district has published its calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Warming centers open in Southington, Plainville ‘Exciting’ growth in town. 10 Chestnut Police Blotter. The mission of the new britain police department records bureau is to manage all law enforcement records throughout their lifetime, from generation or reception, clarification,. Date Sat, Jun 22 2024 Expired! Time 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Empowering students. Pulaski student art. Once its police blotter page is better known and more visible New Britain will join other police departments in posting arrest logs on a regular basis to comply with the spirit if not the letter of the FOI law. Delmar Lopez-Lopez, 64 North St Flr:2, New Britain, 30, Interfere With Offcr/ The New Britain event is one of many of similar events throughout the country. New Britain Police K9 ‘Hero’ helps nab 3 men after hit-and-run. Today in New Britain. Pizza Capital Trail vote ‘Eat Local, Win Local’ starts New Britain General Hospital and New Britain Police Host Gun Buyback Event . It’s about market New Britain Township Police Blotter 12/01/2024 to 12/31/2024** The below information does not reflect the entirety of the reports from the report period **During this tour the Patrol Unit handled 28 Traffic Accidents; 36 Alarm Calls; 53 Medical Created Jan 17, 2025 @ 11:09 AM. Alleged drunk driver struck cruiser before being caught in Southington. , Willimantic, was arrested on Feb. Past Articles A July controversy over the City’s and New Britain Police’s denying access to arrest logs to the New Britain Herald without formal Freedom of Information requests has led to the New Britain Police Department (NBPD) posting a weekly arrest log New Britain, was arrested on Feb. About the New Britain Progressive and New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. 2025 at 6:30pm at New Britain High School. Newington man guilty on drug charges ‘Not Just Polkas!’ concert to be held at Plainville church. In the past, the Council’s Republican leader, Ald Robert Smedley (R-4) as referred to the long series of zoning ordinances and zoning changes submitted to the Council, over a The New Britain City Council’s Committee on Administration, Finance and Law and Public Services is set to consider a business tax abatement phasing in increased assessments on renovation and expansion by Weezy LLC, La Provence Realty, LLC and Schaller Auto World for facilitates on Veterans Drive. New Britain pair arrested for kidnapping woman. The events are to run from May 31, A New Britain Republican City Council member suggested that city Police’s disapproval of press editorial policies contributed to revoked free access for the press to the Police blotter, saying that the press, “don’t have the right to pick and choose who makes it in the paper and who doesn’t,” and commenting that, “As soon as All of our recent storm-sewer flooding updates and narratives with photos and documents are published on-line in the New Britain Progressive’s Flooding Series. Mandela grandson to speak at CCSU. The connecticut foi laws allow authorities to exempt certain information from the public, but only for reasons. When the flooding water recedes, we are forgotten by our city Run Date: New Britain Police Department Run Time: 10/21/2024 15:24 Page 2 of 11 Press Arrest Log 10/14/2024 00:00 Thru 10/20/2024 23:59 Name: Webb,Jason D Address: 67 MARTIN LUTHER KING DR Apt. For You. Unlike the last New Britain Township Police Blotter 09/01/2024 to 09/30/2024** The below information does not reflect the entirety of the reports from the report period **During this tour the Patrol Unit handled 18 Traffic Accidents; 13 Alarm Calls; 59 Medical New Britain Township Police Blotter 10/01/2024 to 10/31/2024** The below information does not reflect the entirety of the reports from the report period **During this tour the Patrol Unit handled 29 Traffic Accidents; 33 Alarm Calls; 69 Medical The event is March 15, 2025 at 6:30pm at New Britain High School. The proposal, introduced by Ald Jerrell Hargraves (R-2) and Ald Neil Connors (D-4) is on the Safety Plan Can Lead To Federal Implementation Grants By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council approved a resolution on December 11th setting long-range goals to “reduce fatal and serious injury crashes by 50% by 2035 and to reach ‘Vision Zero’ by 2045. is free to read and All of our recent storm-sewer flooding updates and narratives with photos and documents are published on-line in the New Britain Progressive’s Flooding Series. Project is critical to resolving chronic issues including flooding due to storm-sewer failures, sanitary back-ups Discussing key New Britain issues. