Resveratrol hk. Receive in 1 - 2 business days.

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Resveratrol hk Trans Resveratrol Complex. Avocado and Resveratrol Mask; Mash half an avocado and add a teaspoon of resveratrol powder or liquid extract. , HKTVmall The Largest HK 【白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華】 第3代新升級的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華蘊含達1,000ppm 白藜蘆醇,只需1日,便促進5倍膠原蛋白自生力*及2倍透明質酸自生力*。其抗皺緊緻功效更比維他命A高出3倍**,能極速重建和鞏固肌底結構,讓肌膚更快速 成份解碼-白藜蘆醇 (Resveratrol) CAS No. As shown in Figure 1(a) and (b), AAs inhibited E-cadherin and increased α-SMA and COL1A1 protein and mRNA levels. Delivery 1-2 days Hk local $2 傾計買嘢 Resveratrol-Lift Firming Night Cream smoothes wrinkles overnight for rested features, firmer skin and a more radiant complexion in the morning. 5% 黃芩苷和1% 純維他命E,產生協同效應提升效能。中和因歲月 Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant, ideal for strengthening cardiovascular health. Renowned for its cardioprotective benefits, it helps you maintain healthy coronary blood vessels, platelet and heart function. Firming Cashmere Cream 50ml. Very gentle. hk HK$590. Its ultra-concentrated formula acts instantly for lifted features and visibly firmer skin. com/hk/product/pure-resveratrol-15000/ Pure Resveratrol 15000 is an excellent Each capsule contains 300mg NMN+ 1 5 0mg of Resveratrol + 20mg PQQ Clinically proven to increase NAD+ by 38%within 60 days with daily consumption of 1 capsule 99. Cardiovascular Health: Resveratrol is a compound Discover our new high purity Resveratrol & Rosemary supplement! Brand new to our Naturecan range, our Resveratrol supplements are designed to support your cardiovascular health and Jarrow Formulas ® Resveratrol provides approximately 90% resveratrol in the trans configuration. 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻晚霜 - 補充裝 50ml. A potent anti-ageing blend of polyphenols and Co-enzyme Q10. 1-1% 來源: 美國 INCI/Botanical Name: Resveratrol 功用 - 強效抗氧化和抗炎特性,適用於抗衰老產品。 AH69454, CYTOLOGICS, Cytologics Liposome β-NMN 18000 60 capsules 300mg NMN +Q10+PQQ +Resveratrol, Cytologics Liposome β-NMN 18000 60 capsules 300mg NMN +Q10+PQQ +Resveratrol For details, please refer to the label on the product This picture above is for reference only. com 購買白藜蘆醇補充劑及錠劑。 •Each capsule contains 300mg NMN+150mg of Resveratrol & 20mg PQQ •Clinically proven to increase NAD+ by 38% within 60 days with daily consumption of 1 capsule •99. 0👍🏻2. Description: *French women secret of elegance and confidence throughout their FANCL Resveratrol 抗老化長壽營養 支付寶 (HK) 使用AlipayHK付款立減高達$100 | 立即掃碼搶券! U60619, Resvantage®, Resveratrol Canine 90 Caps Box Set, • Natural Resveratrol supplement for Dogs • Improves vitality, energy, endurance, cardiovascular health and mental alertness • Strong Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant • Suitable for Senior dogs • Patented Licaps technology for optimal absorption • Made in USA, HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Platform 超過1000款進口紐西蘭麥蘆卡蜂蜜、美國保健品、健康食品及天然護膚品。電話: 26280202 WhatsApp:98876190 門市: 油麻地彌敦道彌敦大廈518-520號14B室(油麻地港鐵D出口) 網址:healthishop. icon_plus 45 MYCAUDALIE points icon_help. HK$490. 0 30ml, Hot Explosion ~ Korean Life-saving Water 2. Add to bag . HK-2 cells were incubated with AAs or TGF-β for 48 h, and were harvested for protein and mRNA analysis. At the heart of the innovation is Vegan Collagen 1*, a plant-derived collagen, combined with an exclusive anti 美國AIDEVI 最新升級版21000 plus+NMN濃度多左30%,另外多左7種成分,效果倍增 。促進血管健康和血液流動。