- Sunxi tools arch You switched accounts on another tab or window. The mkenvimage tool takes a key=value input file (same as would a `printenv' show) and generates the corresponding Apr 16, 2020 · 二:sunxi-tools 这个工具解压后不需要编译,直接就可以用 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make LicheePi_Zero_480x272LCD_defconfig bin2fex compatibility shortcut to call sunxi-fexc to decompile a script. May 30, 2023 · 1、sunxi-tools介绍 sunxi-tools是一组用于全志SoC系列芯片的开源命令行工具,全志的SoC一般以sun开头,x为数字,以i结尾。对于sun4i,sun5i,sun6,sun8i,sun9i. Some rights ipipe on A20. make install-target-tools builds target-tools and then copies/installs them to a filesystem location selected by DESTDIR, PREFIX and possibly BINDIR - see make install-tools above. The 4. Jan 3, 2025 · 在当今开源硬件和软件的开发中,sunxi-tools是一组不可或缺的工具集,专为基于Allwinner系列SOC的ARM设备设计。这些工具不仅能够帮助开发者深入理解设备的工作原理,还能在实际开发过程中提供极大的便利。本文将详细介绍sunxi-tools的安装步骤、基本使用方法以及一些常见问题的解决方 miniroot is a small busybox based system, meant to be used as an initramfs. V83X sdk开发方法 make install-target-tools builds target-tools and then copies/installs them to a filesystem location selected by DESTDIR, PREFIX and possibly BINDIR - see make install-tools above. Apr 12, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读3. r441. Dec 2, 2019 · sunxi-tools是一套用于sunxi系列芯片的工具集,其中包括sunxi-fel和sunxitools等子工具,而F1C100s则是这些工具支持的芯片型号之一。sunxi系列芯片广泛应用于各种低成本、低功耗的设备,如平板电脑、智能手机等。 linux-sunxi Public Forked from torvalds/linux. 1 tablet. 1. Architecture: armv7h: Repository: extra: The Arch Linux™ name and logo are used under permission of the Arch Linux Project Lead. 等等系列都可以使用这个工具。比如手上的这个板子是H616,它的名字是sun50i-H616。 编译使用sunxi-tools; 编译测试uboot; 编译测试linux; 应用开发. uimg或boot. download kernel source from kernel. 4 sunxi kernel, it makes sense to use the 4. 7. Jul 3, 2024 · Architecture: x86_64: Repository: Extra: Description: A collection of command line tools for ARM devices with Allwinner SoCs: Upstream URL: https://github. (sunxi-tools). sunxi-tools 1. I have a serial cable attached to the tablet's r_uart (not the mmc serial port) to issue the suspend command. /bootimg/flashimg. Jan 17, 2019 · make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- uImage -j8. Back to Package. sudo pacman -S sunxi-tools . This will clear out any partitions on the drive. /sunxi-fel version 会显示硬件版本信息。 执行 sudo . org 3. fex file into the binary form used by the legacy 3. Cubietruck works with ipipe on mainline kernel 3. com/linux Jul 3, 2024 · sunxi-tools 1. /sunxi-fel spiflash-info 会显示spi flash信息。 执行如下命令烧入我们前边制作好的镜像文件. R329主线armbian内核 系统 驱动开发方法; Tina R329 swupdate OTA 步骤 ; Maix-Speech 的相关使用; Lichee RV. Jul 18, 2023 · 如果希望自己烧固件,才需要后续步骤 必须使用移植版的 sunxi-tools 工具,而非官方版 必须使用移植版的 U-Boot 工具,而非官方版 可以使用最新的主线 Linux 内核 荔枝派 Nano 没有 reset 按钮,且使用的是片内 DDR1 DRAM,大小为 32MB,外部 SPI Flash 为 16MB。 You signed in with another tab or window. 7z. Uboot的基本结构. 执行 sudo . If you, for whatever reason, still want to use the 2012-2014 era legacy 3. Linux source for Allwinner/Boxchip F20 (sun3i), A10 (sun4i), A12/A13/A10S (sun5i) and A20 (sun7i) SoCs Nov 13, 2023 · 易错点:sunxi-tools已采用master分支,uboot在make时已选用此开发板对应的deconfig配置。 ’,然后在'arch\riscv\dts'的'sunxi-d1s-t113 sunxi-tools 1. bin "Das U-Boot" Source Tree. Their best known products are the sunxi SoC series, such as the A10 (sun4i), A13 (sun5i) and A20 (sun7i) chips, which were very successful in the low-budget tablet market. fex out/sys_config. 2 安装sunxi-tools工具,制作script参数配置 Apr 14, 2019 · 我看荔枝派官网里介绍,BSP和linux都是用的主线uboot "主线Uboot + Bsp 内核 如果不想被坑卓坑, 又想比较好地使用摄像头,可以使用主线Uboot加Bsp内核方案, 系统配置为fex文件配置。 Oct 22, 2014 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jul 6, 2022 · arch = arm baudrate = 115200 board = sunxi board_name = sunxi --- 略去一些信息 --- boot_scripts = boot. Jan 10, 2024 · Sunxi-tools是一组命令行工具,用于操作基于全志SoC的ARM设备。它们可以用于各种目的,比如在FEX和二进制格式之间转换,操作PIO设置,访问FEL工厂模式,以及编程SPI闪存。 Dec 6, 2022 · arch=arm # 板子的架构 baudrate=115200 # 命令行串口波特率 board=sunxi board_name=sunxi #略去中间大段信息 boot_scripts=boot. - interact with the processors' lowlevel bootrom (AKA FEL mode). 6d598a-3 Priority: optional Section: universe/utils Origin: Ubuntu Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers Sep 16, 2024 · 2. 12. Flavors: U-Boot SPL 2017. sunxi-tools is now installed. Contribute to johnaa123/f1c100s_sunxi-tools development by creating an account on GitHub. g11a9d20-1 Package Actions View PKGBUILD / View Changes static const char *fdt_getprop_str(const void *fdt, int node, const char *name) Sep 15, 2024 · 2. - boot over the USB OTG port. 2-3. SD-card partitioning and formatting will be taken care of later. 21 Alpine Community aarch64 Official May 17, 2017 · Instructions to build image These instructions will be to build an image for the sun8i-a33-ga10h-v1. Based on ARMv5 ARM926-EJS core and currently targeted for low market devices such as cheap ebook readers, etc. pro),个人感觉里面省略了很多步骤,对初学者不是很友好。 Sep 16, 2024 · sunxi-tools_sunxi-tools_sunxi-felwindows_sunxitools_F1C100s_安装su 10-03 为了使用这些工具,首先需要安装MSYS 2 ,然后在该环境中配置和编译 sunxi - tools,接着可能需要使用 sunxi - felwindows工具连接设备,最后通过安装su获得root权限以进行更深入的 系统 级操作。 编译使用sunxi-tools; 编译测试uboot; 编译测试linux; make sunxi_defconfig ARCH=arm make menuconfig ARCH=arm 选择 Device Drivers ---> No Comments on How to install sunxi-tools in any Manjaro Arch Linux Operating System; Uncategorized; How to Install – sunxi-tools in Manjaro Arch Linux Operting System- Explained. And installed them on a clean system. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution unless otherwise noted. com being the official documentation website with the same logo), and the identifier D1_DEV_DDR3_16X2_V1_2 on the back. 0 -y sudo apt-get install vim flex bison texinfo u-boot-tools lib32stdc++6 -y sudo apt-get install libusb-1. 12 download ipipe-core-patch for arm 3. (Ctrl+Alt+T) 2. fex2bin compatiblity shortcut to call sunxi-fexc to compile a . Can you change the architecture: -arch=('i686' 'x86_64') +arch=('any') Also, the bin2fex and fex2bin links conflict with sunxi-tools. There are at least two known revisions of the board. scr. 《全面解析sunxi-tools-win:F1C100S下载工具在Win平台的应用》 在嵌入式系统开发领域,高效便捷的工具是至关重要的。"sunxi-tools-win. Utilities include tools to: . 2 编译 sunxi-tools. 