South carolina deer hunting. Archery & Gun Hunts: Aug.
South carolina deer hunting 647 Hemingway Lane, Georgetown, South Carolina 29440. Actual hunter selection can vary depending on the number of sites and dates chosen and the popularity of the site and/or the type of lottery hunt. Game Zone 1 consists of all properties north of the main line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad from the Georgia State line to South Carolina Hwy 183 in Westminister, then north of SC Hwy 183 to intersection of SC Hwy 183 and the Norfolk So. We have a great resource page on all the things you need to bring along to ensure a successful hunt. A hunting license, WMA permit, and migratory bird permit are required for use. Sand Hills State forest is one of the most important places offering 46,838 acres of large hunting land upon which many clubs are operating with plenty of hunting options popular for deer Jun 28, 2024 · There are four unique hunting zones in South Carolina (in the past, the state was divided into six areas). Learn about the best times and places to hunt, as well as strategies for successful hunting trips. Rules and Regulations ; Go Outdoors South Carolina May 28, 2009 · Cypress Creek's new bowhunting camp. gov or by calling (866) 714-3611. In Game Zones 1 and 2 it is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs (50-11-310). When Does Deer Hunting Season Begin? South Carolina's 2024 Youth Days for deer hunting begin with Game Zones 3&4 on Aug. South Carolina is divided into four game zones, as defined on the maps in Deer Seasons on Private Lands. South Carolina Hunting Seasons Hunting licenses and tags can be obtained through South Carolina Department of Natural Resources at DNR. 3 Season Hunts now offered, Turkey, Deer, & Duck. Oct 12, 2024 · South Carolina Hunters Should Be Happy This Season. Sept. 6 years ago I moved to Jan 22, 2024 · Seasonal Schedules: Master the specific dates for hunting various game in South Carolina, ensuring your adventures align with legal hunting periods. gov. “South Carolina has one of the highest deer harvests in the country based on per unit area harvest figures. We look forward to creating lasting hunting memories and experiences for all of our hunters. Learn more Feb 20, 2025 · a bill . 00 Non Resident SC Dept. Antlerless Limit: 2 per day. Always check the current regulations for your specific hunting zone before planning your trip. 5 deer per square mile of deer habitat. The locations available for public hunting on SCFC lands are enrolled in the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Management Area (WMA) program, and hunting is only allowed within the strictly delineated boundaries of each WMA. January 4, Either-sex, limit 2. To create a wonderful hunting trip, our staff utilizes current information on South Carolina hunting fields. In addition to the older age deer, we have placed many beautiful food plots all over the property to help provide high protein food sources for the deer. We offer a wide variety of hunting adventures, such as: Wild Boar; Geese; Deer ; Turkey; Bear; No other hunting business in the areas of SC, NC, NY, and MD can provide you with the affordable and dependable service that we can. C. Arrive Sunday after 5 pm. You can also see our post on our FaceBook page. Here are some top tips to consider for a successful deer hunting season in South Carolina: Scout Pre-Season: The sooner you start scouting, the better. Jul 1, 2024 · What’s New – Hunting H. Some gates may be locked due to wet roads. The following special regulations apply to ALL Wildlife Management Area Public Dove Fields: Hunters are limited to 50 shells per hunt; Dove hunting on all public fields is “Afternoon Only. Each hunter must have a Wildlife Management Area Permit and a Big Game Permit in addition to a valid hunting license to attend the hunt. $1,940 2. Typically practiced on large tracts of land, the dogs are released on one side while hunters wait or “stand” on the other. ; Legal Essentials: Dive into the state’s hunting regulations, including vital information on licensing and equipment restrictions, to guarantee a compliant and ethical hunting experience. Bag Limits. 5 day hunt. Do I Need A License To Hunt Deer In South Carolina? Waccamaw Hunting Services offers the finest guided deer hunts, turkey hunts and wild hog hunts in South Carolina on over 7,000 acres of private land that is managed for trophy animals. S. We are family owned and operated. Sep 11, 2024 · Explore the diverse hunting opportunities in South Carolina, from the Lowcountry's whitetail deer to the Upstate's spring turkey season. Dennis Building 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Game Zone 1. WMA permit required when hunting on public lands. All hunters are reminded that the Palmetto Trail may be in use by nonhunters. Welcome to Go Outdoors South Carolina. Whitetail Deer Hunts. Starting on August 15th, rifle hunters have the unique chance to hunt Trophy Velvet Bucks early in the season. Waccamaw Hunting Services price list for our guided South Carolina deer hunts, turkey hunts and hog hunts. Discover essential tips for planning your hunting trip, understanding regulations, and experiencing the state's rich natural beauty. 