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Storm-Sewer System Upgrades since September of 2023. Get access to our best features. Weston gets GCSAA seat. Police Blotter. Court Date. Building ‘Big’ bonds. Nicholas Legienza, 79 Brady Ave, New Britain, 38, Breach Of Peace 2nd Deg, Disorderly Conduct, Assault 3rd Deg, Criminal City council agenda items indicate that the City of New Britain has been settling claims against its police force in a rate that suggests reform is needed. Search. City meetings, [] NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER. All of our recent flooding updates and narratives with photos and documents are published on-line in the New Britain NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER. 1871 www. 11. The Pirates ace will face it on his terms New Britain Herald - March 08, 2025 The New Britain Public Library is to host a “Game Night Social”. 4% Hundreds of people marched and protested, calling for justice for Katherine M. Area gas prices reach $3. To: Allen St. If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain New Britain Township Police Blotter 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024** The below information does not reflect the entirety of the reports from the report period **During this tour the Patrol Unit handled 24 Traffic Accidents; 30 Alarm Calls; 53 Medical Public Hearing Is April 24th; Common Council Adoption Due By June 7th Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – Mayor Erin Stewart’s proposed $265,849,055 city budget would increase property taxes by 12. Police Blotter February 2025. 2025 Southington police seeking to ID accused shoplifter at local Target. Protecting vets’ benefits. The 2024 – 2025 calendar says that the school year begins on August 26, 2024 and ends on June 11, 2025. Location East Side Police Substation 212 Linden Street. 42% budget hike. Skip to content. Hit-and-run driver who killed trooper Pelletier agrees to 18- year sentence. Berlin schools ask for 7. Simard, 32, of New Britain, was arrested Jan. New Britain Police Blotter 2025. Garden Club scholarship open. 4. Lamont says he can’t support plan. Crackdown on vapes driving up teen cigarette use, study shows. Department: New Britain Police Arrest Log from 10/1/2023 to 10/8/2023 11:59 PM Time: 10/10/2023 3:01:31 PM Page 1 of 11 Number Arrest Date Time Arrestee Address Sex/Race DOB Age Offense AB23-028709 10/01/2023 05:35 BUTLER, JERELL, A 160 TREMONT ST APT:3S New Britain ,CT 06051 Male/Black Organist Noah Klein to perform at South Church in New Britain. Click to read the Police Editor’s Note (5/30/2024): PAL has announced that the opening day, May 31st has been changed to Osgood Park. Flooding Victims, Concerned Citizens, City and State Officials, My wife Sharon and I have been campaigning since September of 2023 to correct the New Britain , CT 06053- 12/29/2024 09:00 01/13/2025 Description ILL OPN MV UNDER SUSPENSION White,Harvey Lavon 330 CHAPMAN ST New Britain , CT 06052- 12/28/2024 19:30 12/30/2024 Description VIOLATION OF PROBATION Fabrizio,Peter J 78 Franklin SQ New Britain , CT 06051- 12/28/2024 15:30 If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. New NBMAA exhibition praises American Impressionism, Realism. The resolution If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. New Britain. Trump should follow JFK’s example as a US arts advocate. Get Started. Chen Art Gallery at CCSU. 26 for possession of a controlled substance. Public stormwater and sewer systems built a Plainville police seeking suspect who stole cooler from restaurant. The city began publishing the police blotter in August, after a controversy in which another publication was denied free access the police logs. Democrats don’t Run Date: New Britain Police Department Run Time: 01/08/2025 13:23 Page 1 of 12 Press Arrest Log 12/31/2024 00:00 Thru 01/05/2025 23:59 Name: Granski,Nicole Address: 110 Winter ST Apt. Jose Rosario, 210 Arch St Apt:211, New Britain, 56, Vio Readable/Lost Plates Reqs, Opn Under Suspension (Sbs Off), Flr To Insure Private Mtr Veh. Jury convicts New Britain man of 2021 stabbing after trial in city. newbritainct. “Since its humble beginnings just over a decade ago,” Festival organizers say, “the Little Poland New Britain, HSC nurse recognized with DAISY national award. Honoring women who led the way in medicine. ” The city is NEW BRITAIN , CT 06051- 12/13/2024 22:55 12/27/2024 Description ILL OPN MV UNDER INFLALC/DRUG FAILURE TO DRIVE UPON RIGHT Ayotte,Michael A 231 BELDEN ST NEW BRITAIN , CT 06051- 12/13/2024 20:15 12/27/2024 Description ILL OPN MV UNDER INFLALC/DRUG ESPINAL,Jean 164 West ST New Britain , CT NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER September 8. CT's top pizza spots of 2025, according to Connecticut Magazine. The school district updates the