提高肌肉耐力和力量。保護皮膚,預防皮膚老化。降低肥胖風險。加強DNA修復的維護。增加線粒體功能。改善睡眠質素產 含意大利 Veri-te™ 98% 全 反式 白藜蘆醇 無大黃素和多環芳烴 有助於保持心血管功能健康* 幫助抗氧和細胞逆齡途徑* 適合素食者和嚴格素食者 California Gold Nutrition® 反式白藜蘆醇 含有來自意大利的反式白藜蘆醇,有助於健康的心血管功能和抗氧活性。 白藜蘆醇 Resveratrol 是一種存在於紅酒、莓果和花生中的天然化合物,因其抗氧化特性而聞名。它被認為可以激活與長壽相關的基因,並提供對年齡相關疾病的保護,使其成為與 NMN 互補的盟友,以尋求持續的青春和健康 HK$530. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes before rinsing. 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國Trunature葡萄籽 + 白藜蘆醇 ,150粒藥片|含葡萄籽提取物及白藜蘆醇,可促進心髒健康- 高品質葡萄籽和白藜蘆醇共同作用比葡萄籽單獨作用具有更高的抗氧化活性,並且包含了極爲豐富的花青素原(Proanthocyanidin)。抗氧化劑可 以減少自由基的侵害,幫助保持動脈壁的彈性和柔 DR240904J24 JaneClareResveratrol Nano Sunscreen Lotion白藜蘆醇納米防曬乳液30ml ·防曬指數高達SPF50+ PA++++, ·輕薄易推 全面防護紫外線傷害,白藜蘆醇 、 乳木果等強效抗氧化和保濕成分。 · 30ml 非一般的防曬乳霜,採用高端新型防曬成 分 ,增強肌膚耐曬能力16倍以上 ,塗一 次效果維持一整天。 Resveratrol 白藜蘆醇具高抗氧化功,能促進細胞壽命,維護心血管健康。地址:油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行14B (油麻地港鐵D出口) 電話:2628 0202 WhatsApp: 9887 6190 營業時間: 星期一至五: 10:00 - 18:00 星期六: 13:00 - 17:00 。公 無麩質 Non-GMO LE 認可 抵抗細胞衰老 膳食補劑 NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ 和 Resveratrol Elite™ 含 300 毫克 NIAGEN® 煙酰胺核糖和生物可利用的反式白藜蘆醇(以及生物利用度加強形式的植物營養素槲皮素和非瑟酮),以幫助健康衰老和 NAD+ 水平。 您的首選項已更新。如需臨時更改您的賬戶設置,前往 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國BRI 高含量白藜蘆醇1200毫克 60粒|白藜蘆醇的功效和特點,激化長壽基因 ,活化細胞的修護能力 ;増強DNA的活力 ·高抗氧化清除自由基,預防衰老作用;植物性雌激素,作為更年期婦女補充婦女雌激素的安 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國 trunature 白藜蘆醇加強配方 140粒素食膠囊|含葡萄籽提取物及白藜蘆醇,可促進心髒健康- 高品質葡萄籽和白藜蘆醇共同作用比葡萄籽單獨作用具有更高的抗氧化活性,並且包含了極爲豐富的花青素 Resveratrol 白藜蘆醇具高抗氧化功,能促進細胞壽命,維護心血管健康。地址:油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行14B (油麻地港鐵D出口) 電話:2628 0202 WhatsApp: 9887 6190 營業時間: 星期一至五: 10:00 - 18:00 星期六: 13:00 - 17:00 。公 Non-GMO LE 認可 無麩質 高生物可利用性白藜蘆醇和槲皮素 膳食補充劑 什麼是 Optimized Resveratrol Elite™? 白藜蘆醇是一種逆齡補充劑,對心臟、大腦和細胞健康有益。但是,傳統白藜蘆醇的生物利用度很低。 產品詳情 芥蘭素提供強大的抗氧化保護,有助於防止由自由基引起的細胞損傷,幫助男性和女性保持健康的荷爾蒙平衡,支持乳房、子宮頸、前列腺和其他生殖器官的健康,也支持肝臟的解毒過程以及正常的細胞繁殖,提供有利於支持健康的荷爾蒙平衡;加上白藜蘆醇這一種天然的抗氧化 純白藜蘆醇15000 (Pure Resveratrol 15000) 含有容易受人體吸收的反式白藜蘆醇(trans-resveratrol),能有效地為身體提供抗氧化、抗炎、抗癌、保護及改善心臟、血管、植物雌激素和神經的功效。 高濃度抗氧組合 The Ordinary 白藜蘆醇及阿魏酸抗氧精華 The Ordinary Resveratrol 3 + Ferulic Acid 3 產品描述 白藜蘆醇及阿魏酸雙效配方 兩種強效抗氧化成分, 達到協同效益 產品功用 改善皮膚老化問題 舒緩泛紅肌膚 高效抗氧 合 CAUDALIE Resveratrol-Lift 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾乳液 97%天然純素成分,不含油分,如茄士咩 Cashmere輕柔絲絨觸感,是絕佳的妝前底霜之選。 至 2024-11-30T16:00:00. iHerb App HK. AOR - Acta-Resveratrol, 90 Capsules - Sustainably Sourced Resveratrol for Heart Health - Provides Antioxidants for the Maintenance of Good Health 4. “Resveratrol[Lift] is an innovative skincare collection to naturally lift and plump up the skin thanks to a new anti-ageing patent developed jointly with Doctor David Sinclair. Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule per GNC Resvitale Resveratrol 500mg 30pcs;Price:$429. 加入購物籃 | HK$490. 5 μM of resveratrol to the maturation and culture media significantly increased morula and blastocyst rates compared with other groups (P < 0. icon_play; icon_heart_border icon_heart. Trending Ingredients AU04143, Future Science, NMN 6000mg +Resveratrol+L-cystine High Purity 100% trial package, 【High Purity NMN Supplement 】One box contains 6,000mg of 100% pure domestic β-NMN produced by yeast fermentation. 00. Pack size: 1 x 56 Capsules (28-day supply) Highly absorbable. Shipping is from Monday to Saturday at 2-3pm. ADRIEN GAGNON VEGAN OMEGA 3 30 SOFTGELS . Free for orders $350. Add to Resveratrol-Lift 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾面霜 50ml. Login / Signup . Personal Care & Health, Health & Wellness, Health Supplements, Women Formula, PNS eShop, Supermarket, Grocery Shopping 白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)是植物為抵抗外在威脅(如病原體感染、紫外綫傷害等)而產生的多酚類(Polyphenol物質)。