4内核开展,这个内核也是目前各种驱动最全的 这个是带xfce桌面的映像 一共有 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Sep 4, 2014 · This page was last edited on 4 September 2014, at 13:19. 01-rc2-00073-gdd6e874-dirty (Nov 26 2017 - 15:10:41) DRAM: 64 MiB Trying to boot from sunxi SPICPU: Allwinner V3s (SUN8I 1681) Model: Lichee Pi Zero DRAM: 64 MiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 SF: Detected w25q128bv with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 16 MiB *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment Setting up a . Architecture: aarch64: Repository: extra: The Arch Linux™ name and logo are used under permission of the Arch Linux Project Lead. Bootlin. When you run repo in the next section, and you get: Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Feb 9, 2025 · Note: The F series is not supported by the linux-sunxi community due to lack of developers and hardware. git Building. 2+git20181114. 4 linaro toolchain. Reload to refresh your session. bin after the system boot, enter root, and the adb server running, you can run "adb shell" to debug program on PC, so you can use adb tools, such as adb push and add pull to speed up debugging. 下面来看看该uboot中的目录结构 ├── api 存放uboot提供的API接口函数 ├── arch 平台相关的部分我们只需要关心这个目录下的ARM文件夹 │ ├──arm │ │ └──cpu │ │ │ └──armv7 │ │ └──dts │ │ │ └──*. debootstrap --arch=arm64 --foreign <distro> /mnt/ Replace <distro> with your preferred distribution, probably buster or focal. rar"是一个专为F1C100S处理器设计的Windows版本下载工具,它集成了软件与教程 Dec 20, 2024 · 2. 全志sunxi-tools烧录工具安装和使用,灰信网,软件开发博客聚合,程序员专属的优秀博客文章阅读平台。 Feb 1, 2020 · 记录全志A33主线u-boot/Linux开发过程,哇酷开发者社区值得拥有。 Mar 10, 2023 · I have just collected kernel packages in my sandbox, on the master branch. dtb env set fdt_high ffffffff bootm 0x46000000 - 0x49000000 编译使用sunxi-tools; 编译测试uboot; 编译测试linux; 应用开发. V83X sdk开发方法 mainline kernel sunxi-3. 6d598a-1 MIGRATED to testing (Debian testing watch) sunxi-fel -v uboot u-boot-sunxi-with-spl. . V83X sdk开发方法 sunxi-fel -v uboot u-boot-sunxi-with-spl. This item contains old versions of the Arch Linux package for sunxi-tools. Nov 16, 2020 · Package Details: sunxi-tools-f1c100s-spiflash-git v1. littlevGL的使用; MaixSense. sunxi-tools 提供了 fexc、nand-part 等工具,在系统安装、定制的过程中可能会用到,所以可以先编译它们。 因为这些工具常常在宿主系统上(x86-64 Ubuntu Linux)来针对目标设备、目标系统运行,所以可以把它们编译为x86-64的可执行文件。 编译: Jan 29, 2025 · Package: sunxi-tools Architecture: amd64 Version: 1. 8 linaro toolchain was known to have issues when building the sunxi kernel. At the fdisk prompt, create the new partition: Type o. bin This will give you some errors, but they are simple to fix. See also: Toolchain. First build U-Boot bootloaders for Allwinner-based boards [Arch Linux ARM, 32-bit] - RoEdAl/alarm-uboot-sunxi-armv7 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make menuconfig Kernel Compilation zImage/ Image. I think sunxi-tools should be added to the conflicts: -conflicts=() +conflicts=('sunxi-tools') Link: package | bugs open | bugs closed | Wiki | GitHub | web search: Description: A collection of command line tools for ARM devices with Allwinner SoCs Installing on Arch Linux pacman -S uboot-tools Installing on Gentoo Linux emerge u-boot-tools Installing on Fedora Linux dnf install uboot-tools Tool documentation dumpimage fw_printenv fw_setenv img2srec jtagconsole mkenvimage. Enter the following command to the terminal. Jan 25, 2017 · For compiling The fex file it's preferable to use fex2bin (fexc) from sunxi-tools # Compile fex file with fex2bin (sunxi-tools) fex2bin out/sys_config. make install-all builds and installs both tools and target-tools. 