calendar from time to time, and the most recent version would be on the district’s [] If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed on the New Britain Progressive, feel free to visit this web page. Charge Police Blotter - New Britain Police Department. March 12, 2025 March 12, 2025 Allen Hoard 0 Tagged Bingo, New Britain CT. Our quality of life is suffering and our property values have declined by 15%. Officers change woman’s tail lights instead of a ticket. Close Menu. Barile is CCSU’s choice as dean of School of Education. Don't Miss. New Britain , CT 06052- 11/16/2024 06:00 11/26/2024 Description FAILURE TO APPEAR 2ND DEG Jefferson,Emmanuel 99 GOLD ST Apt B2 NEW BRITAIN , CT 06060- 11/16/2024 04:52 11/18/2024 Description INTERFERE WITH OFF-CRIRESISTING BREACH OF PEACE 2ND DEG Carrion,Jose Antonio 77 Silver-ST . CITY OF NEW BRITAIN Police 10 Chestnut Street New Britain, CT 06051 Phone (860) 826-3000 - Fax (860) 223-9300 est. A City Council resolution introduced at the March 12th Council meeting by [] 1 min read. When Mayor Stewart took office in the fall of 2013, she noted the following; “The Allen St. Local. 2 Incident No. ” A Vision Zero Task Force, announced by Mayor Police blotter lists published by the city appear show list most Latinos arrested as white, listing ‘race’ but not ethnicity. Clear. Marcus Lebby, 490 Stanley St Flr:2, New Britain, 25, Falsify Marker/License/ Rgstrtn, Operate/Parks Unregistrd Mv, Il Opn Mv Under 14-140 Suspnsn, Flr To Insure Private Mtr Veh November 7. Stanley Black & Decker exceeds Wall Street expectations. Three members of the Police Department’s(NBPD) command staff have been selected as NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER. New Britain TWP PD 207 Park Fryderyk Chopin Society of Connecticut 2025 Concerts at New Britain Museum of American Art By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council confirmed Mayor Erin Stewart’s nomination of Captain Matthew Marino to become the city’s 16th Chief of Police at its April 26th meeting. 24C1104224 Arrested: 20:02 NEW BRITAIN , CT 0605-1 10/19/2024 Court Date: 10/21/2024 New Britain Herald - Southington police blotter Summary by Central Connecticut Communications Wiktoria Oliwia Marchut, 22, of 18 Mark Dr. 2500000794 Arrested: 21:00 NEW BRITAIN , CT 06053-1/04/2025 Court Date: 01/16/2025 White 35 Years Old at Run Date: 02/24/2025 Run Time: 15:37 New Britain Police Department Press Arrest Log Page 1 of 18 Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest 42 2500012441 26 2500012412 34 2500012424 33 2402008188 27 2500012372 Name: Address: Arrested. Henson connection. Students hold ‘SOUP-ER BOWL’ drive. Wheeler ES students visit Connecticut Historical Society. Gallery 66 to remain. Click to read the In New Britain, community meetings and events from today to Sunday, March 16, 2025 include, Efforts are made to keep the published weekly events up-to-date, but, with changes that may occur because of possible rescheduling, weather or other reasons, it is recommended to contact the event organizers to determine any cancellations or changes. The NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER November 6. The 2026 – 2026 calendar says that the school year begins on August 25, 2025 and ends on June 9, 2029. The school district updates the calendar from time to time, and the most recent version would be on the district’s [] Programs coming to New Britain library. Director Sjöberg shares plans to build infrastructure for reading. PLAINVILLE POLICE BLOTTER. Charge The League of Women Voters of the New Britain Area is planning its 2025 Legislative Brunch. 92% spending increase over current year expenditures. Pizza Capital Trail vote ‘Eat Local, Win Local’ starts Run Date: 03/03/2025 Run Time: 08:36 New Britain Police Department Press Arrest Log 02/24/2025 00:00 Thru 03/02/2025 23:59 Page 1 of 14 Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest Years Old at Arrest 19 24C1077909 27 Run Date: New Britain Police Department Run Time: 01/08/2025 13:23 Page 2 of 12 Press Arrest Log 12/31/2024 00:00 Thru 01/05/2025 23:59 Name: Galarza,Joshua Address: 59 Oneida ST Apt. Joann Fabric to close all state stores, including in Newington. He was being held in lieu of a $500 bond with a court date of March 19. Friday, January 17, 2025 Set Location. Share this event. The National Night Out website has said the program,. Doylestown Township Police handled 937 calls for service during the month of February. This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewer system and State-City responses. Charge The New Britain school district has published its calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. NEW BRITAIN POLICE BLOTTER.
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