11th - Jan 1st Dove season open: Mourning Doves Sept. Waterfowl Hunting When a resident purchases a Hunting License/Big Game Permit OR if they have an active Hunting License/Big Game Permit that will be valid when deer season begins they will automatically receive a free base set of deer tags prior to deer season or 7-10 days following the purchase of the Hunting License/Big Game Permit if deer season has begun. Good nutritional plan. Famous for hot sauces, pimento cheese, historic sites and world-class beaches such as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a gateway to a truly southern experience. Contact Waccamaw Hunting Services for more information on our guided deer hunts, turkey hunts or hog hunts. Depart after morning hunt. Reservations fill up fast. Below are the general hunting season dates for South Carolina (always verify with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for updates): Deer Hunting: Typically runs from mid-August to January 1, with variations for archery, muzzleloader, and gun seasons. Between Vetmont and Maine I have killed the biggest deer of my life, All big mature mountain bucks! In area;s where you drag them 3+ miles out of the woods. When requesting information about your license, permits or tags, please include your customer id number or date of birth along with your name and address. South Carolina • As a hunter on a guided deer hunt with Paradise Valley in the low country of South Carolina you will be hunting on over 7500 acres of land from low country hardwoods to planted pines as well as the edges of farm fields. 15-Jan. DEER BEAR SC hunting license, big game permit and bear tags required. Back Woods Quail Club. In addition to this, there is also a large population of turkey. The state of South Carolina has the longest deer season in the United States and a spring turkey season is available. Q: Is my child who is under age 16 required to have tags to hunt deer, turkey or bear? A: YES, anyone who hunts for turkey, deer or bear must have a set of tags no matter their age, except on designated youth days. 5th Jan 13, 2024 · Deer Hunting. Jul 9, 2024 · For deer hunting in South Carolina, you'll need a hunting license, big game permit, deer tags, and, depending on your chosen hunting zone, a WMA permit. 5th Deer Lottery Hunt Site Information. The top 5 South Carolina counties for overall days of deer hunting during 2022 were Orangeburg, Laurens, Aiken, Fairfield, and Newberry (Table 8). People are optimistic, though. . Jan 21, 2025 · 2025 Starting off with a Bang! Night hunters have been very successful. This is the highest quality hunting — for deer, hog, turkey, quail, dove and small game — in the South East. Hunting seasons in South Carolina for 2024 include the following: Deer hunting season: Archery: August 15 – 31, 2024 and September 15 – 30, 2024; Primitive Weapons: October 1 – 10, 2024; Gun hunts: October 11, 2024 – January 1, 2025; Turkey hunting season: Spring turkey season: April 1 – May Deer Pond Hunt Club is located in the heart of the South Carolina Lowcountry offering some of the finest quality managed deer, turkey, duck and quail hunting the Lowcountry has to offer. 00 Resident $100. In South Carolina, deer hunting season varies with methods such as archery, crossbows, primitive weapons, and muzzleloaders. Check it out here. ” Local retailers DO NOT have the deer tags. Game Zone 2 is Sept. Note: There are no deer cleaning facilities at our lodge - all game is taken to a local processor Deer Hunting Rates Velvet/Rut Rates. Anyone born after June 30, 1979, will also need a hunter education certificate to buy a South Carolina hunting license. -3-day hunts are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Only 5 hunters per week to make sure you have the best opportunity at a successful South Carolina deer hunt. Jan 22, 2025 · Deer season in South Carolina for 2024-2025 starts on August 15, 2024. Feb 19, 2024 · South Carolina is celebrated for its diverse terrain and abundant wildlife, offering an array of environments where hunters can pursue whitetail deer. The best semi-guided South Carolina deer hunting on over 7,000 acres of privately managed land. Hunting. -2-day hunts are Friday and Saturday. Gov or by calling 