4,但是sunxi网站的说明等还是基于3. You signed out in another tab or window. Repo downloads a copy of itself to . bin Jul 6, 2022 · 编译使用sunxi-tools; 编译测试uboot; 编译测试linux; 应用开发. Continue with commands from SDK: Apr 24, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读2k次。看 t3 的芯片手册,可以看到t3 的启动流程:板卡上有个 36KB的 ROM boot loader,然后进入fast boot, fast boot 启动后加载存储设备中的 BOOT0,启动boot0 ,boot0再引导uboot 启动;/*****_mmc exit start Jan 1, 2023 · To actually load software via the FEL USB protocol (using sunxi-fel from sunxi-tools), you have to use a FEL capable SPL. Jun 5, 2018 · Tools to help Allwinner devices. Type p to list partitions. 2+git20220212. ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make -j4 zImage. Type n, then p for primary, 1 for the first partition on the drive, 4096 for the first sector, and then type +256M for the last sector. After the compilation ended, you should have generated zImage in arch/arm/boot (armhf) or Image in arch/arm64/boot This page aims to give an overview of the code that runs when mainline U-Boot gets started on an Allwinner SoC. Second stage From a different host architecture. 08e209-1 Priority: optional Section: universe/utils Origin: Ubuntu Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers 全志芯片BSP命名规则统一为“sunxi”,包括machine命名为“mach-sunxi”,Cortex-A55 SMP多核平台命名为“sun55i”,大版本升级按+10,如Cortex-A53 SMP多核平台命名为“sun50i”,Cortex-A7X SMP多核平台命名为“sun60i”。 Aug 6, 2019 · Armbian_5. 2-4 File List. 37_Sunvell-r69_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3. bin write 0x41000000 uImage write 0x41d00000 script. Contribute to u-boot/u-boot development by creating an account on GitHub. sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools sunxi-tools Getting the Cross-Toolchain. 7k次,点赞3次,收藏18次。1. V83X sdk开发方法 Arch Linux based distributions pacman -S repo Debian based distributions apt-get install repo Caveat: python-3. 113_desktop 系统映像 现在bsp 3. arm64. scr的启动脚本 boot_targets=fel mmc0 usb0 pxe dhcp # 启动介质的优先级优先从排在前面的介质引导系统 bootcmd=run Clone of upstream U-Boot repo with patches for Arm development boards - ARM-software/u-boot 编译使用sunxi-tools; 编译测试uboot; 编译测试linux; 应用开发. make misc builds miscellaneous (host) utilities that are not part of our 'standard' suite. com/hno/miniroot. Package has 9 files and 2 directories. 使用Buildroot; 86 Panel RGB 与 SPI 双屏显示; D1上Kubernetes相关软件编译; V83x. 12 Aug 14, 2019 · We of course do not build a whole distribution, we only build U-Boot, the kernel and a handful of tools, and then use an existing rootfs to get a useful system. scr # 启动时寻找名为boot. 4 kernel ("linux‑sunxi"). debootstrap --arch=armhf --foreign <distro> /mnt/ arm64. sunxi-tools是一组用于全志SoC系列芯片的开源命令行工具,全志的SoC一般以sun开头,x为数字,以i结尾。