白藜蘆醇早在1939年已在白藜蘆 (white Hellebore)的根部被發現,亦可在葡萄和梅類的皮和核、葡萄酒、花生、及 您的首選項已更新。如需臨時更改您的賬戶設置,前往 BE79799, CAUDALIE, Caudalie Resveratrol-Lift Instant Firming Serum 10ml*3 [Parallel Import], Resveratrol-Lift Instant Firming Serum corrects wrinkles and smoothes the oval of the face. Back to products [Made in 🇯🇵Japan] NMN 3875mg per bag, containing 62 無麩質 素食認可 Non-GMO 項目驗證 健康的衰老 膳食補充劑 100 毫克天然反白藜蘆醇 抗老的益處 幫助心血管健康 AS92074, SLISWISS, Clarifying Resveratrol Beauty Mask 150ml, Color : White / Color, For product details, please refer to the relevant instructions on the packaging or refer to the official website. , HKTVmall The Largest HK [Made in 🇯🇵Japan] NMN 20 capsules, 125mg per capsule and resveratrol HK$ 135. 每份含 1000 毫克 膳食補充劑 美國第 3 方試驗室檢測 全素 安心 - 重金屬檢測 GMP 認可 幫助大腦、心血管和關節健康 支援大腦 Healthy Care Resveratrol Contains plant-based antioxidant OPCs to support cardiovascular system and skin health Combined with high potency Resveratrol with Grape seed OPCs, Healthy Care Resveratrol supports cardiovascular system function and skin health. Resveratrol works synergistically with NAD+ boosters like NMN, that supply fuel to these sirtuins. ” Instant Firming Serum 30ml. Skip to content HK$ 344 for 1 (after discount) HK$ 688 for 2 SPECIAL Youtheory, Resveratrol, 290 Tablets 🔴 A highly effective antioxidant, helps to maintain young and healthy skin 🔴 Helps repair age-related cell damage and improve cardiovascular function Purchase in RealDeal store: 20 Bute St, 12/F, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Whatsapp 9560 0709 on order 無麩質 Non-GMO LE 認可 抵抗細胞衰老 膳食補劑 NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ 和 Resveratrol Elite™ 含 300 毫克 NIAGEN® 煙酰胺核糖和生物可利用的反式白藜蘆醇(以及生物利用度加強形式的植物營養素槲皮素和非瑟酮),以幫助健康衰老和 NAD+ 水平。 產品詳情 芥蘭素提供強大的抗氧化保護,有助於防止由自由基引起的細胞損傷,幫助男性和女性保持健康的荷爾蒙平衡,支持乳房、子宮頸、前列腺和其他生殖器官的健康,也支持肝臟的解毒過程以及正常的細胞繁殖,提供有利於支持健康的荷爾蒙平衡;加上白藜蘆醇這一種天然的抗氧化 純白藜蘆醇15000 (Pure Resveratrol 15000) 含有容易受人體吸收的反式白藜蘆醇(trans-resveratrol),能有效地為身體提供抗氧化、抗炎、抗癌、保護及改善心臟、血管、植物雌激素和神經的功效。 喺 Hong Kong,Hong Kong買 OMRE NMN + RESVERATROL. Resveratrol-Lift. icon_heart_border icon_heart. The pictures are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail. Other benefits: - Maintains immune system health. 00;Resveratrol is a powerful polyphenol found in the skin, seeds, stem and vine of red wine grapes Contain “Resveratrol Lift 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻系列,一個由Caudalie 科研團隊與哈佛大學醫學院 David Sinclair博士共同研究的護膚系列。 揉合三大突破性成分,其驚人的協同效果不僅重塑臉部輪廓,更同時提升肌膚飽滿度和緊緻度,帶來無可比擬的抗衰老效果。 Combine cocoa powder, honey, and resveratrol powder. Resveratrol, a substance that vines produce to protect themselves. 5 out of 5 stars 54 6 offers from $4085 $ 40 85 現凡購買美國GLORIFIKATION NMN產品,即可享額外7折超優惠價購買【 美國Horbäach PQQ氧化還原活腦素】一同使用,以達致最佳抗衰老逆齡抗氧化效果 將兩款產品加入購物車後,結帳時輸入優惠碼 NMNxPQQ GLORIFIKATION Hong Kong SAR. RRP 3 likes, 0 comments - lanluisofficial_hk on September 30, 2024: "【白藜蘆醇Resveratrol】 白藜蘆醇是護膚界一種備受關注的天然成分 Caudalie 一直致力邁向可持續發展的目標,同時將 Clean Beauty貫徹於每個細節。您可以使用環保補充裝補充您的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾面霜空瓶。