866-714-3611. All harvested bears must be reported by midnight on day of harvest by calling 864-986-6249 or 1-844-SC1-BEAR Hunting Property for Lease in South Carolina: Most of the hunting lands in South Carolina are owned by private owners and they lease these lands to hunters and earn a lot from it. 2. The top 5 South Carolina counties for overall days of deer hunting during 2020 were Orangeburg, Colleton, Kershaw, Spartanburg, and Aiken (Table 8). “Success rates for deer hunters in South Carolina are typically about 70%,” Ruth said. Archived Deer Harvest Reports and Antler Records; Deer Information. Don’t hesitate to book your next South Carolina hog hunting or whitetail adventure. No Sunday evening meal provided. Game Zone 1 Specific Hunting Regulations. All properties north of the main line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad from the Georgia State line to South Carolina Hwy 183 in Westminster, then north of SC Hwy 183 to intersection of SC Hwy 183 and the Norfolk So. From the thick pine stands of the Upstate to the swampy Lowcountry rich with game, there’s something for every hunter. of Resources Deer season opens: Archery: Sept. 3. Antlered deer may only be taken during specified dates. Login to: Purchase and view / print your licenses & permits Directory of 13 South Carolina Deer hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in South Carolina. Whether you are seeking a prize trophy or a mature gobbler, Southern Country Hunting Club is the ideal place. Every year Deer tags WILL NOT be available over the counter at point-of-sales vendors (Walmart, Dick's Sporting Goods; etc. “Mast is a prime food source for deer and bear at this WMA, and while the gun hunting season for deer is closed when gun hunting for bear is open, archery hunting for deer is open. Baiting or hunting over bait remains prohibited on WMA's statewide. Learn how to get a hunting license and deer tags for South Carolina residents and nonresidents. Phone South Carolina Deer Lottery Hunt Draw: Whitetail Deer: July 1, 2024 12:00 AM EST: August 15, 2024 11:59 PM EST: Points System. Dennis Building 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Hunters in South Carolina are now required to electronically report ALL big game harvested no later than 12:00 MIDNIGHT the day of their harvest. Deer Hunting SCHC Whitetail Deer Hunting in South Carolina offers unparalleled opportunities for hunters, thanks to the state's abundant deer populations and the most generous hunting seasons in the southeast. 1st - 10th Gun: Oct. The top 5 South Carolina counties for overall days of deer hunting during 2021 were Orangeburg, Colleton, Berkeley, Fairfield, and Laurens (Table 8). $4,425 6 day hunt Our Rules. Species Point Type Residency; Alligator S. com. Get the insider tips and latest guides at SouthcarolinaHunters. 14, and Game Zone 1 is Sept. Since 1996, Blackwater Hunting Services has been South Carolina's premier outfitter for guided deer, turkey, hog and quail hunts. We are family owned and operated for nearly 20 years and located in South Carolina. Poulos sportsman club is a premier hunt club located in Western Chester County in South Carolina. The total land area that comes under the hunting leases is almost 6, 6230,000 acres that provide great opportunities for hunters who visit these lands. Exact dates vary by zone. sc. Resident hunters expended the Jun 27, 2012 · I grew up in Vermont and started hunting and tracking deer at 9 years old. What Are The Hunting Zones In Sc? South Carolina has four distinct hunting zones. ORANGE - Dates are available for a Whitetail Deer Hunt. The state has a rich wildlife and natural resources that make it an excellent destination for hunters. to amend the south carolina code of laws by amending section 50-11-310, relating to open seasons for hunting antlered deer, so as to provide the open season in game zones 1 and 2 for hunting antlered deer with archery equipment and firearms is october 11 through january 15. All will be mailed to you once purchased. The most common local crops are soybeans and corn, with a limited amount of peanuts and cotton. Where are Hunt Clubs located in South Carolina? The hunting clubs in South Carolina are in abundance all over the state especially to the prime wildernesses. Season Five Notch Sportsman's Club is dedicated to providing the best experience for the serious whitetail deer hunter in South Carolina. With deer populations at their highest and the most liberal season in the southeast spanning from August 15th – January 1st, early season deer hunters are given the opportunity to harvest rare velvet buck trophies. 