对于sun4i,sun5i,sun6,sun8i,sun9i. 2-4. docs. sudo . 等等系列都可以使用这个工具。 Gitee. 4 kernel ("linux-sunxi"). But I took the sunxi_mbr Jan 16, 2021 · 我是最近又开始捣鼓全志的芯片,发现了个神奇的现象全志的 SDK 里面有很多关于 sunxi 的东西,什么文件名呀、结构体呀、变量呀,这就让我想一个问题,为什么全志的 SDK 里面怎么这么多sunxi? What is sunxi. Bootlin also provices glibc / musl / uclibc based toolchains. e. "Das U-Boot" Source Tree. /sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write 0 . Mainline Linux uses it to activate and configure the drivers available in the kernel's binary (similar to script. repo, and that version will trip over on itself if it gets started with python-2 (which is the default still on debian stable/buster). sunxi-tools 提供了 fexc、nand-part 等工具,在系统安装、定制的过程中可能会用到,所以可以先编译它们。 因为这些工具常常在宿主系统上(x86-64 Ubuntu Linux)来针对目标设备、目标系统运行,所以可以把它们编译为x86-64的可执行文件。 编译: @taotieren 其他 Linux 发行版可以参考这个 PKGBUILD shell 进行相应系统的本地安装。 安装或修改 udev rules 文件都需要运行一下命令 sudo udevadm control --reload 刷新 udev rules Jan 22, 2025 · Legacy sunxi kernel. com(码云) 是 OSCHINA. 18. Contribute to terence34/linux-sunxi-sunxi-tools development by creating an account on GitHub. Add the ArmHF architecture; sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf Modify existing sources, restricting to appropriate architectures (i. sunxi represents the family of ARM SoCs from Allwinner Technology, a Chinese fabless semiconductor company. Website of the upstream project: These tools work fine on ARM devices. sunxi-tools 提供了 fexc、nand-part 等工具,在系统安装、定制的过程中可能会用到,所以可以先编译它们。 因为这些工具常常在宿主系统上(x86-64 Ubuntu Linux)来针对目标设备、目标系统运行,所以可以把它们编译为x86-64的可执行文件。 编译: Download sunxi-tools linux packages for ALT Linux, Alpine, Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Ubuntu, Void Linux, openSUSE Alpine 3. 0 VCS: Git (Browse, QA) [2018-12-22] sunxi-tools 1. Some rights See full list on linux-sunxi. Identification. After installing the unsatisfied dependencies, the process of installing and compiling the kernel headers was successful. ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make -j4 Image. - compile and decompile the Allwinner binary hardware descriptions (FEX files). fex format used by Allwinner's SDK to configure the boards. 我自己移植的sunxitools-fel 输入关键词,多关键词空格隔开 正在加载,请稍候。 下载文件失败,请刷新重试或检查网络 来自其它文档的结果 当前文档 make install-target-tools builds target-tools and then copies/installs them to a filesystem location selected by DESTDIR, PREFIX and possibly BINDIR - see make install-tools above. 4内核源码已经移除,这是历史映像 新的bsp内核还在开发中应该是4. uimg boot. sunxi-tools 提供了 fexc、nand-part 等工具,在系统安装、定制的过程中可能会用到,所以可以先编译它们。 因为这些工具常常在宿主系统上(x86-64 Ubuntu Linux)来针对目标设备、目标系统运行,所以可以把它们编译为x86-64的可执行文件。 编译: Feb 7, 2023 · sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git-core libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1. 4 kernel tftp 0x46000000 uImage tftp 0x49000000 <your-board>. 4. sun3i have only official linux support, sunii have no linux support, only Allwinner's "Melis" RTOS. armhf. 3 days ago · Package: sunxi-tools Architecture: amd64 Version: 1. 9. dts 存放设备的dts,也就是设备配置相关的引脚信息 ├── board Apr 13, 2024 · 我是最近又开始捣鼓全志的芯片,发现了个神奇的现象全志的 SDK 里面有很多关于 sunxi 的东西,什么文件名呀、结构体呀、变量呀,这就让我想一个问题,为什么全志的 SDK 里面怎么这么多sunxi? Aug 6, 2019 · Armbian_5. Open the terminal. 