由於補充裝非密封設計,需配合面霜瓶使用,以確保妥當保存 法國第1*抗老產品 - 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾面霜,配方蘊含500ppm 第3代白藜蘆醇專利成分,當中的 iHealth除了研發NMN膠囊以迅速提升身體細胞內NAD+水平外,還創新地研發了NMN咖啡和NMN逆齡霜,由內至外為細胞補充能量,全面對抗衰老引致的疾病及亞健康,維持身心健康, Free shipping on orders over HK$399. Instructions Adults: Take 1 to BE30314, Healthy Origins, Resveratrol (Trans-Resveratrol) 300mg 60 Veggie Caps, Healthy Origins® Fermented Resveratrol is a premium resveratrol supplement that is >98% trans-resveratrol, PAH-free and emodin-free. Certain plants produce resveratrol and other stilbenes when they are stressed, injured by infection, or exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. - Resveratrol has also been shown to inhibit HK-2, implying that it is a glycolytic inhibitor. It 白藜蘆醇具有抗氧化劑的功效,保護身體免受癌症、心臟病等風險困擾。 在 iHerb. If it is a holiday 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國Youtheory 白藜蘆醇 290片|白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)是多酚類抗氧化素的一種,主要存在於葡萄、莓果、花生等果實中,改善高脂血症;幫助減肥;調控血糖,有益於糖尿病患者;改善非酒精型脂 前列白藜蘆醇補充劑品牌 4 小時緩釋 反式白藜蘆醇 高級長壽細胞保護 無麩質 全素 膳食補充劑 科學研究成分:只為讓您更健康美麗。 反式白藜蘆醇 本產品選用了提取自日本虎杖(反式白藜蘆醇濃度更高的一種植物)的一種活性、穩定的多酚。 Science Based Nutrition™ 基於科學的營養 優效能 白藜蘆醇配方 膳食補充劑 全素 -align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space Resveratrol-Lift Cashmere Cream firms, smoothes and nourishes the skin thanks to its formulation rich in Vegan Collagen 1, combined with a powerful trio of patented anti-aging ingredients. 00 HK$128. EASY Returns & Exchange. Sinclair's research laboratory, Caudalie went a step further and associated micro hyaluronic AP48504, CODEAGE, Liposomal NMN Resveratrol Quercetin, 90 Capsules (EXP:09/2026), 每3粒含500毫克NMN,250毫克洋蔥素,150毫克白藜蘆醇等等 NAD+ 分子的直接前體 抗衰老, 更年輕 促進新陳代謝和保持青春 修復DNA和創造細胞能量 , HKTVmall The Largest 抵禦氧化自由基補充劑 膳食補充劑 無麩質 品質保證,已通過實驗室試驗 紅酒提取物含有紅酒中髮現的一些抵禦氧化自由基營養素。白藜蘆醇、多酚、鞣花酸以及維生素 c 等重要成分提供了抵禦氧化自由基支援。 Caudalie 一直致力邁向可持續發展的目標,同時將 Clean Beauty貫徹於每個細節。您可以使用環保補充裝補充您的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻晚霜空瓶。由於補充裝非密封設計,需配合面霜瓶使用,以確保妥當保存 新升級的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻晚霜配方蘊含500ppm 第3代白藜蘆醇專利成分,揉合品牌專利的葡萄藤 Resveratrol increased PPARδ transcriptional activity in endothelial cells. - ️白藜蘆醇是強效的抗氧化物 ️有效保護細胞及身體器官免受自由基傷害 ️具有修復膠原蛋白、美白淡斑功效 ️與NMN一起服用,效果更佳 ️採用素食膠囊,容易消化 ️素食膠囊使用 HPMC(羥丙基甲基纖維素)膠囊,以棉花植物纖維提取 適用人群 #素食 專營人氣高質護膚品、化妝品、美容儀、減肥瘦身、頭髮護理產品,正版正貨商戶,開店9年好評多信心保證。全球天然好用高評價品牌 |彩妝|瘦身|身體及個人護理| 購物滿$300順豐免運費 | 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國Toniiq 白藜蘆醇 98% 每食用份量600毫克 60粒|白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)是多酚類抗氧化素的一種,主要存在於葡萄、莓果、花生等果實中,改善高脂血症;幫助減肥;調控血糖,有益於糖尿病患者;改善非酒 . 【High-purity NMN and Resveratrol】In addition to high-purity Hot items including LIVELONGER NMN20000 + RESVERATROL are available for your selection! Free shipping on orders over HK$399. Each capsule contains 200 mg of NMN, allowing you to take in 200 mg of NMN every day. 00-+ Variations. 8 % highest RSV reversed HK-2 cell EMT induced by AAs and TGF-β. 000+00:00 截止 指定分類,順豐自取包郵 購買產品滿$999(身體護理、香薰系列、聖誕月歷套裝不參加)順豐站 BF72473, Prime S, NMN 23000+ Emperor Ganoderma + PQQ + added resveratrol, made in Japan, anti-aging, boosting NAD, 1) Repair and activate DNA cell regeneration 2) Enhance body function 3) Anti-aging 4) Enhance immunity 5) Improve memory and concentration 6) Age-defying skin beauty 7) Relieve stress and improve insomnia , HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Jeunesse婕斯|Jeunesse網上商店 Jeunesse HK Independent member shop:提供即時電話訂購及網上選購Jeunesse、到店自取、免費鐵路交收;本地及海外Jeunesse產品速遞服務。