5 DAY BUCK AND HOG COMBO HUNT $2495 4 DAY BUCK AND HOG COMBO HUNT $2195 3 DAY BUCK AND HOG COMBO HUNT $1995 *8 Point or Better. Home; 3 day deer hunt: $1,725. Now Booking for 2025 Fall Deer/Hog Hunts GREEN - Dates are available for a Afternoon-Night Hog Hunt. Preferred Habitat Quality deer habitat includes a mixture of trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, grasses and other plants such as fungi and sedges. The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is the most popular, sought after, economically important, and controversial game animal in South Carolina. Game Zone 1. 1. 16-30. The South Carolina Forestry Commission offers a variety of public hunting opportunities on the state lands that it manages. 00 (2 bucks, 2 doe, 2 Deer tags WILL NOT be available over the counter at point-of-sales vendors (Walmart, Dick's Sporting Goods; etc. Certain regions of South Carolina Service indicate that approximately 200 million dollars in direct retail sales are related to deer hunting in South Carolina annually. We are now offering wild hog and hog/deer combo hunts. Dove fields may only be accessed during posted days and times. 4820 Turkey Seasons and Bag Limits. The exact dates may vary by hunting zone. Get your Licenses, Tags and Permits; What license do I need? Download the Go Outdoors SC app; Go Outdoors SC for iPhone; Go Outdoors SC for Android; Hunter Education (Print your Hunter Ed Card) Official Sunrise; Mobility Impaired Vehicle Permit; Sight your weapon (Shooting Ranges) Train your Dog; Apply for Special Hunts The low country of South Carolina offers exceptional opportunities for whitetail deer. View the South Carolina 2024-25 Hunting and Fishing guide optimized for mobile. Jan 21, 2012 · Some local restaurants are available for breakfast, lunch and dinners. Nov 18, 2023 · Top Tips for Successful Deer Hunting. Ordering your license before the hunt can the time and hassle in purchasing your license over the counter. Always check the latest regulations from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for any updates. $2,550 3. Keep up-to-date with South Carolina and federal saltwater fishing regulations by using the free Fish Rules App. HAWGSRUS runs our deer hunts from September 1 - December. 5 month long season. From the moment you arrive our experienced hunting guides and staff will treat you like family and do everything possible to make your South Carolina Hunting Trip affordable and a memorable experience. Hunt Monday-Wednesday morning. Bag Limit: 2 Bucks & 4-5 Hogs (one hog per day). 5 day hunts. Nov 29, 2023 · Discover the essential hunting rules and regulations in South Carolina, including licenses, seasons, bag limits, safety guidelines, and more. 5th - 7th (Afternoons only) Sept. 50: For hunting specified released species only on licensed shooting preserves. Deer Still Gun Hunts Sep 30, 2024 · SCDNR News. Department of Natural Resources Rembert C. Southern Country Hunting Club is located in South Carolina with over 1400 acres of privately owned, prime hunting ground surrounded by thousands of acres of forest with an abundance of game. Properly balanced age structure. SC hunting license, big game permit and deer tags required. SC. Low Country Hunting Lodge is South Carolina's leading wild hog & whitetail deer hunting outfitter. When it comes to deer hunting, success often comes down to your strategy, knowledge, and patience. This page includes the regulations, bag restrictions, license requirements, and useful links to participate. Most big bucks die on this property from old age. 00 Resident $125. 8 total all seasons and methods combined. The hunting of deer with dogs is a popular sport that has been practiced for hundreds of years in the coastal plain of South Carolina. Tags are Hogs rarely if ever move in the morning so an afternoon hunt is a full day hunt. 5 day Blackwater Hunting Services. Game Zone 4 (Private Lands) Antlered Deer Limit: Statewide limits apply. 00 Non Resident Big game permit: $6. Valid 1 year from date of purchase. Whitetail deer hunting, hog hunting, turkey hunting, SOUTH CAROLINA TROPHY HUNTERS. Williams Hunting in South Carolina invites you to experience some of the best Whitetail Deer Hunting and Wild Boar Hunting South Carolina has to offer. Deer are healthy with a well-balanced diet which includes year-round food and mineral supplies. SCDNR sets and regulates the methods of harvest, bag limits and other requirements for hunting on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) statewide. Tags not required. SC hunting licenses are available at www. Roblyn’s Neck is comprised of 14,000 contiguous acres with 200 tree stands, each providing you with a unique hunting experience. Act 2 of the 2013 South Carolina General Assembly removed the prohibition on baiting for deer on private lands in Game Zones 1 and 2. RED - Dates