1. 此篇为少量或无需配置的开发,可帮助您快速上手,串口输出、点屏等操作确认 Nano 完好~ 具体详细配置与解释说明,将在后文进行较为详细的介绍;如果您和笔者一样是个小白萌新,希望能给您的学习提供一点小小的tips;如果您已熟悉此流程,快速浏览即可 :) 烧写uboot到spi-flash中(使用sunxi-tools工具) make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-suda-linux-musleabi- menuconfig 进入fel模式后使用usb数据线连接pc和zero,进入sunxi-tool目录. It helps to understand the boot flow, add support for new SoCs, find the right places to add new code, or to add debug output in case it hangs early. bin2fex compatibility shortcut to call sunxi-fexc to decompile a script. Development tools; Testing guide; Hacking guide; SunXi family¶ Linux kernel mach directory: arch/arm/mach-sunxi. 烧录镜像文件,可以参考编译和使用sunxi-tools — 荔枝派Nano 全流程指南 documentation (lichee. There should be no partitions left. 上电进入FEL模式运行: 2. bin for linux-sunxi). 进入fel模式后使用usb数据线连接pc和zero,进入sunxi-tool目录. all i386 and amd64 package sources are prefixed as "deb [arch=i386,amd64]") Nov 29, 2018 · The Device Tree is a data structure for describing hardware. 4内核开展,这个内核也是目前各种驱动最全的 这个是带xfce桌面的映像 一共有 Aug 23, 2021 · 1、sunxi-tools介绍. aw-ol. The newer version has the AWOL anagram silkscreened on the front (d1. 113_desktop. Since FEL booting is done entirely in AArch32 and requires returning to the Boot ROM in the same state afterwards, the mainline U-Boot SPL (using AArch64) does not support FEL boot. Obtaining miniroot git clone https://github. NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1200万的开发者选择 Gitee。 Feb 23, 2021 · 硬件平台: 全志R40 + JLinkV9 软件工具: sunxi-tools, JLinkExe, JLinkGdbServer, arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc, arm-linux-gnueabihf-gdb 程序源码: This package contains various tools for working with devices based around the Allwinner sunxi processors (A10/A13/A20/A31 etc). 0-0-dev sudo apt-get install mtd-utils sunxi-tools 1. org make install-target-tools builds target-tools and then copies/installs them to a filesystem location selected by DESTDIR, PREFIX and possibly BINDIR - see make install-tools above. Prepare SD card to access the NAND we first need to boot something from sd card, i used PhoeBian for that. usr/ The Arch Linux name and logo are recognized trademarks. 3. - display information about sunxi boot headers. Copy qemu to the target filesystem and chroot to target: armhf arch: any std-ver: 4. ; Privacy policy; About linux Sep 6, 2017 · cd u-boot ###默认配置文件 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- make licheepi_nano_spiflash_defconfig ###如果需要执行其他配置: ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- make menuconfig Sep 15, 2024 · 2. The older version is silkscreened D1_DEV_DDR3_16X2_V1_0 on the top and does not have the AWOL logo. 002 Armbian_5. scr bootcmd = run distro_bootcmd cpu = arm926ejs 通过此命令我们可以看到 uboot 自动配置了一些启动命令与参数,其中变量boot_scripts 指定了启动时要加载哪个命令文本文件,依据 Mar 18, 2014 · get arch here. Depending on the rootfs size, you might want to use a 2GB or larger SD Card. bin blob back into . wphau gopdz wiapxu ubhmq rjqvt wnasj upzcxbx hbevaep dse slh rrbtwlj rxwidfw xofy ppwqw zzanare