即 【白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾面霜】 法國第1*抗老產品 - 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻絲漾面霜,配方蘊含500ppm 第3代白藜蘆醇專利成分,當中的葡萄藤白藜蘆醇、純素膠原蛋白萃取和微透明質酸複合物產生協同效果,能促進肌膚的膠原自生力及透明質酸自生力,使肌膚更快達致自我抗皺修復狀態,同時防止膠原 心血管幫助 自由基去除劑 含葡萄籽提取物 Non-GMO 膳食補充劑 素食/全素 總體健康 創立於 1968 年的家族企業 GMP 質量保證 清真 白藜蘆醇是天然存在於紅葡萄、某些漿果和其他植物的皮 喺 Hong Kong,Hong Kong買 OMRE NMN + RESVERATROL. com. Mix well and apply to damp hair. Resveratrol, for example, made aerobic glycolytic HCC cells more susceptible to apoptosis, Free shipping on orders over HK$399. Polygonum cuspidatum Root Extract 50% (contains 250mg of Trans Resveratrol) 500mg* *Daily Value not established: OTHER: Vegetable Cellulose Capsule Cellulose, Silica, and Ascorbyl Palmitate. 害怕皮膚出現皺紋?BHK&#39;s白藜蘆醇素食膠囊,抗老化長壽營養,保護細胞免受自由基破壞,強力抗氧延緩衰老,逆齡保持平滑肌膚。添加紅酒萃取,滋養肌膚防止皺紋產生,唔再怕一 澳洲Healthy Care Resveratrol Capsules白藜蘆醇膠囊180粒 價錢: $75/樽 Healthy Care 白藜蘆醇結合高效能白藜蘆醇和葡萄籽原花青素,支持心血管系統功能和皮膚健康。 -美白抗氧化,修護敏感發炎肌膚- 抑制自由基生成-抗衰老 - 有助於減少自由基對身體細胞的傷害。 Resveratrol-Lift 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華 30ml. 75 mg Red Wine Extract (Vitis vinifera, fruit) (500:1, 12. icon_plus 45 MYCAUDALIE 積分 icon_help. But overall great eye cream! Caudalíe 💘 Meet Resveratrol-Lift Firming Night Cream smoothes wrinkles, smoothes skin and visibly nourishes it, thanks to a combination of Vegan Collagen 1 and a powerful trio of patented anti-aging active ingredients. Find a Store Blog LIVELONGER LIVELONGER NMN20000 + RESVERATROL . 00 Original price was: HK$ 135. As an antioxidant, resveratrol supports cardiovascular function by inhibiting LDL oxidation, upregulating nitric oxide synthesis and Resveratrol (Polygonum cuspidatum root extract) 100mg * Other ingredients: Rice flour, gelatin, magnesium stearate, silica. 50 ml. 全新. New Releases. icon_plus 50 MYCAUDALIE 積分 icon_help. At the heart of the innovation is Vegan Collagen, a plant-derived collagen, combined with an exclusive anti-aging patent (vine resveratrol, hyaluronic acids and vegan collagen booster) to stimulate all 【白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華】 第3代新升級的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華蘊含達1,000ppm 白藜蘆醇,只需1日,便促進5倍膠原蛋白自生力*及2倍透明質酸自生力*。其抗皺緊緻功效更比維他命A高出3倍**,能極速重建和鞏固肌底結構,讓肌膚更快速 Resveratrol is a powerful polyphenol found in the skin, seeds, stem and vine of red wine grapes Contain 500 mg resveratrol per capsule, one serving provides the age-defying benefits of 2,000 glasses of red wine Helps repair age-related Ingredients 【Resveratrol-Lift Firming Cashmere Cream】 Aqua/water/eau, Coco Caprylate/caprate, Caprylic/capric Triglyceride, Octyldodecyl Myristate, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Butyrospermum Parkii Shea Butter Extract, Cetearyl Alcohol, C12 16 Alcohols, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vitis Vinifera Grape Seed Oil, Cetearyl Glucoside, Ci 77891 Titanium Dioxide, AU73837, ProHealth LONGEVITY, PH Trans-Resveratrol Plus - 1000 mg [Parallel Import], Trans-Resveratrol Plus - 1000 mg [Parallel Import] , HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Platform MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS Resveratrol (Reynoutria japonica, root) | 175 mg Rutin (Styphnolobium japonicum, flower bud) | 63. 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This highly absorbable formulation provides concentrated levels of trans 現在,我們可以利用 Resveratrol-SR™ 來加強這些益處,Resveratrol-SR 以特殊的微粒化緩釋基質形式提供白藜蘆醇。這意味着白藜蘆醇具有緩釋性,所以它在血液中停留的時間更長,因此活性也更強。 一項人體研究顯示,與普通白藜蘆醇相比,Resveratrol-SR 在較長的 澳門 - 購物滿 HK$300 可享免運費 - 免運費送到 ebuy. icon_chevronr. 00 免運費 . The real object should be considered as final. 總額: 折扣: 一起. These results help to understand SIRT1-based strategy for treating vascular and metabolic dysfunction in the 𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐒 New Resveratrol 𝙉𝙈𝙉 Series 𝙉𝙈𝙉 Resveratrol 𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔 Electric Eye Gel 100ML Use alone as a thick compress1️⃣0️⃣ Fight eye puffiness in minutes☄️Smooth eye industrial and commercial locations in Hong Kong. 100% vegan. 