are Booked. South Carolina State Record: The 1906-2010 SC White-tailed Deer Antler Records are divided into Non-Typical White-tailed and Typical White-Tailed Deer. Annual: Shooting Preserve Permit: $8. Providing 100% Fair Chase Hunts! Low country guided hunts on managed property with home cooked meals and premium lodging. The DNR conducts some of these hunts on state owned wildlife management areas (WMA's) and others are held on private areas with the DNR as a co-sponsor. Deer Archery. Additional Resources. First Class Hunting in South Carolina. Founded in 1983, Phoenix Sports Club is an established trophy deer hunt club located approximately 10 miles south of Greenwood, South Carolina on Highway 25 in the heart of South Carolina timber country. For exceptions, see Licenses Recreational Hunting & Fishing. We specialize in rifle hunts with an average shot of 100 yards or less. Hunting temporarily closed in multiple areas of SC due to effects of Hurricane Helene. Can out-of-state hunters participate in deer hunting in South Carolina? Yes, but they must obtain a non-resident hunting license and adhere to all South Carolina hunting regulations. Low country guided South Carolina Hunting. As one of the longest running and most successful operations in the area, we continue to stay ahead of the competition by expanding our services and hunting plans to exceed our guest's expectations. This includes all bear, deer and turkey harvest. Search Available Areas. From shooting in your rifles upon arrival to what the stands are like, we have all the answers to those questions here. Therefore, baiting for deer is no longer prohibited on private land anywhere in South Carolina. The sport utilizes hunting dogs to track and drive deer within range of hunters. Regulations stipulate the exact number of deer that can be harvested, with additional requirements for antlerless deer. I love the cold, wind, rugged conditions. Give us a call at 877-520-2245 to book your next hunting trip! Dec 4, 2018 · No deer hunting or shooting from, on, or across any road open to vehicle traffic. Before the Hunt. Reporting your harvest is quick, easy and free through the new Go Outdoors SC app, website portal, toll-free phone number or by text. Meals and lodging included. Search for: Welcome; History. Antlered Deer Limit: Statewide limits apply. What is the deer hunting season in South Carolina? The deer hunting season varies by zone in South Carolina. We do not measure success by the number of deer harvested but by the quality of the hunting experience and opportunity to take a trophy buck. Deer Pond provides lodging in our beautiful fully furnished lodge and bunkhouse. Located in the Low Country of South Carolina, an area well known for it's southern hospitality, abundance of wild game, very liberal game limits and lengthy hunting seasons. Check with the South Carolina Department of Natural South Carolina currently has four game zones. Cypress Creek Habitat; Hunting Rates. Annual state hunting license fees State Hunting License: $12. 15th - 30th Muzzle loader: Oct. Previous surveys conducted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service indicate that approximately 200 million dollars in direct retail sales are related to deer hunting in South Carolina annually. Dennis Building 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 In addition, it’s one of a few places in the state where deer and bear can be hunted in South Carolina during the appropriate seasons. If you have any additional questions regarding hunting and fishing licenses, permits or tags please email us at licensing@dnr. Due to extreme rainfall and widespread flooding in the Upstate of South Carolina and mountains of North Carolina due to Hurricane Helene, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources has temporarily closed hunting within the Wateree, Congaree and Santee river drainage Deer hunting is a popular activity in South Carolina. Join us for a three-day Whitetail deer hunt, Experience the thrill of hunting in South Carolina, home to some of the finest whitetail hunting opportunities in the southeastern United States. This means your property will contain almost as many mature deer as young deer but with an appropriate year class system to replace those deer that are harvested or ago out. Non resident big game permit and turkey tags. Bamberg County has one of the largest populations of deer in South Carolina. At SCHC, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional hunting experience by implementing quality deer management plans. Nov 2, 2023 · Hunting seasons in South Carolina for 2024. Collins Lowcountry Hunt Club is second to none in low country South Carolina guided hunting trips. We also offer Deer/Hog combo