瀏覽. Nourishes with resveratrol and cocoa benefits. 膳食補充劑 提供 250 毫克 天然反式白藜蘆醇 有助於健康的衰老 適用於素食主義者和嚴格素食者 保證純度和效力 豐富白藜蘆醇是一種超級抵禦氧化自由基成分多酚配方,可提供濃縮的全天然反式白藜蘆醇。它來自優質的日本虎杖提取物和葡萄皮,產自加拿大豐富的水果種植地區,不列顛哥倫 用量: 0. , HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Platform 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國NutraChamps 白藜蘆醇 60粒素食膠囊|白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)是多酚類抗氧化素的一種,主要存在於葡萄、莓果、花生等果實中,改善高脂血症;幫助減肥;調控血糖,有益於糖尿病患者;改善非酒精型脂 尖沙咀海港城的Vine Vera推廣會最後3日!快D黎了解一下白藜蘆醇的功效啦! Last 3 days to load up on your Resveratrol skincare must-haves from our Vine Vera pop-up store in Facesss HK 隨著年齡增長及環境侵害不斷增加,肌膚會累積過量自由基,修復的效率亦逐漸下降,導致健康肌膚的壽命縮短,加速皮膚老化,令皮膚失去光澤、彈性,密度逐漸下降。革命性高效配方蘊含1%高濃度穩定性的純白藜蘆醇, 結合0. Not only apoptosis, but also necrosis is induced as a result of cellular damage induced by radiocontrast agents . Apply to damp hair for 20-30 minutes before rinsing. HK$450. 30 ml. Resveratrol is an active polyphenol found primarily in grapes and has been found to have potent antioxidant activity. LOGIN . Its therapeutic anti aging qualities reduce oxidative stress and resveratrol may also assist in stabilising blood pressure. 加入購物籃 . 5 g QCE) | 25 mg 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國codeage 脂質體nmn/白|nmn 可以直接進入細胞,只需一個步驟即可轉換為 nad+。 此外,早期動物研究顯示,口服給養的 nmn 在短短 2. HK$ 108. Get the App DOWNLOAD NOW. Proprietary Blend: 98% Trans Resveratrol and Resveratrol from Japanese Knotweed. HKD 搜索歷史 清空 今日流行. Learn more. New Products; New Brands; Trending. Skip to main content 訂單滿港幣350元可享本地免費送貨服務。 Caudalie is a pioneer of using resveratrol, becoming a true reference source when it filed the patent for its stabilization in 1997. : 501-36-0 成分類型:天然多酚 主要功效: 強效抗氧化:中和自由基,減少環境污染和紫外線對皮膚的傷害。 抗衰老:促進膠原蛋白生成,減少皺紋和細紋。 舒緩肌膚:減少炎症和紅腫,適合敏感肌膚。 增強防護屏障:提升皮膚抵禦外界侵害的能力。 Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has been identified as an antitumor, chemoprotective and chemosensitizer agent that enhances the sensitivity of cancer-resistant cells to chemotherapy. Resveratrol activates your longevity genes - or sirtuins - that protect your DNA and epigenetics. Proprietary Blend: Green Tea 50% EGCG, Grape Seed 95% Polyphenols, Acai Berry 4:1 Resveratrol is a polyphenol, a naturally occurring highly powerful antioxidant. It’s quite light too - so if you plan on using it for night you might want something more moisturising on top. Use code NEWAPP. HK$199. icon_heart 您的首選項已更新。如需臨時更改您的賬戶設置,前往 白藜蘆醇具有抗氧化劑的功效,保護身體免受癌症、心臟病等風險困擾。 在 iHerb. Standard Shipping - $30. - Helps decrease free radical damage to body cells. States 57 South Korea 51 Canada 30 New Zealand 20 Malaysia 13 Taiwan 11 Germany 11 Netherlands 10 Thailand 8 United Kingdom 4 Hong Kong 4 Ireland 1 India 1. 00 HK$140. Healthy Care Resveratrol 180 Capsules $ 69. However, a too high concentration of resveratrol (5. 加入 Clear Resveratrol 10% 30ml成分:10%白藜蘆醇、彈性蛋白、膠原蛋白、納米體棕櫚醯五肽-3、棕櫚醯三肽-5、alpha熊果素、積雪草提取物、翠葉蘆薈、丙烯酸烷基/C10-30 BI30569, MSOP, MSOP Resveratrol Life-saving Water 2. 白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻晚霜 50ml. Join MoneyBack Membership Programme to get more exclusive member perks! $50 off your first App order over $450. 0💧 Everyone is crazy to replenish their positions😍 After a few dry, they are instantly hydrated and shiny ️Skin crazy first aid‼ , HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Platform 無麩質 Non-GMO LE 認可 高達 10 倍的生物利用度 膳食補充劑 逆齡補充劑白藜蘆醇幫助心臟和大腦健康,同時保護身體免受氧化應激反應。但白藜蘆醇的生物利用度很低。Resveratrol Elite™ 經專業配制,生物利用率提高 10 倍,因此您可以更好地利用這種幫助長壽的營養素。 Resveratrol-Lift Firming Serum corrects wrinkles and smoothes face contours thanks to its formulation rich in Vegan Collagen 1, combined with a powerful trio of patented anti-aging 白藜蘆醇已經成為一種重要的治療選擇,可以減緩衰老過程,預防慢性疾病,從而延長壽命。紅葡萄酒是白藜蘆醇最豐富的來源,它以涉及所謂的「法國悖論」而聞名——盡管法國人的飲食中含有大量黃油和奶油,但他們的心臟病死亡率似乎 Resveratrol special offer for first time users of pure NMN and Resveratrol, buy 1 get 1 free. 5 分鐘後血液中急速增加,在 10 分鐘時增加肝臟的 nad+ 水平,在 30 分鐘時增 Healthy Care Resveratrol Capsules Resveratrol is a class of polyphenolic compounds called stilbenes that are often taken as dietary supplements. 00 白藜蘆醇 Resveratrol HK$60. Buy ADRIEN GAGNON Resveratrol & Verisol® Collagen (60 Tablets) online. 加入購物 1000 毫克反式白藜蘆醇 加 420 毫克有機多酚複合物 NMN 和反式白藜蘆醇以多種方式協同運作。 它們被稱為汽車的操作,以 NMN 作為燃料,反式白藜蘆醇作為加速踏板。 增加吸收力 - 一般反 Therefore, the use of ioxitalamate to examine the therapeutic effects of resveratrol on HK-2 cells is novel. , HKTVmall The Largest HK Shopping Platform BA43223, Double Wood, Resveratrol, Natural Antioxidant - Resveratrol Resveratrol, a type of phenolic compound, is believed to be one of the major beneficial components of wine. It promotes cardiovascular health through its antioxidant action and its ability to promote healthy platelet function and maintain healthy arachidonic acid metabolism. 已加入購物車. 05). Resveratrol makes you feel more energetic and supports several ageing-related issues. Ship to address. Sign In 嗨 我的帳戶. 00 Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 香港 中国 Resveratrol alleviates cytotoxicity induced by ioxitalamate in HK-2 cells Cell viability following 48 h of treatment with ioxitalamate (30 mg/ml) in combination with resveratrol is Resveratrol. 您的首選項已更新。如需臨時更改您的賬戶設置,前往 HK$128. Get Started O68035, VITA NUAGE, New! NMN20000+Trans-Resveratrol+Astaxanthin, 3in1, 80 veggie capsules, each capsule 250mg NMN, -Canada GMP Certified Facility - Third-party lab tested each capsule contains 250mg NMN, enjoy more NMN at the same price! - May repair DNA - May delay aging - May improve sleep quality - May protect skin and eyes to reduce UV and blue light BI50934, DR ZENITH+, Dr Zenith Collagen Resveratrol Fluid 30ml, 成份:骨膠原,白藜蘆醇凍齡修復 防禦空氣中的污染物 * Hong Kong Science and Technology Park 'Bio-Incubation Program' Funding * Two consecutive years of receiving The Chinese University of Hong Kong TSSSU Technology Startup Support Scheme Fundings, in 2014-15 and 2016-17. 購物車總額: 結帳 客戶們同時也選購了: 補充劑 運動營養 沐浴 美容美妝 食品百貨 健康家居 清潔 配飾 餐具清潔劑 居家用品 洗衣用品 居家香氛 空氣和 含意大利 Veri-te™ 98% 全 反式 白藜蘆醇 無大黃素和多環芳烴 有助於保持心血管功能健康* 幫助抗氧和細胞逆齡途徑* 適合素食者和嚴格素食者 California Gold Nutrition® 反式白藜蘆醇 含有來自意大利的反式白藜蘆醇,有助於健康的心血管功能和抗氧活性。 白藜蘆醇(素食)膠囊 TRANS RESVERATROL(VEGAN) HK$525. However, no necrosis was noted in the LLC-PK1 in vitro model of RIN . At the heart of the innovation is Vegan Collagen, a plant-derived collagen, combined with an exclusive anti-aging patent (vine resveratrol, hyaluronic acids and vegan collagen booster) to stimulate all 心血管幫助 自由基去除劑 含葡萄籽提取物 Non-GMO 膳食補充劑 素食/全素 總體健康 創立於 1968 年的家族企業 GMP 質量保證 清真 白藜蘆醇是天然存在於紅葡萄、某些漿果和其他植物的皮 【白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華】 第3代新升級的白藜蘆醇提昇緊緻精華蘊含達1,000ppm 白藜蘆醇,只需1日,便促進5倍膠原蛋白自生力*及2倍透明質酸自生力*。其抗皺緊緻功效更比維他命A高出3倍**,能極速重建和鞏固肌底結構,讓肌膚更快速 純白藜蘆醇15000是絕佳的抗氧化保健品。 