hunts as well. Aside from having one of the earliest deer seasons in the nation, beginning in early August and running through late December, South Carolina lowcountry is known for offering exceptional opportunities to hunt whitetail deer, wild boar, quail, and eastern wild turkey. However, before embarking on any hunting expedition, it’s essential to know when the deer hunting season starts in South Carolina. -3-day h unts are Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning Empty Square - No The deer hunting on this unique property is a deer hunters dream because deer have not been hunted here for years. We have a good population of deer and hunt a lot of agricultural fields as well as baited stands. Call to contact us. dnr. Stay informed and ensure a responsible and enjoyable hunting experience in the Palmetto State. Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge is very excited about our new bowhunting camp here in the lowcountry of South Carolina where our hunters can pursue deer, boar and turkeys with their archery equipment on over 400 acres of prime land bordering the Savannah River. Doe movements related to breeding and hunting pressure; Pressure Points - Unique deer research may encourage many hunters to re-think their strategy for stand choices and pressure patterns; A Retrospective on Hunting Deer Over Bait in South Carolina - Can Baiting Negatively Legal hunting time for deer is the time between one hour before official sunrise until one hour after official sunset (50-11-710). Come hunt Deer, Hog and Turkey with South Carolina Trophy Hunters located in Fairfax, South Carolina. 00: Required to hunt on WMA lands, hunting license required. They will be available over the counter at SCDNR offices located in Anyor, Charleston, Clemson, Columbia (Farmers Market), Florence, and York on August 7th. Deer Hunting; Wild Boar; Eastern Wild Turkey Rifle Hunters will enjoy a long Deer Hunting Season which starts August 15th and includes using your rifle over the South Carolina Rut starting October 9th, breeding October 16-26th, second rut with breeding around November 13-24th, and the whitetail hunting season ending January 1st each year. A good buck in our area would be around 120" with a couple in our county every year close to 150". Archery & Gun Hunts: Aug. ). with a variety of food plots and native hardwoods providing amazing deer hunting. We host groups regularly at Buck Run. 28. Annual: Wildlife Management Area: $76. A: Any person age 16 or older must possess a valid hunting or fishing license while hunting or fishing in South Carolina. Amends Code Sections 50-11-500, 50-11-580, 50-11-590 and 50-9-640. Jan 29, 2025 · What Is The Deer Hunting Season In South Carolina? Deer hunting season in South Carolina typically runs from August 15 to January 1. Highlights * Approximately 2300 +/- Acres of Land * Winter and Summer Food Plots * Elevated Shoot-Houses * 3. Jan 7, 2025 · Enhance your hunting experience in South Carolina. The top 5 South Carolina counties for overall days of deer hunting during 2022 were Orangeburg, Laurens, Aiken, Fairfield, and Newberry These are the approximate number of preference points to be selected for a SCDNR lottery hunt and are no guarantee of selection. Changes turkey season dates to April 3-May 3 statewide. Deer Hunts (with Dogs) Clubs selected by drawing; Statewide WMA Limits. Game Zones & WMAs. Expires June 30, 2024. Find out the fees, regulations, lottery and WMA permit requirements for deer hunting in SC. The Multi-site, Unrestricted Multi-site, Webb Gun, Webb Archery, and South Fenwick Archery lotteries operate independently and maintain separate preference points. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In 2019, the statewide harvest was 8. Required to hunt bear, deer or turkey, hunting license required. 5 Month Season * Hunting Permitted Every Day of the Week Prior to allowing anyone to hunt, each attendee will be required to sign a liability waiver and a show a Valid Hunting License for the state of SC. No, it doesn’t produce monster bucks with the regularity of the Midwest, but plenty of deer roam the Palmetto State. Youth Deer Hunt Days: August 10, Antlered deer only, limit 1. The 2023 Deer Hunter Survey represents the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ (SCDNR), The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) provides a variety of special youth deer hunting opportunities across the state. South Carolina low country is well known for having some of the best whitetail deer hunting in the country due to our high population and 4. 10. Bag limits will vary by zone and season. September 30, 2024. ookxz jwg oxxqkme olgdln tjr pszyb erxspbk bmtj giw aipajjo veewi tcge nfsp vgyghta cvujffp