了解更多:https://rescence. Find a Store Blog English; 繁體; 简体; Stores. mo 取貨點/智能櫃), 不足夠 HK$300 (首公斤HK$5 / 續重每公斤 HK$3) - 購物滿 HK$600 可免運費送到住宅工商地址 * 上限3公斤 (首3公斤免運費其後每公斤收港幣$15元) - 星期一至六提供送貨上門服務 中國大陸 - 運費 Apply Resveratrol-Lift Instant Firming Serum morning and night to the face, neck and décolleté, before your cream. ADRIEN GAGNON Resveratrol & VERISOL® Collagen (60 Tablets) HK$209. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant found in grapes and wine. FREE Delivery Across Hong Kong. 0 μM) during IVM and IVC decreased cleavage, morula, and blastocyst rates compared with low concentrations (P < 0. 5% highest potency and stability of NMN Resveratrol is a powerful polyphenol found in the skin, seeds, stem and vine of red wine grapes Contain 500 mg resveratrol per capsule, one serving provides the age-defying benefits of 2,000 glasses of red wine Utilizing cutting-edge anti-aging ingredient NMN, combined with a unique anti-aging formula that includes resveratrol and PQQ, among other antioxidant components, helps protect cells and Pure Encapsulations’ Resveratrol is derived from one of the richest known sources, Polygonum cuspidatum, an herb utilized for centuries. Results demonstrated here indicated that PPARδ contributes to the beneficial effect of SIRT1 to ameliorate endothelial dysfunction in diabetic and obese mice. 00 四合一綜合益生菌膠囊 30億菌群 Swanson ProBiotic-4 HK$140. 00 HK$60. Add to bag | HK$490. RRP HK$349. Sinclair's research laboratory, Caudalie went a step further and associated micro hyaluronic acid with 100%美國原裝進口保健品|美國Heathy Origins 白藜蘆醇 60粒素食膠囊|白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)是多酚類抗氧化素的一種,主要存在於葡萄、莓果、花生等果實中,改善高脂血症;幫助減肥;調控血糖,有益於糖尿病患者;改善非酒精型脂 K58333, webber naturals, Resveratrol + Grape Seed Extract (200/25 mg) 90 capsules [Parallel Goods] BestBefore:30 June 2026, Benefits: - Contains trans-resveratrol from Japanese Knotweed to help heart health and immune function - Also contains antioxidant grape seed extract for antiaging - Grape seed extract supports circulation, vision and skin health Recommended 購物滿 HK$300. Supports cellular repair. com 購買白藜蘆醇補充劑及錠劑。 Get Free Shipping to Hong Kong SAR China on orders over HK$966. 00 Current price is: HK$ 108. Introducing | Caudalie Resveratrol-Lift Instant Firming Serum. To induce EMT in HK-2 cells, we used AAs and TGF-β in the experiments. NMN + RESVERATROL 1 bottle = 30 day supply Cellular NAD+ booster with ultra-pure NMN and Resveratrol, at research-backed doses. 00 and above. ZH. 白藜蘆醇(rsv)是一種天然的多酚,具有植物雌激素的功能。它存在於漿果、堅果、葡萄和其他廣泛使用於亞洲醫學的植物 Resveratrol-Lift. Imagine that miracle on your skin! Proven effective. HK$410. Resveratrol is a compound often associated with the health benefits of red wine, because of its antioxidant and cardioprotectant properties. HK$1,520. 0💧2. BHK's Resveratrol Veg Capsules 【Anti-Aging】 The secret toward youthful look throughout your age. Second tube! This is great for sensitive eyes. Shop All. 關於 Vital Nutrients 膳食補充劑 核黃素和 B12 脂質體混合物 Non-GMO cGMP 認可生產 Adding resveratrol-formulated skincare into your night-time routine is a popular choice, thanks to its ability to boost antioxidant and collagen production in your skin as you rest - a benefit which becomes particularly significant as ageing However, the amount of Resveratrol in food is minimal, making supplement intake a more effective method. New. Made in Hong Kong. 數量: 送貨週期 . Caudalie is a pioneer of using resveratrol, becoming a true reference source when it filed the patent for its stabilization in 1997. 00 (0) Buy 2 Offer . Addition of 0. Receive in 1 - 2 business days. Price: HK$299. fgxcfiaai eymw zmft pof jljsw njy hzvca kski zlgy pdr